A, Priyadarshini
Fetus in Fetu: A Rare Case Report and its Embryo-Pathogenesis [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 4683-4686]
Aabasgolizadeh, Nategh
The Relationship between Climatic Factors and the Prevalence of Visceral Leishmaniasis in North West of Iran [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7169-7178]
Aaelami, Mohammad Hasan
A Comparative Study on Enteroviruses in Blood and Stool of Newly Diagnosed Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and Healthy Children [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2023, Pages 18157-18162]
Aali, Shahrbanoo
The Profile of Functional Emotional Development of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders from the Perspective of Developmental, Individual Differences(DIR), Relationship-based Approach [Volume 2, 4.1, 2014, Pages 245-256]
Aali, Shahrbanoo
Developing a Family-based Floor Time Therapy and Evaluation its Effectiveness on the Developmental Profile of Children with Interactive Disorders (Anxiety and Depression) [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 4741-4753]
Aali, Shahrbanoo
The Role of Traumatic Childhood Experiences in Predicting Affective Control and Object Relations in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 12927-12938]
Aali, Shahrbanoo
Validation of the Persian Translation of the TAND Checklist in Children with Tuberous Sclerosis Syndrome [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 18501-18505]
Aarabi, Mehdi
A 33-day-old Infant with the Transposition of the Great Arteries; A Rare Case Report [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2018, Pages 8407-8411]
Aatarian, Atefeh
Assessment of the Initial Clinical Presentations of Patients with Celiac Disease [Volume 10, Issue 12, 2022, Pages 17127-17134]
Abadi, Alireza
Gender-based Differences in Associations between Attitude and Self-esteem with Smoking Behavior among Adolescents: A Secondary Analysis Applying Bayesian Nonparametric Functional Latent Variable Model [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7081-7094]
Abaei Hasani, Sadegh
The impact Atopic dermatitis on the life quality of childrens 1-6 year [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 7003-7011]
Abarzadeh, Vahideh
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children with Epilepsy [Volume 12, Issue 11, 2024, Pages 19158-19164]
Abasalizad Farhangi, Mahdieh
School Food Environment Promotion Program: Applying the Socio-ecological Approach [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 6878-6890]
Abasi, Niloofar
Comparison of Abdominal X-ray Findings and Results of Surgery in Neonates with Gastrointestinal Obstruction [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 8877-8880]
Abazari, Malek
Risk Factors Associated with Head lice (Pediculosis) Infestation among Elementary School Students in Meshkinshahr County, North West of Iran [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 7383-7392]
Abbasi, Abdolhosein
A Comparative Study of the Effect of Vitamin D Administration with a Dose of 400 and a Dose of 800 Units on the Establishment of Normal Serum Levels in Premature Infants [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 18669-18680]
Abbasi, Arash
Etiology and Outcome of Chronic Kidney Disease in Iranian Children [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2105-2112]
Abbasi, Arash
Blood Pressure Nomograms by Age and Weight for Iranian Children and Adolescents [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2153-2166]
Abbasi, Arash
Seroprevalence of Hepatitis B and C Virus Infection in Children with Chronic Kidney Diseases; A Historical Cohort Study [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 6911-6917]
Abbasi, Ezzatollah
Evaluation of Demographic, Clinical and Para clinical Characteristics of Children Admitted with Syncope in Shahid Motahhari Hospital from 2012 to 2020 [Volume 12, Issue 5, 2024, Pages 18808-18816]
Abbasi, Farzaneh
Assessment of Sexual Maturation among Boys in Special Schools of Tehran, Iran [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 4145-4150]
Abbasi, Farzaneh
Bone Mineral Density in Patients with Phenylketonuria in Iran [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 18474-18483]
Abbasi, Hossein
The Relationship between Motor Skills and Language Performance in Mentally Retarded Children [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2023, Pages 18112-18122]
Abbasi, Mina
The Impact of Massage on the Pain and Fear Levels of Children during Venipuncture: A Clinical Trial [Volume 10, Issue 7, 2022, Pages 16291-16301]
Abbasi, Mohammad
Evaluation of the Effect of Physical Activity Programs on Self-Esteem and Body Mass Index of Overweight Adolescent Girls, based on Health Belief Model with School-Centered Approach [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7103-7116]
Abbasi, Mohammad
The Effectiveness of Prone and Supine Positions on Body Temperature of Premature Neonates Admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 12989-12998]
Abbasi, Naser
Efficacy of Saccharomyces Boulardii in Pediatrics with Functional Abdominal Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial [Volume 9, Issue 10, 2021, Pages 14656-14662]
Abbasi, P
Enteroaggregative Escherichia Coli (EAEC) in South of Iran [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 32-32]
Abbasi, Parvin
Persian version of Family Crisis Oriented Personal Evaluation Scales: Psychometric Properties [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 6919-6930]
Abbasi, Parvin
The Effect of Resilience Training on the Condition of Style of Coping and Parental Stress in Mothers of Children with Leukemia [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 7299-7310]
Abbasi, Parvin
The Effect of Life Skills Training on Reducing the High-Risk Behaviors among High School Students in Kermanshah, North West of Iran [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2018, Pages 8433-8443]
Abbasi, Parvin
A Comparative Study of the Components of Quality of Life and Adjustment in Both Cancer-stricken and Healthy Children: A Cross-sectional Study in Kermanshah City, Iran [Volume 7, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 9277-9284]
Abbasi, Parvin
Pathology of Cyberspace: A Study of the Detrimental Effects of Mobile Phones on Students' Psychological Well-being [Volume 7, Issue 9, 2019, Pages 10077-10085]
Abbasi, Razieh
The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Breastfeeding Success in Lactating Mothers [Volume 3, 2.1, 2015, Pages 15-21]
Abbasi, Reza
Comparing the Effects of Play Therapy and Selected Sports Exercises on Self-Confidence, Physical Self-Efficacy and Mental Toughness in Children [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 17219-17228]
Abbasi, Reza
The Effects of Play Therapy on Reducing Behavioral Problems, Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity in Children [Volume 11, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 17841-17853]
Abbasi, Zahra
The Age of Criminal Responsibility in Children: some of Islamic Views [Volume 3, 4.1, 2015, Pages 777-787]
Abbasi, Zohreh
Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM) in Children: A Case Report [Volume 9, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 13161-13165]
Abbasi, Zohreh
The Effect of Cognitive Flexibility Training on Reduction of Cognitive Problems in Adolescents with Intellectual Disabilities [Volume 9, Issue 8, 2021, Pages 14254-14265]
Abbasi dalooei, Maryam
Guillain-Barre Syndrome following Cushing's Syndrome in a Pregnant Woman: A Case Report [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10651-10657]
Abbasi dalooei, Maryam
The Effect of Dates and Fennel on Breastfeeding Adequacy of Mothers: A Review [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 11891-11899]
Abbasi-Ghahramanloo, Abbas
The Sensitivity, Specificity and Predictive Values of Snellen Chart Compared to the Diagnostic Test in Amblyopia Screening Program in Iran [Volume 3, 6.2, 2015, Pages 1125-1133]
Abbasi-Ghahramanloo, Abbas
Predictors of Low Birth Weight Infants in the North West Province of Iran: a Case-control Study [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 1983-1991]
Abbasi Kakrodi, Mohammad
Predicting Tooth Brushing Behavior among Students in Guilan, North of Iran: An Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior [Volume 8, Issue 6, 2020, Pages 11473-11483]
Abbasi- Shavazi, Masoumeh
Perceived Benefits and Barriers of Mothers with Premature Infant to Kangaroo Mother Care [Volume 7, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 9237-9248]
Abbasi Shaye, Zahra
Evaluation of the Use of Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy Following Rigid Bronchoscopy in Foreign Body Aspiration [Volume 9, Issue 5, 2021, Pages 13609-13615]
Abbasi Shaye, Zahra
Frequency of Hyperglycemic Stress in Patients Referred to Emergency Department of Akbar Hospital in Mashhad Depending on the Type of Disease [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 15137-15144]
Abbasi Shaye, Zahra
The Effect of Glucocorticoid therapy on Bone Mineral Density in Children and Adolescents with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia [Volume 9, Issue 10, 2021, Pages 14569-14580]
Abbasi Shaye, Zahra
Prevalence of Testicular Adrenal Rest Tumor and Factors Associated with its Development in 6 Months to 18 Years-old Patients with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia [Volume 9, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 15022-15028]
Abbasi Shaye, Zahra
Clinical and Laboratory Findings in Patients with Wilson’s disease Referred to Pediatric Gastroenterology Clinic in 2018-2019 [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 17266-17278]
Abbasi Shaye, Zahra
How asthmatic children dealt with the coronavirus pandemia? Adherence to Controller Medications and Level of Control among Children with Asthma Registered in Mashhad University of Medical Sciences [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 17405-17415]
Abbasi Shaye, Zahra
The Effectiveness of Parenteral Hydroxylcobalamin on Urine Mma in Children with Methylmalonic Acidemia [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 17470-17476]
Abbasi Shaye, Zahra
The Effects of Botulinum Toxin Type A on Reducing Sialorrhea in Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Self-Controlled Clinical Trial [Volume 11, Issue 12, 2023, Pages 18406-18412]
Abbasi Tashnizi, Mohamad
Three Cases of a Rare Association: Double Aortic Arch [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 1319-1321]
Abbasi Yazdi, Elaheh
Evaluation of the Prevalence of Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection and its Clinical Outcomes in Neonates Born in Vali-e-Asr Hospital of Birjand, Iran [Volume 7, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 9085-9094]
Abbaskhanian, Ali
Mortality Rate in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU): A Local Center Experience [Volume 2, 3.2, 2014, Pages 81-88]
Abbaskhanian, Ali
Idiopathic Stevens-Johnson Syndrome in a Child: a Case Report [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2113-2117]
Abbasnezhad, Masoomeh
Predictors of Knowledge and Practice of Girl Students about Puberty Health [Volume 5, Issue 7, 2017, Pages 5229-5236]
Abbaspoor Azar, Zahra
Comparing the Effectiveness of Fernald’s And Rossner's Multisensory Teaching Methods in Reducing the Spelling Disorder of Elementary Students [Volume 10, Issue 10, 2022, Pages 16825-16836]
Abbassi Teshnisi, Mohammad
The Anomalous Origin of the Left Coronary Artery from the Pulmonary Artery (ALCAPA): a Case Series and Brief Review [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 1397-1405]
Abbassi Teshnisi, Mohammad
Indications, Results and Mortality of Pulmonary Artery Banding Procedure: a Brief Review and Five- year Experiences [Volume 4, Issue 5, 2016, Pages 1733-1744]
Abbassi Teshnisi, Mohammad
Outcomes of Pulmonary Valve Replacement for Correction Pulmonary Insufficiency after Primary Repair of Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) [Volume 4, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 3529-3534]
Abbaszadegan, MR
Ectopic Expression of Embryo/Cancer Sequence A (ECSA) in KYSE-30 Cell Line Using Retroviral System [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 52-52]
Abbaszadeh, Abbas
The Process of Satisfaction with Nursing Care in Parents of Hospitalized Children: A Grounded Theory Study [Volume 3, 6.1, 2015, Pages 1021-1032]
Abdalla, Eman Elsayed
Response of Maximum Inspiratory Pressure and Functional Capacity to Positive End-Expiratory Pressure Device after Valvular Heart Surgery [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11701-11708]
Abd-Allah, Husseiny
Clinical and Biochemical Predictors of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Obese Children and Adolescents [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 15583-15593]
Abd Al-Muhsen Ali, Esraa
The Cost of Formula Milk Feeding in Infancy in Al-Amarah City, South East of Iraq [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 3239-3247]
Abdekhodaei, Mohammad Saeed
The Profile of Functional Emotional Development of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders from the Perspective of Developmental, Individual Differences(DIR), Relationship-based Approach [Volume 2, 4.1, 2014, Pages 245-256]
Abdel Aziz, Reem
Effect of Intensive Phototherapy and Exchange Transfusion on Copper, Zinc and Magnesium Serum Levels in Neonates with Indirect Hyperbilirubinemia [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 4371-4383]
Abdel Aziz, Reem
Study of Immune Response in Infants of Non-Gestational Diabetic Mothers [Volume 6, Issue 5, 2018, Pages 7683-7695]
Abdel Aziz, Reem
Corrected Anion Gap and Hypernatremia as Predictors of Mortality in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Minia University Hospital: A Retrospective Study [Volume 8, Issue 11, 2020, Pages 12369-12379]
Abdel Aziz, Reem A.
Presepsin as an Early Predictor of Neonatal Sepsis [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 13359-13369]
Abdel Baseer, Khaled A.
A Study of Inflammatory Response and Lung Injury Induced by Variable Tidal Volumes in Mechanically Ventilated Children [Volume 9, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 13193-13201]
Abdelfadel, Ahmed
Evaluation of Serum Levels of Calprotectin in Asthmatic Children [Volume 7, Issue 9, 2019, Pages 10035-10041]
Abdel-Gawad, Abdelhady R.
The Role of Serum Periostin Level in Different Pediatric Allergic Diseases: A Case-Control Study [Volume 10, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 15937-15944]
Abdelghani, Hend Mohamed
High Prevalence of Occult Hepatitis B Virus Infection among Frequently Blood Transfused Children: A Single Egyptian Center Experience [Volume 8, Issue 12, 2020, Pages 12523-12532]
Abdelhameed, Wafaa
Non-Invasive Diagnostic Methods for Differentiation of Biliary Atresia from Neonatal Hepatitis in Upper Egypt [Volume 7, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 9265-9275]
Abdellah Ahmed, Alaa
Clinical and Biochemical Assessments of Circulating B-Type Natriuretic Peptide as a Useful Marker in Pediatric Cardiac Patients [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11819-11829]
Abdel-magied, Rasha
Assessment of Health Related Quality of Life (HRQL) in Egyptian Children with Rheumatic Diseases; Its Relation to Disease Activity and Functional Disability [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 8795-8803]
Abdel-magied, Rasha
Growth Assessment and Vitamin D Level in Egyptian Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Patients [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9987-9995]
Abd-Elmawgood, Eman Ahmed
Clinical and Biochemical Assessments of Circulating B-Type Natriuretic Peptide as a Useful Marker in Pediatric Cardiac Patients [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11819-11829]
Abd-Elmawgood, Eman Ahmed
Clinical and Biochemical Characterizations of Pediatric Patients with Urea Cycle Disorders in Upper Egypt: A Case- Control Study [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 11945-11957]
Abdelmohsen, Abdelhakeem
Flow Cytometric Determination of Neutrophil CD64 (nCD64) in Children with Community Acquired Pneumonia [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9967-9975]
Abdel Mohsen, Abdelhakeem
Evaluation of Serum Levels of Calprotectin in Asthmatic Children [Volume 7, Issue 9, 2019, Pages 10035-10041]
Abdel Mohsen, Abdelhakeem
Determination the Role of Endothelial Cell-Specific Molecule-1(ESM-1) in Childhood Bronchial Asthma [Volume 7, Issue 11, 2019, Pages 10361-10367]
Abdel Mohsen, Abdelhakeem
Acute Respiratory Tract Infection in Children under Five- Year; Study of Prevalence, Risk Factors and Outcome in Minia University Children’s Hospital, Egypt [Volume 8, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 11149-11157]
Abdel Raheem, Moustafa
Subclinical Atherosclerosis in Children with Rheumatologic Diseases in Minia Children University Hospital, Egypt [Volume 7, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 9159-9167]
Abdel Raheem, Moustafa
Prognostic Value of Soluble ST2 (sST2) Serum Levels in Infants and Children with Heart Failure Complicating Congenital Heart Disease [Volume 7, Issue 5, 2019, Pages 9471-9480]
Abd-Elraheim Salama, Doha
Clinical and Biochemical Characterizations of Pediatric Patients with Urea Cycle Disorders in Upper Egypt: A Case- Control Study [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 11945-11957]
Abdelrahman, Mostafa
Exposure to Air Pollution and Pregnancy Outcomes in the East Mediterranean Region: a Systematic Review [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 1255-1271]
Abd El Wahab, Radwa
Maternal and Neonatal Vitamin D Deficiency Associated with an Increased Risk of Neonatal Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy [Volume 12, Issue 5, 2024, Pages 18817-18822]
Abdi, Adel
Polymorphism of dopamine transporter gene 3'-UTR VNTR in Iranian Azeri Turkish patients with ADHD [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 15466-15473]
Abdi, Fatemeh
The Effect of Peppermint on the Treatment of Nipple Fissure during Breastfeeding: A Systematic Review [Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 11527-11535]
Abdi, Fatemeh
Maternal Occupational Exposures and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes: An Overview of Meta- Analysis [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11341-11346]
Abdinia, Babak
Maternal Knowledge and Performance about Use of Iron and Multivitamin Supplements in Children in Northwest of Iran [Volume 2, 2.2, 2014, Pages 119-123]
Abdinia, Babak
The Study of Nosocomial Infections in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, A prospective study in Northwest Iran [Volume 2, 3.2, 2014, Pages 25-33]
Abdinia, Babak
Evaluation and outcomes of pediatric pleural effusions in over 10 years in Northwest, Iran [Volume 2, 3.2, 2014, Pages 41-46]
Abdinia, Babak
Comparison of Manual and Electronic Methods of Nursing Record: A Nurse's Perspective [Volume 3, 1.1, 2015, Pages 367-373]
Abdinia, Babak
Diagnostic Value of Chest Radiography in Pediatric Cardiovascular Diseases: A Retrospective Study in Tabriz, Northwest of Iran [Volume 3, 2.1, 2015, Pages 9-13]
Abdinia, Babak
Study of the Determinant Factors in Seizure Following Gastroenteritis in Children Admitted in Tabriz Children's Hospital during 2001 to 2016 [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6439-6446]
Abdinia, Babak
Assessment of Knowledge and Performance of the Parents at the Management of Fever in Children [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6485-6493]
Abdinia, Babak
A Description of Mothers’ Knowledge and Practice about Antibiotic Use in Children in Northwest of Iran [Volume 8, Issue 11, 2020, Pages 12349-12356]
Abdo, Nour
Exposure to Air Pollution and Pregnancy Outcomes in the East Mediterranean Region: a Systematic Review [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 1255-1271]
Abdolahi, Mojtaba
Designing a Picture Book Entitled "Dana and Dentistry" [Volume 9, Issue 10, 2021, Pages 14630-14638]
Abdolahian, Somayeh
Psychotherapy for Postpartum Depression in Iranian Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 6, Issue 6, 2018, Pages 7781-7790]
Abdolalizadeh, Horiyeh
Comparing the Effect of Two Methods of Distraction on the Pain Intensity Venipuncture in School-age Children: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2018, Pages 8423-8432]
Abdoli oskouie, Shahram
The Study of Nosocomial Infections in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, A prospective study in Northwest Iran [Volume 2, 3.2, 2014, Pages 25-33]
Abdollahi, Abbas
Laparoscopic Colon Surgery for Benign Disease: A Comparison to Open Surgery [Volume 2, 3.2, 2014, Pages 19-24]
Abdollahi, Abbas
Evaluation of the Sodium Serum Level in Infants with Jaundice [Volume 3, 3.1, 2015, Pages 609-617]
Abdollahi, Atefeh
Shiga Toxigenic Escherichia Coli Antimicrobial Resistance Properties in Diabetic and Nondiabetic Pediatric Patients; A Case-Control Study [Volume 5, Issue 11, 2017, Pages 5999-6008]
Abdollahi, Shayesteh
Comparing the effectiveness of Braitonic and Yoga exercises in perceptual and motor skills of Multiple sclerosis children [Volume 10, Issue 7, 2022, Pages 16309-16318]
Abdollahi, Tahoora
Effect of Gastric Acid Suppressant Prophylaxis on Incidence of Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit [Volume 4, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 3917-3924]
Abdollahi, Zahra
Investigating the Relationship between Smartphone Addiction and Loneliness and its Impact on Motivation to Progress in High School Students [Volume 7, Issue 10, 2019, Pages 10187-10193]
Abdollahian, Ebrahim
Comparative Study on the Effect of Risperidone and its Combination with Naltrexone in Pediatric Patients with Autistic Spectrum Disorders: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6375-6382]
Abdollahi Gonbaj, Arezoo
Evaluating the Combined Effect of Licorice, Coriander, Gallnut, Sagebrush, Withania Coagulans, and Pistacia Atlantica Subsp Kurdica on the Healing and Repair of Wounds in Balb/C Mice [Volume 10, Issue 11, 2022, Pages 16977-16983]
Abdollahpour, Nooshin
The Impact of Student-Centered Pedagogy on Training in a Pediatrics Course [Volume 2, 4.3, 2014, Pages 421-429]
Abdollahpour, Nooshin
A Systematic Review of Psychometric Properties of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale in Iranian Population [Volume 7, Issue 5, 2019, Pages 9497-9505]
Abdollahpour, Nooshin
Evaluation of the Immunomodulatory Effect of Mesenchymal Stem Cells on Sepsis-Induced Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: A Systematic Review [Volume 9, Issue 8, 2021, Pages 14105-14115]
Abdollahpour, Sedigheh
Perceived Social Support among Family in Pregnant Women [Volume 3, 5.1, 2015, Pages 879-888]
Abdolrazaghi, Hosseinali
Comparing the Parenting Role Tasks in Parents of Children with Mental/Physical Disabilities [Volume 5, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 5079-5089]
Abdolreza Gharehbagh, Zahra
The Effect of Teaching Emotional Intelligence Components on Exam Anxiety of Medical and Non-Medical Students of Tehran Islamic Azad University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran [Volume 9, Issue 8, 2021, Pages 14125-14131]
Abdolsalehi, Mohammad Reza
Anaplastic Kinase-Positive Large T-cell Lymphoma Simultaneous with Tuberculosis in a Child: a Case Report [Volume 10, Issue 9, 2022, Pages 16719-16728]
Abdorrazzagh, Athar
Prevalence and Causes of Cesarean Sections in Primiparous Women in Zahedan in a One-Year Period [Volume 10, Issue 6, 2022, Pages 16246-16251]
Abdosalehi, Mohamadreza
A Case of Mis-C with Cervical Lymphadenitis and Retropharyngeal Edema [Volume 10, Issue 11, 2022, Pages 17053-17057]
Abdosalehi, Mohamadreza
A case of COVID-19 with splenic abscess [Volume 10, Issue 12, 2022, Pages 17182-17186]
Abdoshahi, Maryam
The correlation of Autonomy Support with Intrinsic Motivation, Anxiety, and Intention to Do Physical Activities in Children [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 15623-15629]
Abdoshahi, Maryam
The Impact of Parental Socioeconomic Status and Physical Activity on Motor Competence of Children with ADHD [Volume 10, Issue 10, 2022, Pages 16766-16773]
Abdou el Karim, SYLLA
Breastfeeding in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Casablanca Teaching Hospital Ibn Rochd [Volume 12, Issue 5, 2024, Pages 18823-18831]
Abdoulahzadeh, Elham
Assessment of Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Velocity Time Integral in Pediatric Patients with Vasovagal Syncope [Volume 9, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 13663-13669]
Abdulahzade Baghaee, Alireza
The Effectiveness of Sedative and Non-pharmacological Premedication in Pediatric Anesthesia: A Review Article [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10635-10642]
Abd-ullah, Hossam Fathey
Presepsin as an Early Predictor of Neonatal Sepsis [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 13359-13369]
Abdullah, Samir Tamer
Prognostic Validity of Red Cell Distribution Width in Neonatal Sepsis [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2018, Pages 8579-8586]
Abdullayev, Emin
Immunology and Genetics of Autism Spectrum Disorders and Retrospective Evaluation of Clinical Responses to Regular Immunoglobulin Replacement Therapy [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 18586-18600]
Abdul Rahman, Amir Hamzah
Diffuse Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformation in Children: Essential Value of Contrast Echocardiography in Diagnosis [Volume 5, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 4985-4989]
Abdul Sater, Ahmad Abdul Sater
The Efficiency of Epiphysiodesis for Growth Modulation in Patients with Congenital Scoliosis: A Systematic Review [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 15145-15164]
Abedi, Farshad
The Effect of Pentoxifylline on the Prevention of ARDS in PICU Patients: A Randomized Double-Blind Clinical Trial [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 18517-18529]
Abedi, Farshid
Studying the Items of Morning Reports based on ISO 10015 Standard in Teaching Hospitals of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Iran [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2017, Pages 5587-5595]
Abedi, Ghasem
Prevalence of Enuresis and its Related Factors among Children in Iran: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis [Volume 3, 6.1, 2015, Pages 995-1004]
Abedi, Shoja
Design and Validation of a Physical Education Curriculum Model for Elementary School Children Based on the Fundamental Transformation Document [Volume 10, Issue 9, 2022, Pages 16683-16698]
Abedin, Saeed
Evaluation of Electronic Dental Anesthesia as a Non-Invasive Method in Children: A Review Study [Volume 9, Issue 5, 2021, Pages 13489-13494]
Abedzadeh Zavareh, Mohammad Sadegh
Pediatric Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Golestan Province, Iran: A Cross-Sectional Study of 8-years [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9831-9839]
Abedzeydi, Hamed
Comparison of Intramuscular Dexmedetomidine with Intramuscular Ketamine in Children undergoing CT Imaging: A Double-Blind Clinical Trial [Volume 7, Issue 7, 2019, Pages 9667-9676]
Abid, Hamdi
Pneumatocele in Postpneumonic Empyema in Children: A Case Report [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6539-6540]
Abid, Hamdi
A Fatal Case of Lithium Battery Ingestion in a 2-Month-Old Child: A Case Report [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6527-6528]
Abid, Hamdi
Postoperative Intussusception in Children after Nissen Fundoplication: A Case Report [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 6897-6898]
Abid, Hamdi
Congenital Pulmonary Malformations in Children: Diagnosis and Management in a Pediatric Department in a Low Source Country [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 6781-6782]
Abid, Hamdi
Pleural Empyema in Children: Diagnosis and Management in a Pediatric Department in Development Country [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7167-7168]
Abid, Imen
Management of Perinatal Testicular Torsion: A Single Centre Experience [Volume 6, Issue 5, 2018, Pages 7639-7640]
Abiso, Temesgen Lera
Prevalence and Associated Factors on Timely Initiation of Breastfeeding among Mothers of Children Age Less Than 12 Months in Wolaita Sodo City, Wolaita, Ethiopia [Volume 8, Issue 12, 2020, Pages 12565-12574]
Aboelsnoon, Marwa
Growth and Final Height in Children with Autoimmune Hepatitis; A long term observation [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 15695-15709]
Abolfathi, Mitra
Wearing mask in children: Do's and Don’ts [Volume 10, Issue 6, 2022, Pages 16170-16173]
Abolhasani, Maryam
A Rare Case of Duplication of Chromosome 2 (q31.3q36.3) in a 4.5-year-old Boy and Review of the Literature [Volume 7, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 9327-9332]
Abolhassani, H
Evaluation of Antibody Response to Polysaccharide Vaccine and Switched Memory B Cells in Pediatric Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 66-66]
Abolhassani, Moussa
Comparing the Effect of Kangaroo Mother Care and Massage on Preterm Infant Pain Score, Stress, Anxiety, Depression, and Stress Coping Strategies of Their Mothers [Volume 9, Issue 10, 2021, Pages 14508-14519]
Abolmaali, Khadijeh
Assessment of Academic Adaptation based on Classroom Environment Perceptions and Family Functioning among High School Students in Sari, Iran [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 15179-15190]
Abotorabi, Shokohossadat
The Relationship of Vitamin D and Calcium level with Preeclampsia Severity: A Case- control Study [Volume 5, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 5203-5210]
Abotorabi, Shokohossadat
Effect of Treatment with Vitamin D on Maternal and Neonatal Indices in Pregnant Women with Hypocalcemia: A Randomized Controlled Trial [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 5733-5739]
Abotorabi, Shokohossadat
Placental Calcification and Vitamin D Deficiency in Low-Risk Pregnant Women [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10749-10757]
Abouei Mehrizi, Mohammad Ali
Giant Cerebral Hydatid Cyst in a Five-Year Old Child: A Case-Report [Volume 8, Issue 6, 2020, Pages 11485-11491]
Abouei Mehrizi, Mohammad Ali
Posterior Kyphectomy in a Myelomeningocele Patient with Gibbous Deformity: A Case Report and Literature Review [Volume 8, Issue 11, 2020, Pages 12517-12522]
Abouei Mehrizi, Mohammad Ali
The Efficiency of Epiphysiodesis for Growth Modulation in Patients with Congenital Scoliosis: A Systematic Review [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 15145-15164]
Abouei Mehrizi, Mohammad Ali
Nondysraphic Huge Cervical Intramedullary Lipoma: a Case Report and a Review of Literature [Volume 10, Issue 6, 2022, Pages 16238-16245]
Abouei Mehrizi, Mohammad Ali
Evaluating the Results of Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Surgery in Pediatric Patients [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 17599-17605]
Abounoori, Mahdi
A Systematic Review of Anxiety during Pregnancy in the Period of the COVID-19 Pandemic [Volume 9, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 14756-14771]
Abou-Taleb, Ashraf
Non-Invasive Diagnostic Methods for Differentiation of Biliary Atresia from Neonatal Hepatitis in Upper Egypt [Volume 7, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 9265-9275]
Abou-Taleb, Ashraf
Pediatric Chronic Liver Diseases: A Clinicopathological Study from a Tertiary Care Center [Volume 7, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 9305-9315]
Aboutalebi, Shahram
Behavioral Problems in Iranian Epileptic Children; A Case Control Study [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6713-6719]
Abrari Romanjan, Khadija
The Effects of Sandplay Therapy on Anxiety and Sleep Habits of Children with Cancer Undergoing Chemotherapy: A Quasi-Experimental Study [Volume 11, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 17721-17728]
Abrishami, Majid
Retinopathy of Prematurity: Treatment-Needed Patients, Treatment Complications, and Recurrence Rate [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2023, Pages 18104-18111]
Abrishami, Mojtaba
Effects of Body Massage on Response to Phototherapy in Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11347-11353]
Abrishami, Mojtababa
Retinopathy of Prematurity: Treatment-Needed Patients, Treatment Complications, and Recurrence Rate [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2023, Pages 18104-18111]
Absah, Imad
Successful Use of Biliary Duct Balloon Dilator in Repairing Post-Surgical Esophageal Stricture in premature infant [Volume 3, 3.2, 2015, Pages 675-678]
Abtahi, Saeed
Tissue Doppler Echocardiographic Indices in Athletic Teenagers [Volume 10, Issue 12, 2022, Pages 17135-17143]
Abtahi, Seyed Hamid Reza
Evaluation of GJB2 and GJB6 Mutations in Patients Afflicted with Non-syndromic Hearing Loss [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 9053-9060]
Abu Alreesh, DiaaAldeen M.
Multiple Brain Abscesses Complicating Enterobacter Cloacae Sepsis in a Preterm Neonate with Atypical MRI Appearance: A Case Report [Volume 10, Issue 8, 2022, Pages 16606-16613]
Abu Awwad, Motee H. S.
Multiple Brain Abscesses Complicating Enterobacter Cloacae Sepsis in a Preterm Neonate with Atypical MRI Appearance: A Case Report [Volume 10, Issue 8, 2022, Pages 16606-16613]
Abu el Ala, Mostafa
Study of Immune Response in Infants of Non-Gestational Diabetic Mothers [Volume 6, Issue 5, 2018, Pages 7683-7695]
Abu-hammad, Sawsan
Common Factors Associated With Child Deaths, at a Tertiary Care Centre in Irbid Government, Jordan [Volume 6, Issue 8, 2018, Pages 8021-8030]
Abuhammad, Sawsan
Potential Impact of Breastfeeding and Maternal Sensitivity during the First Year of Life: An Integrative Review of the Literature [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2018, Pages 8655-8667]
Abu-Shukair, Mohammed
Genotype Pattern of Pediatric Familial Mediterranean Fever in Jordan: A Single Center Experience [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 8935-8940]
Abyar, Najme
Effects of a Period of Selected Activity on Lung Capacities in Children 5-10 Years with Asthma Caused by Exercise [Volume 2, 3.3, 2014, Pages 11-17]
Adampourezare, Mina
Association between Common Single- nucleotide Polymorphism of Reelin Gene, rs736707 (C/T) with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Iranian-Azeri Patients [Volume 3, 6.1, 2015, Pages 1065-1071]
Adampourezare, Mina
Study of Polymorphism of the DRD2 Gene (-141C Ins/Del, rs1799732) with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder a Population Sample of Children in Iranian-Azeri [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 4569-4574]
Adampour Zare, Mina
An Association Analysis of Reelin Gene (RELN) Exon 22 (G/C), Rs.362691, Polymorphism with Autism Spectrum Disorder among Iranian-Azeri Population [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2027-2033]
Adampurzare, Mina
The Association of DRD2 Gene TaqI Polymorphism with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder a Population Sample of Iranian Azeri-children [Volume 4, Issue 5, 2016, Pages 1803-1807]
Adayleh, Boshra
Genotype Pattern of Pediatric Familial Mediterranean Fever in Jordan: A Single Center Experience [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 8935-8940]
Adejuyigbe, Olusanya
Effect of Intravenous Fluid on Perioperative Plasma Sodium Concentration in Pediatric Surgical Patients [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 14043-14049]
Ademhan Tural, Dilber
The Complication of Endotracheal Intubation in a Patient with Mucopolysaccharidosis Type IIIA [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 12909-12913]
Adham, Davoud
The Relationship between Climatic Factors and the Prevalence of Visceral Leishmaniasis in North West of Iran [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7169-7178]
Adhamimoghadam, Farhad
Prevalence and Outcomes of Retinopathy of Premature Neonates in Iran: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 11, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 17909-17923]
Adib Chamachaei, Fatemeh
The Effects of Instructional and Motivational Self-talk on Learning a Dart Throwing Skill in Children with Mild Mental Retardation [Volume 10, Issue 6, 2022, Pages 16163-16169]
Adineh, Mohammad
The Effect of Family Presence during Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Bedside on Family General Health: a Clinical Trial Study [Volume 4, Issue 5, 2016, Pages 1809-1817]
Adineh, Mohammad
Survey on the Relationship between Sleep Habits and Children`s Growth in Ahvaz City 2015 [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 1943-1951]
Adineh, Mohammad
Comparing Two Methods of Enteral Nutrition in Terms of their Complications and the Time Needed to Reach Goal Calorie in Children Hospitalized in ICU [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2119-2130]
Adineh, Mohammad
Depression and Anxiety among Parents of Children with Blood Disease in Ahvaz, South West of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2193-2202]
Adumah, Collins
Effect of Intravenous Fluid on Perioperative Plasma Sodium Concentration in Pediatric Surgical Patients [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 14043-14049]
Aeini, Bahareh
The Effectiveness of a Coping Cat Program on Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders in Primary Schools [Volume 9, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 14801-14811]
Aelami, Mohammad Hasan
A Bizarre Case of Anaphylaxis due to Hydatid Cyst Perforation Presented as Respiratory Arrest: A Case Report [Volume 9, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 13811-13815]
Aelami, Mohammad Hasan
COVID-19 Risk Factors in Frontline Healthcare Workers in Mashhad University Hospitals [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 17590-17598]
Aelami, Mohammad Hasan
Personal Protective Equipment and Hand Hygiene Status in Health Care Workers during the Covid-19 Pandemic [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 18659-18668]
Aelami, Mohammad Hassan
Minor Diagnostic Factors in Ventilator Associated Pneumonia in Children [Volume 6, Issue 7, 2018, Pages 8015-8023]
Aemmi, Seyedeh Zahra
The Effect of Creating an Artificial Night On Physiological Changes in Preterm Infants [Volume 2, 4.3, 2014, Pages 407-412]
Aemmi, Seyedeh Zahra
The Effect of Facilitated Tucking (FT) During Venipuncture on Duration of Crying in Preterm Infants [Volume 2, 4.3, 2014, Pages 431-435]
Aemmi, Seyedeh Zahra
The Effects of Lavender Scent on Pain of Blood Sampling in Term Neonates [Volume 3, 2.2, 2015, Pages 535-541]
Aemmi, Seyedeh Zahra
The Effect of the Educational Program on Iranian Fathers’ Involvement in Infant care: A Randomized Clinical Trial Study [Volume 3, 6.1, 2015, Pages 1057-1063]
Aemmi, Seyedeh Zahra
Factors Affecting the Rate of Pediatric Pneumonia in Developing Countries: a Review and Literature Study [Volume 3, 6.2, 2015, Pages 1173-1181]
Aemmi, Seyedeh Zahra
Status of Perceived Social Support and Quality of Life among Hearing-Impaired Adolescents [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 1381-1386]
Aemmi, Seyedeh Zahra
Socio-demographic and Lifestyle Factors in Breastfeeding Mothers, Referring to Isfahan Health Centers [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 1331-1337]
Aemmi, Seyedeh Zahra
Outcomes of Pulmonary Valve Replacement for Correction Pulmonary Insufficiency after Primary Repair of Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) [Volume 4, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 3529-3534]
Aemmi, Seyedeh Zahra
Intergenerational Learning Program: A Bridge between Generations [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6731-6739]
Aemmi, Seyedeh Zahra
Effect of Mother's Emotion Regulation Strategies Training on the Symptoms of Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2018, Pages 8737-8744]
Aezzi Pashakollaei, Goli
Comparing the Hemodynamic Stability, Anti-Anxiety, and Sedation Effects of Intranasal Midazolam and Ketamine as Premedication in Pediatric Hernia Repair Surgery [Volume 11, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 17698-17705]
Afghan, Mohammadreza
Tay-Sachs Disease in Two Iranian Identical Male Twins; A Case Report [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11355-11359]
Afghan, Mohammadreza
The Accuracy of Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay in the Diagnosis of COVID-19 in Iranian Children [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 13937-13945]
Afiat, Malihe
A Systematic Review of Psychometric Properties of Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale-Short Form (BSES-SF) [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2018, Pages 8619-8630]
Afjeh, Abolfazl
Effect of Educational Intervention on the Knowledge and Practice among Parents of Newborns with Jaundice [Volume 4, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 3441-3447]
Afjeh, Seyed Abolfazl
Best Strategies against Respiratory Problems in Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2079-2086]
Afkande, Narges
Normal Saline vs. Hypertonic Saline Nebulization for Acute Bronchiolitis: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2018, Pages 8507-8516]
Afkari, Fereshteh
Comparing the Effectiveness of Fernald’s And Rossner's Multisensory Teaching Methods in Reducing the Spelling Disorder of Elementary Students [Volume 10, Issue 10, 2022, Pages 16825-16836]
Afkhami Goli, Mojdeh
Nasal Intermittent Positive Pressure Ventilation (NIPPV) Vs. Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (NCPAP) after Less Invasive Surfactant Administration (LISA) in Preterm Infants with Respiratory Distress Syndrome [Volume 10, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 15972-15981]
Afkhaminia, Farzaneh
Mother’s Knowledge Regarding Oral Health among Their Preschool Children [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11681-11689]
Aflakian, Mahshad
Is Atopic Dermatitis More Severe in Children with Lower Levels of 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D? [Volume 10, Issue 7, 2022, Pages 16381-16386]
Afrasiabifar, Ardashir
Effects of Breastfeeding and Sensorial Saturation on Physiological Parameters of Infants after Administration of Pentavalent Vaccine at Four and Six Months of Age: A Field Trial [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6365-6373]
Afraz, Fatemeh
The Impact of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus on Motor Development in 12-Month-Old Children Referred to Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Iran [Volume 8, Issue 12, 2020, Pages 12575-12583]
Afroundeh, Roghayyeh
Anaerobic Gymnastics Exercises Evoke Systemic Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Obese and Normal-Weight Children [Volume 8, Issue 12, 2020, Pages 12533-12544]
Afroundeh, Roghayyeh
Relationship between Resting Metabolic rate and Body Composition Factors in Obese and Normal Weight Gymnast Children [Volume 9, Issue 9, 2021, Pages 14331-14340]
Afroundeh, Roghayyeh
The Effects of Static and Dynamic Stretching Exercises’ Order on Some Physical Fitness Factors in Elementary School Children [Volume 9, Issue 9, 2021, Pages 14435-14445]
Afroundeh, Roghayyeh
The Relationship between Knee and Ankle Proprioception and Anthropometric Indices in Elementary School Children [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 18547-18554]
Afsari, Atousa
Predictors of Knowledge and Practice of Girl Students about Puberty Health [Volume 5, Issue 7, 2017, Pages 5229-5236]
Afshani, Seyed Alireza
The Prevalence of Sleep disorders and Their Relationship with Anxiety and Behavioral Problems in Second Primary School Female Students in Yazd [Volume 3, 3.1, 2015, Pages 625-631]
Afshar, Zhila
Proposed TART-RADS Classification for Testicular Ultrasound: Our Experience and Literature Review [Volume 10, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 16112-16120]
Afshari, Mahdi
Prevalence of Enuresis and its Related Factors among Children in Iran: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis [Volume 3, 6.1, 2015, Pages 995-1004]
Afshari, Mahdi
Glucose Oral Solution as A Pain-Relieving Agent In Infantile Colic: A Double Blinded Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6529-6537]
Afshari, Mahdi
Electroencephalogram in Cirrhotic Children without Clinical Encephalopathy [Volume 12, Issue 6, 2024, Pages 18841-18850]
Afshari, Maryam
Effectiveness of Behavioral Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review [Volume 12, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 18721-18774]
Afshari, Mostafa
Risky Decision Making and Impulsivity in Adolescents’ Chess Players: Does Chess Modify or Induce Risky Decisions? [Volume 10, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 16101-16111]
Afshari, Sara
The Maternal Experiences of Child Care with Fever: a Qualitative Study [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 4429-4437]
Afsharian, Mandana
Prevalence of Occult Hepatitis B in HIV Positive Patients (Adolescents and Adults) in Kermanshah- Iran [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 5797-5803]
Afsharloo, Somayeh
Dental Trauma among Iranian Children and Adolescents: A Comprehensive Study [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 12901-12908]
Afsharloo, Somayeh
Prevalence of Trauma and Related Factors in Iranian Children and Adolescents: Systematic Review [Volume 9, Issue 9, 2021, Pages 14293-14306]
Afzalaghaee, Monavar
The Survey of the Environmental Health Status and Safety of Public and Non- Public Elementary Schools in Mashhad, Iran [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10523-10532]
Afzalaghaee, Monavvar
Herbal Appetizer for Children with Failure to Thrive (FTT) in View of Traditional Persian Medicine: A Review [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6203-6220]
Afzal Aghaee, Monnavar
Characteristics and Outcome of three forms of Autoimmune Hepatitis in Iranian Children [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2013, Pages 19-24]
Afzali, Ali
Serum Magnesium Level of Patients Admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit: A Prospective Analytical Study [Volume 12, Issue 8, 2024, Pages 18946-18952]
Afzali, Narges
Comparison of Abdominal X-ray Findings and Results of Surgery in Neonates with Gastrointestinal Obstruction [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 8877-8880]
Agahi, Mahsa
Foreign Body Ingestion and Aspiration in Iranian Children: Experience of 369 Cases in a Pediatric Unit [Volume 7, Issue 6, 2019, Pages 9567-9576]
Agakhani, Mitra
Outcome of Cystic Fibrosis in Patients with Bronchiectasis [Volume 2, 4.1, 2014, Pages 313-318]
Agakhani, Mitra
Factors Affecting the Outcome of Bronchiectasis in Pediatric Patients [Volume 2, 4.3, 2014, Pages 377-389]
Agarwal, Sheesham
Plastic Bronchitis in a Child Presenting as Surgical Emphysema [Volume 3, 6.2, 2015, Pages 1169-1172]
Aghababaeian, Hamidreza
The Effect of Holy Quran Recitation on the Physiological Responses of Premature Infants during Phlebotomy: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 6, Issue 7, 2018, Pages 7869-7881]
Aghababaie, Sodabeh
Relationship between Pregnancy-induced Hypertension with Neonatal and Maternal Complications [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2018, Pages 8587-8594]
Aghabararian, Peyman
Genetic Counseling for Families with Sporadic Intellectual Disability in North of Iran: A Retrospective Study [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11709-11718]
Aghabozorgi, Amirsaeed Sabeti
A Novel Heterozygous ACAN Variant in an Iranian Family with Short Stature: A Case Report [Volume 10, Issue 9, 2022, Pages 16729-16737]
Aghaei, Abbas
The Investigation of Factors Related to Total Body Surface Area and Burn Degree in under 5-year-old Children of Kermanshah, Iran: Using Ordinal Regression [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 6931-6944]
Aghaei, Abbas
Epidemiology of Maternal and Fetal`s Burn in Iran: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7219-7240]
Aghaei, Abbas
Factors Related to Pediatric Burn in Iran: A Case-Control Study [Volume 6, Issue 6, 2018, Pages 7823-7832]
Aghaei, Somayeh
Prevalence of Enuresis and its Related Factors among Children in Iran: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis [Volume 3, 6.1, 2015, Pages 995-1004]
Aghagoli, Saeideh
Aromatherapy with Rosa Damascenes in Apnea, Bradycardia and Spo2 of Preterm Infants; a Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 1911-1918]
Aghajani, Fatemeh
Children, the Main Victims of Ethnic Violence in Myanmar [Volume 5, Issue 11, 2017, Pages 6173-6178]
Aghajani, Fatemeh
Short and Long Term Complications after Pediatric Liver Transplantation: A Review and Literature [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6337-6346]
Aghajani Delavar, Motahareh
Exploring the Correlation between Serum Vitamin D Levels and Cancer Stage and Grading in Pediatric Patients [Volume 12, Issue 11, 2024, Pages 19152-19157]
Aghajanpour, Faeze
Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on Pancreatic Β -Cell Function in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and Vitamin D Deficiency: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 8977-8984]
Aghajanpour Mir, Seyedeh Samaneh
Relationship between the Exposure to Magnetic Fields during Pregnancy and Risk of Abortion: A Review Article [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11813-11818]
Aghajari, Parvaneh
The Exploration of Culturally Sensitive Nursing Care in Pediatric Setting: a Qualitative Study [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 4329-4341]
Aghamohammadi, A
Evaluation of Antibody Response to Polysaccharide Vaccine and Switched Memory B Cells in Pediatric Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 66-66]
Aghamohammadi, Asghar
Phospho-SMC1 in-Cell ELISA based Detection of Ataxia Telangiectasia [Volume 4, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 3957-3967]
Aghamohammadi, Asghar
The Etiology of Bronchiectasis in Iran [Volume 4, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 4051-4056]
Aghamohammadi, Asghar
Immunomodulation of TLR2 and TLR4 by G2013 (alfa-L-Guluronic acid) in CVID Patients [Volume 5, Issue 7, 2017, Pages 5327-5337]
Aghapour, Seyed Ali
Evaluation of Serum Immunoglobulins (IgM,IgG,IgA) Levels in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Gorgan, Iran [Volume 9, Issue 8, 2021, Pages 14147-14156]
Aghapour, Seyed Ali
Evaluation of the Relationship between Vitamin D Level and Allergic Indicators in Patients with Asthma Referred to Gorgan Asthma and Allergy Clinic [Volume 9, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 14981-14987]
Aghayari, Azar
Body Fat Percentage in Active and Inactive Students Using Anthropometric Parameters [Volume 2, 4.3, 2014, Pages 391-398]
Aghaz, Alireza
Long-Term Effects of Cochlear Implant on the Pragmatic Skills and Speech Intelligibility in Persian-Speaking Children [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 14033-14041]
Aghaz, Alireza
Long-term Effects of Cochlear Implantation on Language Skills -and Speech Intelligibility in Early-implanted Versus Late Implanted Deaf Children [Volume 9, Issue 10, 2021, Pages 14663-14671]
Aghaz, Alireza
Diagnostic Accuracy of the Children's Communication Checklist-Persian in Identifying Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 15482-15494]
Aghaz, Alireza
The Relationship between Motor Skills and Language Performance in Mentally Retarded Children [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2023, Pages 18112-18122]
Aghazadeh, Akbar
Effects of an Intervention in the Physical Education Class on Physical Activity and Well-Being of Primary School Students [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 14051-14059]
Aghcheli, Bahman
Evaluation of Mutations in SARS-CoV-2 N and S Genes on the Proteins Stability, Immunogenicity, and Pathogenicity in Iranian Patients from Golestan Province [Volume 10, Issue 8, 2022, Pages 16486-16497]
Aghdam, Vahid
Comparison of the Efficacy and Side Effects of Intravenous and Intramuscular Injection of Ketamine for Children Requiring Sedation: A Randomized Double-Blind Clinical Trial Study [Volume 7, Issue 5, 2019, Pages 9391-9397]
Aghdasi, Maryam
Myocardial Dysfunction Caused by Perinatal Asphyxia in Full-term Infants [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 18628-18636]
Aghili, Abdolali
Effect of Vitamin D Therapy on Hashimoto's Thyroiditis in Children with Hypovitaminosis D [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 10889-10897]
Agil, Ali
The Effectiveness of a Sequential Helicobacter Pylori Eradication Regimen on the Severity of Clinical Symptoms in Children with Chronic Gastritis: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 11, Issue 10, 2023, Pages 18296-18305]
Agin, Khosrow
Herbal Treatments for Asthma, according to Avicenna [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 15205-15226]
Aglua, Izzard
Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus in Melanesian Children with Haematogenous Osteomyelitis from the Central Highlands of Papua New Guinea [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2018, Pages 8361-8370]
Ahadi, Reza
Tracking Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells Transplanted to Experimental Rabbit Model with Brain Trauma by MRI [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 34-34]
Ahadi, Reza
Noninvasive Stem Cell Labeling Using USPIO Technique and their Detection with MRI [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 66-66]
Ahadi, Zeinab
Is Meal Frequency Associated with Mental Distress and Violent Behaviors in Children and Adolescents? the CASPIAN IV Study [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 1413-1421]
Ahadi, Zeinab
Is Meal Frequency Associated with Mental Distress and Violent Behaviors in Children and Adolescents? the CASPIAN IV Study [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2247-2255]
Ahadi, Zeinab
Association of Sedentary Leisure Time with School Performance in Children and Adolescents: the CASPIAN-V Study [Volume 7, Issue 6, 2019, Pages 9557-9566]
Ahadiat, Seyed-Amirabbas
Analysis of the Potential for Height Growth at Different Stages of Puberty Based on Bone Age in Healthy Girls [Volume 10, Issue 10, 2022, Pages 16844-16853]
Ahammed, Niyas
Maple Syrup Urine Disease Induced Grand Mal Seizures: A Case Report [Volume 6, Issue 7, 2018, Pages 7999-8002]
Ahanchian, H
Synbiotic for Prevention of Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea in Children: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 80-80]
Ahanchian, Hamid
Characteristics and Outcome of three forms of Autoimmune Hepatitis in Iranian Children [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2013, Pages 19-24]
Ahanchian, Hamid
Determine Efficacy of a Short Course of Montelukast in Children with Intermittent Asthma and Viral Infection [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2013, Pages 25-29]
Ahanchian, Hamid
Synbiotic for Prevention of Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea in Children: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 55-62]
Ahanchian, Hamid
Evaluation of Clinical and Laboratory Data in Patients with Recurrent Infections and Suspected Immunodeficiency [Volume 2, 3.3, 2014, Pages 19-24]
Ahanchian, Hamid
Effect of Peppermint on Medical Team’s Satisfaction During Pediatric's Endoscopic Examination of gastrointestinal (GI) System [Volume 2, 4.1, 2014, Pages 233-237]
Ahanchian, Hamid
A Survey of Special Training Round on Performance of Pediatric Residents [Volume 2, 4.3, 2014, Pages 363-367]
Ahanchian, Hamid
Evaluation of Liver Enzymes Rising in Patients Treated with Sodium Valproate (VPA) [Volume 3, 3.2, 2015, Pages 685-689]
Ahanchian, Hamid
The Prevalence of Portal Vein Thrombosis in Children under 3 Years Old with History of Neonatal Umbilical Vein Catheterization in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit [Volume 4, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 3415-3419]
Ahanchian, Hamid
Identification of Dermatoglyphic Patterns in Parents of Children with Cystic Fibrosis [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 7277-7284]
Ahanchian, Hamid
Probiotic or Conventional Yogurt for Treating Antibiotic-associated Diarrhea: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 7405-7412]
Ahanchian, Hamid
The Impact of Infantile Atopic Dermatitis on Patients' and their Families' Quality of Life [Volume 7, Issue 6, 2019, Pages 9517-9524]
Ahanchian, Hamid
The Effect of a Selective Exercise Program on Motor Competence and Pulmonary Function of Asthmatic Children: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 7, Issue 7, 2019, Pages 9711-9717]
Ahanchian, Hamid
Probiotics for the Treatment of Asthma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trials [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11271-11285]
Ahanchian, Hamid
Subcutaneous Immunotherapy and Synbiotic Combination Shift T-Helper 1 and Cytotoxic T Cells in Allergic Rhinitis [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10731-10742]
Ahanchian, Hamid
Investigating The Effect of Prescribing Vitamin C on Improving the Clinical Symptoms of Asthma in 2-12-Year-Old Children Hospitalized in the Pediatric Ward of Ghaem and Dr. Sheikh Hospitals, Mashhad, Iran [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11867-11875]
Ahanchian, Hamid
Investigating the Effect of Prescribing Zinc Sulfate on Improving the Clinical Symptoms of Pneumonia in 2-59-Month-Old Children [Volume 8, Issue 11, 2020, Pages 12471-12479]
Ahanchian, Hamid
The Effect of Oral Magnesium Sulfate on Moderate and Severe Asthma Exacerbation in Children Referred to Pediatrics Emergency Department: The Moderating Role of Asthma Severity [Volume 9, Issue 10, 2021, Pages 14581-14591]
Ahanchian, Hamid
Presentation of DNA Methyltransferase 3 Beta Mutation with Immune Deficiency and Dilation of Aorta and Esophagus [Volume 10, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 15998-16004]
Ahanchian, Hamid
Oral Immunotherapy in Children: Ige-Dependent Food Allergy to Milk or Wheat [Volume 10, Issue 8, 2022, Pages 16505-16514]
Ahanchian, Hamid
How asthmatic children dealt with the coronavirus pandemia? Adherence to Controller Medications and Level of Control among Children with Asthma Registered in Mashhad University of Medical Sciences [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 17405-17415]
Ahanchian, Hamid
Investigating the Diagnostic Value of Interleukin 33 Biomarker in the Diagnosis of Biliary Atresia in Infants with Cholestasis Admitted to Akbar Hospital in Mashhad [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2024, Pages 19008-19021]
Ahangaran, Mohammad Rasool
The Role of Family in Abnormality and Crime of Children with a Case Study [Volume 2, 4.2, 2014, Pages 86-94]
Ahangaran, Mohammad Rasool
The Age of Criminal Responsibility in Children: some of Islamic Views [Volume 3, 4.1, 2015, Pages 777-787]
Ahangaran, Mohammad Rasool
Representation of Mother for Guardianship of the Child in Iranian and French Laws [Volume 7, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 9125-9131]
Ahangar Davodi, Mohamd
Bone Mineral Density in Children with Nephrotic Syndrome Treated under GC for More than 2 Years [Volume 11, Issue 11, 2023, Pages 18391-18397]
Ahangari, Najmeh
A Novel Heterozygous ACAN Variant in an Iranian Family with Short Stature: A Case Report [Volume 10, Issue 9, 2022, Pages 16729-16737]
Ahangarkani, Fatemeh
Evaluation of Children with Complication of BCG Vaccination in North of Iran [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 4479-4488]
Ahangarkani, Fatemeh
Prevalence of Nasal Carriage Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus with mecA Gene among Healthy Primary School Boys in North of Iran; A Cross-Sectional Study [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6515-6525]
Ahangarzadeh Rezaee, Mohammad
The Study of Nosocomial Infections in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, A prospective study in Northwest Iran [Volume 2, 3.2, 2014, Pages 25-33]
Ahanjan, Mohammad
Prevalence of Nasal Carriage Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus with mecA Gene among Healthy Primary School Boys in North of Iran; A Cross-Sectional Study [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6515-6525]
Ahari, Saeid Sadeghieh
Risk Factors Associated with Head lice (Pediculosis) Infestation among Elementary School Students in Meshkinshahr County, North West of Iran [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 7383-7392]
Ahkami, Marjan
Developmental Statue of Preterm Infants Up to Two Years of Age and Related Risk Factors using the Ages and Stages Questionnaire [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2024, Pages 19081-19089]
Ahmad, Kashif
Trends in Hospitalization of Children with High-Frequency Diseases; A Nine-Year Retrospective Study [Volume 8, Issue 11, 2020, Pages 12339-12348]
Ahmad Barahouie, Ahmad
Detection of the Duplication in Exons 56-63 of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Patients with MLPA [Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 11617-11623]
Ahmadi, Ali
Evaluation of Cardiac Dysfunction in Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11727-11736]
Ahmadi, Aniseh
Investigating the Relationship between Smartphone Addiction and Loneliness and its Impact on Motivation to Progress in High School Students [Volume 7, Issue 10, 2019, Pages 10187-10193]
Ahmadi, Atefeh
Examining Prevalence of Fetal Defects and Related Factors in Neonates Born and Hospitalized in Kerman Reference Hospital: A 66-Month Study [Volume 9, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 13653-13662]
Ahmadi, Atefeh
Validation of the Persian Version of Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale in Iranian Women [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 12081-12089]
Ahmadi, Atefeh
Prevalence of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome among Girls’ Students of Kerman University of Medical Sciences and a Meta-Analysis of the Prevalence of PCOS among Iranian Adolescent Girls [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 13957-13969]
Ahmadi, Atefeh
Comparing Anxiety and Depression among Midwives and Nurses Working in Pediatric Wards and Other Clinical Settings during the Covid-19 Outbreak [Volume 10, Issue 6, 2022, Pages 16195-16204]
Ahmadi, Farzane
Investigating the Determinants of Physical Activity in Students in Order to Prevent Diabetes based on Planned Behavior Theory [Volume 7, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 9189-9195]
Ahmadi, Fatemeh
The Level of Knowledge, Attitude, and Performance of Healthcare Personnel in COVID-19 Hospitals Regarding the Use of Respiratory Protection Equipment [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 17453-17462]
Ahmadi, Fazlollah
Iranian Parents' Supportive Umbrella during their Children Surgery: a Qualitative Study [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 1545-1557]
Ahmadi, Jamile
The Effect of Care Package on Motor Development among 12-Month-Old Infants in Saqqez-Iran: A Randomized Clinical Trial Study [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2017, Pages 5571-5582]
Ahmadi, Jamile
The Effect of Development Education on Fine Motor Skills of 18-Month-Old Children [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 11973-11986]
Ahmadi, Mahshid
Burn Specific Health Scale-Brief in Pregnant Burned Women: Translation and Psychometric Evaluation of the Persian Version [Volume 5, Issue 7, 2017, Pages 5391-5400]
Ahmadi, Mahshid
Assessment of Maternal General Health and Feeding Pattern of their Infants: A Cross-sectional Study in Iranian Population [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6311-6319]
Ahmadi, Mahshid
Evaluating the Effect of Telephone Counseling during the Postpartum Period on Exclusive Breastfeeding [Volume 8, Issue 12, 2020, Pages 12685-12695]
Ahmadi, Mohammad Mehdi
Ultrasound Evaluation of Gallbladder Mobility in Children with Chronic Functional Constipation [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 15370-15376]
Ahmadi, P
Effectiveness of Group Cognitive Bbehavioral Therapy on Anxiety, Depression and Glycemic Control in Children with Type 1 Diabetes [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 82-82]
Ahmadi, Parisa
Effectiveness of Group Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Anxiety, Depression and Glycemic Control in Children with Type 1 Diabetes [Volume 2, 3.1, 2014, Pages 165-171]
Ahmadi, Parviz
Evaluation of Predictive Factors of Empyema in Children with Parapneumonic Pleural Effusion [Volume 8, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 12297-12304]
Ahmadi, Reza
The Effect of Lavender Oil for Relief Painful Producer in Children and Infants: A Systematic Review [Volume 8, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 11177-11185]
Ahmadi, Reza
Association between Intracerebral Hemorrhage and Cerebral Palsy in Preterm Infant: A Systematic Review Article [Volume 8, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 10985-10991]
Ahmadi, Reza
Reflections on Telemedicine with an Emphasis on Ethical Aspects: A Review [Volume 8, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 12223-12233]
Ahmadi, Reza
The Efficacy of Meperidine for Pain Management in Orthopedic, Dental, and General Surgery in Children: A Review Study [Volume 8, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 12305-12316]
Ahmadi, Reza
Comparing Anxiety and Depression among Midwives and Nurses Working in Pediatric Wards and Other Clinical Settings during the Covid-19 Outbreak [Volume 10, Issue 6, 2022, Pages 16195-16204]
Ahmadi, Reza
The Relationship between 5-Year-Old Children’s Weight Percentiles and Their Family Dietary Habits [Volume 10, Issue 8, 2022, Pages 16545-16552]
Ahmadi, S
Effectiveness of Group Cognitive Bbehavioral Therapy on Anxiety, Depression and Glycemic Control in Children with Type 1 Diabetes [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 82-82]
Ahmadi, Sajjad
Accuracy of Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network Rules in Prediction of Clinically Important Head Injuries; A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6285-6300]
Ahmadi, Sajjad
Validation of CRASH Model in Prediction of 14-Day Mortality and 6-Month Unfavourable Outcome of Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10413-10422]
Ahmadi, Seyyed Parham
Personal Protective Equipment and Hand Hygiene Status in Health Care Workers during the Covid-19 Pandemic [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 18659-18668]
Ahmadi, Somaye
Effectiveness of Group Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Anxiety, Depression and Glycemic Control in Children with Type 1 Diabetes [Volume 2, 3.1, 2014, Pages 165-171]
Ahmadiafshar, Akefeh
Age at Menarche and its Related Factors among School Girls, in Zanjan, Iran [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 4755-4762]
Ahmadiafshar, Akefeh
Comparison of Paraffin versus Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) in Children with Chronic Functional Constipation [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 5843-5850]
Ahmadian, Bahareh
Coping Strategies in Patients with Beta-thalassemia and their Parents: A Systematic Review [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 15682-15694]
Ahmadian, Leila
Determining the Content of a Pediatric Asthma Website from Parents’ Perspective: The Internet Use and Information Needs [Volume 5, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 5113-5123]
Ahmadian, Mohammad
Association of Weight of Premature Infant and Aromatherapy: A Systematic Review [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10789-10798]
Ahmadian, Mohammad
Prevalence and Risk Factors for Parental Violence against Children: A Review Study [Volume 9, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 13127-13135]
Ahmadian, Mohammad
Determinants of Dental Caries in Children Aged 7-12 Years in Iran: A Case-Control Study [Volume 9, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 14812-14820]
Ahmadian, Raana
Prevalence of Metabolic Risk Factors Affecting Childhood Nephrolithiasis: A Report from a University Hospital in West of Iran [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11691-11699]
Ahmadian Heris, Javad
A Description of Mothers’ Knowledge and Practice about Antibiotic Use in Children in Northwest of Iran [Volume 8, Issue 11, 2020, Pages 12349-12356]
Ahmadian Hoseini3, Zahra Sadat
The Effect of ringer Lactate as the Priming Solution of the Cardiopulmonary by Pass Circuit on Plasma Potassium Levels after Open Heart Surgery in Children [Volume 3, 6.1, 2015, Pages 1015-1020]
Ahmadiankia, Naghmeh
Strategies to Improve Homing of Stem Cells to achieve better Efficacy in Stem Cell Therapy [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 18-18]
Ahmadiankia, Naghmeh
Pretreatment of Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Stromal-derived Factor-1α Delivery from Chitosan-based Injectable Hydrogels for Better Cell Guidance and Retention [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 19-19]
Ahmadian Kia, Naghmeh
Comparative analysis of the Gene expression profile of Chemokine Receptors between Adipose-derived and Bone marrow-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 17-17]
Ahmadiara, Emad
Notification, an Important Neglected Essential Education for Children in Kindergartens and Primary Schools (Education about Parasitic Infections in Kindergartens) [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 5723-5724]
Ahmadi Arpanah, marzieh
Comparing the Quantitative and Qualitative Components of IOTN Index in Determining the Orthodontic Treatment Need in Ahvaz, Iran [Volume 10, Issue 11, 2022, Pages 16951-16959]
Ahmadi doulabi, Mahbobeh
Relationship of Mothers’ Spiritual, Social, and Mental Health and Self-efficacy with Child Development: A Path Analysis [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 12117-12129]
Ahmadi Doulabi, Mahbobeh
Prediction of Child Development based on Social Determinants of Health: A Path Analysis [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11761-11774]
Ahmadi Doulabi, Mahbobeh
The Effect of Development Education on Fine Motor Skills of 18-Month-Old Children [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 11973-11986]
Ahmadi Doulabi, Mahbobeh
The Impact of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus on Motor Development in 12-Month-Old Children Referred to Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Iran [Volume 8, Issue 12, 2020, Pages 12575-12583]
Ahmadi Doulabi, Mahbobeh
Risk of Child ADHD and Low Birth Weight: A Systematic Review Study [Volume 9, Issue 9, 2021, Pages 14421-14434]
Ahmadi Doulabi, Mahboubeh
The Effect of Care Package on Motor Development among 12-Month-Old Infants in Saqqez-Iran: A Randomized Clinical Trial Study [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2017, Pages 5571-5582]
Ahmadie Batvandy, Zahra
Comparing Two Methods of Enteral Nutrition in Terms of their Complications and the Time Needed to Reach Goal Calorie in Children Hospitalized in ICU [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2119-2130]
Ahmadi Far, M
The Study of Levofloxacin Effects on Liver Tissue in Wistar Rat [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 67-67]
Ahmadi Jazi, Abes
Effect of Probiotics on Serum Bilirubin Level in Term Neonates with Jaundice; A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 5953-5958]
Ahmadi jouybari, Touraj
The Investigation of Factors Related to Total Body Surface Area and Burn Degree in under 5-year-old Children of Kermanshah, Iran: Using Ordinal Regression [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 6931-6944]
Ahmadi jouybari, Touraj
Epidemiology of Maternal and Fetal`s Burn in Iran: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7219-7240]
Ahmadi Jouybari, Touraj
Cognitive Determinants of Influenza Preventive Behaviors among Students: an Application of the Health Belief Model (HBM) [Volume 6, Issue 6, 2018, Pages 7833-7841]
Ahmadinejad, Mehdi
Is There a Relationship between the Types and Severity of Acute Traumatic Brain Injuries in Children and Adolescents and the Incidence of Cardiac Arrhythmias? [Volume 10, Issue 10, 2022, Pages 16786-16793]
Ahmadinezhad, Fatemeh
An Overview of Prophylactic Acetylsalicylic Acid for the Prevention of Intra-uterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) in Women at Risk for Preeclampsia [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10499-10504]
Ahmadinezhad, Fatemeh
The Effects of Different Strategies on the Painful Procedure Management, and the Physiological Parameters in Preterm Infants: A Systematic Review [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11251-11259]
Ahmadinia, Hasan
Gender Modify the Effect of Birth Weight on Later Obesity Risk among Primary School Pupils: A Community-Based Case-Control Study [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 13925-13936]
Ahmadi Pishkoohi, Mahin
Children Mortality in Iran: Moving Ahead with the Sustainable Development Goals [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 1829-1831]
Ahmadi-Pishkuhi, Mahin
Immigrants: Potential Menace for Measles Elimination Target in Iran [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 1975-1976]
Ahmadi-Pishkuhi, Mahin
Pattern of Pediatric Animal Bites and Post Exposure Prophylaxis in Isfahan Province-Iran, 2015 [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 1977-1982]
Ahmadipour, Maryam
Is There a Relationship between the Types and Severity of Acute Traumatic Brain Injuries in Children and Adolescents and the Incidence of Cardiac Arrhythmias? [Volume 10, Issue 10, 2022, Pages 16786-16793]
Ahmadipour, Maryam
Injectable Acetaminophen Effectiveness in Closing Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Term Infants Hospitalized in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2024, Pages 19032-19039]
Ahmadishokouh, Ali Asghar
Determinants of Self-Perceived Health in Iranian Children and Adolescents: the CASPIAN IV Study [Volume 5, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 4951-4964]
Ahmadizadeh, Narges
Reliability of Visually Estimated Blood Loss with Hemoglobin Measurement: 200 Cases of Craniosynostosis Surgery [Volume 6, Issue 9, 2018, Pages 8207-8213]
Ahmadpoor kachu, Mousa
Effect of the Local Heat on the Pain of Vitamin K Injection in the Infants [Volume 4, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 4081-4088]
Ahmadpour, Mohammad
Effect of Education Based on the Health Belief Model (HBM) on Anemia Preventive Behaviors among Iranian Girl Students [Volume 5, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 5043-5052]
Ahmadpour-kacho, Mousa
Early Diagnosis and Intervention for Hearing Loss in Newborns Discharged from Intensive Care Units: a Four-year Follow-up Study in North of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 3283-3291]
Ahmadpour-kacho, Mousa
The Effect of Non-nutritive Sucking on Transcutaneous Oxygen Saturation in Neonates under the Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 4511-4519]
Ahmadpour-kacho, Mousa
The Effect of Oral Zinc Sulfate on Serum Bilirubine Level in Term Neonates with Jaundice [Volume 5, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 5053-5060]
Ahmadpour-kacho, Mousa
Effect of Probiotics on Serum Bilirubin Level in Term Neonates with Jaundice; A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 5953-5958]
Ahmadpour-kacho, Mousa
The Effect of Oral Fenofibrate on Serum Bilirubin Level in Term Neonates with Hyperbilirubinemia: A Randomized Clinical Trail [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2018, Pages 8317-8327]
Ahmadzadeh, Hooman
Endoscopic Findings and Associated Factors in Children with Hematemesis [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 12999-13004]
Ahmadzadeh, Koohyar
Endoscopic Findings and Associated Factors in Children with Hematemesis [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 12999-13004]
Ahmadzadeh Amiri, Ali
Macrophage Activation Syndrome as the First Impression of Kawasaki Disease; A Case Report [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10449-10454]
Ahmadzadeh Amiri, Amir
Isolated Chronic Osteomyelitis of Fibula in a Child: A Case Report [Volume 8, Issue 6, 2020, Pages 11403-11407]
Ahmed, Ahmed
Non-Invasive Diagnostic Methods for Differentiation of Biliary Atresia from Neonatal Hepatitis in Upper Egypt [Volume 7, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 9265-9275]
Ahmed, Ahmed
Pediatric Chronic Liver Diseases: A Clinicopathological Study from a Tertiary Care Center [Volume 7, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 9305-9315]
Ahmed, Ahmed El-Abd
Clinical and Biochemical Assessments of Circulating B-Type Natriuretic Peptide as a Useful Marker in Pediatric Cardiac Patients [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11819-11829]
Ahmed, Ahmed El-Abd
Hematological indices in differentiation between iron deficiency anemia and beta-thalassemia trait [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 15285-15295]
Ahmed, Ayat Mostafa Mohamed
Sars-cov-2 Infection Is a Potential Risk of Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Children Diagnosed with Type i Diabetes. An Observational Study [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 18449-18460]
Ahmed, Shakeel
Retroperitoneal Hemorrhage in a Neonate: A Rare Presentation of Hemophilia B [Volume 7, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 9081-9084]
Ahmedbookani, Soliman
Psychological Well-being and Parenting Styles as Predictors of Mental Health among Students: Implication for Health Promotion [Volume 2, 3.3, 2014, Pages 39-46]
Ahmed Mabrouk, Mohamed Ibrahim
Study of Chest Physical Therapy Effect on Full Term Neonates with Primary Pneumonia: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 6, Issue 7, 2018, Pages 7893-7899]
Aikimbaev, Kairgeldy
A Multifaceted Disease of Problematic Diagnosis in Childhood; Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia: A Case Report [Volume 9, Issue 5, 2021, Pages 13585-13590]
Ajalloueyan, Mohammad
Long-Term Effects of Cochlear Implant on the Pragmatic Skills and Speech Intelligibility in Persian-Speaking Children [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 14033-14041]
Ajalloueyan, Mohammad
Long-term Effects of Cochlear Implantation on Language Skills -and Speech Intelligibility in Early-implanted Versus Late Implanted Deaf Children [Volume 9, Issue 10, 2021, Pages 14663-14671]
Ajam, Mohammad
The Effect of Dates and Fennel on Breastfeeding Adequacy of Mothers: A Review [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 11891-11899]
Ajilian, Maryam
Medicinal Fruits in Holy Quran [Volume 2, 3.2, 2014, Pages 89-102]
Ajilian, Maryam
Rights of Children and Parents in Holy Quran [Volume 2, 3.2, 2014, Pages 103-113]
Ajilian Abbasi, Maryam
Dynamic Assessment( DA) and Evaluation of Problem-solving Skills in Childeren [Volume 2, 3.3, 2014, Pages 47-54]
Ajilian Abbasi, Maryam
The use of appropriate colors in the design of children's rooms: A Short Review [Volume 2, 4.1, 2014, Pages 305-312]
Ajilian Abbasi, Maryam
Youth Suicide in the World and Views of Holy Quran about Suicide [Volume 2, 4.2, 2014, Pages 101-108]
Ajilian Abbasi, Maryam
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Children:A Short Review and Literature [Volume 2, 4.3, 2014, Pages 445-452]
Ajilian Abbasi, Maryam
Child Maltreatment in the World: A Review Article [Volume 3, 1.1, 2015, Pages 353-365]
Ajilian Abbasi, Maryam
Child Labor Facts in the Worldwide: A Review Article [Volume 3, 1.2, 2015, Pages 467-473]
Ajilian Abbasi, Maryam
Immunization Coverage in WHO Regions: A Review Article [Volume 3, 2.1, 2015, Pages 111-118]
Ajilian Abbasi, Maryam
Pain Management in Children with Collaborative Parents and Healthcare Team [Volume 3, 2.2, 2015, Pages 561-573]
Ajilian Abbasi, Maryam
The Effects of Speech Training, Guidebook and Simultaneous Method, on the Knowledge and Attitude of Students about HIV/AIDS [Volume 3, 3.1, 2015, Pages 617-624]
Ajilian Abbasi, Maryam
Preparation a Child for Surgery and Hospitalization [Volume 3, 3.1, 2015, Pages 593-599]
Ajilian Abbasi, Maryam
Infant and Young Child Feeding: a Key area to Improve Child Health [Volume 3, 6.1, 2015, Pages 1083-1092]
Ajilian Abbasi, Maryam
Customs and Desirable after Childbirth, in Islam [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 1297-1303]
Ajilian Abbasi, Maryam
Adolescence Health: the Needs, Problems and Attention [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 1423-1438]
Ajilian Abbasi, Maryam
Refugees in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: Needs, Problems and Challenges [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 4625-4639]
Akbarfahimi,, Nazila
How are Gross Motor Functions, Manual Abilities, and Cognitive Functions related to the Quality of Life in Children with Cerebral Palsy? [Volume 10, Issue 11, 2022, Pages 16992-17001]
Akbar Haghighat, Maryam
Determinants of Complementary Feeding Practices among Children Aged 6-23: a Community based Study [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 4551-4560]
Akbari, Bahram
Comparison of CPP-ACP, Fluoride Varnish and Gel effects on enamel microhardness of permanent teeth: In-Vitro [Volume 9, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 13875-13886]
Akbari, Fatemeh
Relationship between Anthropometrical and Physiological Parameters with Running Time of Elite Girls, Ardabil, Iran [Volume 9, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 13269-13280]
Akbari, Fatemmeh
Relationship between Anthropometrical and Physiological Parameters with Jumping and Throwing Distance of Elite Girls [Volume 8, Issue 6, 2020, Pages 11493-11503]
Akbari, Hooshang
Comparing the Hemodynamic Stability, Anti-Anxiety, and Sedation Effects of Intranasal Midazolam and Ketamine as Premedication in Pediatric Hernia Repair Surgery [Volume 11, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 17698-17705]
Akbari, Jafar
Formulation, Optimization and Evaluation of Nanofiber Based Fast Dissolving Drug Delivery System of Colchicine for Pediatrics [Volume 9, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 13213-13224]
Akbari, Mahnaz
Clinical Findings of Infants Born to an HIV-Positive Mother: A Hospital Based Case-Control Study in Tehran, Iran [Volume 7, Issue 9, 2019, Pages 10049-10056]
Akbari, Mojtaba
Academic Performance, Sleep Disorders and Their Association in Middle School Students in Iran [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 4541-4549]
Akbari, Narjes
The Relationship between Periodontal Disease, Preterm Delivery, and Low Birth Weight of Infants: A Case-Control Study [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 17665-17672]
Akbari, Razieh
Association between Anterior Cervical Angle of the Uterus and Preterm Birth [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 12031-12037]
Akbari, Razieh
Vulvar lipoblastoma in the utero of a female fetus: A case report [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 15365-15369]
Akbari, Sajjad
Efficacy of Tactile Method versus Visual Method to Define Needle Insertion Site of Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block for Pulpotomy in Children: A double-Blind, Randomized, Cross-over Study [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 13091-13102]
Akbari, Sajjad
Premarital Screening for Beta-Thalassemia in Birjand City [Volume 11, Issue 10, 2023, Pages 18306-18313]
Akbarian, elahe
Comparison of RT-PCR, lung CT Scan, and Anti-COVID-19 Antibody Results in Hospitalized Children Suspected for COVID-19 [Volume 9, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 14888-14895]
Akbarian, Elahe
Comparing Blood glucose changes in PICU patients with and without COVID-19 [Volume 11, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 17800-17806]
Akbarian, Mona
The Effect of Phone Counseling for Mothers of Premature Infants Discharged from the Hospital on Infants’ Readmission [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2017, Pages 5441-5450]
Akbari Asbagh, Firouzeh
The Effect of Intrauterine Infusion of Human Gonadotropin (HCG) on the Outcome of Embryo Transfer Cycles in Infertile Women: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 13429-13436]
Akbari Asbagh, Parvin
Evaluation of Causes,Frequency and Prognosis of Hydrops Fetalis: A Case- Series Study at a Referral Hospital in Tehran, Iran [Volume 3, 1.1, 2015, Pages 391-395]
Akbari Asbagh, Parvin
The Effect of Intrauterine Infusion of Human Gonadotropin (HCG) on the Outcome of Embryo Transfer Cycles in Infertile Women: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 13429-13436]
Akbari Asbagh, Parvin
Neonatal and Maternal Outcomes in Pregnant Women with Cardiac Disease in Iranian Population [Volume 9, Issue 10, 2021, Pages 14592-14599]
Akbari Farmad, Somayeh
A Systematized Review of Pediatric Resident Selection Criteria [Volume 10, Issue 12, 2022, Pages 17157-17171]
Akbari Kamrani, Mahnaz
Tendency toward Weight Loss among Iranian Adolescent Girls: Study on Perceived Weight, Ideal Body Mass Index and Attitude toward Eating Disorders [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2203-2211]
Akbari Kamrani, Mahnaz
The Effect of Group Counselling on Body Image Coping Strategy among Adolescent Girls [Volume 6, Issue 5, 2018, Pages 7709-7716]
Akbarirad, Fatemeh
Evaluation of Vitamin D Status and Effective Maternal Factors on Vitamin D Levels in Cord Blood of Infants Born in Zahedan, Iran [Volume 9, Issue 5, 2021, Pages 13455-13462]
Akbari Sari, Ali
Treatment Costs for Pediatrics Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia; Comparing Clinical Expenditures in Developed and Developing Countries: a Review Article [Volume 4, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 4033-4041]
Akbariyan Rad, Zahra
Effect of the Local Heat on the Pain of Vitamin K Injection in the Infants [Volume 4, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 4081-4088]
Akbarzadeh, Abolfazl
The effect of Dimethyl Sulfoxide on hepatogenic differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 57-57]
Akbarzadeh, Sama
The rs6323 and uVNTR Polymorphisms in the MAOA Gene are Associated with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Iranian Azeri Children [Volume 10, Issue 9, 2022, Pages 16712-16718]
Akbarzadeh, Samaneh
The Effect of Aromatherapy (with Lavender) on Dysmenorrhea: A Systematic Review and Meta –Analysis [Volume 7, Issue 7, 2019, Pages 9657-9666]
Akbarzadeh Baghban, Alireza
Risk Factors of Physical Domestic Violence against Women during Breastfeeding in Tehran, Iran: A Cross-Sectional Study [Volume 8, Issue 12, 2020, Pages 12553-12563]
Akbradi rad, Fatemeh
Evaluation of Stress, Anxiety and Depression in Parents with a Child Newly Diagnosed with Diabetes Type I [Volume 4, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 3741-3749]
Akerele, William Omoh
Effect of Intravenous Fluid on Perioperative Plasma Sodium Concentration in Pediatric Surgical Patients [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 14043-14049]
Akhavan, Hossein
The Relationship between Chronic Constipation and Urinary Tract Infection in Children: A Case-Control Clinical Study [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 5715-5721]
Akhavan, Hossein
Understanding the Physical Activity Behavior of Iranian Female Students: Two Approaches to Analyzing the Theory of Planned Behavior [Volume 9, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 13753-13763]
Akhavan, Hossein
Olfactory Stimulation by Breast Milk Odor May Improve Behavioral Feeding in Preterm Infants: A Review [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 15191-15204]
Akhavan, Mansureh
Lifestyle Intervention for Infant's Gastroesophageal Reflux in Persian Medicine [Volume 8, Issue 11, 2020, Pages 12439-12441]
Akhavan –Taheri, Majid
Epidemiological Investigation of Pediatric Tuberculosis in Tehran Province, 2006-2015 [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 1895-1902]
Akhavan Sales, Samaneh
Evaluation of Brain Natriuretic Peptide plasma levels in children with Congenital Heart Diseases [Volume 4, Issue 10, 2016, Pages 3615-3626]
Akhavan Sepahi, Mohsen
Metabolic and Anatomic Abnormalities Associated with Pediatric Nephrolithiasis: a Cross-Sectional Study [Volume 5, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 4833-4838]
Akhavan Sepahi, Mohsen
Relationship between urinary reflux and nephrolithiasis in children- a cross-sectional study [Volume 5, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 4965-4973]
Akhgar Piraebi, Afshin
Hospital Cost Associated with Pediatrics Urinary Tract Infection: Before and After Health Sector Evolution Program in the West of Iran [Volume 3, 4.1, 2015, Pages 733-738]
Akhlagh, Seyed Amirreza
Tübingen Hip Flexion Splint for Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip in Children and its Safety Assessment: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11775-11781]
Akhlagh, Seyed Amirreza
A Review on the Relation between Sepsis and Vitamin D Level among Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Infants [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11849-11854]
Akhlaghi, Alireza
The Status of Providing Feedback in Clinical Education from the Perspective of Medical Students in Pediatric Department of Bushehr University of Medical Services, Bushehr, Iran [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 10975-10984]
Akhlaghi, Elmira
Electrocardiography Findings in Children with Epilepsy Compared with Healthy Children [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9783-9792]
Akhodian, Javad
Neonatal Infections: a 5-Year Analysis in a Neonatal Care Unit in North East of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 3989-3998]
Akhondian, J
Children Sedation during Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Comparison of Two Methods [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 38-38]
Akhondian, Javad
A Treatable Refractory Epilepsy: A Case Report [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 93-96]
Akhondian, Javad
Spinal Muscular Atrophy: A Short Review Article [Volume 2, 3.1, 2014, Pages 211-215]
Akhondian, Javad
Evaluation of Liver Enzymes Rising in Patients Treated with Sodium Valproate (VPA) [Volume 3, 3.2, 2015, Pages 685-689]
Akhondian, Javad
The Effect of Melatonin on Pediatric Drug-Resistant Epilepsy; a Randomized Double Blind Clinical Trial [Volume 4, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 3897-3906]
Akhondian, Javad
Acute Flaccid Myelitis in A 9- year- old Girl: A Case Report [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 10969-10973]
Akhondian, Javad
A Single-center Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing the Treatment Efficacy of High Dose Oral Prednisolone with Intramuscular Adrenocorticotropic Hormone in Patients with Infantile Spasm [Volume 8, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 12157-12163]
Akhondian, Javad
The Effects of Botulinum Toxin Type A on Reducing Sialorrhea in Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Self-Controlled Clinical Trial [Volume 11, Issue 12, 2023, Pages 18406-18412]
Akhondian, Javad
Frequency of Febrile Seizures in COVID-19 Children in Akbar Children's Hospital [Volume 12, Issue 7, 2024, Pages 18912-18920]
Akhondian, Mohammad Reza
A Single-center Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing the Treatment Efficacy of High Dose Oral Prednisolone with Intramuscular Adrenocorticotropic Hormone in Patients with Infantile Spasm [Volume 8, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 12157-12163]
Akhondzadeh, Afsaneh
Neonatal and Maternal Outcomes in Pregnant Women with Cardiac Disease in Iranian Population [Volume 9, Issue 10, 2021, Pages 14592-14599]
Akhondzadeh, Afsaneh
Accuracy of Crib-Ii for Predicting Mortality of Preterm Infants Admitted to the NICU [Volume 12, Issue 6, 2024, Pages 18859-18866]
Akhoondian, Javad
Validation of the Persian Translation of the TAND Checklist in Children with Tuberous Sclerosis Syndrome [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 18501-18505]
Akhound Noghani, Farzaneh
The Survey of the Environmental Health Status and Safety of Public and Non- Public Elementary Schools in Mashhad, Iran [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10523-10532]
Akhtari, Seyed Amir Reza
Quality of Life Based on Oral Health Impact Profile among Adolescents Undergoing Fixed Orthodontic Appliances [Volume 8, Issue 12, 2020, Pages 12651-12657]
Akrami, Faezeh Sadat
A Systematic Review of Psychometric Properties of Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale-Short Form (BSES-SF) [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2018, Pages 8619-8630]
Akrami, Faezeh Sadat
A Systematic Review of Instruments Measuring Family and Social Support of Breastfeeding Mothers [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 8821-8829]
Akrami, Seyed Mohammad
Phospho-SMC1 in-Cell ELISA based Detection of Ataxia Telangiectasia [Volume 4, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 3957-3967]
Akramian Arani, Zeinab
The Effect of Local Indigenous Games on children’s Physical and Perceived Fitness [Volume 11, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 17749-17758]
Akramipour, Reza
The Comparison of Desfonak with Desferal in Patients with Beta Thalassemia Major: A Randomized Crossover Clinical Trial [Volume 7, Issue 10, 2019, Pages 10195-10204]
Ala, Saleheh
An Unusual Presentation of Annular Pancreas: A Case Report [Volume 3, 1.1, 2015, Pages 416-420]
Alaaeddine, Hussein
The impact of physical activity classes on academic performance in Lebanese students aged 9 to 14 years: a quasi-experimental study [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 17254-17265]
Alaeddini, Farshid
The Sensitivity, Specificity and Predictive Values of Snellen Chart Compared to the Diagnostic Test in Amblyopia Screening Program in Iran [Volume 3, 6.2, 2015, Pages 1125-1133]
Alaee, Mohammadeza
Investigating Carotid Intima Media Thickness in Children with Type 1 Diabetes and Its Relationship with HbA1c, Cholesterol, Duration of Disease and BMI: A Cross-Sectional Study [Volume 10, Issue 10, 2022, Pages 16817-16824]
Alaei, Fariba
Assessment of Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Velocity Time Integral in Pediatric Patients with Vasovagal Syncope [Volume 9, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 13663-13669]
Alaei, Fariba
Determining Cardiovascular Complications in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease by Measuring Blood Pressure Using Ambulatory Blood Pressure Measurement and Traditional Auscultation Method [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 18681-18690]
Alaei, Mohammad Reza
Diagnostic Accuracy of Growth Rate in Differentiating Etiologies of Short Stature in Children [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 3355-3361]
Alamatsaz, Marziyeh
A Missense Mutation of G257A at Exon 3 in PEX7 CDS Was Responsible for the Incidence of Rhizomelic Chondrodysplasia Punctata Type 1 [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7193-7200]
Alamdaran, Ali
A Novel Experience in Treatment of Liver Hydatidosis in Pediatrics: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 5945-5952]
Alamdaran, Ali
Ultrasonographic Evaluation of the Sacrococcyx and Spinal Canal in Children with Constipation [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6267-6274]
Alamdaran, Ali
Papillary Carcinoma Thyroid in a Nine-year-old Child: A Case Report [Volume 6, Issue 8, 2018, Pages 8015-8019]
Alamdaran, Ali
Ultrasound Findings of Appendico-cecal invagination: A Case Report and Literature Review [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9793-9798]
Alamdaran, Ali
Clinical Value of Low Dose CT- Scan in Pediatric Chest Diseases: Adequacy Assessment [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 10845-10851]
Alamdaran, Seied Ali
Proposed TART-RADS Classification for Testicular Ultrasound: Our Experience and Literature Review [Volume 10, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 16112-16120]
Alamdaran, Seyed Ali
Intraoperative Sonographic Guided Pull-through Anorectoplasty: A Novel Procedure for Imperforate Anus and Rectourethral Fistula: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6195-6200]
Alamdaran, Seyed Ali
Ultrasound- guided Hydrostatic (Hydrocolonic) Treatment of Meconium Ileus: A Preliminary Report [Volume 6, Issue 8, 2018, Pages 8111-8118]
Alamdaran, Seyed Ali
Thoracic Mass Nature Determination; What Modality Is Better in Pediatric Age? [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9921-9928]
Alamdaran, Seyed Ali
Ultrasound Guided Hydrostatic Treatment of Meconium Ileus; another Indication for Ultrasound Based Approach to Bowel Obstruction [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11737-11742]
Alamdaran, Seyed Ali
Radiographic Pattern of Colon Transit Time in Iranian Children with Constipation [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 13905-13914]
Alamdaran, Seyed Ali
Presentation of Sonographic Features of Pulmonary Invasive Fungal Disease in Six Children with Leukemia [Volume 9, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 13203-13211]
Alamdaran, Seyed Ali
Ileum Terminal and Mesenteric Vessels; Two Fundamental Gateways of Ultrasound Examination in Acute Abdomen of Children: Review Article [Volume 9, Issue 8, 2021, Pages 14183-14195]
Alamdaran, Seyed Ali
Prevalence of Testicular Adrenal Rest Tumor and Factors Associated with its Development in 6 Months to 18 Years-old Patients with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia [Volume 9, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 15022-15028]
Alamdaran, Seyed Ali
The Diagnostic Value of Different Sonography Findings and Color Doppler Sonography in Detecting Biliary Atresia in Infants and Neonates [Volume 10, Issue 7, 2022, Pages 16281-16290]
Alamdaran, Seyed Ali
The Diagnostic Value of Mesenteric Vessel Abnormalities on Ultrasound for Malrotation [Volume 10, Issue 12, 2022, Pages 17119-17126]
Alamdaran, Seyed Ali
Bowel Obstruction in Children; Ultrasound or Abdominal X-ray? [Volume 11, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 17878-17886]
Alamdaran, Seyed Ali
The Effects of Botulinum Toxin Type A on Reducing Sialorrhea in Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Self-Controlled Clinical Trial [Volume 11, Issue 12, 2023, Pages 18406-18412]
Alamdari, Daryoush Hamidi
Methylene Blue for the Treatment of COVID-19 in Pediatrics [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 15281-15284]
Alami, Ali
A Study of Features of Backpack Carrying Methods by Schoolchildren: A Population-Based Study [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2018, Pages 8517-8525]
Alamolhoda, Seideh Hanieh
The Impact of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus on Motor Development in 12-Month-Old Children Referred to Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Iran [Volume 8, Issue 12, 2020, Pages 12575-12583]
Alamolhoda, Seideh Hanieh
Risk of Child ADHD and Low Birth Weight: A Systematic Review Study [Volume 9, Issue 9, 2021, Pages 14421-14434]
Alani, Nadereh
The Relationship between Severe Hyperbilirubinemia and Abnormal Auditory Brainstem Response in children [Volume 2, 3.3, 2014, Pages 5-10]
Alaoui, Mariame
Study of Bacterial Contamination of Mobile Phones and Stethoscopes in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit [Volume 5, Issue 11, 2017, Pages 6139-6142]
Alaqaband, Musadiq Mustaq
Thrombocytosis As Potential Diagnostic Tool for Serious Bacterial Infection In Febrile Infants; Srinagar, India [Volume 2, 4.3, 2014, Pages 413-420]
Alaqaband, Musadiq
Familial Chylomicronemia Reported in a Ten Days Old Neonate [Volume 3, 1.2, 2015, Pages 449-453]
A. Latiff, Latiffah
Determinants of Nutritional Status in Children living in Mashhad, Iran [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 9-18]
Alavi, Azin
Factors Involved in the Mortality of Infants under the Age of One Year in Bandar Abbas-Iran: A Document-Based Study [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 7519-7527]
Alavi, Mousa
The Effects of Addiction on Children and Women: A Qualitative Study [Volume 8, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 12165-12176]
Alavi Majd, Hamid
Relation between Social Determinants of Maternal Health and Child Development: A Path Analysis [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2018, Pages 8643-8654]
Alavi Majd, Hamid
Unmet Needs for Healthy Newborns’ Mothers in Hospital Care: A Qualitative Study [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10669-10679]
Alavi Majd, Hamid
Factors Related to the Age at Menarche in Iran: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 12091-12104]
Alavi Majd, Hamid
Postpartum Mental Health and its Relationship with Social-Structural Determinants of Health in Iran with the Approach of the World Health Organization Model: A Systematic Review [Volume 9, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 13703-13729]
Alavi Majd, Hamid
The Correlation between the Mothers’ and their Daughters’ Ages of Menarche: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis [Volume 9, Issue 9, 2021, Pages 14481-14496]
Alavi Majd, Hamid
Postpartum Mental Health and Its Relationship with Mediating Social Determinants of Health in Iran based on the WHO Model: A Systematic Review [Volume 10, Issue 8, 2022, Pages 16564-16605]
Al-Awamreh, Khetam
Prevention Strategies and Guidelines to Manage Obesity in Children and Young People [Volume 7, Issue 9, 2019, Pages 10043-10047]
Alawqatii, Tala
Disparities of Clinical Features and Associated Maternal Factors among Symmetrical and a Symmetrical Intra-Uterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) in NICU at Al-Yarmouk Teaching Hospital in Baghdad, Iraq [Volume 6, Issue 6, 2018, Pages 7815-7822]
Alazzam, Manar
Evaluation of Intervention Programs for Children with Autism [Volume 7, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 9341-9347]
Al-Azzam, Manar
Prevention Strategies and Guidelines to Manage Obesity in Children and Young People [Volume 7, Issue 9, 2019, Pages 10043-10047]
Al-bahadily, Abdul-karem
The Effect of Pregnancy Induced Hypertension on Complete Blood Count of Newborn [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 5667-5676]
Al-bahadily, Abdul-karem
Autoimmune Thyroid Disorder in Children and Adolescents with Type I Diabetes Mellitus [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 7433-7442]
Al-bahadily, Abdul-karem Jasem Mohammed
Hypertonic 3% Saline in Comparison with 0.9% (Normal) Saline in Treatment of Acute Bronchiolitis [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 4209-4216]
ALBashtawy, Mohammed
Prevention Strategies and Guidelines to Manage Obesity in Children and Young People [Volume 7, Issue 9, 2019, Pages 10043-10047]
Al-bayyari, Nahla
Common Factors Associated With Child Deaths, at a Tertiary Care Centre in Irbid Government, Jordan [Volume 6, Issue 8, 2018, Pages 8021-8030]
Al-Bayyari, Nahla
Nutritional and Dietary Interventions of Autistic Spectrum Disorders: A Short Review [Volume 7, Issue 11, 2019, Pages 10343-10348]
Alborzi, Fariba
Investigation of Physical Factors Affecting the Wayfinding of Educational Spaces Children aged 7-12 years old in Rasht, North of Iran [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10689-10704]
Alborzi, Jila
Investigating of Moral Distress and Attitude to Euthanasia in the Intensive Care Unit Nurses [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2018, Pages 8475-8482]
Aldaghi, Ghazaleh Sadat
Synbiotic supplementation in type one diabetes mellitus: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2023, Pages 18044-18054]
Aldaghi, Jafar
Synbiotic supplementation in type one diabetes mellitus: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2023, Pages 18044-18054]
Aldaghi, Mitra
Herbal Appetizer for Children with Failure to Thrive (FTT) in View of Traditional Persian Medicine: A Review [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6203-6220]
Aleahmad, Fatemeh
The characterization of CD marker profile of breast milk-derived stem cell [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 47-47]
Alebrahim, Zahra
Prophylactic Efficacy of Cinnarizine versus Propranolol in the Treatment of Childhood Migraine: A Single-Blind Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 8907-8913]
Alekseecich, Ippolitov Yuri
Personified Orthodontic Treatment of Adults with Malocclusions and Deformations in Dentition Depending on the Degree of Caries Resistance of the Dental Enamel [Volume 8, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 12143-12150]
Alemseged, Abel
Medication Prescribing Pattern at a Pediatric Ward of an Ethiopian Hospital [Volume 2, 4.2, 2014, Pages 23-30]
Alemzadeh, Maryam
Knowledge and Attitude of General Practitioners Regarding Pediatric Asthma and Allergy [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 17238-17245]
Alemzadeh, Maryam
Incidence Trend of Primary Brain Tumors in Children and Adolescents in Iran: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 17428-17437]
Alemzadeh, Maryam
Prevalence of Diabetic Nephropathy in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes in Iran: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2023, Pages 18080-18088]
Alexander, Arun
A Cervical Thymic Cyst with Persistent Thymopharyngeal Tract: A Case Report [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7265-7270]
Alexandria, Adilis Kalina
Traumatic Habit causing Gingival Recession in a child: 3-Year Follow Up [Volume 3, 1.2, 2015, Pages 455-458]
Alfi, Najmeh
Effects of Body Massage on Response to Phototherapy in Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11347-11353]
Alharbi, Roaa
Prevalence of Pediatric Obesity in Outpatient Clinics at a Tertiary Maternity and Children’s Hospital: A Cross-Sectional Study [Volume 12, Issue 5, 2024, Pages 18793-18802]
Ali, Rasha
Developmental Outcomes in Early-treated Congenital Hypothyroidism: Specific Concern in Tc99m Thyroid Scan Role [Volume 7, Issue 6, 2019, Pages 9631-9643]
Ali, Shymaa Mohamed
Response of Maximum Inspiratory Pressure and Functional Capacity to Positive End-Expiratory Pressure Device after Valvular Heart Surgery [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11701-11708]
Ali, Syed Rehan
Retroperitoneal Hemorrhage in a Neonate: A Rare Presentation of Hemophilia B [Volume 7, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 9081-9084]
Aliabadi, Nafiseh
Serum and Urine C - Reactive Protein, Mean Platelet Volume and Neutrophil/ Lymphocyte Ratio as Diagnostic Values in Neonatal Sepsis [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 17636-17645]
Ali-Akbari sichani, Bahareh
Effect of Crocus sativus (Saffron) on Cervical Ripening and Progress of Labor in Primiparous Term Women: A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 12105-12115]
Ali Akbarniya Omran, Forogh
Investigating the Diagnostic Value of Interleukin 33 Biomarker in the Diagnosis of Biliary Atresia in Infants with Cholestasis Admitted to Akbar Hospital in Mashhad [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2024, Pages 19008-19021]
Alibeigi, Zahra
Evaluation of Cardiac Dysfunction in Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11727-11736]
Alidad, Alireza
The Relationship between Motor Skills and Language Performance in Mentally Retarded Children [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2023, Pages 18112-18122]
Alidadi, Hoseein
The Survey of the Environmental Health Status and Safety of Public and Non- Public Elementary Schools in Mashhad, Iran [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10523-10532]
Alidadi, Hoseein
Microbial Air Monitoring in the Pediatric Burn Ward: Experience at the University Hospital of Mashhad, Iran [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 14061-14075]
Alidadi- Shamsabadi, Elham
Relationships of Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions and Lactation Patterns in Lactating Mothers [Volume 8, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 12243-12252]
Alidosti, Masoumeh
Physical Activity in Adolescent Girls and their Perceptions of Obesity Prevention in Shahr-e Kord, Iran [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 3249-3262]
Alidosti, Masoumeh
Investigation of the Knowledge and Skill of Proper Consumption of Fruit and Vegetables among Shahrekord Adolescent Girls [Volume 4, Issue 10, 2016, Pages 3699-3707]
Alidosti, Masoumeh
Association between perceived self-efficacy, outcome expectations and outcome evaluation and fruit and vegetables consumption in adolescent girls [Volume 5, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 4889-4898]
Alidosti, Masoumeh
The Determination of Physical Activity among Girl Adolescents based on Trans-theoretical model (TTM) [Volume 5, Issue 7, 2017, Pages 5315-5326]
Ali Eslami, Ahmad
Do Maternal Oral Health-Related Self-Efficacy and Knowledge Influence Oral Hygiene Behavior of their Children? [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2035-2042]
Ali Eslami, Ahmad
Relationship between Breakfast Consumption and Self-Efficacy, outcome Expectations, Evaluation and Knowledge in Elementary Students [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 4163-4174]
Ali Ibrahem, Reham
Preparedness for an Isolation Unit during Covid‐19 Pandemic in PICU of Minia University Hospital: Practical Considerations and Outcomes [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 17544-17557]
Alijanpour, Shayan
Effect of Vitamin D Therapy on Hashimoto's Thyroiditis in Children with Hypovitaminosis D [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 10889-10897]
Alijanpour Aghamaleki, Morteza
Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on Pancreatic Β -Cell Function in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and Vitamin D Deficiency: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 8977-8984]
Alijanpour Aghamaleki, Morteza
Effect of Vitamin D Therapy on Hashimoto's Thyroiditis in Children with Hypovitaminosis D [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 10889-10897]
Alijanpour Aghamaleki, Morteza
Multi-organ Presentation of Children with COVID-19 Infection in the North of Iran: A Retrospective Study [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 13411-13419]
Alijanpour Aghamaleki, Morteza
The effect of herbal medicine on neonatal jaundice: a systematic review [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 15377-15388]
Alijanpour Aghamaleki, Morteza
Cut off Value for Parathormone Level in Children with Vitamin D Deficiency [Volume 10, Issue 11, 2022, Pages 16960-16968]
Alikhani, Alireza
The Prevalence of Transient and Permanent Congenital Hypothyroidism in Infants of Kurdistan Province, Iran (2006-2014) [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 4309-4318]
Alikhani, Mostafa
Effect of Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on Reduction Social and Emotional Maladjustment of Physically Abused Children: A Clinical Trial [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2017, Pages 5473-5481]
Alikhasi, Narges
Comparison of CNS Relapse, Survival and Intelligent Quotient in Non-High Risk ALL Children Treated with Intrathecal Methotrexate or Triple Intrathecal Therapy [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9955-9965]
Alilu, Leyla
The Effect of Probiotics on Late-Onset Sepsis in Very Preterm Infants: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2018, Pages 8371-8379]
Alimadadi, Hosein
The Clinical Manifestations, Treatment Efficacy and Adverse Drug Reactions in 62 Iranian Child with Wilson Disease [Volume 2, 3.3, 2014, Pages 25-29]
Alimadadi, Hosein
A 13.5- Year Old Boy with Abdominal Pain and Weight Loss and Chronic Intussusception [Volume 5, Issue 11, 2017, Pages 6041-6046]
Alimadadi, Hosein
Comparison of the Different Protocols for the Eradication of Pediatric Helicobacter Pylori Infection in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 13041-13047]
Alimadadi, Hosein
Endoscopic Findings and Associated Factors in Children with Hematemesis [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 12999-13004]
Alimohammadi, Shohreh
The Effect of Oral Progesterone on Deceasing Preterm Labor in Patients with a History of Preterm Labor [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10711-10717]
Alimohammadi, Shohreh
Investigating the Impact of Metformin Consumption on the Incidence of Gestational Diabetes and Preeclampsia in Pregnant Women Suffering Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 8, Issue 6, 2020, Pages 11383-11392]
Alimohammadi, Sina
Unusual Presentation of Splenogonadal Fusion in a 7-Month-Old Male Infant [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 10905-10910]
Alinejad, Mahin
The Effect of Health Promoting Schools Programs in Improving the Health Status of Schools in Urmia, North West of Iran [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 4319-4327]
Alinejad, Saeed
Atrial and Ventricular Electrocardiographic Dromotropic Disturbances in Down Syndrome Patients with Structurally Normal Heart: A Cross-Sectional Study [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 7345-7351]
Alinejad, Saeed
The Relationship of Child Abuse and Functional Constipation in Children: A Case-Control Study [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9873-9882]
Alinejad, Samira
Epidemiology of Pediatric Acute Poisoning in Iran: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 10, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 16082-16100]
Alinejad, Samira
Evaluating the Effect of Prophylactic Acetaminophen in the Prevention of Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) in Premature Neonates: A randomized clinical trial [Volume 11, Issue 12, 2023, Pages 18424-18432]
Alinezhad, Farbod
Prevalence of Spinal Deformities among School Age Children in Iran: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 10, Issue 7, 2022, Pages 16402-16416]
Alipoor, Mikaeil
Do Maternal Oral Health-Related Self-Efficacy and Knowledge Influence Oral Hygiene Behavior of their Children? [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2035-2042]
Alipoor, Mohammad
The Effect of ringer Lactate as the Priming Solution of the Cardiopulmonary by Pass Circuit on Plasma Potassium Levels after Open Heart Surgery in Children [Volume 3, 6.1, 2015, Pages 1015-1020]
Alipoor, Vahid
Investigating the Financial Burden of Inappropriate Use of Supplements in Children under Two Years of Age Receiving the HealthCare Services at Government Health Centers in Qom Province, Iran, in 2019 [Volume 9, Issue 9, 2021, Pages 14319-14330]
Alipour, Ahmad
Comparison of the effectiveness of GOD oriented multidimensional spiritual parenting and positive parenting on mothers with high stress [Volume 9, Issue 8, 2021, Pages 14157-14171]
Alipour anbarani, Mansoure
Investigating the Determinants of Physical Activity in Students in Order to Prevent Diabetes based on Planned Behavior Theory [Volume 7, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 9189-9195]
Alipour anbarani, Mansoure
The Factors Determining the Physical Activity of Students: A Systematic Review [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9977-9985]
Alipour-anbarani, Mansoure
Understanding the Physical Activity Behavior of Iranian Female Students: Two Approaches to Analyzing the Theory of Planned Behavior [Volume 9, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 13753-13763]
Alipour Anbarani, Mansoure
Junk Food Consumption and Effects on Growth Status among Children Aged 6-24 Months in Mashhad, Northeastern Iran [Volume 3, 4.2, 2015, Pages 817-822]
Alipour Anbarani, Mansoure
Physical Literacy of 16-18-Years Adolescents: A Qualitative Study [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 15116-15125]
Alipour Anbarani, Mansoureh
The Effect of Training Diabetes Prevention Behaviors on Promotion of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Students for Prevention of Diabetes in Mashhad City [Volume 3, 2.2, 2015, Pages 501-507]
Alipour Anbarani, Mansoureh
The Effects of Speech Training, Guidebook and Simultaneous Method, on the Knowledge and Attitude of Students about HIV/AIDS [Volume 3, 3.1, 2015, Pages 617-624]
Alipour Anbarani, Mansureh
Pain Management in Children with Collaborative Parents and Healthcare Team [Volume 3, 2.2, 2015, Pages 561-573]
Alireza, Makhmudi Abbas
Personified Orthodontic Treatment of Adults with Malocclusions and Deformations in Dentition Depending on the Degree of Caries Resistance of the Dental Enamel [Volume 8, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 12143-12150]
Alirezayi, Sahar
Association of Perceived Weight Status and Health-Related Quality of Life in Children and Adolescents: the Weight Disorder Survey of the CASPIAN- IV Study [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 7393-7404]
Alishahi, Rouzbeh
Can Weight Gain Predict the Outcome of Childhood Leukemia? [Volume 11, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 17739-17748]
Aliu, Rasaki
Effect of Lisinopril on Microalbuminuria in Sickle Cell Anaemia Children: A Single-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial [Volume 8, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 11013-11022]
Alizadeh, Anahita
Epidemiology of Suicidal Attempts by Poisoning and Related Risk Factors in Pregnant Women in Imam Reza Hospital, Mashhad, Iran [Volume 7, Issue 7, 2019, Pages 9753-9758]
Alizadeh, Anahita
Loss of consciousness in a child after consuming an ointment: A Case Report [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2023, Pages 18189-18191]
Alizadeh, Behzad
Immediate and Short-term Follow-Up of Aortic Coarctation Balloon Angioplasty and Stenting [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6771-6777]
Alizadeh, Behzad
The Attitude of Pediatric Residents and Medical Students in the Pediatric Wards of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences Regarding the Educational Role of the Pediatric Residents [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 12915-12925]
Alizadeh, Behzad
A Systematic Review of the Prediction of Preterm Birth Using Cervical Elastography [Volume 9, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 13117-13125]
Alizadeh, Behzad
Doppler Phonolyser in Comparison to Conventional Statoscope in Detecting and Interpreting Abnormal heart Murmurs in Congenital and Structural Heart Defects [Volume 9, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 15109-15115]
Alizadeh, Behzad
Oxygen Saturation Screening Test: A Useful Method for Predicting Complex Congenital Heart Disease in Newborns [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 15460-15465]
Alizadeh, Effat
The effect of Dimethyl Sulfoxide on hepatogenic differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 57-57]
Alizadeh, Fatemeh
Evaluation of Serum Levels of N-terminal Pro Brain Natriuretic Peptide and Atrial Natriuretic Peptide in Neonates with Respiratory Distress [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 1847-1856]
Alizadeh, Khalil
A Novel Experience in Treatment of Liver Hydatidosis in Pediatrics: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 5945-5952]
Alizadeh, Khalil
Intraoperative Sonographic Guided Pull-through Anorectoplasty: A Novel Procedure for Imperforate Anus and Rectourethral Fistula: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6195-6200]
Alizadeh, Marjan
Effects of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy on Behavioral Problems of Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Iran [Volume 10, Issue 8, 2022, Pages 16477-16485]
Alizadeh, Mohammad Karim
Type 1 Tyrosinemia with Hypophosphatemic Rickets; a Case Report [Volume 2, 3.3, 2014, Pages 63-66]
Alizadeh, Saeedeh
Barriers of Parenting in Mothers with a Very Low- Birth- Weight Preterm Infant, and their Coping Strategies: A Qualitative Study [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 5597-5608]
Alizadeh, Zahra
The Attitude of Pediatric Residents and Medical Students in the Pediatric Wards of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences Regarding the Educational Role of the Pediatric Residents [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 12915-12925]
Alizadeh, Zahra
An Evaluation of the Relationship between Hemoglobin Level and Blood Transfusion in Pregnant Women with Intermedia Thalassemia: A Case Series Study [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2023, Pages 18163-18171]
Alizadeh Ghamsari, Anahita
Evaluation Of Methadone Poisoning in Hospitalized Children: A Short Review [Volume 2, 3.2, 2014, Pages 65-67]
Alizadeh-Zarei, Mehdi
Development and Validity of the School Interim Competency of Performance Skill Battery Scale (SICPSBS) [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2018, Pages 8451-8473]
Alizade Noghabi, Ali
Comparison of the Efficacy of Fluvoxamine and Desmopressin-Oxybutynin Combination in the Treatment of Nocturnal Enuresis: A Clinical Trial [Volume 9, Issue 5, 2021, Pages 13479-13488]
Al Jammal, Hassan
The impact of physical activity classes on academic performance in Lebanese students aged 9 to 14 years: a quasi-experimental study [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 17254-17265]
Alkhateeb, Nazdar Ezzaddin
Vitamin D Status in Children with Iron Deficiency and/or Anemia [Volume 4, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 3571-3577]
Alkhawaldeh, Abdullah
Prevention Strategies and Guidelines to Manage Obesity in Children and Young People [Volume 7, Issue 9, 2019, Pages 10043-10047]
Allah Bakeshei, Khadijah
Assessment of the Epidemiology and Factors Associated with the Malaria among Children in Sistan and Baluchistan Province, South East of Iran (2013-2016) [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2229-2239]
Allahdadian, Maryam
Need for Consultation and Training during Bed Rest in Women with High Risk Pregnancy Experience: a Qualitative Study [Volume 4, Issue 5, 2016, Pages 1705-1714]
Allahqoli, Leila
The Effects of Trans-Theoretical Model and Fear of Dental Care on Dental Cleaning Behavior among Students [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9853-9861]
Allam, Emad
Flow Cytometric Determination of Neutrophil CD64 (nCD64) in Children with Community Acquired Pneumonia [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9967-9975]
Allameh, Abdolamir
Recent Technological Advances in Hepatogenic Differentiation of Stem Cells Relevant to Treatment of Liver Diseases [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 20-20]
Allameh, zahra
Evaluation of Proper Prescription of Antacid Agents in a Group of Critically Ill Children Admitted to PICU in 2018-2019 [Volume 10, Issue 9, 2022, Pages 16656-16665]
Allipour-Birgani, Ramesh
The Impact of Adolescent Friendships on Unhealthy Eating Behaviors of Overweight and Obese Adolescents: A Qualitative Study [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2018, Pages 8385-8398]
Almasi, Afshin
Cognitive Determinants Predicting Pediculosis Preventive Behaviors: Application of Health Belief Model [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 15271-15280]
Almasi, Ali
Investigation of Climatic, Health and Economic Factors Affecting on Mortality in the Eastern Mediterranean Region [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9817-9830]
Almasi, Ali
Investigation of some Factors Affecting Stunting and Wasting among the Under-Five Children in Eastern Mediterranean Region [Volume 7, Issue 7, 2019, Pages 9759-9772]
Almasi, Ali
Study of the Spatial Pattern of Malnutrition (Stunting, Wasting and Overweight) in Countries in the World Using Geographic Information System [Volume 7, Issue 10, 2019, Pages 10269-10281]
Almasi, Ali
Spatial Distribution of Premature Infant Mortality in 2000-2017 [Volume 7, Issue 11, 2019, Pages 10349-10359]
Almasian, Mohammad
Formative Research on a Social Marketing Campaign to Promote the Consumption of Healthy Breakfast and Snacks: A Qualitative Study [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 7353-7367]
Almasi-Hashiani, Amir
The Correlation of Human Development Index on Fertility and Mortality Rate: a Global Ecological Study [Volume 4, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 4071-4080]
Almasi-Hashiani, Amir
The Effect of Probiotic in Treatment of Infantile Colic: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 5, Issue 7, 2017, Pages 5295-5303]
Almasi-Hashiani, Amir
Prevalence of Macrosomia in Iran: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 5617-5629]
Almasi-Hashiani, Amir
Diagnostic Value of Calretinin and S100 Immunohistochemistry in Hirschsprung's Disease [Volume 7, Issue 6, 2019, Pages 9577-9589]
Almasi-Hashiani, Amir
The Relationship of Child Abuse and Functional Constipation in Children: A Case-Control Study [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9873-9882]
Almasi-Hashiani, Amir
The Relationship between Development Indices and Children’s Growth Among Under 12-Month-Old Children in Markazi Province, Iran [Volume 10, Issue 11, 2022, Pages 16941-16950]
Almasi-Hashiani, Amir
The Influence of a School-Based Online Educational Intervention on Oral Health Behaviors of Primary School Students during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior [Volume 11, Issue 9, 2023, Pages 18202-18211]
Alnobani, Mohammed
Genotype Pattern of Pediatric Familial Mediterranean Fever in Jordan: A Single Center Experience [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 8935-8940]
Aloda, Mohammed Hassan
The Relationship of Regimen Adherence with Family Resilience and Parenting Style among Adolescents with Type 2 Diabetes [Volume 10, Issue 9, 2022, Pages 16620-16630]
Al-omrani, Areege
Autoimmune Thyroid Disorder in Children and Adolescents with Type I Diabetes Mellitus [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 7433-7442]
Al-Omrani, Areege Abdul-abass Mohammed
Hypertonic 3% Saline in Comparison with 0.9% (Normal) Saline in Treatment of Acute Bronchiolitis [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 4209-4216]
AL-Omrani, Areej
The Effect of Pregnancy Induced Hypertension on Complete Blood Count of Newborn [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 5667-5676]
Aloush, Sami
Prevention Strategies and Guidelines to Manage Obesity in Children and Young People [Volume 7, Issue 9, 2019, Pages 10043-10047]
Al Qadire, Mohammad
Prevention Strategies and Guidelines to Manage Obesity in Children and Young People [Volume 7, Issue 9, 2019, Pages 10043-10047]
Alrimawi, Intima
Prevention Strategies and Guidelines to Manage Obesity in Children and Young People [Volume 7, Issue 9, 2019, Pages 10043-10047]
Alsadi, Eman
Comparison Study of Causes and Neonatal Mortality Rates of Newborns Admitted in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Al-Sadder Teaching Hospital in Al-Amara City, Iraq [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 4601-4611]
Alsadi, Eman
Disparities of Clinical Features and Associated Maternal Factors among Symmetrical and a Symmetrical Intra-Uterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) in NICU at Al-Yarmouk Teaching Hospital in Baghdad, Iraq [Volume 6, Issue 6, 2018, Pages 7815-7822]
Alshahrestani, Afra
Is Aromatherapy Effective for Apnea in Preterm Infants? A Systematic Review [Volume 7, Issue 7, 2019, Pages 9741-9747]
Alshahrestani, Afra
Not to Miss a Subglottic Hemangioma in an Infant: A Case Report [Volume 12, Issue 7, 2024, Pages 18941-18945]
Al-Sharif, Munjed
Exposure to Air Pollution and Pregnancy Outcomes in the East Mediterranean Region: a Systematic Review [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 1255-1271]
Alsweiti, Motasem
Genotype Pattern of Pediatric Familial Mediterranean Fever in Jordan: A Single Center Experience [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 8935-8940]
Aludari, Maryam
Behavioral Problems in Iranian Epileptic Children; A Case Control Study [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6713-6719]
Alva, Prem
A Rare Case of Giant Coronary Aneurysm in a 5- Year- Old Child [Volume 7, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 9075-9079]
Alvandnezhad, Tahereh
The Effect of Mucoadhesive Gel Containing Satureja Hortensis Extract 1% on Severity of Chemotherapy-induced Mucositis Pain in Children: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 6, Issue 5, 2018, Pages 7605-7614]
Alwahadneh, Adel
Genotype Pattern of Pediatric Familial Mediterranean Fever in Jordan: A Single Center Experience [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 8935-8940]
Alyasin, Soheila
Clinical and Serological Findings in Juvenile Patients with Idiopathic Arthritis in Southwestern of Iran [Volume 2, 4.1, 2014, Pages 331-338]
Alyasin, Soheila
Survival of a Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Patient from Transfusion-associated Graft-versus-host Disease: A Case Report [Volume 10, Issue 10, 2022, Pages 16902-16907]
Alyasin, Soheila
Lactate Dehydrogenase as a New Prognostic Factor for Mortality in Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 18649-18658]
Al Zidgali, Faisal
Is Swallowing Assessment for Preterm/High Risk Neonates Important in NICU? [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2024, Pages 19090-19097]
Alzyoud, Raed
Genotype Pattern of Pediatric Familial Mediterranean Fever in Jordan: A Single Center Experience [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 8935-8940]
Amanati, Ali
Neonatal Sepsis as a Risk Factor Associated with Severe COVID-19: A Case Report with Clinical and Imaging Features [Volume 9, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 14997-15002]
Amani, Fatemeh
The Impact of Silymarin on the Symptom Severity in Pediatric Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 11, Issue 10, 2023, Pages 18274-18286]
Amanian, Dayan
Investigating the Severity of Lung Disease Using Lung CT Scan and Pulmonary Function Tests in Children with Cystic Fibrosis [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2023, Pages 18068-18076]
Amanollahi, Omid
The Study Of Diagnostic Value of Elevation of Serum Amylase as a Predictive Factor for Appendiceal Perforation in Children with Acute Appendicitis [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7213-7217]
Ameayou, Sanaa
Breastfeeding in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Casablanca Teaching Hospital Ibn Rochd [Volume 12, Issue 5, 2024, Pages 18823-18831]
Amel Barez, Malikeh
Investigating the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy and its Related Factors in Primiparous Breastfeeding Mothers [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6275-6283]
Amel jamehdar, Saeid
Frequency of HTLV-1 Antibody in Children of 6 Months to 14 Years old Hospitalized in the Pediatric Ward of Imam Reza Hospital, Mashhad, Iran [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 12975-12980]
AmelJamehdar, Saeid
Meningitis after MMR vaccination in Mashhad, Iran [Volume 10, Issue 6, 2022, Pages 16205-16213]
AmelJamehdar, Saeid
A Comparative Study on Enteroviruses in Blood and Stool of Newly Diagnosed Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and Healthy Children [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2023, Pages 18157-18162]
Amer, Hoda Wahid
Effect of Gargling with Warm Salty Green Tea on Signs and Symptoms of Acute Upper Respiratory Tract Infection among Children [Volume 8, Issue 6, 2020, Pages 11409-11423]
Amer, Hoda Wahid
Effect of Nursing Instructions about COVID-19 Preventive Measures on Knowledge and Reported Practice of Hospitalized School Age Children [Volume 8, Issue 6, 2020, Pages 11449-11465]
Ameri, Mohammadamin
The Reconnaissance of Iranian Adolescent’s Perceptions of Radiology Imaging Process [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 12061-12068]
Amidi Mazaheri, Maryam
The Effect of Educational Intervention on Media Literacy among High School Female Students [Volume 6, Issue 7, 2018, Pages 7937-7945]
Amidi Mazaheri, Maryam
The Effect of Educational Intervention Based on Health Belief Model to Decrease and Prevent Mobile Phone Addiction among Female High School Students in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 10, 2019, Pages 10175-10187]
Amidi Mazaheri, Maryam
Prevalence of Internet Addiction and its Association with General Health Status among High School Students in Isfahan, Iran [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10799-10806]
Amin, Mohamed Ahmed
Evaluation of Serum Chemerin and Lipid accumulation product as Predictors of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Simple Obese Egyptian Children [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 11987-11999]
Amin, Mohammad Mehdi
Association of Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter and Risk Factors of Non-Communicable Diseases in Children and Adolescents [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 5871-5880]
Amin, Mohammed
Acute Respiratory Tract Infection in Children under Five- Year; Study of Prevalence, Risk Factors and Outcome in Minia University Children’s Hospital, Egypt [Volume 8, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 11149-11157]
Amin, Reza
Clinical and Serological Findings in Juvenile Patients with Idiopathic Arthritis in Southwestern of Iran [Volume 2, 4.1, 2014, Pages 331-338]
Amini, Abolgasem
Effects of Reflection on Clinical Learning of Medical Students [Volume 3, 2.1, 2015, Pages 39-44]
Amini, Ayeshe
Promoting Behaviors of Healthiness in two Domains of Physical Activity and Nutrition Statue in High School Students [Volume 5, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 4839-4847]
Amini, Elahe
Evaluation of Causes,Frequency and Prognosis of Hydrops Fetalis: A Case- Series Study at a Referral Hospital in Tehran, Iran [Volume 3, 1.1, 2015, Pages 391-395]
Amini, Elahe
Clinical Findings of Infants Born to an HIV-Positive Mother: A Hospital Based Case-Control Study in Tehran, Iran [Volume 7, Issue 9, 2019, Pages 10049-10056]
Amini, Hojat Allah
Effect of Backward Walking Training on Improves Postural Stability in Children with Down syndrome [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2171-2181]
Amini, Niloufar
The Association between Celiac Disease and Eosinophilic Esophagitis among Children, in Isfahan, Iran [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 15521-15528]
Amini, Payam
Prevalence of Macrosomia in Iran: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 5617-5629]
Amini, Payam
The Relationship between Development Indices and Children’s Growth Among Under 12-Month-Old Children in Markazi Province, Iran [Volume 10, Issue 11, 2022, Pages 16941-16950]
Amini, Saeed
The Relationship between Socioeconomic Factors and Malnutrition in Under-5 Iranian Children [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 17388-17396]
Amini, Sara
Autologous Stem Cell in CHF(When is more effective?) Intracoronary Administration of Autologous Bone Marrow Stem Cell in Chronic Heart Failure [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 26-26]
Amini, Shahideh
Optimization of Health Transformation Plan by Drug Utilization Review Strategy in a Pediatric Teaching Hospital [Volume 8, Issue 11, 2020, Pages 12503-12515]
Amini, Shahram
Evaluation of the Effect of Amino Acid Administration on Hypothermia during General Anesthesia in Hypospadias Surgery on Children Aged 2 to 6 Years [Volume 2, 3.1, 2014, Pages 203-210]
Aminian, Maedeh
Evaluation of Dento-maxillofacial Changes in Pediatric ß-Thalassemia Major Patients in Northern Iran [Volume 5, Issue 7, 2017, Pages 5219-5227]
Aminimoghadam, Saeed
Doppler Phonolyser in Comparison to Conventional Statoscope in Detecting and Interpreting Abnormal heart Murmurs in Congenital and Structural Heart Defects [Volume 9, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 15109-15115]
Amini Rarani, Saeid
Effects of Abdominal Massage on Feeding Tolerance in Preterm Infants Hospitalized in Selected Hospitals of Isfahan- Iran [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 4503-4510]
Amini Rarani, Saeid
Effects of Abdominal Massage on the Weight Gain of Preterm Infants Hospitalized in Selected Hospitals of Isfahan, Iran: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial [Volume 6, Issue 9, 2018, Pages 8153-8160]
Aminisefat, Alireza
Electroencephalogram in Cirrhotic Children without Clinical Encephalopathy [Volume 12, Issue 6, 2024, Pages 18841-18850]
Aminorroaya, Ashraf
An Exploratory Study of Predictors of Self-Care Behavior in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes based on Social Cognitive Theory [Volume 8, Issue 6, 2020, Pages 11505-11512]
Amin Shokravi, farkhondeh
Comparison of Two Methods of Direct and Indirect Education on Osteoporosis Preventive Behaviors among Female Students [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2017, Pages 5483-5492]
Amin Shokravi, Farkhondeh
The Impact of a Sleep Hygiene Intervention on Sleep Habits in Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 4, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 4117-4126]
AminYazdi, Seyed Amir
The Profile of Functional Emotional Development of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders from the Perspective of Developmental, Individual Differences(DIR), Relationship-based Approach [Volume 2, 4.1, 2014, Pages 245-256]
AminYazdi, Seyed Amir
Developing a Family-based Floor Time Therapy and Evaluation its Effectiveness on the Developmental Profile of Children with Interactive Disorders (Anxiety and Depression) [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 4741-4753]
Aminzade, Behzad
Diagnostic Challenges of an Extremely Large Testicular Adrenal Rest Tumor - a Case Report [Volume 9, Issue 9, 2021, Pages 14393-14399]
Aminzadeh, Behzad
Posterior Kyphectomy in a Myelomeningocele Patient with Gibbous Deformity: A Case Report and Literature Review [Volume 8, Issue 11, 2020, Pages 12517-12522]
Amiraadi, Mehrdad
VACTERL Association in Neonates Hospitalized with Esophageal Atresia and Imperforate Anus [Volume 9, Issue 9, 2021, Pages 14413-14420]
Amirabadi, Foroogh
Clinical and Histopathological Profiles of Pediatric and Adolescent Oral and Maxillofacial Biopsies in a Persian Population [Volume 3, 1.1, 2015, Pages 381-390]
Amirabadi, Foroogh
The Association between Dental Health Status and Oral Health-Related Quality of Life of Children Diagnosed with -Thalassemia Major in Zahedan City, Iran [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 8985-8991]
Amirabadi, Forough
Evaluating the Relationship between Parental Dental Anxiety and Early Childhood Caries [Volume 8, Issue 6, 2020, Pages 11393-11401]
Amirabadi, Forough
Evaluation of Parental Acceptance of Different Behavior Management Techniques in Pediatric Dentistry, Zahedan, Iran [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 13103-13111]
Amirabadizadeh, Alireza
Comparison of Blood Lead Concentration in Opium-Addicted and Non-Addicted Children in Birjand, East of Iran [Volume 9, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 13833-13841]
Amir Ali Akbari, Sedigheh
Relation between Social Determinants of Maternal Health and Child Development: A Path Analysis [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2018, Pages 8643-8654]
Amir Ali Akbari, Sedigheh
Relationship of Mothers’ Spiritual, Social, and Mental Health and Self-efficacy with Child Development: A Path Analysis [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 12117-12129]
Amir Ali Akbari, Sedigheh
Risk Factors of Physical Domestic Violence against Women during Breastfeeding in Tehran, Iran: A Cross-Sectional Study [Volume 8, Issue 12, 2020, Pages 12553-12563]
Amir Ali Akbari, Sedigheh
Comparison of Parenting Styles in Parents of 3-5-Year-Old Kindergarten Children with and without Developmental Delay [Volume 9, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 13225-13235]
Amiraslani, Sanaz
Comparison of Paraffin versus Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) in Children with Chronic Functional Constipation [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 5843-5850]
Amirchaghmaghi, Maryam
The Cancer Stem Cell Hypothesis in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A New Target for the Treatment [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 30-30]
Amiresmaili, Mohammadreza
Adolescents' Resilience: A Qualitative Study about Experiences of Bam Earthquake Survivors [Volume 9, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 14941-14957]
Amir Hossein, Molkizadeh
Telemedicine: an Essential Requirement for the Health Care Providers, with Emphasis on Legal Aspects [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 12131-12142]
Amiri, Abtin
The Effect of International Economic Law on the Process of Political Development of Children's Rights [Volume 9, Issue 5, 2021, Pages 13617-13634]
Amiri, Fatamehsadat
Effects of Gain- and Loss-Framed Messages on Preventive Nutrition Behaviors of Osteoporosis in Iranian Female Students: A Text Messaging Intervention [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 12825-12834]
Amiri, Hamzeh
A Comparative Study of the Effect of Vitamin D Administration with a Dose of 400 and a Dose of 800 Units on the Establishment of Normal Serum Levels in Premature Infants [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 18669-18680]
Amiri, Jalaleddin
Global Research Trends in Pediatrics from 1990 to 2020: A Bibliometric Analysis [Volume 10, Issue 11, 2022, Pages 16914-16933]
Amiri, N
Isolation and Cultivation of Adult Human Keratinocyte Stem Cells for Regeneration of Epidermal Sheets [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 16-16]
Amiri, Rahimpour
Relationship of Renal Cortical Echogenicity in Renal Ultrasonography with Course of Disease in Children with Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11673-11680]
Amiri, Roghayeh
The Role of Exosomes in the Pathogenesis of Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR): Future Perspective [Volume 11, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 17979-17989]
Amiri, Samira
Predictors of Low Birth Weight Infants in the North West Province of Iran: a Case-control Study [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 1983-1991]
Amiri, Shahrokh
The Survey of DBH Gene Polymorphism Rs5320 in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) [Volume 6, Issue 9, 2018, Pages 8177-8184]
Amirian, MH
Prevalence of Gastroesophageal Reflux during First Year of Life in Infants Admitted in Pediatric Department of Imam Reza Hospital-Mashhad [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 20-20]
Amirian, Mohammad Hadi
Nosocomial Infections and Antibiotic Administration in Pediatric Department, Imam Reza Hospital, Mashhad-Iran [Volume 2, 2.2, 2014, Pages 157-161]
Amiri Ebrahimmohamadi, Ahmadreza
How Socioeconomic Dispartie Affects Child Mortality in EMRO Countries [Volume 3, 6.2, 2015, Pages 1111-1116]
Amirikar, Farinaz
Validity of Spo2 in Measuring of Oxygenation Index [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 1935-1941]
Amirikar, Farinaz
Predictive Factors of Influenza Outcome in Pediatric Patients by Pediatric Risk of Mortality (PRISM) III [Volume 8, Issue 12, 2020, Pages 12643-12650]
Amirikar, Farinaz
Diagnostic Value of Changes in Serum Calprotectin Level and Patients' Sputum in Response to Treatment of Cystic Fibrosis Exacerbation in Children [Volume 9, Issue 5, 2021, Pages 13569-13579]
Amirikar, Farinaz
Rhabdomyosarcoma Arising within Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation; a Case Report [Volume 10, Issue 6, 2022, Pages 16233-16237]
Amirikar, Farinaz
Validity of Three Formulas for Measuring Endotracheal Tube Insertion Depth in Children under Mechanical Ventilation [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 17463-17469]
Amirikar, Farinaz
Oxygenation and Ventilation Indices in Relation to the Duration of Mechanical Ventilation in 2-Month to 14-Year-Old Children Admitted to PICU [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 17487-17494]
Amiri Moghadam, F
Metabolic Disturbances in Children with Chronic Liver Disease [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 52-52]
Amirjani, shakiba
Effectiveness of Melatonin in combination with Sildenafil in treatment of intrauterine growth restriction: a double-blind, randomized clinical trial [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2023, Pages 18123-18136]
Amirkhani, Mehdi
The Effect of Educational Program Based on Health Belief Model about HIV/AIDS among High School Students [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 7285-7296]
Amirpour, M
Review of Effect of Storage Time before Freezing on Stem Cells Surveillance, Collected from Cord Blood, Peripheral Blood and Bone Marrow [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 49-49]
Amirzadeh, N
Investigation of FLK-1 Gene Expression in Differentiated Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Exposed to Chemical, Mechanical and Chemical-mechanical Factors, in order to Study the Differentiation and its Stability [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 90-90]
Amirzadeh, N
Effect of Purification of Human Adipose-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells on the Expression of vWF Cell Factor Under Chemical and Mechanical Conditions [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 92-92]
Ammar, Saloua
A Comparative Analysis between Right and Left Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernias [Volume 6, Issue 7, 2018, Pages 7867-7868]
Amoabediny, GH
Investigation of FLK-1 Gene Expression in Differentiated Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Exposed to Chemical, Mechanical and Chemical-mechanical Factors, in order to Study the Differentiation and its Stability [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 90-90]
Amoabediny, GH
Effect of Purification of Human Adipose-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells on the Expression of vWF Cell Factor Under Chemical and Mechanical Conditions [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 92-92]
A. M. Omara, Walid
Preparedness for an Isolation Unit during Covid‐19 Pandemic in PICU of Minia University Hospital: Practical Considerations and Outcomes [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 17544-17557]
Amooei, َAbdolhamid
Prevalence and Pathological Features of Cryptorchidism among Iranian Children in Yazd Province, Central Iran [Volume 6, Issue 5, 2018, Pages 7615-7621]
Amoozegar, MH
Isolation and Cultivation of Adult Human Keratinocyte Stem Cells for Regeneration of Epidermal Sheets [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 16-16]
Amouzeshi, Ahmad
Epidemiologic Study of Congenital Heart Diseases and Its Related Factors in Children Referred to the Pediatric Cardiac Clinic of Birjand University of Medical Sciences, Iran [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10455-10463]
Amrollahi Beyooki, Atiyeh
Structural Model of Students' Academic Motivation based on the Teacher-Student Relationship, School Attachment, and Metacognitive Awareness through Self-Mediation [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 13077-13090]
Anahita, Alizadeh Ghamsari
Assessment of the Blood Lead Level in Children with Unexplained Failure to Thrive (FTT) admitted to Pediatrics Emergency Ward of Ghaem Hospital, Mashhad, Iran [Volume 7, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 9181-9187]
Anbari, Zohreh
The Training Effectiveness of Prevention Disability Package in High School Girls; a Community Intervention Trial [Volume 4, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 3907-3916]
Anbari, Zohreh
Adequacy of Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) Surveillance Indicators for Iran in 2016 [Volume 5, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 5199-5201]
Anbiaee, Najmeh
Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP): A Case Report with Oral and Maxillofacial Manifestations and new radiographic feature [Volume 10, Issue 7, 2022, Pages 16332-16339]
Angurana, Suresh
Mastoiditis, Bezold Abscess, Dural Sinus Thrombosis, and Bilateral Abducens Nerve Palsy in a Child with Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media: A Rare Case Report [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 9049-9052]
Anitasari, Dessy
Restrictive versus Liberal Fluid Resuscitation in Children with Dengue Shock Syndrome: the differences in Clinical Outcomes and Hemodynamic Parameters [Volume 7, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 9215-9224]
Anjomshoa, Hamideh
The Application of Social Cognitive Theory on Mothers’ Feeding Practices for Children Aged 6 to 24 Months old in Iran [Volume 6, Issue 7, 2018, Pages 7983-7997]
Anjomshoaa, Hadi
The Relationship between Metacognition Skills with Academic Motivation and Academic Achievement among High School Students in Kerman, Iran [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10759-10766]
Anjomshoaa, Hadi
Comparing the Effectiveness of Training Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Neuro-linguistic Programming Strategies on Enhancing Resilience of High School Students in Kerman, Iran [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11877-11889]
Anjomshoaa, Hadi
The Effectiveness of Trainings based on Neuro-Linguistic programming and Cognitive Behavioral Approach on Students’ Anxiety, Depression and Stress [Volume 9, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 14856-14866]
Anna Durai, Priyadarshini
Ossified Sacrotuberous Ligament and its Clinical Significance: A Case Report [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 6981-6985]
Ann Warsi, Qurratul
Save the Children from Gastric and Intestinal Perforation Secondary to Small Magnet Ingestion by Educating Families with the Help of Pediatricians [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 4449-4455]
Anoushirvani, Sajjad
The Anthropometrical and Physiological Parameters of Young Elite Boys and their Performance in Snatch and in Clean and Jerk [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 17200-17211]
Ansari, E
Synbiotic for Prevention of Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea in Children: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 80-80]
Ansari, Elham
Evaluation of Clinical and Laboratory Data in Patients with Recurrent Infections and Suspected Immunodeficiency [Volume 2, 3.3, 2014, Pages 19-24]
Ansari, Elham
Probiotics for the Treatment of Asthma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trials [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11271-11285]
Ansari, Hossein
Is Meal Frequency Associated with Mental Distress and Violent Behaviors in Children and Adolescents? the CASPIAN IV Study [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 1413-1421]
Ansari, Hossein
Is Duration of Breastfeeding Associated with Anthropometric Measures in Children and Adolescents? the Weight Disorders Survey of the CASPIAN- IV Study [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 3299-3313]
Ansari, Hossein
Is Meal Frequency Associated with Mental Distress and Violent Behaviors in Children and Adolescents? the CASPIAN IV Study [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2247-2255]
Ansari, Hossein
Burden of Disease Attributable to Suboptimal Breastfeeding in Iran during 1990-2010; Findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 [Volume 4, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 3535-3549]
Ansari, Hossein
Risk Factors of Premature Infants in the Rural Areas of Azadshahr City: a Case-Control Study [Volume 4, Issue 10, 2016, Pages 3651-3660]
Ansari, Hossein
Effect of Educational Intervention on the Knowledge and Practice among Parents of Newborns with Jaundice [Volume 4, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 3441-3447]
Ansari, Hossein
Association between Aggressive Behaviors, Life Satisfaction, Self-rated Health and Counseling with Family Members among Children and Adolescents: The CASPIAN- IV Study [Volume 4, Issue 10, 2016, Pages 3627-3637]
Ansari, Hossein
Prevalence of Oxyuriasis and its Influencing Factors in Elected Kindergartens in Ali Abad-e-Katoul, North of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 3751-3758]
Ansari, Hossein
The Training Effectiveness of Prevention Disability Package in High School Girls; a Community Intervention Trial [Volume 4, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 3907-3916]
Ansari, Maryam
Is "Delayed Umbilical Cord Clamping" Beneficial for Premature Newborns? [Volume 5, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 4909-4918]
Ansari, Masoumeh
Cystic Fibrosis Patients Evaluation in the Last Decades in a Referral Center, Tehran-Iran [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9997-10007]
Ansari, Rezvan
Determining the Content of a Pediatric Asthma Website from Parents’ Perspective: The Internet Use and Information Needs [Volume 5, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 5113-5123]
Ansari Astaneh, Mohammad Reza
Hemi-Central Retinal Vein Occlusion in a Premature Infant: A Case Report [Volume 10, Issue 6, 2022, Pages 16252-16255]
Ansari_Astaneh, Mohammad-Reza
Retinopathy of Prematurity: Treatment-Needed Patients, Treatment Complications, and Recurrence Rate [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2023, Pages 18104-18111]
Ansari Damavandi, Shahla
Ginger Relief Chemotherapy Induced Nausea and Vomiting (CINV) in Children: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 12785-12794]
Ansari Jaberi, Ali
Self- Management of Pain and Fatigue in Major Thalassemia [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 15240-15251]
Ansari Moghadam, Alireza
Evaluating the Combined Effect of Licorice, Coriander, Gallnut, Sagebrush, Withania Coagulans, and Pistacia Atlantica Subsp Kurdica on the Healing and Repair of Wounds in Balb/C Mice [Volume 10, Issue 11, 2022, Pages 16977-16983]
Ansariniaki, Mehri
A Systematic Review of Anxiety during Pregnancy in the Period of the COVID-19 Pandemic [Volume 9, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 14756-14771]
Antikchi, Mahnaz
Mothers’ Experiences with Premature Neonates about Kangaroo Care: Qualitative Approaches [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 75-82]
Anvari, Nahid
Diagnostic Value of N Terminal Pro B Type Natriuretic Peptide (NT-pro BNP) in Cardiac Involvement in Patients with Beta- Thalassemia [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 4641-4662]
Anvarinejad, M
Enteroaggregative Escherichia Coli (EAEC) in South of Iran [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 32-32]
Aqadousti, Rahele
The Effect of Peppermint on the Treatment of Nipple Fissure during Breastfeeding: A Systematic Review [Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 11527-11535]
Araban, Marzieh
Comparing the Quantitative and Qualitative Components of IOTN Index in Determining the Orthodontic Treatment Need in Ahvaz, Iran [Volume 10, Issue 11, 2022, Pages 16951-16959]
Arabi, Ashraf
The Sensitivity, Specificity and Predictive Values of Snellen Chart Compared to the Diagnostic Test in Amblyopia Screening Program in Iran [Volume 3, 6.2, 2015, Pages 1125-1133]
Arabi, Manijheh
The Effect of a Selective Exercise Program on Motor Competence and Pulmonary Function of Asthmatic Children: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 7, Issue 7, 2019, Pages 9711-9717]
Arabi Moghadam, Halime sadat
Ultrasound Guided Hydrostatic Treatment of Meconium Ileus; another Indication for Ultrasound Based Approach to Bowel Obstruction [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11737-11742]
Arabipoor, Arezoo
Perinatal Outcomes following Radiofrequency Ablation in Complicated Monochorionic Multiple Pregnancies [Volume 9, Issue 5, 2021, Pages 13559-13568]
Arab Maghsoudi, Maryam
Study of the Relationship between Meconium Passage and Newborns Birth Weight and its related factors in Pregnant Women [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 4185-4192]
Arab-Nozari, Milad
Evaluation of Some Caries-Related Factors in the Saliva of 3-5 Year Old Children in Sari, Northern Iran [Volume 8, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 11115-11123]
Arad, Banafsheh
A Case Report of Schimke Immuno-Osseous Dysplasia: A Rare Autosomal Recessive Disorder [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7151-7155]
Arad, Banafsheh
Comparison of Intelligence Quotient in Early Treated Neonates with Congenital Hypothyroidism Compared to Healthy Children [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11331-11340]
Arameshfard, Shideh
The Effect of Educational Program Based on Health Belief Model about HIV/AIDS among High School Students [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 7285-7296]
Arasteh, Azadeh
Effectiveness of Midwifery Counseling on Adaptation to Pregnancy, Maternal-Fetal Attachment, and Quality of Life in Unplanned Pregnant Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial [Volume 8, Issue 6, 2020, Pages 11435-11448]
Arastoo, Leila
Helicobacter pylori infection: Clinical, Endoscopic and Pathological findings in Iranian children [Volume 2, 3.2, 2014, Pages 9-17]
Arastoo, Leila
The Clinical Manifestations, Treatment Efficacy and Adverse Drug Reactions in 62 Iranian Child with Wilson Disease [Volume 2, 3.3, 2014, Pages 25-29]
Arbab, Mona
Extremity Fracture Diagnosis Using Bedside Ultrasound in Pediatric Trauma Patients Referring to Emergency Department; A Diagnostic Study [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 5959-5964]
Ardalan, Gelayol
Is Meal Frequency Associated with Mental Distress and Violent Behaviors in Children and Adolescents? the CASPIAN IV Study [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 1413-1421]
Ardalan, Gelayol
Association of Dietary Behaviors with Physical Activity in a Nationally Representative Sample of Children and Adolescents: the CASPIAN- IV Study [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 1505-1517]
Ardalan, Gelayol
Association of Socio-economic Status with Injuries in Children Andadolescents:the CASPIAN-IV Study [Volume 4, Issue 5, 2016, Pages 1715-1724]
Ardalan, Gelayol
Dietary Habits and Health Related Behaviors in Iranian Children and Adolescents: The CASPIAN- IV Study [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2087-2097]
Ardalan, Gelayol
Is Meal Frequency Associated with Mental Distress and Violent Behaviors in Children and Adolescents? the CASPIAN IV Study [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2247-2255]
Ardalan, Gelayol
Association of Healthy Food Intake with Psychiatric Distress in Children and Adolescents: the CASPIAN-IV study [Volume 4, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 3999-4020]
Ardalan, Gelayol
Determinants of Self-Perceived Health in Iranian Children and Adolescents: the CASPIAN IV Study [Volume 5, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 4951-4964]
Ardalan, Gelayol
Economic Inequality in Healthy and Junk Foods Consumption and its determinants in Children and Adolescents: the CASPIAN- IV Study [Volume 7, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 9249-9263]
Ardalan, Gelayol
Physical Activity of Iranian Children during the Pandemic of Covid-19 [Volume 10, Issue 12, 2022, Pages 17058-17067]
Ardicli, Burak
The Complication of Endotracheal Intubation in a Patient with Mucopolysaccharidosis Type IIIA [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 12909-12913]
Arefi, Mahdie
Epigenetics of Early Inflammatory Bowel Disease among Children: A Systematic Review [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 18530-18546]
Arefi, Zohreh
Developmental Delay and Its Effective Factors in Children Aged 4 to12 Months [Volume 3, 1.1, 2015, Pages 396-402]
Arefi, Zohreh
The Main Determinants of Under 5 Mortality Rate (U5MR) in OECD Countries: A Cross-Sectional Study [Volume 3, 1.2, 2015, Pages 421-427]
Arefi, Zohreh
Determining Inequality and Trend of Geographic Accessibility to Pediatricians in Iran: 2007-2013 [Volume 3, 2.1, 2015, Pages 51-58]
Arefi, Zohreh
The Trend of the Extended Program of Immunization (EPI) in Iran from the Beginning (1984) to 2013 [Volume 3, 4.1, 2015, Pages 717-723]
Arekhi, Soheil
Radiology Approach of Precocious Puberty: A Review on Different Available Imaging Modalities [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 17495-17513]
Arekhi, Zahra
Prevalence of Oxyuriasis and its Influencing Factors in Elected Kindergartens in Ali Abad-e-Katoul, North of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 3751-3758]
Arfaeinia, Hossein
Evaluation of Public School Health and Its Accordance with School Health National Regulations: A Case Study in Kermanshah, Iran [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7179-7191]
Arfaie, Asghar
The Survey of DBH Gene Polymorphism Rs5320 in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) [Volume 6, Issue 9, 2018, Pages 8177-8184]
Arghavani, Elham
Childbearing Motivation in Iranian Engaged Couples: A Structural Equation Model [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 7563-7568]
Arian, Mahdieh
Quality of Life in Patients with Thalassemia Major: A Concept Analysis Using Rodgers' Evolutionary Method [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11197-11217]
Arian, Mahdieh
Investigating Challenges Facing the Improvement of Health Related Quality of Life in Iranian β-Thalassemia Major Patients: A Qualitative Study [Volume 9, Issue 9, 2021, Pages 14457-14473]
Arianejad, Mostafa
Echocardiographic Comparison of Myocardial Performance between Obese and Normal Weight Children and Adolescents [Volume 11, Issue 11, 2023, Pages 18355-18361]
Arjmand, Ali
Atrial and Ventricular Electrocardiographic Dromotropic Disturbances in Down Syndrome Patients with Structurally Normal Heart: A Cross-Sectional Study [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 7345-7351]
Arjmand, Ali
Efficacy of Golden Immunstim for Improvement of Abdominal Cramp, Diarrhea, Vomiting, and Fever in Dysenteric Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 6, Issue 5, 2018, Pages 7667-7672]
Arjmand, Reza
Effect of Combined versus Monotherapy with Deferoxamine and Deferiprone in Iron Overloaded Thalassemia Patients: a Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 1959-1965]
Arjmand, Reza
Study of Serologic Response Rate to Pertussis after Administration of the Third Dose of Pentavalent Vaccine in Children 12 Months Old in Karaj City, Iran [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7023-7031]
Arjmand, Reza
Effectiveness of GASTROFIX on Duration of Diarrhea and Length of Hospitalization in Children with Acute Gastroenteritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial [Volume 6, Issue 6, 2018, Pages 7723-7731]
Arjmand, Reza
Frequency and Clinical Manifestations of Pediatric Brucellosis in Iran: A Systematic Review [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 9037-9047]
Arjmandnia, Ali Akbar
Long-term Effects of Cochlear Implantation on Language Skills -and Speech Intelligibility in Early-implanted Versus Late Implanted Deaf Children [Volume 9, Issue 10, 2021, Pages 14663-14671]
Arjomandzadegan, Mohammad
Efficacy of Golden Immunstim for Improvement of Abdominal Cramp, Diarrhea, Vomiting, and Fever in Dysenteric Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 6, Issue 5, 2018, Pages 7667-7672]
Armanian, Amir-Mohammad
Is "Delayed Umbilical Cord Clamping" Beneficial for Premature Newborns? [Volume 5, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 4909-4918]
Armanian, Amir-Mohammad
Effects of Abdominal Massage on Feeding Tolerance in Preterm Infants Hospitalized in Selected Hospitals of Isfahan- Iran [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 4503-4510]
Armanian, Amir-Mohammad
Effects of Abdominal Massage on the Weight Gain of Preterm Infants Hospitalized in Selected Hospitals of Isfahan, Iran: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial [Volume 6, Issue 9, 2018, Pages 8153-8160]
Armanian, Amir-Mohammad
Decretion of Late Onset Sepsis with Enteral Low Dose Lactulose in Very Premature Infants: A Double-Blind Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Pilot Study [Volume 7, Issue 10, 2019, Pages 10225-10233]
Armin, Mehran
Quality of Life Based on Oral Health Impact Profile among Adolescents Undergoing Fixed Orthodontic Appliances [Volume 8, Issue 12, 2020, Pages 12651-12657]
Armin, Shahnaz
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Elective and Emergency Pediatric Surgeries: A Single-Center Experience in a Tertiary Center in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 17887-17896]
Aroor, Shrikiran
Factors Associated with Adverse Outcome in Pediatric Febrile Neutropenia: Results from a Tertiary Care Hospital [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6447-6455]
Arsang-jang, Shahram
Age at Menarche and its Relationship to Anthropometric Indices in Adolescent Girls [Volume 5, Issue 7, 2017, Pages 5255-5262]
Arsang- Jang, Shahram
Puberty Health Status among Adolescent Girls: A Model- based Educational Program [Volume 5, Issue 7, 2017, Pages 5369-5378]
Arsang-Jang, Shahram
Comparing the Outcomes of IVIg with Combination of IVIg and Methylprednisolone in Children with Acute Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia; a Bayesian Logistic Approach [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2221-2228]
Arsang-Jang, Shahram
Trends of Growth Rate among Iranian Infants: Comparison Exponential Model and Points Average Model and Related Factors [Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 11625-11633]
Arshadi, Abdullah
Extremity Fracture Diagnosis Using Bedside Ultrasound in Pediatric Trauma Patients Referring to Emergency Department; A Diagnostic Study [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 5959-5964]
Arshadi, Mohammad
The Efficacy of a Protocolized Nursing Care on Nasal Skin Breakdown in Preterm Neonates Receiving Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 4217-4225]
Arshadi, Mohammad
Effects of Aloe Vera Gel versus Chamomile Ointment on extent of Diaper Dermatitis in Children: A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial [Volume 7, Issue 5, 2019, Pages 9461-9469]
Arshadi bostanabad, Mohammad
The Effect of Mucoadhesive Gel Containing Satureja Hortensis Extract 1% on Severity of Chemotherapy-induced Mucositis Pain in Children: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 6, Issue 5, 2018, Pages 7605-7614]
Arshadi bostanabad, Mohammad
The Impact of Blood Sampling Site on Pain Score in Preterm Infants: A Crossover Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7157-7166]
Arshadi Bostanabad, Mohammad
Comparing the Effect of Two Methods of Distraction on the Pain Intensity Venipuncture in School-age Children: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2018, Pages 8423-8432]
ArshadiBostanabad, Mohammad
Effect of Family-centered Intervention in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit on Anxiety of Parents [Volume 5, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 5101-5111]
Aryaie, Mohammad
Prevalence of Oxyuriasis and its Influencing Factors in Elected Kindergartens in Ali Abad-e-Katoul, North of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 3751-3758]
Aryan, Hossein
Psychotherapy for Depression and Anxiety in Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS): A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 7, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 9169-9179]
Aryan, Hossein
Factorial Structures of Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire (PBQ): A Systematic Review [Volume 7, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 9295-9303]
Aryana, Kamran
Tc-99m Labeled HMPAO white Blood Cell Scintigraphy in a patient with Hip Prosthesis [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 74-74]
Aryanpur, Mahshid
Effect of Active and Passive Exposure to Cigarette Smoke on Lipid Profile of Children and Adolescents; A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 6, Issue 5, 2018, Pages 7575-7588]
Arzanlou, Mohammad
Studying the Relationship of Mental Health and Other Factors with Preference of Delivery Method in Women Referred to Qamar Bani Hashem Hospital, Khoy, Iran [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11837-11847]
Arzanlou, Mohammad
Studying Psychological Issues Related to the First Childbirth and Its Relationship with Favorite of the Kind of Next Childbirths in Women Referring Ghamar-e Bani Hashem Hospital, Khoy, Iran [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 14011-14021]
Asadabadi, Hadiseh
The Effectiveness of a Family-Centered Behavioral Modification Package in Improving the Eating Behavior, Bmi Percentile and Abdominal Circumference of Obese School-Age Girls: A Randomized Controlled Trial [Volume 11, Issue 11, 2023, Pages 18371-18382]
Asadabadi, Mahsa
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Child Health Care Professionals Regarding Child Abuse and Neglect [Volume 10, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 16068-16081]
Asadi, Amir
The Effect of Mindful Parenting-Based Telepsychology on Behavioral Symptoms of ADHD Children during Covid-19 Outbreak [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 18461-18473]
Asadi, Asadollah
Anaerobic Gymnastics Exercises Evoke Systemic Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Obese and Normal-Weight Children [Volume 8, Issue 12, 2020, Pages 12533-12544]
Asadi, Asadollah
Relationship between Resting Metabolic rate and Body Composition Factors in Obese and Normal Weight Gymnast Children [Volume 9, Issue 9, 2021, Pages 14331-14340]
Asadi, Farideh
Effects of an Intervention in the Physical Education Class on Physical Activity and Well-Being of Primary School Students [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 14051-14059]
Asadi, Gamileh
The Risk Factors in Children with Simple and Complex Febrile Seizures: An Epidemiological Study [Volume 5, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 5137-5144]
Asadi, Javanshir
A Comparison between the Effectiveness of Game Therapy and Emotional Intelligence Training on Social Compatibility and Communicative Skills of Exceptional Primary School Hyperactive and Deaf Children [Volume 6, Issue 5, 2018, Pages 7653-7666]
Asadi, Mohammad Hosein
A Review of the Role and Importance of Swaddling in Persian Medicine [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2018, Pages 8495-8506]
Asadi, Mojgan
Is Duration of Breastfeeding Associated with Anthropometric Measures in Children and Adolescents? the Weight Disorders Survey of the CASPIAN- IV Study [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 3299-3313]
Asadi, Mojgan
Association of Perceived Weight Status and Health-Related Quality of Life in Children and Adolescents: the Weight Disorder Survey of the CASPIAN- IV Study [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 7393-7404]
Asadi, Nasrin
An Evaluation of the Relationship between Hemoglobin Level and Blood Transfusion in Pregnant Women with Intermedia Thalassemia: A Case Series Study [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2023, Pages 18163-18171]
Asadi, Neda
The Quality of Providing Feedback in Clinical Education according to Midwifery Students Participating in National Congress of Midwifery and Women’s Health [Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 11519-11526]
Asadi, Neda
Tübingen Hip Flexion Splint for Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip in Children and its Safety Assessment: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11775-11781]
Asadi, Neda
A Review on the Relation between Sepsis and Vitamin D Level among Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Infants [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11849-11854]
Asadi, Neda
The Efficacy of Meperidine for Pain Management in Orthopedic, Dental, and General Surgery in Children: A Review Study [Volume 8, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 12305-12316]
Asadi, Zohre
The Relationship between the Level of Pregnancy-Associated Plasma Protein A and Placenta Size and Thickness [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 13381-13388]
Asadian, Nazanin
Spinal Muscular Atrophy: A Short Review Article [Volume 2, 3.1, 2014, Pages 211-215]
Asadikalameh, Zahra
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Cancer Risk in Pediatrics: A Molecular Pathway and Future Approach [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2023, Pages 18172-18179]
Asadloo, Mahboob
The Role of Cranberry in Preventing Urinary Tract Infection in Children; a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6457-6468]
Asadloo, Mahboob
The Effect of Electrical Nerve Stimulation in Management of Overactive Bladder in the Pediatric Population; A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6741-6755]
Asadollahi, Khairollah
The Impact of Early Discharged of Stable Preterm Neonates with Home Gavage Feeding; A Case Control Study [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7141-7149]
Asadollahi, Khairollah
Investigation of the Maternal and Neonatal Factors Affecting the Apgar score of Newborns: A Case-Control Study [Volume 9, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 13737-13746]
Asadollahi, Malihe
Effects of Abdominal Massage and Non-Nutritive Sucking on Physiological Parameters of Preterm Infants: A Randomized Clinical Trial (RCT) [Volume 5, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 5167-5181]
Asadollahi, Zahra
The Effects of Chicory Extract Consumption by Mothers on the Frequency of Icterus and the Serum Bilirubin Level in Neonates [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 15601-15608]
Asadpour, Nabiollah
Evaluation of Cardiac Dysfunction in Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11727-11736]
Asadpour, Nabiollah
The Effect of Oral Ibuprofen on Closure of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Term Neonates: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 11901-11909]
Asadpour, Nabiollah
The Effects of Acetaminophen Prophylaxis on Patent Ductus Arteriosus Closure in Premature Infants: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 14077-14083]
Asadpour, Nabiollah
The Effects of Zinc Sulfate on Sepsis Outcomes in Neonates: A Blind Clinical Trial [Volume 9, Issue 9, 2021, Pages 14474-14480]
Asady, Hadi
Body Mass Index Percentile Curves for 7 To 18 Year Old Children and Adolescents; are the Sample Populations from Tehran Nationally Representative? [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 1926-1934]
Asady, Hadi
Blood Pressure Nomograms by Age and Weight for Iranian Children and Adolescents [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2153-2166]
Asadzadeh, Farideh
Safety, Tolerability, and Efficacy of Acupuncture in Management of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS): A Systematic Review [Volume 7, Issue 6, 2019, Pages 9525-9533]
Asarian, Fatemeh
The Effect of Mindful Parenting-Based Telepsychology on Behavioral Symptoms of ADHD Children during Covid-19 Outbreak [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 18461-18473]
Asayesh, Hamid
Is Meal Frequency Associated with Mental Distress and Violent Behaviors in Children and Adolescents? the CASPIAN IV Study [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 1413-1421]
Asayesh, Hamid
Association of Dietary Behaviors with Physical Activity in a Nationally Representative Sample of Children and Adolescents: the CASPIAN- IV Study [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 1505-1517]
Asayesh, Hamid
Association of Socio-economic Status with Injuries in Children Andadolescents:the CASPIAN-IV Study [Volume 4, Issue 5, 2016, Pages 1715-1724]
Asayesh, Hamid
Is Meal Frequency Associated with Mental Distress and Violent Behaviors in Children and Adolescents? the CASPIAN IV Study [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2247-2255]
Asayesh, Hamid
Burden of Disease Attributable to Suboptimal Breastfeeding in Iran during 1990-2010; Findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 [Volume 4, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 3535-3549]
Asayesh, Hamid
Risk Factors of Premature Infants in the Rural Areas of Azadshahr City: a Case-Control Study [Volume 4, Issue 10, 2016, Pages 3651-3660]
Asayesh, Hamid
Effect of Educational Intervention on the Knowledge and Practice among Parents of Newborns with Jaundice [Volume 4, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 3441-3447]
Asayesh, Hamid
Prevalence of Oxyuriasis and its Influencing Factors in Elected Kindergartens in Ali Abad-e-Katoul, North of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 3751-3758]
Asayesh, Hamid
Determinants of Self-Perceived Health in Iranian Children and Adolescents: the CASPIAN IV Study [Volume 5, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 4951-4964]
Asayesh, Hamid
Association of Helicobacter Pylori Infection with Cardiometabolic Risk Factors among Iranian Adolescents: the CASPIAN III Study [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7045-7054]
Asayesh, Hamid
Association of Perceived Weight Status and Health-Related Quality of Life in Children and Adolescents: the Weight Disorder Survey of the CASPIAN- IV Study [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 7393-7404]
Asayesh, Hamid
Effectiveness of GASTROFIX on Duration of Diarrhea and Length of Hospitalization in Children with Acute Gastroenteritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial [Volume 6, Issue 6, 2018, Pages 7723-7731]
Asayesh, Hamid
The Effectiveness of Prone and Supine Positions on Body Temperature of Premature Neonates Admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 12989-12998]
Asgari, Parviz
The Relationship between Health Beliefs and Family Functioning with Drug Attitudes among High School Students in Lali city, Khuzestan Province, Iran [Volume 8, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 12265-12274]
Asgarian-Omran, H
Evaluation of Antibody Response to Polysaccharide Vaccine and Switched Memory B Cells in Pediatric Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 66-66]
Asgari Jafarabadi, Emad
Investigating the Effect of Vitamin D Administration on the Recovery Progress of Infants and Children with Congenital Heart Disease Requiring Reconstructive Heart Surgery [Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 11561-11571]
Asgari Jafarabadi, Emad
The Prevalence of Pediatric Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 17606-17617]
Asgari Nekah, Seyyed Mohsen
The Effect of Training on Communication Skills of Child’s Nurse through Role-playing [Volume 3, 5.2, 2015, Pages 971-979]
Asgarkhani, Aboomohammad
The Effect of International Economic Law on the Process of Political Development of Children's Rights [Volume 9, Issue 5, 2021, Pages 13617-13634]
Asgarlou, Zoleykha
Effect of Fenugreek on Breastfeeding Adequacy in Breastfeeding Mothers: A Review Study [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11831-11836]
Asgarlou, Zoleykha
Effect of Magnetic Fields during Pregnancy on Fetal Growth and Preterm Labor: A Review Article [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11371-11375]
Asgarlou, Zoleykha
Studying the Relationship of Mental Health and Other Factors with Preference of Delivery Method in Women Referred to Qamar Bani Hashem Hospital, Khoy, Iran [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11837-11847]
Asgarlou, Zoleykha
Studying Psychological Issues Related to the First Childbirth and Its Relationship with Favorite of the Kind of Next Childbirths in Women Referring Ghamar-e Bani Hashem Hospital, Khoy, Iran [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 14011-14021]
Asghari, Gholamreza
Effect of Chicory Extract Bath on Neonatal Bilirubin Levels: A Randomized Clinical Trial study [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6679-6688]
Asghari, Yasser
Idiopathic Perforation of the Sigmoid Colon in a 2.5 Years Old Girl: A Case Report [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 5709-5713]
Asghari Jafarabadi, Mohammad
Underlying Predictors of Tobacco Smoking among Iranian Teenagers: Generalized Structural Equation Modeling [Volume 4, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 3461-3473]
Asghari Jafarabadi, Mohammad
Effect of Family-centered Intervention in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit on Anxiety of Parents [Volume 5, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 5101-5111]
Asghari Jafarabadi, Mohammad
School Food Environment Promotion Program: Applying the Socio-ecological Approach [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 6878-6890]
Asghari Jafarabadi, Mohammad
Effects of Facilitated Tucking On Duration and Frequency of Crying During Rest among Hospitalized Premature Infants: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 7543-7552]
Asghari Jafarabadi, Mohammad
Gender-based Differences in Associations between Attitude and Self-esteem with Smoking Behavior among Adolescents: A Secondary Analysis Applying Bayesian Nonparametric Functional Latent Variable Model [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7081-7094]
Asghari Jafarabadi, Mohammad
Psychometric Properties of the Revised Osteoporosis Knowledge Test in Iranian Adolescent [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 8959-8968]
Asghari Jafarabadi, Mohammad
Studying Psychological Issues Related to the First Childbirth and Its Relationship with Favorite of the Kind of Next Childbirths in Women Referring Ghamar-e Bani Hashem Hospital, Khoy, Iran [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 14011-14021]
Asghari Nekah, Seyed Mohsen
Status of Perceived Social Support and Quality of Life among Hearing-Impaired Adolescents [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 1381-1386]
Asghar Valipour, Ali
Assessment of the Epidemiology and Factors Associated with the Malaria among Children in Sistan and Baluchistan Province, South East of Iran (2013-2016) [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2229-2239]
Asgharzadeh, Parvin
The Relationship between Developmental Growth of Children and Anthropometric Indices in Urmia City, North West of Iran [Volume 5, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 4975-4984]
Ashari, FarzanehEsna
Evaluation of QRS, QTC, JTC Intervals in Congenital Heart Disease with Pulmonary [Volume 8, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 11159-11167]
Ashayeri, Neda
Ginger Relief Chemotherapy Induced Nausea and Vomiting (CINV) in Children: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 12785-12794]
Ashghali Farahani, Mansoureh
Factors Affecting Hand Hygiene Performance of Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Health Care Team during the Outbreak of COVID-19 Disease in Iran: A Qualitative Study [Volume 9, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 14783-14800]
Ashok, Dethe
A Hospital Based Study on Anemia Prevalence in Children of an Indian Island [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6245-6252]
Ashoori, Hasan
Association of SARS-COV-2 Cycle Threshold Values with Clinical and Epidemiological Features of Children and Adolescents in Iran [Volume 10, Issue 6, 2022, Pages 16174-16181]
Ashouri, Asieh
Predicting Tooth Brushing Behavior among Students in Guilan, North of Iran: An Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior [Volume 8, Issue 6, 2020, Pages 11473-11483]
Ashouri, Shahla
A Systematic Review on the Relationship of Dietary Habits and Blood Pressure in the Pediatric Age Group [Volume 4, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 3787-3814]
Ashour Mohammadi, Aynaz
Assessment of Maternal General Health and Feeding Pattern of their Infants: A Cross-sectional Study in Iranian Population [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6311-6319]
Ashraf, Shaghayegh
A Case of Mis-C with Cervical Lymphadenitis and Retropharyngeal Edema [Volume 10, Issue 11, 2022, Pages 17053-17057]
Ashrafi, Ayoub
The Utility of Ultrasound and Laboratory Data for Predicting Intra-abdominal Injury among Children with Blunt Abdominal Trauma [Volume 6, Issue 8, 2018, Pages 8047-8059]
Ashrafinia, Farzane
The Effect of Lavender Oil for Relief Painful Producer in Children and Infants: A Systematic Review [Volume 8, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 11177-11185]
Ashrafinia, Farzane
A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Aromatherapy Massage on Sleep in Children and Infants [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11233-11241]
Ashrafinia, Farzane
Association of Weight of Premature Infant and Aromatherapy: A Systematic Review [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10789-10798]
Ashrafinia, Farzane
Association between Intracerebral Hemorrhage and Cerebral Palsy in Preterm Infant: A Systematic Review Article [Volume 8, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 10985-10991]
Ashrafinia, Farzane
The Effect of Dates and Fennel on Breastfeeding Adequacy of Mothers: A Review [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 11891-11899]
Ashrafinia, Farzane
Maternal Occupational Exposures and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes: An Overview of Meta- Analysis [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11341-11346]
Ashrafinia, Farzane
Exposure to Magnetic Fields and Childhood Leukemia: An Overview of Meta-Analysis [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11361-11365]
Ashrafinia, Farzane
Effect of Fenugreek on Breastfeeding Adequacy in Breastfeeding Mothers: A Review Study [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11831-11836]
Ashrafinia, Farzane
Modifiable and Non-Modifiable Factors Affecting the Risk of Childhood Leukemia: An Overview of Meta-Analysis [Volume 9, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 13243-13248]
Ashrafinia, Farzane
A Review on the Relation between Sepsis and Vitamin D Level among Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Infants [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11849-11854]
Ashrafinia, Farzane
Overview on Children Mental Health Status during Coronavirus Disease: Expressing How to Support [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 11931-11937]
Ashrafizadeh, Hadis
Depression and Anxiety among Parents of Children with Blood Disease in Ahvaz, South West of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2193-2202]
Ashrafizadeh, Hadis
The Relationship between Medication Errors with Job Satisfaction of Nurses in Pediatric Ward [Volume 7, Issue 9, 2019, Pages 10141-10153]
Ashrafpoor, Manuchehr
Effect of the Local Heat on the Pain of Vitamin K Injection in the Infants [Volume 4, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 4081-4088]
Ashraf-Talesh, Shaghayegh
A case of COVID-19 with splenic abscess [Volume 10, Issue 12, 2022, Pages 17182-17186]
Ashrafzadeh, Farah
A Treatable Refractory Epilepsy: A Case Report [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 93-96]
Ashrafzadeh, Farah
Spinal Muscular Atrophy: A Short Review Article [Volume 2, 3.1, 2014, Pages 211-215]
Ashrafzadeh, Farah
Investigation on the Effectiveness of Holistic Multi-dimensional Treatment Model (HMTM) in Improvement of CARS Test Indicators in Children suffering from Autism Spectrum Disorder [Volume 3, 2.2, 2015, Pages 543-553]
Ashrafzadeh, Farah
Effect of Fluoxetine Therapy on Breath-Holding Spells in Children: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10775-10783]
Ashrafzadeh, Farah
A Single-center Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing the Treatment Efficacy of High Dose Oral Prednisolone with Intramuscular Adrenocorticotropic Hormone in Patients with Infantile Spasm [Volume 8, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 12157-12163]
Ashrafzadeh, Farah
Validation of the Persian Translation of the TAND Checklist in Children with Tuberous Sclerosis Syndrome [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 18501-18505]
Ashtary-Larky, Damoon
Effect of Caffeine Co-Ingested with Carnitine on Weight, Body-Fat Percent, Serum Leptin and Lipid Profile Changes in Male Teen Soccer Players: a Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 4, Issue 10, 2016, Pages 3685-3698]
Ashtigoo, Parastoo
The Effect of Nutritional Consultation on the Level of Malnutrition and Growth Indices in Children with Cystic Fibrosis [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11793-11801]
Askari, Alireza
Application of Health Belief Model in Prevention of Osteoporosis among Primary School Girl Students [Volume 5, Issue 11, 2017, Pages 6017-6029]
Askari, Asra
Effects of Attitude towards Fashion on Participation of Adolescent Students in Physical Activity: Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 12893-12900]
Askari, Asra
The Impact of Teachers’ Cultural Capital on Participation of Adolescents’ Students in Physical Activity and Sport [Volume 9, Issue 8, 2021, Pages 14117-14124]
Askari, Emran
Survey on Etiology of Stevens-Johnson syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis in Pediatric Patients: A Six-Year Study from Iran [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2018, Pages 8675-8684]
Askari, Mohammad
Association of mtDNA mutation with Autism in Iranian patients [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2013, Pages 39-43]
Askari, Parvin
Neonatal Intestinal Colonization with Extended-Spectrum B-Lactamase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae: Molecular Analysis and Risk Factors in NICU neonates [Volume 11, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 17706-17720]
Askari, Sima
Evaluating the Effects of a Supportive intervention Program on the Post-operative Pain and Anxiety in Preschool Children [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 15252-15260]
Askari Majdabadi, Hesamedin
Prevalence of Oxyuriasis and its Influencing Factors in Elected Kindergartens in Ali Abad-e-Katoul, North of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 3751-3758]
Askarisarvestani, Aida
Survival of a Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Patient from Transfusion-associated Graft-versus-host Disease: A Case Report [Volume 10, Issue 10, 2022, Pages 16902-16907]
Askarisarvestani, Aida
Lactate Dehydrogenase as a New Prognostic Factor for Mortality in Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 18649-18658]
Askarishahi, Mohsen
Cultural Beliefs on Menstrual Health in Bam City: A Qualitative Study [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2018, Pages 8765-8778]
Askarishahi, Mohsen
Perceived Benefits and Barriers of Mothers with Premature Infant to Kangaroo Mother Care [Volume 7, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 9237-9248]
Askarizad, Reza
Investigation of Physical Factors Affecting the Wayfinding of Educational Spaces Children aged 7-12 years old in Rasht, North of Iran [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10689-10704]
Askarpour, Bahram
An Overview of Prophylactic Acetylsalicylic Acid for the Prevention of Intra-uterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) in Women at Risk for Preeclampsia [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10499-10504]
Askary, Elham
Long Term Anatomical and Functional Results of Modified McIndoe Vaginoplasty with Amnion Graft in Patients with Congenital Vaginal Aplasia Compared with a Control Group [Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 11551-11559]
Aslani, Kafiyeh
The Impact of Massage on the Pain and Fear Levels of Children during Venipuncture: A Clinical Trial [Volume 10, Issue 7, 2022, Pages 16291-16301]
Asli, Samira
A Comparative Study on Enteroviruses in Blood and Stool of Newly Diagnosed Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and Healthy Children [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2023, Pages 18157-18162]
Assdollahi, Maliheh
Predictors of Knowledge and Practice of Girl Students about Puberty Health [Volume 5, Issue 7, 2017, Pages 5229-5236]
Astaneh, Forughosadat
Evaluation of Clinical Manifestations, Laboratory Findings and Outcome of Children with Covid-19 [Volume 10, Issue 10, 2022, Pages 16854-16868]
Ataee, Alireza
Ultrasound- guided Hydrostatic (Hydrocolonic) Treatment of Meconium Ileus: A Preliminary Report [Volume 6, Issue 8, 2018, Pages 8111-8118]
Ataee, Pedram
Prevalence of Atopic Dermatitis Symptoms among Students in Kurdistan: a North-west Province of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 1205-1214]
Ataee, Pedram
The Prevalence of Asthma Symptoms in Elementary and Middle School Students in Kurdistan Province, the West of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 1323-1330]
Ataee, Pedram
The impact Atopic dermatitis on the life quality of childrens 1-6 year [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 7003-7011]
Ataei, Ehsan
Nutraceuticals in Hyperlipidemic Children: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 1569-1578]
Ataei, Fatemeh
Body Mass Index Percentile Curves for 7 To 18 Year Old Children and Adolescents; are the Sample Populations from Tehran Nationally Representative? [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 1926-1934]
Ataei, Fatemeh
Etiology and Outcome of Chronic Kidney Disease in Iranian Children [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2105-2112]
Ataei, Fatemeh
Diagnostic Value of Technetium-99m-Dimercaptosuccinic Acid Scintigraphy in Prediction of Vesicoureteral Reflux in Children with First-time Febrile Urinary Tract Infection [Volume 5, Issue 11, 2017, Pages 6031-6040]
Ataei, Fatemeh
Seroprevalence of Hepatitis B and C Virus Infection in Children with Chronic Kidney Diseases; A Historical Cohort Study [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 6911-6917]
Ataei, Neamatollah
Body Mass Index Percentile Curves for 7 To 18 Year Old Children and Adolescents; are the Sample Populations from Tehran Nationally Representative? [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 1926-1934]
Ataei, Neamatollah
Etiology and Outcome of Chronic Kidney Disease in Iranian Children [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2105-2112]
Ataei, Neamatollah
Blood Pressure Nomograms by Age and Weight for Iranian Children and Adolescents [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2153-2166]
Ataei, Neamatollah
Value of Plasma/Serum Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin in Detection of Pediatric Acute Kidney Injury; a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 4, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 3815-3836]
Ataei, Neamatollah
Diagnostic Value of Technetium-99m-Dimercaptosuccinic Acid Scintigraphy in Prediction of Vesicoureteral Reflux in Children with First-time Febrile Urinary Tract Infection [Volume 5, Issue 11, 2017, Pages 6031-6040]
Ataei, Neamatollah
Seroprevalence of Hepatitis B and C Virus Infection in Children with Chronic Kidney Diseases; A Historical Cohort Study [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 6911-6917]
Ataei, Neamatollah
Long-Term Survival of Peritoneal Dialysis in Children: A Cohort Study [Volume 7, Issue 9, 2019, Pages 10009-10017]
Ataei, Neamatollah
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Technique Failure in Peritoneal Dialysis of Iranian Children and Adolescents [Volume 7, Issue 11, 2019, Pages 10377-10385]
Ataei, Neamatollah
The Efficacy of Paricalcitol Administration for Management of Pediatric Chronic Kidney Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 10951-10959]
Ataei, P
Clinical Protests Food Allergy in Children [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 2-2]
Ataei, Pedram
Evaluation of Prevalence of Allergic Rhinitis Symptoms in Kurdistan, a Western Province in Iran [Volume 3, 6.1, 2015, Pages 1039-1046]
Ataei Nakhaee, Alireza
Nephropathic Cystinosis in Children: A Ten Year Experience from a Pediatric Nephrology Center in Mashhad, North East of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2024, Pages 19098-19101]
Ataei Nakhaei, A
Congenital Rickets: Report of Four Cases [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 22-22]
Ataei Nakhaei, Alireza
Congenital Rickets: Report of Four Cases [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 101-105]
Ataei Nakhaei, Alireza
Use of Corticosteroid in Children with Unresponsiveness to Intravenous Immunoglobulin in Kawasaki Disease [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2017, Pages 5555-5560]
Ataei Nakhaei, Alireza
Is Aromatherapy Effective for Apnea in Preterm Infants? A Systematic Review [Volume 7, Issue 7, 2019, Pages 9741-9747]
Ataei Nakhaei, Alireza
An Overview of Prophylactic Acetylsalicylic Acid for the Prevention of Intra-uterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) in Women at Risk for Preeclampsia [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10499-10504]
Ataei Nakhaei, Alireza
The Effects of Different Strategies on the Painful Procedure Management, and the Physiological Parameters in Preterm Infants: A Systematic Review [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11251-11259]
Ataei Nakhaei, Alireza
Investigating The Effect of Prescribing Vitamin C on Improving the Clinical Symptoms of Asthma in 2-12-Year-Old Children Hospitalized in the Pediatric Ward of Ghaem and Dr. Sheikh Hospitals, Mashhad, Iran [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11867-11875]
Ataei Nakhaie, Ali Reza
Stem Cell Therapy in Pediatric Neurological Disorders [Volume 3, 3.2, 2015, Pages 665-673]
Ataiee Nakhaie, Alireza
Effect of Gastric Acid Suppressant Prophylaxis on Incidence of Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit [Volume 4, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 3917-3924]
Ataie-Jafari, Asal
Burden of Disease Attributable to Suboptimal Breastfeeding in Iran during 1990-2010; Findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 [Volume 4, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 3535-3549]
Ataie-Jafari, Asal
Association between Aggressive Behaviors, Life Satisfaction, Self-rated Health and Counseling with Family Members among Children and Adolescents: The CASPIAN- IV Study [Volume 4, Issue 10, 2016, Pages 3627-3637]
Ataollahi, Maryam
Success and Adverse Effect Rates of Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography as a Therapeutic Method among Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis [Volume 11, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 17818-17829]
Atiya, Asaad A
Hypertonic 3% Saline in Comparison with 0.9% (Normal) Saline in Treatment of Acute Bronchiolitis [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 4209-4216]
Atri, Shirin
Transition in Cigarette Smoking Stages and its Relation with Parenting Styles of Parents among Iranian High School Students: A Longitudinal Study [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11663-11671]
Atrkarroushan, Zahra
The effect of foot reflexology massage on pain during vaccine injection in infants referred to Rasht Comprehensive Health Center: A randomized clinical trial [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 17366-17373]
Attaei, P
The Effect of Music on Pain, Anxiety and Vital Signs of Children during Colonoscopy [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 26-26]
Attaei, P
Effect Supermint oil (Peppermint oil) on children's pain during Colonoscopy [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 31-31]
Attaei Nakhaei, Alireza
Comparison of the Efficacy of Fluvoxamine and Desmopressin-Oxybutynin Combination in the Treatment of Nocturnal Enuresis: A Clinical Trial [Volume 9, Issue 5, 2021, Pages 13479-13488]
Attaei Nakhaei, Alireza
Comparative Study of Serum Potassium Levels in Children with Febrile Seizures and Febrile Children without Seizures [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 13319-13324]
Attaei Nakhaei, Ali Reza
Prevalence and Risk Factors for Parental Violence against Children: A Review Study [Volume 9, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 13127-13135]
Attaei Nakhaie, Alireza
Pediatric Vision Screening: some General Knowledge for Pediatricians [Volume 3, 4.1, 2015, Pages 771-775]
Attaei Nakhaie, Ali Reza
The Effect of Lavender Oil for Relief Painful Producer in Children and Infants: A Systematic Review [Volume 8, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 11177-11185]
Attaei Nakhaie, Ali Reza
Investigating the Effect of Prescribing Zinc Sulfate on Improving the Clinical Symptoms of Pneumonia in 2-59-Month-Old Children [Volume 8, Issue 11, 2020, Pages 12471-12479]
Attaei Nakhaie, Ali Reza
Differentiation of Biliary Atresia from the Intrahepatic Etiology of Infantile Cholestasis with Alagille Criteria [Volume 10, Issue 9, 2022, Pages 16699-16704]
Attaran, Anahita
Prevalence of Bacterial Meningitis in Children with Apparent Febrile Convulsion [Volume 10, Issue 11, 2022, Pages 17014-17019]
Attarzadeh, Hajar
Dental Anxiety: The Prevalence and Related Factors among 7-14-year-old Children in Yazd, Iran [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 15304-15312]
Attarzade Hosseini, Seyed Reza
Effects of Fasting on Glucagon-like peptide-1 hormone (GLP-1), and Lipid Profile Indices in Obese and Thin Women [Volume 7, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 9095-9102]
Atwa, Hoda
Clinical and Biochemical Predictors of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Obese Children and Adolescents [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 15583-15593]
Avazpour, Abbas
Survival of a Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Patient from Transfusion-associated Graft-versus-host Disease: A Case Report [Volume 10, Issue 10, 2022, Pages 16902-16907]
Avighgan, Fatemeh
The Effectiveness of Mother's Recorded Voice on the Pain and Anxiety in Pediatric Undergoing Surgery: A Randomized Clinical Trial Study [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 13067-13075]
Awad, Samah
Exposure to Air Pollution and Pregnancy Outcomes in the East Mediterranean Region: a Systematic Review [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 1255-1271]
Ayatollahi, Haleh
Recurrent Ovarian Torsions in a Nine Months Period in a 7-year- Old Girl: A Case Report [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7039-7044]
Ayatollahi, Maryam
Effects of Inflammatory Cytokine Tumor Necrosis Factor-α on Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell Gene Expression: A Mechanism for Liver Regeneration [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 43-43]
Aydoğ, Özlem
Children with Steroid-resistant Nephrotic Syndrome: a Single-Center Study [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 1233-1242]
Ayubi, Erfan
Population Attributable Risk of Unintentional Poisoning in Iranian Children [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2016, Pages 1655-1662]
Ayubi, Erfan
Unintentional Childhood Poisoning: a Neglected Subject in Iran [Volume 4, Issue 5, 2016, Pages 1731-1732]
Ayubi, Erfan
Variations of Infant and Under-five Child Mortality Rates around the World, the Role of Human Development Index (HDI) [Volume 4, Issue 5, 2016, Pages 1671-1677]
Ayubi, Erfan
A Cross-sectional Study for Determinations of Prevention Behaviors of Domestic Accidents in Mothers with Children Less than 5- year [Volume 4, Issue 5, 2016, Pages 1679-1685]
Ayubi, Erfan
Epidemiological Investigation of Pediatric Tuberculosis in Tehran Province, 2006-2015 [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 1895-1902]
Ayubi, Erfan
Children Mortality in Iran: Moving Ahead with the Sustainable Development Goals [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 1829-1831]
Ayubi, Erfan
Immigrants: Potential Menace for Measles Elimination Target in Iran [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 1975-1976]
Ayubi, Erfan
Pattern of Pediatric Animal Bites and Post Exposure Prophylaxis in Isfahan Province-Iran, 2015 [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 1977-1982]
Ayubi, Erfan
Epidemiology and Risk Factors of Childhood Brucellosis in West of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2099-2104]
Ayubi, Erfan
The Epidemiology of Injuries and Accidents in Children Under one Year of Age, during (2009-2016) in Hamadan Province, Iran [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2213-2220]
Ayubi, Erfan
High Immunization Coverage in Children as One of the Major Achievements for the Health System in Iran [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2167-2169]
Ayubi, Erfan
Association between Parental Addiction and Unintentional Childhood Poisoning [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2273-2280]
Ayubi, Erfan
Assessment of the Epidemiology and Factors Associated with the Malaria among Children in Sistan and Baluchistan Province, South East of Iran (2013-2016) [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2229-2239]
Ayubi, Erfan
Human Development and related Components with Malnutrition in Children: a Global Ecological Study [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 2299-2305]
Ayubi, Erfan
Challenges and Proposed Actions for HIV/AIDS Control among Children in Iran [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 2295-2297]
Ayubi, Erfan
A Look at the Phenomenon of Child Marriage in Iran and the World [Volume 4, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 3499-3501]
Ayubi, Erfan
The Effects of Model-Based Educational Intervention on Self-medication Behavior in Mothers with Children less than 2- year [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 3229-3238]
Ayubi, Erfan
Deaths in children under 5 years in Iran [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 2307-2309]
Ayubi, Erfan
Infant and Young Child Feeding Status in Iran Compared the Different United Nation Regions [Volume 4, Issue 10, 2016, Pages 3639-3641]
Ayubi, Erfan
The Prevalence of Transient and Permanent Congenital Hypothyroidism in Infants of Kurdistan Province, Iran (2006-2014) [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 4309-4318]
Ayubi, Erfan
Malnutrition and its Related Factors among Children under Five Years of Age [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 15412-15425]
Ayubi, Erfan
Is There an Association between Fetal Distress and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) among Children? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 13309-13317]
Azad, Akram
Development and Validity of the School Interim Competency of Performance Skill Battery Scale (SICPSBS) [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2018, Pages 8451-8473]
Azad, Sushil
Protein Energy Malnutrition in preschool tribe’s children of Chhattisgarh [Volume 3, 4.2, 2015, Pages 823-831]
Azad Armaki, Marzieh
The Effect of Color on Learning Efficiency among Primary School Students in Noorabad Delfan, Iran [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 14003-14010]
Azadbakht, Javid
A Comparative Evaluation of the Clinical Course, Laboratory Data and Chest CT scan Findings in Pediatric Patients with Covid-19 and Their Prognostic Value in Disease Outcome Estimation [Volume 11, Issue 10, 2023, Pages 18327-18339]
Azadbakht, Mohammad
Global Study of Viral Meningitis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 15865-15880]
Azadchehr, Mohammad Javad
Anatomical Disorders of Urinary System in Neonates with Prenatal Hydronephrosis [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 17212-17218]
Azadchehr, Mohammad Javad
Serum and Urine C - Reactive Protein, Mean Platelet Volume and Neutrophil/ Lymphocyte Ratio as Diagnostic Values in Neonatal Sepsis [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 17636-17645]
Azadchehr, Mohammad Javad
Frequency of Urinary Tract Pathogens and the Pattern of Antibiotic Resistance among Iranian Children [Volume 11, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 17769-17780]
Azadfada, shiva
Assessing the Safety of Children's Playgrounds from the Parents' Point of View: A Case of the Third District of Tehran [Volume 10, Issue 6, 2022, Pages 16223-16232]
Azadi, Namamali
Effects of Gain- and Loss-Framed Messages on Preventive Nutrition Behaviors of Osteoporosis in Iranian Female Students: A Text Messaging Intervention [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 12825-12834]
Azadi, Nammam Ali
The Effects of Trans-Theoretical Model and Fear of Dental Care on Dental Cleaning Behavior among Students [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9853-9861]
Azadmand, Ali
A Novel Experience in Treatment of Liver Hydatidosis in Pediatrics: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 5945-5952]
Azadmand, Ali
Intraoperative Sonographic Guided Pull-through Anorectoplasty: A Novel Procedure for Imperforate Anus and Rectourethral Fistula: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6195-6200]
Azadmand, Ali
Ultrasound Guided Hydrostatic Treatment of Meconium Ileus; another Indication for Ultrasound Based Approach to Bowel Obstruction [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11737-11742]
Azadmand, Ali
Evaluation of the Use of Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy Following Rigid Bronchoscopy in Foreign Body Aspiration [Volume 9, Issue 5, 2021, Pages 13609-13615]
Azadmand, Ali
A Survey of Pediatric Inguinal Hernia: A Single Center Experience with 40,000 Cases in a Ten-Year Period (2009-2019) [Volume 9, Issue 9, 2021, Pages 14362-14368]
Azam Hajikhani, Nayere
Development and Psychometric Analysis of Fathers’ Concerns Questionnaire on Low Risk Pregnancies of their Wives in Iran [Volume 8, Issue 11, 2020, Pages 12443-12454]
Azam Hajikhani Golchin, Nayereh
Predictors of Fathers' Worry about High Risk Pregnancies of their Wives: A Path Analysis [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 15664-15674]
Azami Sarukolaii, Azade
Comparing the Parenting Role Tasks in Parents of Children with Mental/Physical Disabilities [Volume 5, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 5079-5089]
Azarbarzin, Mehrdad
Comparison of Body Image and its Relationship with Body Mass Index (BMI) in High School Students of Ahvaz, Iran [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 4353-4360]
Azarfar, A
Congenital Hepatic Fibrosis: An Uncommon Cause of Chronic Renal Failure [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 40-40]
Azarfar, Anoush
Calcium and Vitamin D Metabolism in Pediatric Nephrotic Syndrome; An Update on the Existing Literature [Volume 3, 2.1, 2015, Pages 103-109]
Azarfar, Anoush
Comparison of Growth Parameters in Two Groups of Children with Chronic Renal Failure Treated with and without Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9883-9892]
Azarfar, Anoush
Clinical and Laboratory Investigation of Children with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Referring to Lupus Clinic of Dr. Sheikh Hospital, Mashhad, Iran [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9893-9902]
Azarfar, Anoush
The Effect of Vitamin E on Cisplatin Induced Nephrotoxicity: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10767-10773]
Azarfar, Anoush
Comparison of the Efficacy of Fluvoxamine and Desmopressin-Oxybutynin Combination in the Treatment of Nocturnal Enuresis: A Clinical Trial [Volume 9, Issue 5, 2021, Pages 13479-13488]
Azarfar, Anoush
Evaluating the Information Seeking Behavior of Parents with Sick Children about Health and Medical Issues [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 13031-13040]
Azarfar, Anoush
The Effects of Enzyme Replacement Therapy in Patients with Mucopolysaccharidosis Type 1: A Case Series Study [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 15853-15864]
Azarfar, Anoush
Nephropathic Cystinosis in Children: A Ten Year Experience from a Pediatric Nephrology Center in Mashhad, North East of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2024, Pages 19098-19101]
Azari, Nadia
A Comparison Study of the norms of Tehran and Iran in the Performance of 1-42-month-old children on the Bayley Scale [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 15426-15438]
Azari, shahryar
A Comparative Study of Two Glycemic Control Methods (SMBG vs. CGM) in Children and Adolescents Aged from 4 to 18 Years with Type 1 Diabetes [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 15331-15339]
Azarkar, Zohreh
The Effect of Red Rose Extract on Helicobacter Pylori Eradication: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10473-10480]
Azhdari, Zeynab
Effects of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy on Behavioral Problems of Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Iran [Volume 10, Issue 8, 2022, Pages 16477-16485]
Azhdary Moghadam, Yeganeh
Value of Duodenal Bulb Biopsy in the Diagnosis of Celiac Disease in a Group of Iranian Children [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 18563-18572]
Azhdary Moghaddam, Aida
Value of Duodenal Bulb Biopsy in the Diagnosis of Celiac Disease in a Group of Iranian Children [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 18563-18572]
Azimi, Leila
Relative Gene Expression of RND-Type Efflux Pumps in Tigecycline Resistant Acinetobacter Baumannii Isolated from Training Hospitals in Tehran, Iran [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2018, Pages 8669-8674]
Azimi, Leila
Evaluation of Clarithromycin and Metronidazole Resistance of Helicobacter Pylori Infection in Symptomatic Iranian Children [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 8925-8933]
Azimi, Leila
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Elective and Emergency Pediatric Surgeries: A Single-Center Experience in a Tertiary Center in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 17887-17896]
Azimi, Nasrin
Perinatal Outcomes of Idiopathic Polyhydramnios with Normal Ultrasound: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 7, Issue 5, 2019, Pages 9349-9362]
Azimian, Amir
The Role of Staphylococcus Aureus Types and Toxin-Producing Ability in Pediatric Atopic Dermatitis and its Association with Disease Severity [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 10875-10887]
Azimi Nezhad, Mohsen
Alkaptonuria - an atypical manifestation or management? [Volume 11, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 18013-18017]
Aziz, Nucksheeba
Clinical Predictors of Hospital Admission in Children Aged 0-24 Months with Acute Bronchiolitis [Volume 3, 2.1, 2015, Pages 75-79]
Aziz, Nucksheeba
Neonatal progeroid syndrome (Weidman Rautenstrauch syndrome): A case report from Jammu &Kashmir, India. [Volume 3, 2.1, 2015, Pages 93-97]
Azizi, Ahmad
Evaluation of Suspected Pediatric Appendicitis with Alvarado Method Using a Computerized Intelligent Model [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 1465-1473]
Azizi, Arash
Epidemiology of Food Allergies in Children with Asthma in Gorgan, Northern Iran: a Cross-Sectional Population-Based Study [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 17397-17404]
Azizi, Fatemeh
Medication Cost of Enzyme Replacement Therapy for Mucopolysaccharidoses in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 14988-14996]
Azizi, Gholamreza
Phospho-SMC1 in-Cell ELISA based Detection of Ataxia Telangiectasia [Volume 4, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 3957-3967]
Azizi, Gholamreza
The Etiology of Bronchiectasis in Iran [Volume 4, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 4051-4056]
Azizi, Gholamreza
Academic Performance, Sleep Disorders and Their Association in Middle School Students in Iran [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 4541-4549]
Azizi, Gholamreza
Immunomodulation of TLR2 and TLR4 by G2013 (alfa-L-Guluronic acid) in CVID Patients [Volume 5, Issue 7, 2017, Pages 5327-5337]
Azizi, Gholamreza
The Prevalence of Obesity, Technological Device Usage, Physical Activity and their Relationship with Spirometry Indicators among Children in Isfahan City, Iran [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2018, Pages 8537-8547]
Azizi, Mansoureh
Education for Menstrual Hygiene Promotion in Iranian Girls: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 7, Issue 6, 2019, Pages 9507-9515]
Azizi-Soleiman, Fatemeh
Dietary Habits and Health Related Behaviors in Iranian Children and Adolescents: The CASPIAN- IV Study [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2087-2097]
Aziznejadroshan, parvin
The Effect of Home-visit Training Program on the Maternal Anxiety of Preterm Infants: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11783-11791]
Aziznejad Roshan, Parvin
Effect of the Local Heat on the Pain of Vitamin K Injection in the Infants [Volume 4, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 4081-4088]
Azizpoor, Amir Masood
Evaluation of Immunohistochemistry (IHC) in Children with Chronic Constipation [Volume 3, 5.2, 2015, Pages 945-949]
Azma, Roxana
New-Onset Bacterial Sinusitis in Pediatric Liver Transplant Recipients; Case Series and Review of Literature [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 7479-7488]
B, Nalini
Factors Associated with Adverse Outcome in Pediatric Febrile Neutropenia: Results from a Tertiary Care Hospital [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6447-6455]
Babaei, Esmat
Correlations of Postural Abnormalities, Height, Weight, and BMI with the Level of Physical Activity in Students [Volume 12, Issue 8, 2024, Pages 18953-18961]
Babaei, Homa
Effects of Abdominal Massage and Non-Nutritive Sucking on Physiological Parameters of Preterm Infants: A Randomized Clinical Trial (RCT) [Volume 5, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 5167-5181]
Babaei, Homa
Study of Causes of Neonatal Mortality and its Related Factors in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Imam Reza Hospital in Kermanshah, Iran during (2014-2016) [Volume 6, Issue 5, 2018, Pages 7641-7649]
Babaei, Homa
Risk Factors of Severe Hyperbilirubinemia in Neonates Undergoing Exchange Transfusion in Imam Reza Hospital Kermanshah- Iran, during 2012 to 2016 [Volume 6, Issue 8, 2018, Pages 8061-8072]
Babaei, Homa
The Effect of Non-nutritive Sucking on Mother's Finger on Feeding Tolerance and Attainment of Independent Oral Feeding in Preterm Infants: A Randomized Trial [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2018, Pages 8715-8725]
Babaei, Homa
The Effect of Surfactant Accompanied by Ventolin on the Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Premature Newborns: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9803-9815]
Babaei, Homa
Bart Syndrome Associated with Pyloric Atresia: An Uncommon Case Report [Volume 11, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 17830-17836]
Babaei, Nazanin
Academic Performance, Sleep Disorders and Their Association in Middle School Students in Iran [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 4541-4549]
Babaei, Sharareh
A Randomized Clinical Trial to Compare the Criteria of Readiness for Extubation and Daily Spontaneous Breathing Test (SBT) on the Duration of Mechanical Ventilation [Volume 8, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 11003-11012]
Babaei, Sharareh
Treatment Protocol of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia based on Microbial Susceptibility in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Isfahan, Iran [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 12039-12051]
Babaei Hatkehlouei, Mahdi
Effect of Distraction Technique and Hypnosis in Pain of Bone Marrow Aspiration in Children: a Narrative Review [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 4521-4531]
Babaei Hatkehlouei, Mahdi
Decayed, Missing, and Filled Teeth (DMFT) Index among First-grade Elementary Students in Mazandaran Province, Northern Iran [Volume 5, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 5069-5077]
Babaei Heydarabadi, Akbar
Investigation of the Knowledge and Skill of Proper Consumption of Fruit and Vegetables among Shahrekord Adolescent Girls [Volume 4, Issue 10, 2016, Pages 3699-3707]
Babaei Heydarabadi, Akbar
Comparing the Effects of Vitamin B1 and Calcium on Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) among Female Students, Ilam- Iran [Volume 4, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 3519-3528]
Babaei Heydarabadi, Akbar
The Educational Intervention on People’s Behavior in terms of the Microbial Contaminations of Mobile Phones and the Possible Adverse Effects of their Beam [Volume 4, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 3977-3987]
Babaei Heydarabadi, Akbar
Educational Intervention on Preventive Behaviors on Gestational Diabetes in Pregnant Women: Application of Health Belief Model [Volume 5, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 4821-4831]
Babaei Heydarabadi, Akbar
Proper Consumption of Sugary Drinks and its Association with Adolescent Girls’ Knowledge and Skill [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 4343-4351]
Babaei Heydarabadi, Akbar
Association between perceived self-efficacy, outcome expectations and outcome evaluation and fruit and vegetables consumption in adolescent girls [Volume 5, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 4889-4898]
Babaei Heydarabadi, Akbar
Evaluation of the Effect of Physical Activity Programs on Self-Esteem and Body Mass Index of Overweight Adolescent Girls, based on Health Belief Model with School-Centered Approach [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7103-7116]
Babaei Mazreno, Alireza
Correlations of Postural Abnormalities, Height, Weight, and BMI with the Level of Physical Activity in Students [Volume 12, Issue 8, 2024, Pages 18953-18961]
Babahajian, Asrin
Efficacy of Neuromodulation in Fecal Incontinence in Children; A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6563-6577]
Babahajian, Asrin
Human Adipose-Derived Stem/Stromal Cells from Children or Adults? [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6779-6780]
Babahajian, Asrin
Efficacy of Enema via Cecostomy for Fecal Disorders in Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 7, Issue 5, 2019, Pages 9429-9441]
Babai Mazraeno, Esmat
Effect of Supplemental Ascorbic Acid on the Aerobic Capacity in Children [Volume 2, 4.1, 2014, Pages 239-243]
Babai mazreno, Alireza
Body Fat Percentage in Active and Inactive Students Using Anthropometric Parameters [Volume 2, 4.3, 2014, Pages 391-398]
Babai Mazreno, Alireza
Effects of a Period of Selected Activity on Lung Capacities in Children 5-10 Years with Asthma Caused by Exercise [Volume 2, 3.3, 2014, Pages 11-17]
Babai Mazreno, Alireza
Effect of Supplemental Ascorbic Acid on the Aerobic Capacity in Children [Volume 2, 4.1, 2014, Pages 239-243]
Babai Mazreno, Alireza
The Effects of Daily Rhythms on Sports Functions and Physiological Variables of Immune Elite Swimmers [Volume 2, 4.2, 2014, Pages 79-85]
Babai Mazreno, Alireza
The Effects of Physical Education Course on Mental Health of Students in Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan-Iran [Volume 3, 2.1, 2015, Pages 67-73]
Babai Mazreno, Alireza
Realization of the Purposes of Affective (Emotional) Domain of Physical Education among Male High School Students [Volume 12, Issue 7, 2024, Pages 18893-18901]
Babakhani, Maryam
Prevalence and Risk Factors Associated with Intestinal Parasitic Infections among School Children in Gashky, West of Iran [Volume 5, Issue 7, 2017, Pages 5263-5273]
Babakhanian, Fatemeh
The Effect of Fennel and Black Seed, on Breast milk, Prolactin Levels and Anthropometric Index in Human and Animal Samples: A Review [Volume 8, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 11063-11069]
Babakhanian, Masaudeh
A Systematic Review of Psychometric Properties of Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale-Short Form (BSES-SF) [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2018, Pages 8619-8630]
Babakhanian, Masaudeh
A Systematic Review of Instruments Measuring Family and Social Support of Breastfeeding Mothers [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 8821-8829]
Babakhanian, Masaudeh
Social Work and Non-Pharmacological Treatment on Iranian Children with Hemophilia: A Systematic Review [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 10827-10835]
Babakhanian, Masaudeh
Psychometric Characteristics of Childbearing Motivation Questionnaire: A Review [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10705-10709]
Babakhanian, Masaudeh
Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties of Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale in Women with a Sick Child [Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 11581-11586]
Babakhanian, Masoudeh
The Effect of Herbal Medicines on Postpartum Depression, and Maternal-Infant Attachment in Postpartum Mother: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 7, Issue 7, 2019, Pages 9645-9656]
Babakhanian, Masoudeh
Factors Affecting Child Labor in Iran: A Systematic Review [Volume 7, Issue 9, 2019, Pages 10067-10075]
Babakhanian, Masoudeh
Investigating the Relationship between Smartphone Addiction and Loneliness and its Impact on Motivation to Progress in High School Students [Volume 7, Issue 10, 2019, Pages 10187-10193]
Babakhanian, Masoudeh
Advantages and Disadvantages of Methadone among Children and Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 7, Issue 9, 2019, Pages 10125-10137]
Babakhanian, Masoudeh
Sensitivity and Specificity of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) among Iranian Mothers: A Psychometric Study [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10533-10540]
Babakhanian, Masoudeh
A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Aromatherapy Massage on Sleep in Children and Infants [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11233-11241]
Babakhanian, Masoudeh
Overview on Children Mental Health Status during Coronavirus Disease: Expressing How to Support [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 11931-11937]
Babakhanian, Masoudeh
A Systematic Review of Anxiety during Pregnancy in the Period of the COVID-19 Pandemic [Volume 9, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 14756-14771]
Babakhanian, Mina
A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Aromatherapy Massage on Sleep in Children and Infants [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11233-11241]
Babanejad Nigjeh, Fahimeh
Investigating the Mediating role of Academic Motivation in the Relationship between Basic Psychological Needs, Educational justice, and Cheating Behavior [Volume 9, Issue 9, 2021, Pages 14446-14456]
Babapour, Nooshin
Rectal versus Intramuscular Hyoscine: its Effects on Shortening the First Stage of Labor in Term Primigravid Women [Volume 9, Issue 5, 2021, Pages 13495-13502]
Babazadeh, Kazem
Multi-organ Presentation of Children with COVID-19 Infection in the North of Iran: A Retrospective Study [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 13411-13419]
Babooa, Niralee
Neonatal outcomes of Offspring Conceived through in Vitro Fertilization [Volume 3, 3.2, 2015, Pages 643-653]
Babri, Leila
Age at Menarche and its Related Factors among School Girls, in Zanjan, Iran [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 4755-4762]
Badarayan, Karthik V
Rare Association of Adult Onset Still’s Disease with Autoimmune Thyroid Disease: A Case Report [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 13971-13975]
Badawi, Nora
Growth and Final Height in Children with Autoimmune Hepatitis; A long term observation [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 15695-15709]
Badfar, Gholamreza
Vitamin D Status in Pregnant Women and Their Newborns in Karaj: A Cross-Sectional Study in Iran [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7117-7127]
Badfar, Gholamreza
Epidemiologic Indicators of Neonatal Sepsis in Teaching Hospitals of Ilam, Western Iran during (2012-2017) [Volume 6, Issue 7, 2018, Pages 7947-7958]
Badiee, Parisa
Fungal Colonization among Iranian Infants Hospitalized in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: Occurrence Rate, Risk Factors and Health Outcome [Volume 7, Issue 7, 2019, Pages 9719-9728]
Badiee, Zahra
Quality of Life in Patients with Thalassemia Major: A Concept Analysis Using Rodgers' Evolutionary Method [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11197-11217]
Badiee, Zahra
The Effect of Vitamin E on Cisplatin Induced Nephrotoxicity: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10767-10773]
Badiee, Zahra
Extranodal Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma of the Oral Cavity Presenting as Gingival Swelling: A Case Report [Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 11537-11542]
Badiee, Zahra
Investigating Challenges Facing the Improvement of Health Related Quality of Life in Iranian β-Thalassemia Major Patients: A Qualitative Study [Volume 9, Issue 9, 2021, Pages 14457-14473]
Badiee, Zahra
Presentation of Sonographic Features of Pulmonary Invasive Fungal Disease in Six Children with Leukemia [Volume 9, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 13203-13211]
Badiee, Zahra
Coping Strategies in Patients with Beta-thalassemia and their Parents: A Systematic Review [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 15682-15694]
Badiehneshin, Leila
The Effects of Chicory Extract Consumption by Mothers on the Frequency of Icterus and the Serum Bilirubin Level in Neonates [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 15601-15608]
Badiei Aval, Shahpour
Is home Care a Successful Strategy in COVID-19? A Valuable Experience from Iran [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 12843-12854]
Badini Pourazar, Soheila
The Effect of Abdominal Touch on Nutritional Tolerance in Premature Infants: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trail [Volume 6, Issue 8, 2018, Pages 8119-8128]
Badipour, Sara
Cut off Value for Parathormone Level in Children with Vitamin D Deficiency [Volume 10, Issue 11, 2022, Pages 16960-16968]
Badpeyma, Mohaddese
Association of Weight of Premature Infant and Aromatherapy: A Systematic Review [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10789-10798]
Badpeyma, Mohaddeseh
Aromatherapy as a Nutrition Improvement Approach in Premature Infants: A Short Review [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10405-10411]
Badpeyma, Mohaddeseh
The Impact of COVID-19 Outbreak on the Mental Health of the Pregnant Women: A Systematic Review [Volume 9, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 13185-13192]
Badre, Aamal
Breastfeeding in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Casablanca Teaching Hospital Ibn Rochd [Volume 12, Issue 5, 2024, Pages 18823-18831]
Bagchi, Nilay
Distal Renal Tubular Acidosis with Grade 4 Vesicoureteral Reflux in a Child with Single Kidney [Volume 3, 5.1, 2015, Pages 861-864]
Baghaban Eslaminejad, Mohammad Reza
The effect of Dimethyl Sulfoxide on hepatogenic differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 57-57]
Baghaei, Hossein
Design and Validation of a Physical Education Curriculum Model for Elementary School Children Based on the Fundamental Transformation Document [Volume 10, Issue 9, 2022, Pages 16683-16698]
Baghaei, Mohammadreza
The Clinical Outcome of Patients Undergoing Fontan Surgery; Over 10 Years of Experience in a Single Center [Volume 9, Issue 8, 2021, Pages 14225-14238]
Baghaei, Noushin
Evaluation of Antibiotic Resistance Trend among Cystic Fibrosis Patients: A Single Center Study from 2014-2019 [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10719-10729]
Baghaei Tehrani, Ramin
Investigating Diverse Structure of Pulmonary Blood Vessels in Patients with Combined Pulmonary Atresia and Ventricular Septal Defect and Examining the Effect on Surgery Result [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 10941-10949]
Baghban, Rahim
Right to Health with Emphasis on Children, Women and Disabilities: A Literature Review [Volume 7, Issue 6, 2019, Pages 9611-9622]
Baghban, Rahim
Telemedicine: an Essential Requirement for the Health Care Providers, with Emphasis on Legal Aspects [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 12131-12142]
Baghdari, Nasrin
Comparing Infant Nutrition in Wanted and Unwanted Pregnancies [Volume 4, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 4043-4050]
Bagher Hosseini, Mohammad
The Effect of Body Position on Pain Due to Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) in Premature Neonates: A Cross-Over Clinical Trial Study [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 6861-6871]
Bagheri, Abouzar
Genetic Counseling for Families with Sporadic Intellectual Disability in North of Iran: A Retrospective Study [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11709-11718]
Bagheri, Azam
Factors Related to the Age at Menarche in Iran: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 12091-12104]
Bagheri, Azam
The Correlation between the Mothers’ and their Daughters’ Ages of Menarche: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis [Volume 9, Issue 9, 2021, Pages 14481-14496]
Bagheri, Bahador
Rate of Self-Extubation in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Following Administration of Fentanyl, Midazolam and Midazolam-Fentanyl Combination: A Comparative Study [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 6971-6976]
Bagheri, Danial
Predicting Oral Health Behavior using the Health Promotion Model among School Students: a Cross-sectional Survey [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2069-2077]
Bagheri, F
Study of Relationship between Hypernatremia in Neonates and Way of Maternal Breast Feeding [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 35-35]
Bagheri, Fatemeh
Neonatal Infections: a 5-Year Analysis in a Neonatal Care Unit in North East of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 3989-3998]
Bagheri, Fatemeh
The Evaluation of Serum Procalcitonin Levels in Neonatal Infections [Volume 5, Issue 7, 2017, Pages 5287-5294]
Bagheri, Hossein
Tissue Doppler Imaging versus Conventional Echocardiography in Evaluation of Cardiac Functions in Diabetes Mellitus [Volume 7, Issue 7, 2019, Pages 9677-9691]
Bagheri, Hossein
Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha, N-terminal Pro Brain Natriuretic Peptide and Interleukin-6 Correlations with Doppler Tissue Imaging findings in Major Thalassemia Patients [Volume 7, Issue 10, 2019, Pages 10255-10268]
Bagheri, Hossein
Tissue Doppler Imaging Findings and Lipid Profile Changes in Diabetes Mellitus Type I Children [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10423-10439]
Bagheri, Imane
Nursing Care Behaviors Perceived by Parents of Hospitalized Children: A Qualitative Study [Volume 5, Issue 7, 2017, Pages 5379-5389]
Bagheri, Maryam
The Effect of the Educational Program on Iranian Fathers’ Involvement in Infant care: A Randomized Clinical Trial Study [Volume 3, 6.1, 2015, Pages 1057-1063]
Bagheri, Mohamad Mehdi
Injectable Acetaminophen Effectiveness in Closing Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Term Infants Hospitalized in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2024, Pages 19032-19039]
Bagheri, Najmeh
The Effect of Oral Ibuprofen on Closure of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Term Neonates: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 11901-11909]
Bagheri, Sanaz
The Effects of Training Pediatric Cancers’ Parents in Communication Skills on their Marital Instability, Marital Adjustment, and Quality of Life [Volume 10, Issue 11, 2022, Pages 17020-17029]
Bagheri, Sanaz
The Effectiveness of Psychological Well-being Training on Negative Automatic Thoughts and Resilience of Female Adolescents with Rumination in Tehran [Volume 10, Issue 8, 2022, Pages 16515-16525]
Bagheri, Sanaz
The Mediating Role of Perceived Stress in the Relationship between Personality Traits and Negative Automatic Thoughts in Adolescents with Migraine [Volume 10, Issue 8, 2022, Pages 16526-16537]
Bagheri, Sapideh
Antibiotic Resistance Profile of Pathogen Escherichia Coli in Children with Urinary Tract Infection [Volume 10, Issue 10, 2022, Pages 16811-16816]
Bagheri, Sara
Effects of the Social Climate of the Physical Education Class on Children’s Participation in Physical Activities: The Mediating Role of Relatedness [Volume 10, Issue 10, 2022, Pages 16837-16843]
Bagheri, Sepideh
Precocious Puberty: An Unusual Presentation of Hypothyroidism [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 51-54]
Bagheri, Sepideh
Association of Pediatric Stress Hyperglycemia with Insulin Metabolism Disorders [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 83-87]
Bagheri, Sepideh
Significant Neonatal Weight Loss Related to Idiopathic Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia [Volume 2, 4.1, 2014, Pages 225-231]
Bagheri, Sepideh
The Effect of Kangaroo Mother Care Immediately after Delivery on Mother-infant Attachment 3 Months after Delivery [Volume 4, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 3561-3570]
Bagheri, Sepideh
The Effect of Postpartum Mother–Infant Skin-to-Skin Contact on Exclusive Breastfeeding In neonatal period: A Randomized Controlled Trial [Volume 5, Issue 7, 2017, Pages 5409-5417]
Bagheri, Sepideh
Frequency of Hyperglycemic Stress in Patients Referred to Emergency Department of Akbar Hospital in Mashhad Depending on the Type of Disease [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 15137-15144]
Bagheri, Sepideh
Proposed TART-RADS Classification for Testicular Ultrasound: Our Experience and Literature Review [Volume 10, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 16112-16120]
Bagheri, Sepideh
Prevalence of Bacterial Meningitis in Children with Apparent Febrile Convulsion [Volume 10, Issue 11, 2022, Pages 17014-17019]
Bagheri, Sepideh
The Effectiveness of Parenteral Hydroxylcobalamin on Urine Mma in Children with Methylmalonic Acidemia [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 17470-17476]
Bagheri, Sepideh
Transcobalamin Deficiency with the Mutation of Tcn2 in Children with the Primary Diagnosis of Methylmalonic Academia [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2023, Pages 18099-18103]
Bagheri, Sepideh
A Comparative Study on Enteroviruses in Blood and Stool of Newly Diagnosed Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and Healthy Children [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2023, Pages 18157-18162]
Bagheri, Sepideh
Nephropathic Cystinosis in Children: A Ten Year Experience from a Pediatric Nephrology Center in Mashhad, North East of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2024, Pages 19098-19101]
Bagheri, Sepideh
Evaluating the Effect of Pulmonary Hydatid Cyst on Lung Function Tests in Pediatric Pulmonary Hydatidosis [Volume 12, Issue 11, 2024, Pages 19165-19169]
Bagheri, Shahram
Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis in Childhood: Review, Symptoms in the Oral Cavity, Differential Diagnosis and Report of One Case [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 3343-3353]
Bagheri, Somayeh
Prevalence of Cryptosporidium Species in Children Referred to Central and Hospital Laboratories of Zabol City, South East of Iran [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6359-6364]
Bagherian, Rita
Comparative Evaluation of Clinical, Endoscopic and Histopathological Findings of Helicobacter Pylori-Associated Gastroduodenitis in Children [Volume 9, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 13257-13268]
Bagherian, Somaye
The Analgesic Effects of Oral Acetaminophen vs. Ibuprofen in Children with Supracondylar Fractures: A Triple-blind Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 9, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 15060-15066]
Bagheri-Hariri, Shahram
Extremity Fracture Diagnosis Using Bedside Ultrasound in Pediatric Trauma Patients Referring to Emergency Department; A Diagnostic Study [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 5959-5964]
Bagheri-Hariri, Shahram
Unnecessary Brain CT scan of Traumatic Pediatric Patients; How to Reduce the Numbers? [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 7297-7298]
Bagheri-Hosseinabadi, Zahra
Investigation of the Maternal and Neonatal Factors Affecting the Apgar score of Newborns: A Case-Control Study [Volume 9, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 13737-13746]
Bagheri-Josheghani, Sareh
Frequency of Urinary Tract Pathogens and the Pattern of Antibiotic Resistance among Iranian Children [Volume 11, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 17769-17780]
Bagheri Khaboushan, Elahe
The Effect of Herbal Medicines on Postpartum Depression, and Maternal-Infant Attachment in Postpartum Mother: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 7, Issue 7, 2019, Pages 9645-9656]
Bagheri-Nesami, Masoumeh
The Effect of Distraction Technique on the Pain of Dressing Change among 3-6 Year-old Children [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2016, Pages 1603-1610]
Bagheri-Nesami, Masoumeh
The Effect of Video Game Play Technique on Pain of Venipuncture in Children [Volume 4, Issue 5, 2016, Pages 1795-1802]
Bagheri-Nesami, Masoumeh
The effect of video games on the behavioral response and self-assessment of pain prior to inferior alveolar nerve block administration in children [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 15499-15510]
Bagherinia, Marzieh
Effectiveness School-Based Educational Interventions in Preventing Smoking in Iranian Adolescents: A Systematic Review [Volume 8, Issue 11, 2020, Pages 12421-12430]
Bagheri Rostami, Mohamad Hadi
Prevalence of Common Aeroallergens in Patients with Allergic Rhinitis in Gorgan, North of Iran, Based on Skin Prick Test Reactivity [Volume 6, Issue 8, 2018, Pages 8139-8145]
Baghernezhad hesary, Fatemeh
Investigating the Life Skills and Self-Esteem in Teenage Girls in Birjand, Iran [Volume 7, Issue 6, 2019, Pages 9623-9630]
Baghernezhad hesary, Fatemeh
Female Adolescents and Life Skills based on the Social Cognitive Theory: A Qualitative Study [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9841-9851]
Bagherniya, Mohammad
The Impact of Adolescent Friendships on Unhealthy Eating Behaviors of Overweight and Obese Adolescents: A Qualitative Study [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2018, Pages 8385-8398]
Baghersalimi, Adel
Can Weight Gain Predict the Outcome of Childhood Leukemia? [Volume 11, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 17739-17748]
Bagherzadeh, Ali
Electrocardiogram Changes Following the Treatment with Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Agonists in Patients with Precocious Puberty [Volume 9, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 14867-14876]
Bagherzadeh, Razieh
Certain prenatal problems and their relationship with neonate's anthropometric indices at birth: a cross-sectional descriptive study in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 9, 2021, Pages 14307-14318]
Bagherzadeh, Raziyeh
The relationship between the type of nutrition and anthropometric indices of infants during the first year of birth [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 15351-15364]
Baghestani, Ahmad reza
Gender-based Differences in Associations between Attitude and Self-esteem with Smoking Behavior among Adolescents: A Secondary Analysis Applying Bayesian Nonparametric Functional Latent Variable Model [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7081-7094]
Baghianimoghadam, Mohammad Hossein
Determine the Effectiveness of Learning of Coping Strategies with Irrational Beliefs Based on the Theory of Rational-Emotional Alice on Attitudes to Communicate Before Married Female High School Students in Yazd- Iran [Volume 3, 6.2, 2015, Pages 1153-1060]
Baghiani Moghadam, Mohammad Hosein
Study of Maternal Knowledge and Attitude toward Exclusive Breast Milk Feeding (BMF) in the First 6 Months of Infant in Yazd-Iran [Volume 2, 3.1, 2014, Pages 175-181]
Bahaadinbeigy, Kambiz
Prevalence of Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases in Kerman, Southeast of Iran [Volume 3, 3.1, 2015, Pages 601-608]
Bahadoran, Parvin
Effect of electronic education on the awareness of women about post partum breast feeding [Volume 2, 3.2, 2014, Pages 57-63]
Bahadorbeigi, Leila
Evaluating the Need for Prophylactic Antibiotic Therapy in Infants with Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn: A Triple-Blind Randomized Clinical Trial Study [Volume 6, Issue 8, 2018, Pages 8086-8092]
Bahadori, Malihe
Expressional Analysis of Stem Cell Marker SALL4 in Mesencephalon during Chicken Embryogenesis [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 68-68]
Baharara, Javad
The Ratio of Second to Fourth Digit Length (2D:4D) in Children with Autistic Disorder [Volume 2, 4.2, 2014, Pages 5-11]
Baharara, Javad
Leukemia- Derived Exosomes Activate Migration and Tumor-Associated Genes in Astrocytes Isolated from Human Brain Tissue [Volume 9, Issue 10, 2021, Pages 14540-14548]
Bahari, Adel
The Impact of Educational Intervention on Aggression Level among High School Students in Ilam-Iran [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 4239-4249]
Bahari, Mojgan
Effects of Nocospray Disinfection Device on the Reduction of Children’s Hospital Acquired Infections [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 17628-17635]
Bahari, Mojgan
Antibiotic Resistance Pattern in Nosocomial Infections in Children's Hospital [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 18691-18699]
Baharvand, Hossein
Co-Transplantation of VEGF-Expressing Human Embryonic Stem Cell Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Enhance Islet Revascularization in Diabetic Nude Mice [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 56-56]
Baheiraei, Azam
Prevalence of Home Smoking Bans and its Determinants in Families with Infants [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 6987-6997]
Baheran, Venous
Comparing salivary antibacterial peptides in children with and without Caries [Volume 11, Issue 9, 2023, Pages 18212-18219]
Bahlakeh, Taher
Effects of Attitude towards Fashion on Participation of Adolescent Students in Physical Activity: Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 12893-12900]
Bahlakeh, Taher
The Impact of Teachers’ Cultural Capital on Participation of Adolescents’ Students in Physical Activity and Sport [Volume 9, Issue 8, 2021, Pages 14117-14124]
Bahman, Babak
Epidemiologic Study of Congenital Heart Diseases and Its Related Factors in Children Referred to the Pediatric Cardiac Clinic of Birjand University of Medical Sciences, Iran [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10455-10463]
Bahmani, Afshin
Effects of Parents' Education on Dental Fissure Sealant Rate of Preschool Children Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 13021-13030]
Bahmani, Nasrin
Bacterial Etiology and Antibiotic Resistance Patterns in Neonatal Sepsis in the West of Iran. [Volume 9, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 14737-14746]
Bahmani, Sahar
Investigating the Effect of Cochlear Size in Insertion of Electrode Depth in Patients with Cochlear Implantation evaluated by CT-Scan [Volume 7, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 9207-9213]
Bahraini, Parichehr
Jaundiced Neonates Receiving Phototherapy and Risk of Atopic Dermatitis in the First 2 Years of Life: A Case-Control Study [Volume 7, Issue 11, 2019, Pages 10397-10403]
Bahram, Mohamad Ebrahim
The Effects of Static and Dynamic Stretching Exercises’ Order on Some Physical Fitness Factors in Elementary School Children [Volume 9, Issue 9, 2021, Pages 14435-14445]
Bahrami, Ahmad Reza
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells: Challenges and Opportunities [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 13-13]
Bahrami, Ahmad Reza
Genetic and Epigenetic landscape of Germline Stem Cells [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 14-14]
Bahrami, Ahmad Reza
Comparative analysis of the Gene expression profile of Chemokine Receptors between Adipose-derived and Bone marrow-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 17-17]
Bahrami, Ahmad Reza
Strategies to Improve Homing of Stem Cells to achieve better Efficacy in Stem Cell Therapy [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 18-18]
Bahrami, Ahmad Reza
Pretreatment of Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Stromal-derived Factor-1α Delivery from Chitosan-based Injectable Hydrogels for Better Cell Guidance and Retention [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 19-19]
Bahrami, Ahmad Reza
Stem Cell-Based Therapy (Cell Therapy) in Iran and other Countries [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 63-63]
Bahrami, AR
Preparation of decellularized three dimentional scaffolds as the model for tissue engineering and their functional assessments in vitro application of blastema tissue [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 15-15]
Bahrami, Fereshteh
Reflections on Telemedicine with an Emphasis on Ethical Aspects: A Review [Volume 8, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 12223-12233]
Bahrami, Fereshteh
A Systematic Review of the Prediction of Preterm Birth Using Cervical Elastography [Volume 9, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 13117-13125]
Bahrami, Fereshteh
Prevalence of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome among Girls’ Students of Kerman University of Medical Sciences and a Meta-Analysis of the Prevalence of PCOS among Iranian Adolescent Girls [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 13957-13969]
Bahrami, Hamidreza
Massage for Infantile Colic: Review and Literature [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 1953-1958]
Bahrami, Hamid Reza
Acupuncture Use In Pediatric Disease: A Short Review [Volume 2, 3.2, 2014, Pages 69-72]
Bahrami, Hamid Reza
Investigation of the Risk Factors for Congenital Hypothyroidism in Iran: A Population-Based Case-Control Study [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 8951-8958]
Bahrami, Hamid Reza
Risk Factors of Low Birth Weight Infants: A Population-Based Cross-Sectional Study [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10807-10815]
Bahrami, Hamid Reza
The Association between Red Blood Cell Distribution Width and Metabolic Syndrome in Adolescent Girls [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 17416-17427]
Bahrami, Masoud
Nurses' Attitudes and Beliefs about the Provocative Psychological Factors for Self-Injury: A Descriptive Qualitative Study [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 8941-8950]
Bahrami, Masoud
Factors Associated with Non-Suicidal Self-Injury (NSSI) in Iran: A Narrative Systematic Review [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10785-10799]
Bahrami, Masoud
Clinical and Laboratory Characteristics of Kawasaki Disease in Iran: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis [Volume 8, Issue 12, 2020, Pages 12659-12673]
Bahrami, Masoud
Chest CT Features in Pediatric Patients with COVID‐19 Infection: A Brief Review Article [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 13421-13427]
Bahramian, Esmat
The Effect of Educational Intervention on Media Literacy among High School Female Students [Volume 6, Issue 7, 2018, Pages 7937-7945]
Bahraminia, Emad
The Prevalence of Obesity, Technological Device Usage, Physical Activity and their Relationship with Spirometry Indicators among Children in Isfahan City, Iran [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2018, Pages 8537-8547]
Bahrami-Taghanaki, Hamidreza
Evaluation of Neck Circumference as Potential Marker for Metabolic Syndrome in Children [Volume 9, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 13865-13874]
Bahrami-vazir, Ellahe
Psychometric Properties of the Revised Osteoporosis Knowledge Test in Iranian Adolescent [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 8959-8968]
Bahramizadeh, Mahdiyeh
The Effect of Pentoxifylline on the Prevention of ARDS in PICU Patients: A Randomized Double-Blind Clinical Trial [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 18517-18529]
Bahrampour, Anahita
An Evaluation of the Relationship between Hemoglobin Level and Blood Transfusion in Pregnant Women with Intermedia Thalassemia: A Case Series Study [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2023, Pages 18163-18171]
Bahrampur, Ayda
An Evaluation of the Relationship between Hemoglobin Level and Blood Transfusion in Pregnant Women with Intermedia Thalassemia: A Case Series Study [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2023, Pages 18163-18171]
Bahreini, Abbas
Tuberculosis: Past, Present and Future [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 1243-1254]
Bahreini, Abbas
Customs and Desirable after Childbirth, in Islam [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 1297-1303]
Bahreini, Abbas
The Anomalous Origin of the Left Coronary Artery from the Pulmonary Artery (ALCAPA): a Case Series and Brief Review [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 1397-1405]
Bahreini, Abbas
Adolescence Health: the Needs, Problems and Attention [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 1423-1438]
Bahreini, Abbas
Indications, Results and Mortality of Pulmonary Artery Banding Procedure: a Brief Review and Five- year Experiences [Volume 4, Issue 5, 2016, Pages 1733-1744]
Bahreini, Abbas
Refugees in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: Needs, Problems and Challenges [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 4625-4639]
Bahreini, Abbas
Children, the Main Victims of Ethnic Violence in Myanmar [Volume 5, Issue 11, 2017, Pages 6173-6178]
Bahreini, Maryam
Pediatric Mass Casualty Incident: A Real Crisis Mandating Inter-Disciplinary Coordination, Considering Ethical Issues [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7211-7212]
Bahreynian, Maryam
Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency according to Climate Conditions among a Nationally Representative Sample of Iranian Adolescents: the CASPIAN-III Study [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 1903-1910]
Bahreyni Toosi, Seyed Mohammad Hosein
Is home Care a Successful Strategy in COVID-19? A Valuable Experience from Iran [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 12843-12854]
Bahrololoomi, Zahra
Evaluation of Unstimulated Salivary Flow and pH in Type I Diabetics Aged 6-16 years [Volume 10, Issue 12, 2022, Pages 17085-17092]
Baig, Nazish
Use of Foley Catheter Instead of Digital Rectal Examination for Detection of Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Infants and Children [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 7271-7273]
Baikpour, Masoud
Body Mass Index Percentile Curves for 7 To 18 Year Old Children and Adolescents; are the Sample Populations from Tehran Nationally Representative? [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 1926-1934]
Baikpour, Masoud
Etiology and Outcome of Chronic Kidney Disease in Iranian Children [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2105-2112]
Baikpour, Masoud
Blood Pressure Nomograms by Age and Weight for Iranian Children and Adolescents [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2153-2166]
Baikpour, Masoud
The Value of Serum Β-Subunit of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Level in Prediction of Treatment Response to Methotrexate in Management of Ectopic Pregnancy; a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 4, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 3503-3518]
Baikpour, Masoud
Value of Plasma/Serum Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin in Detection of Pediatric Acute Kidney Injury; a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 4, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 3815-3836]
Baikpour, Masoud
Diagnostic Value of Urinary Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin (NGAL) in Detection of Pediatric Acute Kidney Injury; a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 4, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 3875-3895]
Bakheet Taqi, Faten
Assessments of Serum 25-Hydroxy Cholecalciferol Levels in Neonates with Physiological Jaundice Candidate for Phototherapy [Volume 9, Issue 5, 2021, Pages 13445-13454]
Bakhshesh, Leila
Factors Affecting Oral Health Self-Care Behaviors in Seventh Grade Students in Behbahan City: An Application of the Health Belief Model [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 15835-15841]
Bakhshi, Saeedeh
Health Promoting Behaviors among University Students: A Case-Sectional Study of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences [Volume 5, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 5091-5099]
Bakhshi, Saeedeh
A Comparison of Quality of Life, Anxiety and Depression in Children with Cancer and Healthy Children, Kermanshah-Iran [Volume 5, Issue 7, 2017, Pages 5305-5314]
Bakhtari Aghdam, Fatemeh
School Food Environment Promotion Program: Applying the Socio-ecological Approach [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 6878-6890]
Bakhtiari, Elham
The Relationship between Chronic Constipation and Urinary Tract Infection in Children: A Case-Control Clinical Study [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 5715-5721]
Bakhtiari, Elham
The Study of Lophomonas Blattarum Infection in Children with Respiratory Symptoms: A Descriptive Clinical Study in North East of Iran [Volume 6, Issue 6, 2018, Pages 7797-7802]
Bakhtiari, Elham
Nutritional Risk Assessment in Children with Cancer: A Longitudinal Study in North East of Iran [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 8805-8813]
Bakhtiari, Elham
Minor Diagnostic Factors in Ventilator Associated Pneumonia in Children [Volume 6, Issue 7, 2018, Pages 8015-8023]
Bakhtiari, Elham
The Effect of a Selective Exercise Program on Motor Competence and Pulmonary Function of Asthmatic Children: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 7, Issue 7, 2019, Pages 9711-9717]
Bakhtiari, Elham
Radiographic Pattern of Colon Transit Time in Iranian Children with Constipation [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 13905-13914]
Bakhtiari, Elham
The Diagnostic Value of Different Sonography Findings and Color Doppler Sonography in Detecting Biliary Atresia in Infants and Neonates [Volume 10, Issue 7, 2022, Pages 16281-16290]
Bakhtiari, Elham
Recurrent Seizure during Hospitalization in Children with the First Febrile Seizure: Incidence and Risk Factors [Volume 10, Issue 9, 2022, Pages 16650-16655]
Bakhtiari, Elham
The Effect of Spark Physical Program (Sports, Play and Active Recreation for Kids) on Quality of Life and Spirometry in 6-18-Year-Old Children with Cystic Fibrosis [Volume 11, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 17790-17799]
Bakhtiari, Elham
Retinopathy of Prematurity: Treatment-Needed Patients, Treatment Complications, and Recurrence Rate [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2023, Pages 18104-18111]
Bakhtiarpour, Saeed
The Relationship between Health Beliefs and Family Functioning with Drug Attitudes among High School Students in Lali city, Khuzestan Province, Iran [Volume 8, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 12265-12274]
Bakhtiary, Hassan
A Patient with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex and Spinal Muscular Atrophy; A Case Report [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11855-11860]
Bakri, Ali Helmi
Hematological indices in differentiation between iron deficiency anemia and beta-thalassemia trait [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 15285-15295]
Bakshi, Saloni
Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation (CCAM) of Lung in an Infant: A Case Report from Jammu & Kashmir, Northern India [Volume 3, 2.2, 2015, Pages 481-484]
Balila, Masoumeh
Effect of Family-centered Intervention in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit on Anxiety of Parents [Volume 5, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 5101-5111]
Baluch, Mohammad
Conservative Management of Duodenal Perforation with Toothpick in a 9- Year Old Girl; a Case Report [Volume 4, Issue 10, 2016, Pages 3609-3613]
Bameshki, Alireza
Comparison of Total Intravenous Anesthesia (TIVA) with Inhalation Anesthesia in Pediatric Bronchoscopy [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 3-8]
Bamorovat, Zahra
Prevalence of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome among Girls’ Students of Kerman University of Medical Sciences and a Meta-Analysis of the Prevalence of PCOS among Iranian Adolescent Girls [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 13957-13969]
Banaee, Touka
Cell based therapies in retinal diseases [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 8-8]
Banaei, Mojdeh
Prevalence and Causes of Neonatal Mortality in Hormozgan Province, Southern Iran [Volume 5, Issue 11, 2017, Pages 6047-6048]
Banaei, Mojdeh
The Effect of Interventions on Breastfeeding Self-efficacy by Using Bandura's Theory in Iranian Mothers: A Systematic Review [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9939-9954]
Banaei, Mojdeh
Barriers of Adolescents' Access to Reproductive and Sexual Health Services in Iran: A Systematic Review [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10505-10522]
Banaeipour, Zainab
Relationship between the General Health of Mothers and the Anxiety of School-Age Children [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 5863-5870]
Banaeipour, Zeinab
The Prevalence of Anxiety and its related Factors among School-age Children in South West of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 2019-2025]
Banar, Sepideh
Incidence of Reoperation in Patients with a History of Arterial Switch Operation: An Eighteen-Year Retrospective Cohort Study [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2024, Pages 19102-19107]
Baneshi, Mahdi
The Determination of Physical Activity among Girl Adolescents based on Trans-theoretical model (TTM) [Volume 5, Issue 7, 2017, Pages 5315-5326]
Baneshi, Mohammad Mehdi
Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, and Lead in Children’s Products in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 9, 2023, Pages 18231-18245]
Baneshi, Mohammad Reza
Using Social Cognitive Theory to Investigate the Risk Factors of Waterpipe Smoking among Southeastern Iranian Adolescents [Volume 7, Issue 10, 2019, Pages 10243-10253]
Bani, Ghazaleh
Pediatric Pancreatoblastoma: A Case Report [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 17527-17536]
Bani, Soheila
Studying Psychological Issues Related to the First Childbirth and Its Relationship with Favorite of the Kind of Next Childbirths in Women Referring Ghamar-e Bani Hashem Hospital, Khoy, Iran [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 14011-14021]
Baniani, Pooneh
Predicting Academic Resilience based on Metacognitive Beliefs and Achievement Motivation in High School Students in Shiraz, Iran [Volume 9, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 13765-13772]
Baniasadi, Tayebeh
Effects of Family-Related Activities on Adolescent Smoking in the United States: Evidence from a Longitudinal Study [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 15535-15546]
Baniasadi, Tayebeh
Accelerometer-Based Physical Activity and Health-Related Quality of Life in Children with ADHD [Volume 10, Issue 7, 2022, Pages 16362-16369]
Baniasadi, Tayebeh
Effects of Social Support on Participation of Children with ADHD in Physical Activity: Mediating Role of Emotional Wellbeing [Volume 10, Issue 10, 2022, Pages 16880-16886]
Baniasadi, Tayebeh
Effects of Physical Activity on Adiposity in Children: Mediating Role of Self-Esteem and Body-Image [Volume 10, Issue 12, 2022, Pages 17172-17181]
BaniAsadi, Tayebeh
The Effects of Instructional and Motivational Self-talk on Learning a Dart Throwing Skill in Children with Mild Mental Retardation [Volume 10, Issue 6, 2022, Pages 16163-16169]
BaniAsadi, Tayebeh
The Effects of Parental Socioeconomic Status on Children’ Physical Activity: Mediating Role of Motivation [Volume 10, Issue 8, 2022, Pages 16538-16544]
Baniebrahimi, Ghazaleh
Effects of Virtual Reality Versus Game Applications on Children’s Dental Fear: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 10, Issue 12, 2022, Pages 17068-17076]
Banihashem, A
Evaluation of Bone Mineral Density in Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (NHL) [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 68-68]
Banihashemi, A
Comparison of Growth Impairment in Pediatric Patients with ALL, NHL Treated with Chemotherapy alone and Chemoradiotherapy [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 73-73]
Banihashemi, Mahnaz
Effect of Platelets Rich Plasma on Skin Rejuvenation [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 55-55]
Banihashemrad, Seyed Ali
Advanced tissue engineering in periodontal Regeneration [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 54-54]
Bani Hassan, Maliheh
A Case of Pulmonary Foreign Body Reviewed as Mass [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 2281-2286]
Banikazemi, Maryam
Review of Natural History, Benefits and Risk Factors Pediatric Liver Transplantation [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 1529-1544]
Banikazemi, Zarin
Glutaric Acidemia Type 1: Case Report [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 97-99]
Bano, Mehar
Malnutrition among HIV- infected Children by Anthropometric Measures in Poor Outreach Area of a Developing Country and its Relationship with CD4 Counts [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2016, Pages 1643-1654]
Banode, Pankaj
A Rare Case of Budd Chiari Syndrome in a Child [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 5809-5812]
Bansal, Arun
Mastoiditis, Bezold Abscess, Dural Sinus Thrombosis, and Bilateral Abducens Nerve Palsy in a Child with Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media: A Rare Case Report [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 9049-9052]
Bansal, Sandeep
Mastoiditis, Bezold Abscess, Dural Sinus Thrombosis, and Bilateral Abducens Nerve Palsy in a Child with Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media: A Rare Case Report [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 9049-9052]
Baradaran, Azar
Cranio-cervical Junction Malignant Extrarenal Rhabdoid Tumor: A Case Report [Volume 10, Issue 12, 2022, Pages 17192-17199]
Baradaranfar, Mohammad Hossein
Hearing Abnormality in Neonate Intensive Care Unit (NICU),Yazd-Iran [Volume 2, 2.2, 2014, Pages 113-117]
Baradaran Mahdavi, Sadegh
Association of Dietary Patterns during Pregnancy and Cord Blood Nitric Oxide Level with Birth Weight of Newborns [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 4489-4501]
Baradaran Mahdavi, Sadegh
Association of Sedentary Leisure Time with School Performance in Children and Adolescents: the CASPIAN-V Study [Volume 7, Issue 6, 2019, Pages 9557-9566]
Barahmeh, Sirhan
Evaluation of Intervention Programs for Children with Autism [Volume 7, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 9341-9347]
Barahouie, Ahmad
Transfusion Related Adverse Effects on Beta-Thalassemia Major and New Therapeutic Approaches: A Review Study [Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 11651-11661]
Barahouie, Ahmad
Evaluation of the Efficacy of Lentiviral Vectors in Gene Therapy of Beta-thalassemia Patients: A Systematic Review [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11243-11250]
Barati, Anis
Immunomodulation of TLR2 and TLR4 by G2013 (alfa-L-Guluronic acid) in CVID Patients [Volume 5, Issue 7, 2017, Pages 5327-5337]
Barati, Elaheh
The Effect of Dates and Fennel on Breastfeeding Adequacy of Mothers: A Review [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 11891-11899]
Barati, Leila
The Efficacy of Baclofen to Treat Gastroesophageal Reflux disease in Children Aged 6 Months to 12 Years: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11287-11296]
Barati, Mahmood
The Effects of Different Dose of Chronic Ritalin on the Brain of Prepubertal Female Balb/C Mice [Volume 6, Issue 7, 2018, Pages 7883-7892]
Barati, Sepideh
Tc-99m Labeled HMPAO white Blood Cell Scintigraphy in a patient with Hip Prosthesis [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 74-74]
Baratloo, Alireza
Prediction of Clinically Important Traumatic Brain Injury in Pediatric Minor Head Trauma; proposing Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury (PTBI) Prognostic Rule [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 4127-4135]
Baratloo, Alireza
The Value of Urinalysis in Detection of Abdominal Organ Injuries in Children with Hematuria Following Blunt Abdominal Trauma; A Diagnostic Study [Volume 5, Issue 11, 2017, Pages 6103-6110]
Baratloo, Alireza
Validation of CRASH Model in Prediction of 14-Day Mortality and 6-Month Unfavourable Outcome of Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10413-10422]
Baraz, Shahram
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: Risk Factors and the Relationship between Them [Volume 3, 6.2, 2015, Pages 1103-1110]
Baraz, Shahram
Effects of Slow-stroke Back Massage on Chemotherapy-induced Nausea and Vomiting in the Pediatrics with Acute Leukemia: a Challenge of Controlling Symptoms [Volume 3, 6.2, 2015, Pages 1145-1152]
Baraz, Shahram
A Comparison of Quality of Life between Adolescences with Beta Thalassemia Major and their Healthy Peers [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 1195-1204]
Baraz, Shahram
Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders in Primary School Students in Abadan-Iran in 2014 [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 1215-1223]
Baraz, Shahram
Pediatric Nurses’ Medication Error: the Self-reporting of Frequency, Types and Causes [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 1439-1444]
Baraz, Shahram
Controlling Acute Post-operative Pain in Iranian Children with using of Music Therapy [Volume 4, Issue 5, 2016, Pages 1725-1730]
Baraz, Shahram
The Effect of Family Presence during Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Bedside on Family General Health: a Clinical Trial Study [Volume 4, Issue 5, 2016, Pages 1809-1817]
Baraz, Shahram
Relationship between Backpack Weight and Prevalence of Lordosis, Kyphosis, Scoliosis and Dropped Shoulders in Elementary Students [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 1859-1866]
Baraz, Shahram
Depression and Anxiety among Parents of Children with Blood Disease in Ahvaz, South West of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2193-2202]
Baraz, Shahram
Comparison of Body Image and its Relationship with Body Mass Index (BMI) in High School Students of Ahvaz, Iran [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 4353-4360]
Baraz, Shahram
Relationship between Features of Desks and Chairs and Prevalence of Skeletal Disorders in Primary School Students in Abadan [Volume 4, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 3949-3956]
Baraz, Shahram
The Effect of Phone Counseling for Mothers of Premature Infants Discharged from the Hospital on Infants’ Readmission [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2017, Pages 5441-5450]
Baraz, Shahram
A Comparative Study of the Situation of Bereavement Care for Children with Cancer in Iran with Selected Countries [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7253-7263]
Baraz, Shahram
Investigating of Moral Distress and Attitude to Euthanasia in the Intensive Care Unit Nurses [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2018, Pages 8475-8482]
Baraz, SHahram
Survey on the Relationship between Sleep Habits and Children`s Growth in Ahvaz City 2015 [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 1943-1951]
Bardi Taneh, Halim
Successfully Surgical Treatment of Lung Metastatic Hepatoblastoma: A Rare Case Report [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2017, Pages 5539-5545]
Barekatain, Behzad
Effect of Chicory Extract Bath on Neonatal Bilirubin Levels: A Randomized Clinical Trial study [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6679-6688]
Barekati, Seyyed Hamed
Physical Activity of Iranian Children during the Pandemic of Covid-19 [Volume 10, Issue 12, 2022, Pages 17058-17067]
Barfeii, Najme
Frequency of Congenital Heart Disease in Neonates with Extra Cardiac Anomalies [Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 11597-11602]
Barghchi, Hanie
Towards the Validation of the Persian Translation of the Revised Cystic Fibrosis Quality of Life Questionnaire in Adolescents and Adults (CFQ-R 14+) [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 15313-15322]
Baridkazemi, Sima
Investigation of the Risk Factors for Congenital Hypothyroidism in Iran: A Population-Based Case-Control Study [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 8951-8958]
Barimani, Sahebeh
A Comparison between the Effectiveness of Game Therapy and Emotional Intelligence Training on Social Compatibility and Communicative Skills of Exceptional Primary School Hyperactive and Deaf Children [Volume 6, Issue 5, 2018, Pages 7653-7666]
Barjasteh, Samira
Study of Menstrual Attitudes and Knowledge among Postmenarcheal Students, in Urmia, North West of Iran [Volume 5, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 4991-5001]
Barkhordar, Shaghaiegh
Determinants of Dental Caries in Children Aged 7-12 Years in Iran: A Case-Control Study [Volume 9, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 14812-14820]
Barkhordari Ahmadi, Farzaneh
The Effectiveness of Sedative and Non-pharmacological Premedication in Pediatric Anesthesia: A Review Article [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10635-10642]
Barkhordari Ahmadi, Farzaneh
A Systematic Review of the Effect of Aromatherapy and Storytelling on Anxiety in Children during Dentistry [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11261-11269]
Barkhordari Ahmadi, Farzaneh
The effect of Aromatherapy on Pain, Itching, State Anxiety Levels and Respiratory Distress in Children with Burns: A Systematic Review [Volume 8, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 11189-11196]
Barkhordari Ahmadi, Farzaneh
The Effect of Fennel and Black Seed, on Breast milk, Prolactin Levels and Anthropometric Index in Human and Animal Samples: A Review [Volume 8, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 11063-11069]
Barman, Himesh
Prevalence of Undernutrition among Preschool Children under Five Attending Pediatric OPD in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Northeastern India [Volume 3, 2.2, 2015, Pages 527-533]
Barouti, Zahra
Evaluating Non-Traumatic Loss of Consciousness in Children Admitted to the Emergency Room [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 13371-13380]
Barzegar, Abolfazl
The effect of Dimethyl Sulfoxide on hepatogenic differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 57-57]
Barzegar, Habibeh
The Survey of DBH Gene Polymorphism Rs5320 in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) [Volume 6, Issue 9, 2018, Pages 8177-8184]
Barzegar, Mohammad
Predictive Factors of Respiratory Failure in Children with Guillain-Barre Syndrome [Volume 3, 2.1, 2015, Pages 33-37]
Barzegar, Mohammad
Tay-Sachs Disease in Two Iranian Identical Male Twins; A Case Report [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11355-11359]
Barzegar, Mohammad
A Patient with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex and Spinal Muscular Atrophy; A Case Report [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11855-11860]
Barzegar, Mohammad
Epidemiology and Outcomes of Arterial Ischemic Stroke in Children Admitted to Tabriz Children’s Hospital, Tabriz, Iran during (2014-2019) [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 13887-13894]
Barzegar, Mohammad
Apolipoprotein E serum levels in children with Guillain-Barre Syndrome in northwest of Iran [Volume 10, Issue 9, 2022, Pages 16673-16682]
Barzegar Bafrooei, Kazem
The Effect of Empathy Training Programs on Aggression and Compatibility Students of Elementary Schools in Yazd, Center of Iran [Volume 3, 4.2, 2015, Pages 841-851]
Barzegari, Hassan
Comparison of Intramuscular Dexmedetomidine with Intramuscular Ketamine in Children undergoing CT Imaging: A Double-Blind Clinical Trial [Volume 7, Issue 7, 2019, Pages 9667-9676]
Bashirian, saeed
Determinants of Dental Caries in Children Aged 7-12 Years in Iran: A Case-Control Study [Volume 9, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 14812-14820]
Bashirian, Saeid
Effectiveness of Behavioral Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review [Volume 12, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 18721-18774]
Basir, Tahereh
The Clinical Outcome of Patients Undergoing Fontan Surgery; Over 10 Years of Experience in a Single Center [Volume 9, Issue 8, 2021, Pages 14225-14238]
Basiratnia, Mitra
Rhabdomyolysis due to Severe Hypernatremia Caused by Dehydration, in a Child with Gastroenteritis: a Case Report [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 1833-1836]
Basiri, Behnaz
Perinatal Outcome in Multiple versus Singleton Pregnancies in Neonates Born in Fatemieh Hospital of Hamadan, Iran [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2017, Pages 5493-5500]
Basiri, Behnaz
Causes and Outcomes of Respiratory Distress in Neonates Hospitalized in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Be’sat Hospital in Hamadan, Iran [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6253-6260]
Basiri, Behnaz
Evaluating the Need for Prophylactic Antibiotic Therapy in Infants with Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn: A Triple-Blind Randomized Clinical Trial Study [Volume 6, Issue 8, 2018, Pages 8086-8092]
Basiri, Behnaz
Causes and Risk Factors Associated to Neonatal Mortality in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) in Besat Hospital Hamadan-Iran in 2015 to 2016 [Volume 6, Issue 9, 2018, Pages 8185-8194]
Basiri, Behnaz
Comparison of Restricted Fluid Volume with Standard Fluid Volume in Management of Transient Tachypnea of the Newborns: A Randomized Controlled Trial [Volume 6, Issue 9, 2018, Pages 8289-8296]
Basiri, Behnaz
A Comparative Study of Treatment Response of Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Preterm Infants: Early Nasal Intermittent Positive Pressure Ventilation versus Early Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2018, Pages 8339-8346]
Basiri, Behnaz
Assessment the Preterm Birth Risk Factors in Fatemieh Hospital of Hamadan, Iran; 2017-2018 [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10465-10471]
Basiri, Behnaz
Relationship between Transcutaneous and Serum Bilirubin in Preterm and Term Neonates before and during Phototherapy [Volume 8, Issue 12, 2020, Pages 12635-12642]
Basiri, Behnaz
Nasal Intermittent Positive Pressure Ventilation (NIPPV) Vs. Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (NCPAP) after Less Invasive Surfactant Administration (LISA) in Preterm Infants with Respiratory Distress Syndrome [Volume 10, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 15972-15981]
Basiri, Behnaz
The Effect of Oral Vitamin A in the Prevention of Retinopathy of Prematurity in Premature Infants with Low Birth Weight [Volume 12, Issue 7, 2024, Pages 18902-18911]
Basiri nejad, Fatemeh
Prevalence of Helicobacter Pylori Infection in Asymptomatic Children in Birjand, Eastern Iran [Volume 2, 4.2, 2014, Pages 55-63]
Basirinezhad, Fatemeh
Gastric Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor as a Cause of Gastric Outlet Obstruction in Children [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 17443-17447]
Basirinezhad, Fatemeh
Value of Duodenal Bulb Biopsy in the Diagnosis of Celiac Disease in a Group of Iranian Children [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 18563-18572]
Baskovic, Marko
Correlation of Leukocyte Count and Percentage of Segmented Neutrophils with Pathohistological Findings of Appendix in Children [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 6851-6859]
Basouny, Noha
Single Center Experience with Hydroxyzine in the Treatment of Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 3293-3298]
Basri, Seyed Abdul Rasool
Prevalence of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome among Girls’ Students of Kerman University of Medical Sciences and a Meta-Analysis of the Prevalence of PCOS among Iranian Adolescent Girls [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 13957-13969]
Bassaknejad, Soodabeh
Coping Strategies of Parents with Chronic Ill Children Hospitalized in Educational Hospitals, Ahvaz-Iran [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 5813-5825]
Bassey, Kevin
Pulse Oximetry as an Alternative Means of Assessing Systolic Blood Pressure in Well Newborns: A Comparison with Two Methods of Blood Pressure Measurement [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 18613-18619]
Bastam, Dariush
Gender Modify the Effect of Birth Weight on Later Obesity Risk among Primary School Pupils: A Community-Based Case-Control Study [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 13925-13936]
Bastami, Fatemeh
Formative Research on a Social Marketing Campaign to Promote the Consumption of Healthy Breakfast and Snacks: A Qualitative Study [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 7353-7367]
Bastani, Elham
Prevalence of Pediatric Atopic Dermatitis in Iran: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 17673-17684]
Bastani, Elham
Prevalence of Diabetic Neuropathy in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes in Iran: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 11, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 17935-17946]
Bastani, Elham
Prevalence of Urinary Tract Infection in Children with Febrile Convulsion: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 11, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 17971-17978]
Batebi, Roxana
Epidemiological Investigation of Pediatric Tuberculosis in Tehran Province, 2006-2015 [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 1895-1902]
Bavafa, Gelayol
The Diagnostic Value of Mesenteric Vessel Abnormalities on Ultrasound for Malrotation [Volume 10, Issue 12, 2022, Pages 17119-17126]
Bavykin, Dmitry
Using a Gluten-Free Diet in Integrated Therapy of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Children: A Clinical Case [Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 11645-11649]
Bavykina, Irina
Using a Gluten-Free Diet in Integrated Therapy of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Children: A Clinical Case [Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 11645-11649]
Bay, Nasser
Effects of Social Support and Physical Self-efficacy on Physical Activity of Adolescents [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 15823-15834]
Bayana, Ebissa
Neonatal Sepsis among Neonates at Public Hospitals in Jimma, Ethiopia [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 12011-12021]
Bayani, Gasem
Evaluation of the side effects of Sinopharm and PastoCovac COVID-19 vaccines in children aged 5-12 years in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 17572-17582]
Bayati, Nasrin
Comparing the Accuracy of Echocardiography and Radiography for Evaluation of Tip Position of Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters: Experienced in an NICU in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 17654-17664]
Bayisa, Habte
Assessment of Antibiotics Use for Hospitalized Children in Butajira General Hospital, Southern Part of Ethiopia [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 8845-8851]
Bayyenat, Saeed
Evaluation of the Effect of Amino Acid Administration on Hypothermia during General Anesthesia in Hypospadias Surgery on Children Aged 2 to 6 Years [Volume 2, 3.1, 2014, Pages 203-210]
Bayyenat, Saeed
The Importance of Breastfeeding in Holy Quran [Volume 2, 4.1, 2014, Pages 339-347]
Bayyenat, Saeed
The Benefits of Honey in Holy Quran [Volume 2, 3.3, 2014, Pages 67-73]
Bayyenat, Saeed
Comparison of Immunization in Iran and Turkey between Years 1980- 2013 [Volume 2, 3.3, 2014, Pages 75-83]
Bayyenat, Saeed
Telemedicine: an Essential Requirement for the Health Care Providers, with Emphasis on Legal Aspects [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 12131-12142]
Bazani, Meysam
The Impact of Educational Intervention on Aggression Level among High School Students in Ilam-Iran [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 4239-4249]
Bazargan Harandi, Nasrin
Prevalence of Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases in Kerman, Southeast of Iran [Volume 3, 3.1, 2015, Pages 601-608]
Bazargan Harandi, Nasrin
Determining the Content of a Pediatric Asthma Website from Parents’ Perspective: The Internet Use and Information Needs [Volume 5, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 5113-5123]
Bazargani, Behnaz
Etiology and Outcome of Chronic Kidney Disease in Iranian Children [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2105-2112]
Bazargani, Behnaz
Blood Pressure Nomograms by Age and Weight for Iranian Children and Adolescents [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2153-2166]
Bazargani, Behnaz
Seroprevalence of Hepatitis B and C Virus Infection in Children with Chronic Kidney Diseases; A Historical Cohort Study [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 6911-6917]
Bazarganipour, Fatemeh
Effectiveness of Melatonin in combination with Sildenafil in treatment of intrauterine growth restriction: a double-blind, randomized clinical trial [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2023, Pages 18123-18136]
Bazazbanisi, Zahra
Risk Factors of Physical Domestic Violence against Women during Breastfeeding in Tehran, Iran: A Cross-Sectional Study [Volume 8, Issue 12, 2020, Pages 12553-12563]
Bazi, Ali
Glucose Oral Solution as A Pain-Relieving Agent In Infantile Colic: A Double Blinded Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6529-6537]
Bazi, Zahra
Evaluation of Mutations in SARS-CoV-2 N and S Genes on the Proteins Stability, Immunogenicity, and Pathogenicity in Iranian Patients from Golestan Province [Volume 10, Issue 8, 2022, Pages 16486-16497]
Bazmamoun, Hassan
An Unusual Presentation of Annular Pancreas: A Case Report [Volume 3, 1.1, 2015, Pages 416-420]
Bazrafshan, A
Sever Gastrointestinal Caustic Injury and Surgical Treatment [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 4-4]
Bazrafshan, Ahmad
Laparoscopic Colon Surgery for Benign Disease: A Comparison to Open Surgery [Volume 2, 3.2, 2014, Pages 19-24]
Bazrafshan, Behnaz
Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis; A Rare Iranian Case Report [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6699-6702]
Bazrafshan, Elham
A Novel Experience in Treatment of Liver Hydatidosis in Pediatrics: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 5945-5952]
Bazrafshani, Mohammadreza
Effect of Chlorhexidine, Fluoride and Green Tea Oral Gel on Pediatric Salivary Cariogenic Bacteria: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 13947-13956]
Bazyar, Mohammad
Hospital Cost Associated with Pediatrics Urinary Tract Infection: Before and After Health Sector Evolution Program in the West of Iran [Volume 3, 4.1, 2015, Pages 733-738]
Bbarghchi, Hanie
Towards the Validation of the Persian Version of the Revised Cystic Fibrosis Quality of Life Questionnaire for children and parents (CFQ-R) [Volume 9, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 15003-15014]
B. Beg, Mirza
Extubation Failure in an Adolescent Patient after General Anesthesia for Gastrostomy Tube Placement [Volume 5, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 4849-4853]
B. Beg, Mirza
Use of Foley Catheter Instead of Digital Rectal Examination for Detection of Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Infants and Children [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 7271-7273]
Beach, Isidora R
Pain Neuroscience Education: A Pilot Trial in Pediatric Primary Headache [Volume 10, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 15919-15924]
Bebetsos, Evangelos
Mothers’ Self-Efficacy Regarding Dietary Behaviour and Physical Activity of Preschool Children [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 6843-6850]
Bedolla-Barajas, Martin
Anaphylaxis Associated with Peanuts and Nuts in Late Mexican Adolescents: A Population Based Study [Volume 7, Issue 5, 2019, Pages 9443-9451]
Bedolla-Pulido, Angie
Anaphylaxis Associated with Peanuts and Nuts in Late Mexican Adolescents: A Population Based Study [Volume 7, Issue 5, 2019, Pages 9443-9451]
Bedolla-Pulido, Tonantzin
Anaphylaxis Associated with Peanuts and Nuts in Late Mexican Adolescents: A Population Based Study [Volume 7, Issue 5, 2019, Pages 9443-9451]
Beg, Mirza
Single Center Experience with Hydroxyzine in the Treatment of Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 3293-3298]
Beg, Mirza
Report of Four Children with Gaucher Disease and Review of Literature [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 2287-2293]
Beg, Mirza
Genital Involvement In Pre-Pubertal Pediatric Population: A Rare Aspect of Crohn’s Disease [Volume 4, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 3399-3404]
Beg, Mirza B
Successful Use of Biliary Duct Balloon Dilator in Repairing Post-Surgical Esophageal Stricture in premature infant [Volume 3, 3.2, 2015, Pages 675-678]
Beg, Wahhaj
Evaluation of an Infant with Cholestasis and Congenital Hypopituitarism [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 5881-5886]
Begum, Zareena
Fetus in Fetu: A Rare Case Report and its Embryo-Pathogenesis [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 4683-4686]
Behbahani ghalehgolab, Afshin
Validity of Spo2/Fio2 Ratio in Detection of Acute Lung Injury and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome [Volume 3, 1.2, 2015, Pages 429-434]
Behboudi, Emad
The Effects of Fasting in Ramadan on the Risk Factors of COVID-19 in Adolescents: A Brief Review [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 12835-12842]
Behboudi, Emad
Global Study of Viral Meningitis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 15865-15880]
Behboudi, Emad
An Evaluation of the Responses to the Standard Hepatitis B Vaccination among 8-18-Month-old Children in North East of Iran [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 15609-15614]
Behboudi, Emad
Assessment and Molecular Docking of SARS-CoV-2 NSP3 and NSP12 Mutants in Iranian Patients in Golestan Province [Volume 10, Issue 7, 2022, Pages 16370-16380]
Behboudi, Emad
Importance of IL-1β in SARS-CoV-2 infection [Volume 10, Issue 9, 2022, Pages 16745-16757]
Behdarvandi, Mahsa
Comparison of Body Image and its Relationship with Body Mass Index (BMI) in High School Students of Ahvaz, Iran [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 4353-4360]
Beheshti Norouzi, Zahra
Assessment of Maternal Satisfaction with the Quality of Obstetric Care Provided in the Maternity Unit of Mobini Hospital, Sabzevar, Iran [Volume 7, Issue 5, 2019, Pages 9369-9377]
Behjati Ardakani, Jamal
The Association between Physical Activity in Leisure Time and Juvenile Delinquency in Detained Boys in Yazd Prison [Volume 3, 5.1, 2015, Pages 871-878]
Behmadi, Maryam
Presentation of DNA Methyltransferase 3 Beta Mutation with Immune Deficiency and Dilation of Aorta and Esophagus [Volume 10, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 15998-16004]
Behmanesh, F
Evaluation of Omeprazole in the Treatment of Moderate to Severe Persistent Asthma in Children [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 77-77]
Behmanesh, Fateme
The Effect of Oral Magnesium Sulfate on Moderate and Severe Asthma Exacerbation in Children Referred to Pediatrics Emergency Department: The Moderating Role of Asthma Severity [Volume 9, Issue 10, 2021, Pages 14581-14591]
Behmanesh, Fatemeh
Determine Efficacy of a Short Course of Montelukast in Children with Intermittent Asthma and Viral Infection [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2013, Pages 25-29]
Behmanesh, Fatemeh
Evaluation of Clinical and Laboratory Data in Patients with Recurrent Infections and Suspected Immunodeficiency [Volume 2, 3.3, 2014, Pages 19-24]
Behmanesh, Fatemeh
Probiotic or Conventional Yogurt for Treating Antibiotic-associated Diarrhea: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 7405-7412]
Behnam, Mahdi
Lingual Thyroid: A Case Report and Literature Review [Volume 5, Issue 11, 2017, Pages 6049-6055]
Behnam, Mahdiyeh
Prevalence of Cystic Fibrosis Trans-membrane Conductance Regulator Gene common mutations in children with cystic fibrosis in Isfahan, Iran [Volume 7, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 9333-9339]
Behnamfar, Morteza
Association between Intracerebral Hemorrhage and Cerebral Palsy in Preterm Infant: A Systematic Review Article [Volume 8, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 10985-10991]
BehnamRassouli, M
Preparation of decellularized three dimentional scaffolds as the model for tissue engineering and their functional assessments in vitro application of blastema tissue [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 15-15]
Behnam Vashani, Hamidreza
Neonatal Infections: a 5-Year Analysis in a Neonatal Care Unit in North East of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 3989-3998]
Behroooznia, Z
Investigating the Ethical Challenges of Researches and Treatments Using Stem Cells [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 71-71]
Behrouzi-Lak, Tahereh
Maternal Serum Ferritin Level in Prediction of Mothers with Appropriate-For-Gestational-Age (AGA), Small-For-Gestational Age (SGA), and Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 13993-14002]
Behrozi-lak, Tahereh
Recurrent Ovarian Torsions in a Nine Months Period in a 7-year- Old Girl: A Case Report [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7039-7044]
Behzadfar, Sara
Comparison of Postoperative Pain in Two Groups of Children with Bone Fractures Receiving Pethidine and Paracetamol in Kerman Bahonar Hospital: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 8, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 12213-12221]
Behzadfar, Sara
A Systematic Review of the Prevalence of Mental Health Disorders in Pregnant Women during the COVID-19 Pandemic [Volume 8, Issue 11, 2020, Pages 12397-12407]
Behzadi, Mohammad Hassan
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Using Merrill Component Display Theory in Performance and Retention of the Concept of Fraction in Kids Grade Elementary Mathematics [Volume 9, Issue 5, 2021, Pages 13599-13607]
Behzadnia, Behzad
Effects of Motor Cognitive and Metacognitive Interventions on Motor and Cognitive Skills of Preschool Children [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 18484-18500]
Beiraghi, Mehran
A Treatable Refractory Epilepsy: A Case Report [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 93-96]
Beiraghi Toosi, Mehran
Spinal Muscular Atrophy: A Short Review Article [Volume 2, 3.1, 2014, Pages 211-215]
Beiraghi Toosi, Mehran
The Effect of Melatonin on Pediatric Drug-Resistant Epilepsy; a Randomized Double Blind Clinical Trial [Volume 4, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 3897-3906]
Beiraghi Toosi, Mehran
4-Hydroxybutyric Aciduria as a Rare Presentation of Global Developmental Delay in Children: Case Report of Two Different Patients [Volume 6, Issue 7, 2018, Pages 7861-7865]
Beiraghi Toosi, Mehran
Effect of Fluoxetine Therapy on Breath-Holding Spells in Children: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10775-10783]
Beiraghi Toosi, Mehran
A Single-center Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing the Treatment Efficacy of High Dose Oral Prednisolone with Intramuscular Adrenocorticotropic Hormone in Patients with Infantile Spasm [Volume 8, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 12157-12163]
Beiraghi Toosi, Mehran
Validation of the Persian Translation of the TAND Checklist in Children with Tuberous Sclerosis Syndrome [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 18501-18505]
Beiranvand, Reza
The Prevalence of Transient and Permanent Congenital Hypothyroidism in Infants of Kurdistan Province, Iran (2006-2014) [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 4309-4318]
Beiranvand, Reza
Incidence of Phenylketonuria in Lorestan Province, West of Iran (2006- 2016) [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 4713-4721]
Beiranvand, Reza
Promoting Behaviors of Healthiness in two Domains of Physical Activity and Nutrition Statue in High School Students [Volume 5, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 4839-4847]
Beizavi, Zahra
Congenital Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis: A Case Report [Volume 8, Issue 6, 2020, Pages 11467-11471]
Bekiesińska-Figatowska, Monika
Multiple Brain Abscesses Complicating Enterobacter Cloacae Sepsis in a Preterm Neonate with Atypical MRI Appearance: A Case Report [Volume 10, Issue 8, 2022, Pages 16606-16613]
Bekırcavusoglu, Suleyman
Left-Sided Omental Torsion in a Child: Successful Conservative Management: A Case Report and Review of the Literature [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 13339-13342]
Ben Abdallah, Ahmed Khalil
A Comparative Analysis between Right and Left Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernias [Volume 6, Issue 7, 2018, Pages 7867-7868]
Ben Abdallah, Ahmed Khalil
The Impact of Obesity on Laparo-Endoscopic Single-Site (LESS) Appendectomy in Children [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 8863-8865]
Ben Dhaou, Mahdi
Abdominal Splenosis: An Unusual Cause of Bowel Obstruction in a 7-Year-Old Child [Volume 6, Issue 5, 2018, Pages 7569-7573]
Ben Dhaou, Mahdi
Management of Perinatal Testicular Torsion: A Single Centre Experience [Volume 6, Issue 5, 2018, Pages 7639-7640]
Ben Dhaou, Mahdi
Laparoscopic-Assisted Percutaneous Extraperitoneal Closure for Inguinal Hernia Repair in Children: An Initial Experience [Volume 6, Issue 8, 2018, Pages 8039-8046]
Ben Dhaou, Mahdi
The Impact of Obesity on Laparo-Endoscopic Single-Site (LESS) Appendectomy in Children [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 8863-8865]
Ben Hamad, Amal
A Comparative Analysis between Right and Left Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernias [Volume 6, Issue 7, 2018, Pages 7867-7868]
Bennaoui, Fatiha
Lipoprotein Lipase (LPL) Gene Mutation: A First Report in Children [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 5839-5842]
Bennaoui, Fatiha
Study of Bacterial Contamination of Mobile Phones and Stethoscopes in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit [Volume 5, Issue 11, 2017, Pages 6139-6142]
Benomar, Said
Breastfeeding in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Casablanca Teaching Hospital Ibn Rochd [Volume 12, Issue 5, 2024, Pages 18823-18831]
Berangi, Zeinab
Nasopharyngeal Pneumococcal Colonization among Children after Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Introduction [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2017, Pages 5547-5548]
Berdi Ozouni- Davaji, Rahman
Predicting Oral Health Behavior using the Health Promotion Model among School Students: a Cross-sectional Survey [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2069-2077]
Berdi Taneh, Halim
Fetus in Fetus in the Sacral Sac: Report of Surgical Management Case [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 6963-6969]
Berenji, Fariba
The Study of Lophomonas Blattarum Infection in Children with Respiratory Symptoms: A Descriptive Clinical Study in North East of Iran [Volume 6, Issue 6, 2018, Pages 7797-7802]
Besharat, Mehdi
Medicinal Herbs Useful in Pediatric Fever from the Perspective of Persian Medicine [Volume 7, Issue 9, 2019, Pages 10087-10098]
Besharat, Mehdi
Management of Fever in Children based on Persian Medicine [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10553-10563]
Besharati, Mahsa
Application of the Topical Hydrocortisone Ointment Decreases Post-Circumcision Meatal Stenosis in Neonates: A Cross-Sectional Study [Volume 5, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 5061-5067]
Beshlideh, Kumars
The Effectiveness of Mindful Parenting, Social Thinking and Exercise on Quality of Life in ADHD Children [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 4295-4302]
Beygi, Behnaz
Risk Factors of Low Birth Weight Infants: A Population-Based Cross-Sectional Study [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10807-10815]
Bezie, Minale
Magnitude of Neonatal Jaundice and Its Predictors among Neonates Admitted in NICUs in Ethiopia: A Facility-Based Cross-Sectional Study [Volume 12, Issue 7, 2024, Pages 14921-18930]
Bhanja, Susanta
Cri du Chat Syndrome: a Case Report with Recurrent Pneumonia and Chronic Stridor [Volume 3, 5.2, 2015, Pages 941-943]
Bhanja, Sushanta
A Case of Empyema necessitans: An uncommon presentation of Empyema [Volume 5, Issue 7, 2017, Pages 5351-5355]
Bhat, Sartaj
Incidence of thrombocytopenia and changes in various platelet parameters, in blood culture positive neonatal sepsis [Volume 3, 4.1, 2015, Pages 757-766]
Bhatt, Girish
Projection of Need for Pathogenetic Testing for Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Children of India [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 1877-1883]
Bhushan, Bharat
Methylene Blue for the Treatment of COVID-19 in Pediatrics [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 15281-15284]
Bianchi, Roberta
Predictors of Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) Resistance in Children with Kawasaki Disease in Calabria Region, Italy [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 9027-9036]
Biaou, Gaël
False Aneurysm of the Common Femoral Artery in an Infant after a Phlebotomy [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2017, Pages 5549-5553]
Bidaki, Reza
Validity and Reliability of the Preventing Hookah Smoking (PHS) Questionnaire in Adolescents based on the Protection Motivation Theory [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2018, Pages 8327-8337]
Bidar, Maryam
Evaluation of the Effect of Platelet-Rich Plasma on Proliferation and Differentiation of Human Dental Pulp Stem Cells with or without Ga-Al-As Laser [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 59-59]
Bidkhori, Hamid Reza
Comparative analysis of the Gene expression profile of Chemokine Receptors between Adipose-derived and Bone marrow-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 17-17]
Bidkhori, Hamid Reza
Strategies to Improve Homing of Stem Cells to achieve better Efficacy in Stem Cell Therapy [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 18-18]
Bidkhori, Hamid Reza
Pretreatment of Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Stromal-derived Factor-1α Delivery from Chitosan-based Injectable Hydrogels for Better Cell Guidance and Retention [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 19-19]
Bidkhori, Hamid Reza
Stem Cell-Based Therapy (Cell Therapy) in Iran and other Countries [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 63-63]
Biglari, A
Repair of Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Using Bone Marrow Stromal Cell Transfected with Adenoviral Vector Expressing Glial derived Neurotropic Factor (GDNF) in a Rat SCI Model [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 75-75]
Biglari, Hamed
Evaluation of Public School Health and Its Accordance with School Health National Regulations: A Case Study in Kermanshah, Iran [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7179-7191]
Bijani, Ali
The Relationship between Non-Renal Diseases and Renal Parenchymal Echogenicity in Children with Acute Abdominal Pain [Volume 6, Issue 5, 2018, Pages 7589-7593]
Bijan Nejad, Darioush
Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders in Primary School Students in Abadan-Iran in 2014 [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 1215-1223]
Bijan Nejad, Darioush
Relationship between Features of Desks and Chairs and Prevalence of Skeletal Disorders in Primary School Students in Abadan [Volume 4, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 3949-3956]
Bijari, Bita
Percentile of Serum Lipid Profile in Children and Adolescents of Birjand, Eastern Iran. [Volume 2, 4.2, 2014, Pages 31-38]
Bijari, Bita
Evaluation of the Prevalence of Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection and its Clinical Outcomes in Neonates Born in Vali-e-Asr Hospital of Birjand, Iran [Volume 7, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 9085-9094]
Bijari, Bita
Comparison of Blood Lead Concentration in Opium-Addicted and Non-Addicted Children in Birjand, East of Iran [Volume 9, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 13833-13841]
Bijari, Bita
The Prevalence of Pediatric Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 17606-17617]
Bijari, Bita
Premarital Screening for Beta-Thalassemia in Birjand City [Volume 11, Issue 10, 2023, Pages 18306-18313]
Bijari, Bita
Comparison of the Effects of Deferasirox (Nanojade®) and Deferoxamine (Desferal®) on Serum Ferritin Level Changes in Major Beta-Thalassemia Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 11, Issue 12, 2023, Pages 18413-18423]
Bilan, Nemat
Evaluation and outcomes of pediatric pleural effusions in over 10 years in Northwest, Iran [Volume 2, 3.2, 2014, Pages 41-46]
Bilan, Nemat
Outcome of Cystic Fibrosis in Patients with Bronchiectasis [Volume 2, 4.1, 2014, Pages 313-318]
Bilan, Nemat
Factors Affecting the Outcome of Bronchiectasis in Pediatric Patients [Volume 2, 4.3, 2014, Pages 377-389]
Bilan, Nemat
Weaning from ventilator and effect of Blender-Humidifier on outcome of it [Volume 2, 4.2, 2014, Pages 39-45]
Bilan, Nemat
Spirometry Findings Following Treatment with Oral and Inhalant Corticosteroids in Mild to Moderate Asthma Exacerbation in Children [Volume 2, 4.3, 2014, Pages 355-361]
Bilan, Nemat
Does Re-intubation Increased Risk of Ventilator- Associated Pneumonia (VAP) in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Patients? [Volume 3, 1.1, 2015, Pages 411-415]
Bilan, Nemat
Validity of Spo2/Fio2 Ratio in Detection of Acute Lung Injury and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome [Volume 3, 1.2, 2015, Pages 429-434]
Bilan, Nemat
Predictive Factors of Respiratory Failure in Children with Guillain-Barre Syndrome [Volume 3, 2.1, 2015, Pages 33-37]
Bilan, Nemat
Effects of Reflection on Clinical Learning of Medical Students [Volume 3, 2.1, 2015, Pages 39-44]
Bilan, Nemat
Spontaneous Breathing Trial a Reliable Method for Weaning in Children [Volume 3, 3.2, 2015, Pages 707-712]
Bilan, Nemat
Clinical Predictors of Intensive Care Unit Admission for Asthmatic Children [Volume 3, 4.1, 2015, Pages 713-716]
Bilan, Nemat
Effect of Lung Recruitment Maneuver in Children with Acute Lung Injury [Volume 4, Issue 5, 2016, Pages 1787-1794]
Bilan, Nemat
Validity of Spo2 in Measuring of Oxygenation Index [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 1935-1941]
Bilan, Nemat
The Effect of Education-Modified of Asthma Stimulants on Attitude of the Adolescents with Asthma in Respiratory Specialty Clinics of Tabriz, North West of Iran [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 4385-4393]
Bilan, Nemat
The Role of Spirometry in the Diagnosis of Cough Variant Asthma in Children Aged 5 to 15 Years [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6329-6336]
Bilan, Nemat
Validity of Spirometry for Diagnosis of Cough Variant Asthma [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6431-6438]
Bilan, Nemat
The Role of Inflammatory Biomarkers in the Management of Children with Asthma [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2018, Pages 8727-8735]
Bilan, Nemat
Positive Expiratory Pressure (PEP) versus Conventional Chest Physiotherapy in Pediatric Patients with Acute Exacerbation of Cystic Fibrosis [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 8881-8888]
Bilan, Nemat
The Role of Rapid Shallow Breathing Index in Predicting Successful Weaning of Pediatric Patients with Respiratory Failure [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 9003-9012]
Bilan, Nemat
Validity of Peripheral Capillary Oxygen Saturation and Normal Mixed Venous Oxygen Tension in Measurement of O2 Content [Volume 7, Issue 9, 2019, Pages 10019-10027]
Bilan, Nemat
Evaluation of Predictive Factors of Empyema in Children with Parapneumonic Pleural Effusion [Volume 8, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 12297-12304]
Bilan, Nemat
Predictive Factors of Influenza Outcome in Pediatric Patients by Pediatric Risk of Mortality (PRISM) III [Volume 8, Issue 12, 2020, Pages 12643-12650]
Bilan, Nemat
Diagnostic Value of Changes in Serum Calprotectin Level and Patients' Sputum in Response to Treatment of Cystic Fibrosis Exacerbation in Children [Volume 9, Issue 5, 2021, Pages 13569-13579]
Bilan, Nemat
Rhabdomyosarcoma Arising within Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation; a Case Report [Volume 10, Issue 6, 2022, Pages 16233-16237]
Bilan, Nemat
Validity of Three Formulas for Measuring Endotracheal Tube Insertion Depth in Children under Mechanical Ventilation [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 17463-17469]
Bilan, Nemat
Oxygenation and Ventilation Indices in Relation to the Duration of Mechanical Ventilation in 2-Month to 14-Year-Old Children Admitted to PICU [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 17487-17494]
Bina, Razieh
Assessing the level of Coronavirus Disease Anxiety and its related factors in third-trimester pregnant women referring to the health centers of Isfahan during the pandemic [Volume 10, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 16058-16067]
Binesh, Sara
Synbiotic or Zinc Supplementation in the Treatment of Children with Bacterial Pneumonia, a Double-blinded Randomized Clinical trial [Volume 9, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 15029-15046]
Bingham, Peter
Pain Neuroscience Education: A Pilot Trial in Pediatric Primary Headache [Volume 10, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 15919-15924]
Birar, Aylar
Relationship between Anthropometrical and Physiological Parameters with Running Time of Elite Girls, Ardabil, Iran [Volume 9, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 13269-13280]
Biratu, Yonas
Neonatal Sepsis among Neonates at Public Hospitals in Jimma, Ethiopia [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 12011-12021]
Birjandi, Hassan
Giant LV Thrombose and Thrombosed Coronary Aneurysm in an Infant with Kawasaki Disease [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11377-11381]
Birjandi, Hassan
Evaluating the Effect of Prophylactic Acetaminophen in the Prevention of Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) in Premature Neonates: A randomized clinical trial [Volume 11, Issue 12, 2023, Pages 18424-18432]
Biru, Shimeles
Magnitude of Neonatal Jaundice and Its Predictors among Neonates Admitted in NICUs in Ethiopia: A Facility-Based Cross-Sectional Study [Volume 12, Issue 7, 2024, Pages 14921-18930]
Bisadi, Amir
Co-existence of Non-ossifying Fibroma and Osteoid Osteoma in one Tibia: a Case Report [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 15577-15582]
Bisai, Samiran
Maternal Education, Reported Morbidity and Number of Siblings are Associated with Malnutrition among Lodha Preschool Children of Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal, India [Volume 2, 4.2, 2014, Pages 13-21]
Bisai, Samiran
Prevalence of Undernutrition among Santal tribal Preschool Children of Paschim Medinipur District, West Bengal, India [Volume 2, 4.3, 2014, Pages 347-354]
Bisai, Samiran
Prevalence of Undernutrition among Preschool Children under Five Attending Pediatric OPD in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Northeastern India [Volume 3, 2.2, 2015, Pages 527-533]
Bissyande, Viviane
Risk Factors for Neonatal Mortality at St Camille Hospital in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 10817-10825]
Bitama, Farideh
Predicting Tooth Brushing Behavior among Students in Guilan, North of Iran: An Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior [Volume 8, Issue 6, 2020, Pages 11473-11483]
Bloori Jirandeh, Hosein
Etiology and Outcome of Chronic Kidney Disease in Iranian Children [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2105-2112]
Bokaie, Mahshid
Mothers’ Experiences with Premature Neonates about Kangaroo Care: Qualitative Approaches [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 75-82]
Bokaie, Mahshid
Cultural Beliefs on Menstrual Health in Bam City: A Qualitative Study [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2018, Pages 8765-8778]
Bokaie, Saied
Immunomodulation of TLR2 and TLR4 by G2013 (alfa-L-Guluronic acid) in CVID Patients [Volume 5, Issue 7, 2017, Pages 5327-5337]
Bolatito, William-Johnson
Prevalence of Adenovirus among Children with Gastroenteritis/ Diarrhea in Warri, Delta State, Southern, Nigeria [Volume 6, Issue 5, 2018, Pages 7551-7652]
Bolourian, Molood
Aromatherapy as a Nutrition Improvement Approach in Premature Infants: A Short Review [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10405-10411]
Bolourian, Molood
Evaluation of Non-Pharmacological Strategies, Therapeutic and Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions in the Treatment of Premenstrual Syndrome: A Review Study [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 10929-10939]
Bolourian, Molood
Acute Flaccid Myelitis in A 9- year- old Girl: A Case Report [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 10969-10973]
Bolourian, Molood
The Effect of Peppermint on the Treatment of Nipple Fissure during Breastfeeding: A Systematic Review [Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 11527-11535]
Bolourinejad, Paria
Association of Sedentary Leisure Time with School Performance in Children and Adolescents: the CASPIAN-V Study [Volume 7, Issue 6, 2019, Pages 9557-9566]
Bonyadi, Mahtab
Evaluation of the Prevalence of Congenital Heart Diseases in neonates of Ilam province of Iran, in 2019-2020 [Volume 10, Issue 11, 2022, Pages 17040-17044]
Bonyadi, Mortaza
Association between Common Single- nucleotide Polymorphism of Reelin Gene, rs736707 (C/T) with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Iranian-Azeri Patients [Volume 3, 6.1, 2015, Pages 1065-1071]
Borhani, Samira
The effect of Complementary and Alternative Medicines on the symptoms of Cystic Fibrosis patients: A Systematic Review [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 15881-15900]
Borjali, Ahmad
The Role of Emotion Regulation Difficulties as a Mediator of the Relationship between Body Image Disturbance and Disordered Eating Behavior [Volume 3, 2.1, 2015, Pages 23-32]
Borji, Milad
The Prevalence of Clinical Symptoms in Children and Adolescents with Covid-19: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Study [Volume 8, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 12177-12188]
Borji, Milad
Dental Trauma among Iranian Children and Adolescents: A Comprehensive Study [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 12901-12908]
Borji, Milad
Prevalence of Neonatal Birth Trauma in Iran: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis [Volume 9, Issue 10, 2021, Pages 14520-14531]
Borji, Milad
Prevalence of Trauma and Related Factors in Iranian Children and Adolescents: Systematic Review [Volume 9, Issue 9, 2021, Pages 14293-14306]
Borkar, Shreyas
A Rare Case of Budd Chiari Syndrome in a Child [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 5809-5812]
Borna, Roya
Effect of Chlorhexidine, Fluoride and Green Tea Oral Gel on Pediatric Salivary Cariogenic Bacteria: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 13947-13956]
Borna, Sahar
Using Probiotics in Infants with Cow’s Milk Allergy: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 9, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 15067-15075]
Borna, Sedighe
Evaluation of Causes,Frequency and Prognosis of Hydrops Fetalis: A Case- Series Study at a Referral Hospital in Tehran, Iran [Volume 3, 1.1, 2015, Pages 391-395]
Borna, Sedighe
Association between Anterior Cervical Angle of the Uterus and Preterm Birth [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 12031-12037]
Borna, Sedigheh
Comparative Assessment of Ultrasound Placental Findings in Small for Gestational Age and Normal-Weight Fetuses [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10781-10788]
Borna, Sedigheh
Vulvar lipoblastoma in the utero of a female fetus: A case report [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 15365-15369]
Boroomandfar, Saeed
The Relationship of Smartphone Addiction with Self-esteem and Self-consciousness among Girls in the First Year of High School [Volume 8, Issue 11, 2020, Pages 12357-12367]
Boroumand, Minoo
Assessment of Iran Medicine List for the Appropriateness of the Six Pharmacological Formulations for Children's Prescription: A Cross Sectional Study [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9863-9871]
Boroumand, Nadia
The Association between Red Blood Cell Distribution Width and Metabolic Syndrome in Adolescent Girls [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 17416-17427]
Boroumandfar, Zahra
The Relationship between Eating Disorder Symptoms and Social Anxiety Disorder in Students in Isfahan [Volume 2, 4.2, 2014, Pages 47-53]
Boroumandfar, Zahra
The Prevalence and Types of Child Abuse among Teachers and its Relationship with their Demographic Characteristics and General Health in Primary Schools [Volume 3, 4.2, 2015, Pages 853-859]
Boryri, Tahereh
Incidence of Congenital Heart Diseases Anomalies in Newborns with Oral Clefts, Zahedan, Iran [Volume 4, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 3363-3371]
Boryri, Tahereh
Association between Enuresis and Body Mass Index in Schoolchildren [Volume 4, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 3969-3976]
Boryri, Tahereh
Quality of Life in Children and Adolescents with Congenital Heart Diseases in Zahedan, Iran [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 4193-4208]
Boryri, Tahereh
The Rate of Addiction in Parents of Children with Congenital Heart Disease Compared with Healthy Children [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 4469-4478]
Boryri, Tahereh
Evaluation of Growth Status in Children with Congenital Heart Disease: A Case- Control Study [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6503-6514]
Boryri, Tahereh
25-hydroxy Vitamin D Serum levels in Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) Children Compared to Controls [Volume 6, Issue 8, 2018, Pages 8129-8138]
Boryri, Tahereh
Clinical and Socioeconomic Factors Associating with Opium Poisonings in Children and Adolescents [Volume 10, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 15957-15971]
Bose, Kaushik
Maternal Education, Reported Morbidity and Number of Siblings are Associated with Malnutrition among Lodha Preschool Children of Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal, India [Volume 2, 4.2, 2014, Pages 13-21]
Boskabadi, Abbac
The Evaluation of Serum Procalcitonin Levels in Neonatal Infections [Volume 5, Issue 7, 2017, Pages 5287-5294]
Boskabadi, Abbas
Neonatal Infections: a 5-Year Analysis in a Neonatal Care Unit in North East of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 3989-3998]
Boskabadi, H
Comparison of Zinc Level between Neonates with Jaundice and Healathy Neonates [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 34-34]
Boskabadi, H
Study of Relationship between Hypernatremia in Neonates and Way of Maternal Breast Feeding [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 35-35]
Boskabadi, H
Hyperbilirubinemia and Neonatal Infection [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 81-81]
Boskabadi, Hassan
The comparative study of the impact of antenatal training care infants to fathers and couple on the fathers' participations after birth. [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2013, Pages 31-38]
Boskabadi, Hassan
Significant Neonatal Weight Loss Related to Idiopathic Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia [Volume 2, 4.1, 2014, Pages 225-231]
Boskabadi, Hassan
The Effect of Creating an Artificial Night On Physiological Changes in Preterm Infants [Volume 2, 4.3, 2014, Pages 407-412]
Boskabadi, Hassan
The Effect of Facilitated Tucking (FT) During Venipuncture on Duration of Crying in Preterm Infants [Volume 2, 4.3, 2014, Pages 431-435]
Boskabadi, Hassan
The Effects of Lavender Scent on Pain of Blood Sampling in Term Neonates [Volume 3, 2.2, 2015, Pages 535-541]
Boskabadi, Hassan
Evaluation of the Sodium Serum Level in Infants with Jaundice [Volume 3, 3.1, 2015, Pages 609-617]
Boskabadi, Hassan
The Effect of the Educational Program on Iranian Fathers’ Involvement in Infant care: A Randomized Clinical Trial Study [Volume 3, 6.1, 2015, Pages 1057-1063]
Boskabadi, Hassan
The Prevalence of Portal Vein Thrombosis in Children under 3 Years Old with History of Neonatal Umbilical Vein Catheterization in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit [Volume 4, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 3415-3419]
Boskabadi, Hassan
Neonatal Infections: a 5-Year Analysis in a Neonatal Care Unit in North East of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 3989-3998]
Boskabadi, Hassan
The Evaluation of Serum Procalcitonin Levels in Neonatal Infections [Volume 5, Issue 7, 2017, Pages 5287-5294]
Boskabadi, Hassan
Effects of Body Massage on Response to Phototherapy in Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11347-11353]
Boughrara, Oussama
Congenital Agenesis of Columella, Associated with an External Auditory Canal Atresia: Case Report [Volume 12, Issue 6, 2024, Pages 18887-18892]
Boukaidi, Yassine
False Aneurysm of the Common Femoral Artery in an Infant after a Phlebotomy [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2017, Pages 5549-5553]
Boumzebra, Drissi
False Aneurysm of the Common Femoral Artery in an Infant after a Phlebotomy [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2017, Pages 5549-5553]
Internet and Social Media Usage Situations in Young People [Volume 10, Issue 7, 2022, Pages 16340-16361]
Bozorgnia, Yasaman
Evaluation of the side effects of Sinopharm and PastoCovac COVID-19 vaccines in children aged 5-12 years in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 17572-17582]
Brahman, Maryam
Relationship between Designing Computer-based Educational Games, and Learning Motivation among Elementary Students [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6231-6244]
Brent, Jeffrey
Epidemiology of Pediatric Acute Poisoning in Iran: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 10, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 16082-16100]
Brimavandi, Azam
Association between Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn and Serum Vitamin D Levels in Infants and Mothers in Natural Childbirth [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2024, Pages 18988-18994]
Buddhavarappu, Siddartha
CblC Type Methylmalonic Aciduria with a Novel Homozygous Mutation: A Case Report [Volume 6, Issue 9, 2018, Pages 8275-8280]
Bülbül, Mehmet
Children with Steroid-resistant Nephrotic Syndrome: a Single-Center Study [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 1233-1242]
C, Ashwini R
Pulse Oximetry Screening for Detecting Congenital Heart Disease in Neonates – Experience from Tertiary Referral Children’s Hospital in South India [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 18620-18627]
Cameron, Gail
White Cell Indices and CRP: Predictors of Meningitis in Neonatal Sepsis? [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 1355-1364]
Cavalcante da Silva, Regina
Analysis of Respiratory Behavior and Clinical Parameters for Successful Extubation in Premature Infants [Volume 6, Issue 9, 2018, Pages 8215-8223]
Celebi, Ahmet
The Importance of Electrocardiography in Pediatric Patients with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in Follow- up [Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 11543-11550]
Celebi, Ahmet
Evaluation of Echocardiographic Parameters for the Prediction of Prognosis in Patients Diagnosed with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 12739-12748]
Celik, Sinan
Investigating the Sociodemographic Features of Attempted Suicide cases in a Paediatric Emergency Department from a Primary Healthcare Perspective [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 15615-15622]
Chabaa, Laila
Lipoprotein Lipase (LPL) Gene Mutation: A First Report in Children [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 5839-5842]
Chaharbaghi, Zahra
The Effects of Instructional and Motivational Self-talk on Learning a Dart Throwing Skill in Children with Mild Mental Retardation [Volume 10, Issue 6, 2022, Pages 16163-16169]
Chaharbaghi, Zahra
The Effects of Parental Socioeconomic Status on Children’ Physical Activity: Mediating Role of Motivation [Volume 10, Issue 8, 2022, Pages 16538-16544]
Chaharbaghi, Zahra
Accelerometer-Based Physical Activity and Health-Related Quality of Life in Children with ADHD [Volume 10, Issue 7, 2022, Pages 16362-16369]
Chaharbaghi, Zahra
Effects of Peer Acceptance on Participation of Children with ADHD in Physical Activity: Mediating Role of Physical Self-Efficacy [Volume 10, Issue 9, 2022, Pages 16666-16672]
Chaharbaghi, Zahra
Effects of Physical Activity on Psychosocial Distress among Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic: the Mediating Role of Resilience [Volume 10, Issue 11, 2022, Pages 16984-16991]
Chahkandi, Tayebeh
Percentile of Serum Lipid Profile in Children and Adolescents of Birjand, Eastern Iran. [Volume 2, 4.2, 2014, Pages 31-38]
Chahkandi, Tayebeh
Comparison of Blood Lead Concentration in Opium-Addicted and Non-Addicted Children in Birjand, East of Iran [Volume 9, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 13833-13841]
Chahkandi, Tayebeh
Premarital Screening for Beta-Thalassemia in Birjand City [Volume 11, Issue 10, 2023, Pages 18306-18313]
Chahkandi, Tayyebeh
Endocrine Disorders in Beta thalassemia Major Patients [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2017, Pages 5531-5538]
Chahkandi, Tayyebeh
Evaluation of the Prevalence of Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection and its Clinical Outcomes in Neonates Born in Vali-e-Asr Hospital of Birjand, Iran [Volume 7, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 9085-9094]
Chahkandi, Tayyebeh
Epidemiology of Pediatric Acute Poisoning in Iran: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 10, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 16082-16100]
Chahkandi, Tayyebeh
Echocardiographic Comparison of Myocardial Performance between Obese and Normal Weight Children and Adolescents [Volume 11, Issue 11, 2023, Pages 18355-18361]
Chahkandi, Tayyebeh
Comparison of the Effects of Deferasirox (Nanojade®) and Deferoxamine (Desferal®) on Serum Ferritin Level Changes in Major Beta-Thalassemia Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 11, Issue 12, 2023, Pages 18413-18423]
Chahkandi, Ttayebeh
The Prevalence of Pediatric Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 17606-17617]
Chaichi, Zahra
Clinical and Laboratory Investigation of Children with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Referring to Lupus Clinic of Dr. Sheikh Hospital, Mashhad, Iran [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9893-9902]
Chaichi, Zahra
Modifiable and Non-Modifiable Factors Affecting the Risk of Childhood Leukemia: An Overview of Meta-Analysis [Volume 9, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 13243-13248]
Chaichi, Zahra
The Treatment of Nocturnal Enuresis in Children: An Overview [Volume 8, Issue 11, 2020, Pages 1281-1286]
Chaichi, Zahra
Sodium and Calcium Levels as a Predictor for Hepatic Encephalopathy in Pediatric Patients with Chronic Liver Disease [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 15594-15600]
Chaichi, Zahra
Gastrointestinal symptoms of patients with autism spectrum disorder [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 15730-15736]
Chaichi, Zahra
HLADQ2 and HLADQ8 Alleles Are Associated with Celiac Disease in Children [Volume 10, Issue 8, 2022, Pages 16498-16504]
Chaichy, Zahra
Is Aromatherapy Effective for Apnea in Preterm Infants? A Systematic Review [Volume 7, Issue 7, 2019, Pages 9741-9747]
Chaichy, Zahra
Frequency of Febrile Seizures in COVID-19 Children in Akbar Children's Hospital [Volume 12, Issue 7, 2024, Pages 18912-18920]
Chakraborty, Roshni
Epstein-Barr Virus Myocarditis Presenting as Acute Abdomen in a Child: a Case Report [Volume 3, 5.2, 2015, Pages 937-940]
Chaleshgar Kordasiabi, Mosharafeh
Investigating Osteoporosis-related Nutritional Behaviors: The theory of Planned Behavior [Volume 9, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 14967-14980]
Chamanara, Solmaz
Placental Calcification and Vitamin D Deficiency in Low-Risk Pregnant Women [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10749-10757]
Chamani, Ali
The Prevalence of Malnutrition in critically ill septic Pediatric: Findings from Akbar Children's Hospital in Mashhad [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2024, Pages 19022-19031]
Chamani, Alireza
Comparative Three-Dimensional Evaluation of Spheno-Occipital Synchondrosis and Zygomatico-Maxillary Suture in Cleft Lip and Palate Children versus the Normal Population [Volume 9, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 13691-13702]
Chamani, Alireza
Associated Congenital Heart Anomalies in Children with Cleft Lip and Palate: A Cross Sectional Study [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 15737-15745]
Chamani, Maryam
Comparison of Azithromycin versus Erythromycin on Gestation Length (Prolongation of Latency Interval) and Neonatal Outcomes in Pregnant Women with Premature Rupture of the Membrane: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 10, Issue 11, 2022, Pages 16934-16940]
Chamanna, Ankita
Spectrum of Post Covid-19 Manifestations in Children: A Case Series [Volume 12, Issue 6, 2024, Pages 18877-18886]
Chananeh, Maryam
The relationship between the type of nutrition and anthropometric indices of infants during the first year of birth [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 15351-15364]
Chananeh, Maryam
Certain prenatal problems and their relationship with neonate's anthropometric indices at birth: a cross-sectional descriptive study in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 9, 2021, Pages 14307-14318]
Changizi-Ashtiyani, Saeed
A Review of the Role and Importance of Swaddling in Persian Medicine [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2018, Pages 8495-8506]
Charehjow, Hanie
Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) Regarding Menstruation among School Girls in West of Iran: A Population Based Cross-Sectional Study [Volume 6, Issue 8, 2018, Pages 8075-8085]
Charkazi, Abdurrahman
Predicting Oral Health Behavior using the Health Promotion Model among School Students: a Cross-sectional Survey [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2069-2077]
Charkazi, Abdurrahman
Fast Food Consumption Behaviors in High-School Students based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2131-2142]
Charkazi, Abdurrahman
Risk Factors of Premature Infants in the Rural Areas of Azadshahr City: a Case-Control Study [Volume 4, Issue 10, 2016, Pages 3651-3660]
Charkazi, Abdurrahman
Prevalence of Oxyuriasis and its Influencing Factors in Elected Kindergartens in Ali Abad-e-Katoul, North of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 3751-3758]
Charkazi, Abdurrahman
Effects of Companionship in Training Sessions on Primiparous Women’s Knowledge, Attitude and Performance toward Breastfeeding [Volume 5, Issue 11, 2017, Pages 5985-5998]
Charousaei, Hasti
Neonatal and Maternal Outcomes in Pregnant Women with Cardiac Disease in Iranian Population [Volume 9, Issue 10, 2021, Pages 14592-14599]
Chaudhuri, Jasodhara
Epstein-Barr Virus Myocarditis Presenting as Acute Abdomen in a Child: a Case Report [Volume 3, 5.2, 2015, Pages 937-940]
Chehrehgosha, Maryam
Fetus in Fetus in the Sacral Sac: Report of Surgical Management Case [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 6963-6969]
Chehrzad, Minomitra
The effect of foot reflexology massage on pain during vaccine injection in infants referred to Rasht Comprehensive Health Center: A randomized clinical trial [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 17366-17373]
Cheki, Mohsen
Evaluation of Volume CT Dose Index (CTDIvol) and Dose Length Product (DLP) in Routine CT scan Protocols among Children under 15 Years of Age Admitted to Imam Khomeini Hospital in Ahvaz, Iran, during 2019 [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 13437-13444]
Chemsi, Mounir
Breastfeeding in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Casablanca Teaching Hospital Ibn Rochd [Volume 12, Issue 5, 2024, Pages 18823-18831]
Chen, Chao
Neonatal outcomes of Offspring Conceived through in Vitro Fertilization [Volume 3, 3.2, 2015, Pages 643-653]
Chen, Jihua
Complications and Outcome of Severe Acute Malnutrition in children under Five in Africa: A Systematic Review [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2024, Pages 19040-19069]
Chenary, Minoo
Analysis of the Potential for Height Growth at Different Stages of Puberty Based on Bone Age in Healthy Girls [Volume 10, Issue 10, 2022, Pages 16844-16853]
Cheraghali, AbdolMajid
Assessment of Iran Medicine List for the Appropriateness of the Six Pharmacological Formulations for Children's Prescription: A Cross Sectional Study [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9863-9871]
Cheraghi, Fatemeh
Relationship between Pregnancy-induced Hypertension with Neonatal and Maternal Complications [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2018, Pages 8587-8594]
Cheraghian, Bahman
The Prevalence of Anxiety and its related Factors among School-age Children in South West of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 2019-2025]
Cheraghian, Bahman
The Prevalence of Celiac Disease in Children with Unexplained Failure to Thrive in South West of Iran [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 4663-4669]
Cheraghian, Bahman
Coping Strategies of Parents with Chronic Ill Children Hospitalized in Educational Hospitals, Ahvaz-Iran [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 5813-5825]
Cheraghian, Bahman
Effect of Non- pharmacological Palliative Methods Training on Sickle Cell Anemia Outcomes [Volume 7, Issue 7, 2019, Pages 9729-9739]
Chiarello, Paola
Predictors of Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) Resistance in Children with Kawasaki Disease in Calabria Region, Italy [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 9027-9036]
Chib, Rohit
Thrombocytosis As Potential Diagnostic Tool for Serious Bacterial Infection In Febrile Infants; Srinagar, India [Volume 2, 4.3, 2014, Pages 413-420]
Chin Aveh, Mahboubeh
A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral and Psychodrama on Executive Functions of Children Aged 7 to 12 Years [Volume 10, Issue 7, 2022, Pages 16266-16280]
Chitsaz, Aynaz
The Predictors of Healthy Eating Behavior among Pregnant Women: An Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 5897-5905]
Chobtashani, Sara
Comparing the Effects of Play Therapy and Selected Sports Exercises on Self-Confidence, Physical Self-Efficacy and Mental Toughness in Children [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 17219-17228]
Choobtashan, Maryam
Investigation of some Factors Affecting Stunting and Wasting among the Under-Five Children in Eastern Mediterranean Region [Volume 7, Issue 7, 2019, Pages 9759-9772]
Choobtashani, Maryam
A Study of Children's Geographic Access to Health Services (Health Care Centers and Clinical Laboratories) in Kermanshah City, Iran [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7241-7251]
Choobtashani, Maryam
A Study of the Application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Children Access to Pharmacies: A Case Study of Kermanshah, West of Iran [Volume 6, Issue 8, 2018, Pages 8093-8099]
Choobtashani, Maryam
The Study of Children and Adolescents' Access to Hospitals and Emergency Centers in Kermanshah, West of Iran [Volume 6, Issue 5, 2018, Pages 7697-7707]
Choobtashani, Maryam
Investigation of Climatic, Health and Economic Factors Affecting on Mortality in the Eastern Mediterranean Region [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9817-9830]
Choobtashani, Maryam
Study of the Spatial Pattern of Malnutrition (Stunting, Wasting and Overweight) in Countries in the World Using Geographic Information System [Volume 7, Issue 10, 2019, Pages 10269-10281]
Choobtashani, Maryam
Spatial Distribution of Premature Infant Mortality in 2000-2017 [Volume 7, Issue 11, 2019, Pages 10349-10359]
Choopani, R
Constipation due to Liver Disorder in Iranian Traditional Medicine`s Viewpoint [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 30-30]
Choopani, R
Viewpoints of Iranian Traditional Medicine about Child Nutrition [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 46-46]
Choopani, Rasool
Herbal Treatments for Asthma, according to Avicenna [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 15205-15226]
Choopani, Rasool
The effect of Complementary and Alternative Medicines on the symptoms of Cystic Fibrosis patients: A Systematic Review [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 15881-15900]
Choopani, Roya
The Effects of Zinc Sulfate on Sepsis Outcomes in Neonates: A Blind Clinical Trial [Volume 9, Issue 9, 2021, Pages 14474-14480]
Choopani, Roya
Breastfeeding versus Formula Feeding: Main Reasons and Determinants [Volume 10, Issue 6, 2022, Pages 16155-16162]
Choopani, Roya
Comparing Intermittent and Continuous Antibiotic Administrations for the Treatment of Children with Vesicoureteral Reflux [Volume 10, Issue 12, 2022, Pages 17112-17118]
Choopani, Sheida
The Effects of Zinc Sulfate on Sepsis Outcomes in Neonates: A Blind Clinical Trial [Volume 9, Issue 9, 2021, Pages 14474-14480]
Choroom Kheirabadi, Mahsa
Comparison of Vitamin D Levels in Children with Musculoskeletal Pain with and without Hypermobility of Joints [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 11967-11972]
Choupani, Roya
The Effects of Acetaminophen Prophylaxis on Patent Ductus Arteriosus Closure in Premature Infants: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 14077-14083]
Chowdhary, Rashmi
Projection of Need for Pathogenetic Testing for Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Children of India [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 1877-1883]
Christodoulides, Efstathios
Effects of Family-Related Activities on Adolescent Smoking in the United States: Evidence from a Longitudinal Study [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 15535-15546]
Cirillo, Maria
Predictors of Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) Resistance in Children with Kawasaki Disease in Calabria Region, Italy [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 9027-9036]
Cizmic, Ante
Correlation of Leukocyte Count and Percentage of Segmented Neutrophils with Pathohistological Findings of Appendix in Children [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 6851-6859]
Cıkı, Kismet
The Complication of Endotracheal Intubation in a Patient with Mucopolysaccharidosis Type IIIA [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 12909-12913]
Costa, Marcelo de Castro
Traumatic Habit causing Gingival Recession in a child: 3-Year Follow Up [Volume 3, 1.2, 2015, Pages 455-458]
Curtis, AS
Nanoscale Mechanical Stimulation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 42-42]
Dabagh fekri, Samaneh
The Effect of Peppermint on the Treatment of Nipple Fissure during Breastfeeding: A Systematic Review [Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 11527-11535]
Dabagh fekri, Samaneh
The Effect of Dates and Fennel on Breastfeeding Adequacy of Mothers: A Review [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 11891-11899]
Dabagh fekri, Samaneh
A Review on the Relation between Sepsis and Vitamin D Level among Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Infants [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11849-11854]
Dabbaghi, Babak
Efficacy of Acupressure on Nausea and Vomiting in Children Undergoing Chemotherapy: A Systematic Review [Volume 7, Issue 6, 2019, Pages 9601-9610]
Dabbaghmanesh, Mohammad
Comparison between BMI and Inverted BMI in Evaluating Metabolic Risk and Body Composition in Iranian Children [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2016, Pages 1625-1636]
Dabbaghmanesh, Mohammad Hossein
Comparison of 25-hydroxyvitamin D and Calcium Levels between Preeclampsia and Normal Pregnant Women and Birth Outcomes [Volume 3, 6.1, 2015, Pages 1047-1055]
Dabirzadeh, Mansour
Prevalence of Cryptosporidium Species in Children Referred to Central and Hospital Laboratories of Zabol City, South East of Iran [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6359-6364]
Dadaei, Neda
Determinants of Dental Caries in Children Aged 7-12 Years in Iran: A Case-Control Study [Volume 9, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 14812-14820]
Dadelahi, Fatemeh
Bowel Obstruction in Children; Ultrasound or Abdominal X-ray? [Volume 11, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 17878-17886]
Dadgar, Hoda
The Effect of Peppermint on the Treatment of Nipple Fissure during Breastfeeding: A Systematic Review [Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 11527-11535]
Dadgar, Sepideh
The Relationship between Malocclusion Severity and Quality of Life in North Iran Students [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 10961-10968]
Dadgar, Sepideh
Quality of Life Based on Oral Health Impact Profile among Adolescents Undergoing Fixed Orthodontic Appliances [Volume 8, Issue 12, 2020, Pages 12651-12657]
Dadgarmoghaddam, Maliheh
Closed Reduction versus Open Reduction and Pin Fixation in Pediatric Type III Supracondylar Humeral Fractures [Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 11609-11615]
Dadgarmoghaddam, Maliheh
COVID-19 Risk Factors in Frontline Healthcare Workers in Mashhad University Hospitals [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 17590-17598]
Dadipoor, Sakineh
Causes of Maternal Mortality in Iran: A Systematic Review [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6757-5770]
Dadipoor, Sakineh
Factors Involved in the Mortality of Infants under the Age of One Year in Bandar Abbas-Iran: A Document-Based Study [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 7519-7527]
Dadkah, Mohammad
Assessment of the Epidemiology and Factors Associated with the Malaria among Children in Sistan and Baluchistan Province, South East of Iran (2013-2016) [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2229-2239]
Dadkhah, Azam
Need for Consultation and Training during Bed Rest in Women with High Risk Pregnancy Experience: a Qualitative Study [Volume 4, Issue 5, 2016, Pages 1705-1714]
Dadkhah, Minoo
Psychogenic Vomiting: A Clinical Diagnosis Merits Special Attention in Pediatrics [Volume 2, 3.3, 2014, Pages 55-58]
Dadmehr, Majid
The Useful Diet and Medicinal Plants for ADHD from the Viewpoint of Traditional Persian Medicine [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 15547-15551]
Dadshahi, Sahebeh
Evaluation of Non-Pharmacological Strategies, Therapeutic and Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions in the Treatment of Premenstrual Syndrome: A Review Study [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 10929-10939]
Dadshahi, Sahebeh
Maternal Occupational Exposures and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes: An Overview of Meta- Analysis [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11341-11346]
Dadshahi, Sahebeh
The Quality of Providing Feedback in Clinical Education according to Midwifery Students Participating in National Congress of Midwifery and Women’s Health [Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 11519-11526]
Dadshahi, Sahebeh
Tübingen Hip Flexion Splint for Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip in Children and its Safety Assessment: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11775-11781]
Dadshahi, Sahebeh
Reflections on Telemedicine with an Emphasis on Ethical Aspects: A Review [Volume 8, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 12223-12233]
Daei, A
Repair of Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Using Bone Marrow Stromal Cell Transfected with Adenoviral Vector Expressing Glial derived Neurotropic Factor (GDNF) in a Rat SCI Model [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 75-75]
Daga, Riyaz
Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of youth onset Diabetes Mellitus in Kashmir India [Volume 3, 4.1, 2015, Pages 739-747]
Dagci, Merve
Investigating the Sociodemographic Features of Attempted Suicide cases in a Paediatric Emergency Department from a Primary Healthcare Perspective [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 15615-15622]
Dakalirad, Abdollah
Self- Management of Pain and Fatigue in Major Thalassemia [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 15240-15251]
Dalby, MJ
Nanoscale Mechanical Stimulation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 42-42]
Dalili, Amin
Pathological evaluation of ganglion cells in biopsies from upper side of the dentate line in patients with perianal problems [Volume 2, 3.1, 2014, Pages 189-193]
Dalili, Amin
Comparative Study of High Powerful Magnet with Conventional Repair of Suture in the Intestinal Anastomosis of Rats [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 1373-1379]
Dalili, Amir mohammad
A Novel Experience in Treatment of Liver Hydatidosis in Pediatrics: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 5945-5952]
Dalili, Setila
Can Weight Gain Predict the Outcome of Childhood Leukemia? [Volume 11, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 17739-17748]
Dalili, Setila
Synbiotic supplementation in type one diabetes mellitus: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2023, Pages 18044-18054]
Dalirani, Reza
Are Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR) and Platelet to Lymphocyte Ratio (PLR) Predictors of Steroid Therapy in Children with Nephrotic Syndrome? [Volume 10, Issue 7, 2022, Pages 16302-16308]
Dalirani, Reza
Determining Cardiovascular Complications in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease by Measuring Blood Pressure Using Ambulatory Blood Pressure Measurement and Traditional Auscultation Method [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 18681-18690]
Daliri, Salman
Investigation of the Maternal and Neonatal Factors Affecting the Apgar score of Newborns: A Case-Control Study [Volume 9, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 13737-13746]
Dalirsani, Zohreh
The Cancer Stem Cell Hypothesis in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A New Target for the Treatment [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 30-30]
Dalvand, Hamid
Comparison of Health-Related Quality of Life in Mothers of Children with Spina Bifida and Cerebral Palsy [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 5677-5685]
Dalvand, Hamid
Exploring the Process of Mothering Co-occupations in Caring of Children with Cerebral Palsy at Home [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7129-7140]
Dalvand, Hamid
The Relationship between Development Indices and Children’s Growth Among Under 12-Month-Old Children in Markazi Province, Iran [Volume 10, Issue 11, 2022, Pages 16941-16950]
Dalvand, Sahar
Health-Related Quality of Life in Iranian Patients with Thalassemia Major: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2018, Pages 8483-8494]
Dalvand, Saman
Estimation of Effective Doses and Lifetime Risk of Exposure-induced Cancer Death in Pediatric CT Scans [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 15755-15771]
Damanpak, Samane
The Effect of Selected Motor Games on Executive Functions of Children with Developmental Coordination Disorders [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 15449-15459]
Damke, Sachin
Unilateral Lung Aplasia with Absent Right Pulmonary Artery in an Infant: A Case Study [Volume 10, Issue 7, 2022, Pages 16319-16323]
Dana, Amir
Relative Age Effects on Children’s Handwriting: Role of Visual-Motor Integration [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 12775-12783]
Dana, Amir
The Effect of Water Treadmill Exercise on Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 9, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 13671-13681]
Dana, Amir
The Effect of Observing a Point-Light Display on Learning Static Balancing in Children with Mild Mental Retardation and Healthy Children [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 15323-15330]
Dana, Amir
The Effects of External and Internal Focus of Attention on Learning a Static Balance Skill in Children with Mild Mental Retardation [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 15474-15481]
Dana, Amir
Effects of Family-Related Activities on Adolescent Smoking in the United States: Evidence from a Longitudinal Study [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 15535-15546]
Dana, Amir
Effects of Physical Activity on Adiposity in Children: Mediating Role of Self-Esteem and Body-Image [Volume 10, Issue 12, 2022, Pages 17172-17181]
Dana, Mohammad amin
Clinical Value of Low Dose CT- Scan in Pediatric Chest Diseases: Adequacy Assessment [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 10845-10851]
Danaei, Nadia
Gastric Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor as a Cause of Gastric Outlet Obstruction in Children [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 17443-17447]
Danaei, Nadia
The Effectiveness of a Family-Centered Behavioral Modification Package in Improving the Eating Behavior, Bmi Percentile and Abdominal Circumference of Obese School-Age Girls: A Randomized Controlled Trial [Volume 11, Issue 11, 2023, Pages 18371-18382]
Danaie, Navid
Comparison of the Umbilical Cord Bacterial Colonization in Newborn Infants Rooming in with Mothers and Neonates Admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit [Volume 5, Issue 11, 2017, Pages 6009-6015]
Danaie, Navid
Effective Factors of INSURE Method Failure in Treatment of Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Preterm Infants [Volume 5, Issue 11, 2017, Pages 6069-6076]
Daneghian, Marina
Effect of Caffeine Co-Ingested with Carnitine on Weight, Body-Fat Percent, Serum Leptin and Lipid Profile Changes in Male Teen Soccer Players: a Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 4, Issue 10, 2016, Pages 3685-3698]
Daneshbakhtiar, Alireza
The Effect of Outpatient Management of Cystic Fibrosis Exacerbation on Pulmonary Function Tests: A Clinical Trial [Volume 10, Issue 6, 2022, Pages 16121-16126]
Daneshgar, Nastaran
Survey on Etiology of Stevens-Johnson syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis in Pediatric Patients: A Six-Year Study from Iran [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2018, Pages 8675-8684]
Daneshjou, Khadije
Clinical Findings of Infants Born to an HIV-Positive Mother: A Hospital Based Case-Control Study in Tehran, Iran [Volume 7, Issue 9, 2019, Pages 10049-10056]
Daneshpoor, Seyed Mohamad Mehdi
Asthma Burden in the Hospitalized Patients in North of Iran [Volume 2, 4.1, 2014, Pages 257-266]
Daneshvar Mozaffari, Farida
Advantages and Disadvantages of Methadone among Children and Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 7, Issue 9, 2019, Pages 10125-10137]
Dangesareki, Esmail
Effects of Physical Activity on Psychosocial Distress among Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic: the Mediating Role of Resilience [Volume 10, Issue 11, 2022, Pages 16984-16991]
Daniali, Seyedeh Shahrbanoo
Physical Activity in Adolescent Girls and their Perceptions of Obesity Prevention in Shahr-e Kord, Iran [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 3249-3262]
Daniar, Azadeh
Prevalence of Common Aeroallergens in Patients with Allergic Rhinitis in Gorgan, North of Iran, Based on Skin Prick Test Reactivity [Volume 6, Issue 8, 2018, Pages 8139-8145]
Daniar, Azadeh
Epidemiology of Food Allergies in Children with Asthma in Gorgan, Northern Iran: a Cross-Sectional Population-Based Study [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 17397-17404]
Danyaei, Amir
Efficacy of Increasing Focus to Film Distance (FFD) for Patient’s Dose and Image Quality in Pediatric Chest Radiography [Volume 4, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 3421-3429]
Daoudi, Abdellatif
Study of Bacterial Contamination of Mobile Phones and Stethoscopes in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit [Volume 5, Issue 11, 2017, Pages 6139-6142]
Dapaah-Siakwan, Fredrick
White Cell Indices and CRP: Predictors of Meningitis in Neonatal Sepsis? [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 1355-1364]
Dara, Naghi
New-Onset Bacterial Sinusitis in Pediatric Liver Transplant Recipients; Case Series and Review of Literature [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 7479-7488]
Dara, Naghi
Creatinine Phosphokinase (CPK) Elevation in the Coexistence of Wilson's Disease and Autoimmune Hepatitis with Atypical Presentation: A Diagnostic Dilemma [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2018, Pages 8697-8705]
Dara, Naghi
Assessment of Serum Amino Acid Chromatography in Children with Inflammatory Bowel Diseases [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 8853-8860]
Dara, Naghi
Evaluation of Clarithromycin and Metronidazole Resistance of Helicobacter Pylori Infection in Symptomatic Iranian Children [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 8925-8933]
Dara, Naghi
Maternal Risk Factors of Neonatal Mortality in Iran: A Case-Control Study [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 10865-10874]
Dara, Naghi
The Effect of Nutritional Consultation on the Level of Malnutrition and Growth Indices in Children with Cystic Fibrosis [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11793-11801]
Dara, Naghi
Prevalence of Malnutrition among Iranian Pediatric Patients before and After Hospitalization (2015 To 2017): A Multicenter Study [Volume 10, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 16047-16057]
Darabi, Ahmadreza
The Relationship between Motor Skills and Language Performance in Mentally Retarded Children [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2023, Pages 18112-18122]
Darabi, Azadeh
Comparison of Growth Parameters in Two Groups of Children with Chronic Renal Failure Treated with and without Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9883-9892]
Darabi, Azadeh
Giant LV Thrombose and Thrombosed Coronary Aneurysm in an Infant with Kawasaki Disease [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11377-11381]
Darabi, Azadeh
Pulmonary Sequestration Infant with Unusual Presentation: A Case Report [Volume 10, Issue 9, 2022, Pages 16738-16744]
Darabi, B
Evaluation of Antibody Response to Polysaccharide Vaccine and Switched Memory B Cells in Pediatric Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 66-66]
Darabi, bBehzad
Knowledge and Attitude of General Practitioners Regarding Pediatric Asthma and Allergy [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 17238-17245]
Darabi, Behzad
Prevalence of Pediatric Atopic Dermatitis in Iran: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 17673-17684]
Darabi, Behzad
Prevalence of Epilepsy among Iranian Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 11, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 17807-17817]
Darabi, Behzad
Prevalence and Outcomes of Retinopathy of Premature Neonates in Iran: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 11, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 17909-17923]
Darabi, Behzad
Prevalence of Diabetic Nephropathy in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes in Iran: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2023, Pages 18080-18088]
Darabi, Fatemeh
Long-Term Survival of Peritoneal Dialysis in Children: A Cohort Study [Volume 7, Issue 9, 2019, Pages 10009-10017]
Darabi, Fatemeh
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Technique Failure in Peritoneal Dialysis of Iranian Children and Adolescents [Volume 7, Issue 11, 2019, Pages 10377-10385]
Darabi, Fatemeh
Oral Health Change in Iran: Part V; It Is the Time to Focus on MIH by an Electronic Approach - Letter to the Editor [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2023, Pages 18077-18079]
Darabi, Leila
Comparison of Two Methods of Direct and Indirect Education on Osteoporosis Preventive Behaviors among Female Students [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2017, Pages 5483-5492]
Darbandi, bahram
Can Weight Gain Predict the Outcome of Childhood Leukemia? [Volume 11, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 17739-17748]
Darchini-Maragheh, Emadodin
Evaluation of Quality of Life, Anxiety and Depression in Children with Cutaneous Leishmaniasis [Volume 7, Issue 6, 2019, Pages 9591-9600]
Darooneh, Tayebeh
Effect of Crocus sativus (Saffron) on Cervical Ripening and Progress of Labor in Primiparous Term Women: A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 12105-12115]
Darougar, Sepideh
Role of Food Allergy in Development of Different Levels of Asthma Severity in Childhood [Volume 9, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 13859-13864]
Darvish, Afruz
Ultrasound Findings of Appendico-cecal invagination: A Case Report and Literature Review [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9793-9798]
Darvish, Forooz
The Mediating Role of Perceived Stress in the Relationship between Personality Traits and Negative Automatic Thoughts in Adolescents with Migraine [Volume 10, Issue 8, 2022, Pages 16526-16537]
Darvishgoftar, Elham
The Relationship of Vitamin D and Calcium level with Preeclampsia Severity: A Case- control Study [Volume 5, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 5203-5210]
Darvishi, Mahfam
Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) in Children under 7- year of Age during 2014 in Hamedan Province, Iran [Volume 4, Issue 5, 2016, Pages 1697-1703]
Darvishi, Marzieh
Depression and Anxiety among Parents of Children with Blood Disease in Ahvaz, South West of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2193-2202]
Darvishnoori Kalak, Simin
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Technique Failure in Peritoneal Dialysis of Iranian Children and Adolescents [Volume 7, Issue 11, 2019, Pages 10377-10385]
Daryoushi, Hooman
Comparison of Abdominal Aorta Intima-Media Thickness, Serum Level of Leptin, and Lipid Profile between Maternal Preeclampsia and Neonatal Outcomes [Volume 5, Issue 7, 2017, Pages 5401-5407]
Daryoushi, Hooman
Evaluation of the Predictors of Breath Holding Spell (BHS) in under 5-Year-Old Children in Iran: A Hospital-Based Case-Control Study [Volume 9, Issue 9, 2021, Pages 14382-14392]
Dashtbozorghi, Bahman
The Effect of Blended Instruction on Improving Knowledge and Practice of Parents of Children with Chronic Kidney Disease in the Therapeutic Care of Children [Volume 8, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 11023-11033]
Dashtbozorgi, Bahman
Effects of Group Training on Depression and Anxiety among Patients with Type I Diabetes: a Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 4, Issue 5, 2016, Pages 1777-1786]
Dashti, Forouzandeh
The Effect of Phone Counseling for Mothers of Premature Infants Discharged from the Hospital on Infants’ Readmission [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2017, Pages 5441-5450]
Dashti Dargahloo, Saeed
Relationship between Attitude towards Breastfeeding and Postpartum Depression in Kerman, Iran [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11751-11759]
Dashti Dargahloo, Saeed
Overview on Children Mental Health Status during Coronavirus Disease: Expressing How to Support [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 11931-11937]
Dastaviz, Farzad
Transfusion Related Adverse Effects on Beta-Thalassemia Major and New Therapeutic Approaches: A Review Study [Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 11651-11661]
Dastaviz, Farzad
Evaluation of the Efficacy of Lentiviral Vectors in Gene Therapy of Beta-thalassemia Patients: A Systematic Review [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11243-11250]
Dastaviz, Farzad
Genetic Counseling for Families with Sporadic Intellectual Disability in North of Iran: A Retrospective Study [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11709-11718]
Dastgiri, Saeed
Prediction Value of CRIB-II in Outcome of Preterm and Low Birth Weight Infants: a Prospective Cohort Study [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2016, Pages 1583-1589]
Dastgiri, Saeed
Using Bagging Neural Network to Predict the Factors Affecting Neonatal Mortality [Volume 9, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 14842-14855]
Dastgiri, Saeed
Prevalence of Spinal Deformities among School Age Children in Iran: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 10, Issue 7, 2022, Pages 16402-16416]
Dastjerdi, Ghasem
Cigarette Smoking Experience and its related Socio-demographic and Environmental Risk Factors in High School Boy Students, Shiraz- Iran [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 4263-4274]
Dastjerdi, Reza
Investigating the Life Skills and Self-Esteem in Teenage Girls in Birjand, Iran [Volume 7, Issue 6, 2019, Pages 9623-9630]
Dastjerdi, Reza
Female Adolescents and Life Skills based on the Social Cognitive Theory: A Qualitative Study [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9841-9851]
Dastpak, Mahtab
Genetic and Epigenetic landscape of Germline Stem Cells [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 14-14]
Dastpak, Mahtab
Comparative analysis of the Gene expression profile of Chemokine Receptors between Adipose-derived and Bone marrow-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 17-17]
Dastranji, Azar
Validity of Spo2/Fio2 Ratio in Detection of Acute Lung Injury and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome [Volume 3, 1.2, 2015, Pages 429-434]
Dastranji, Azar
The Role of Rapid Shallow Breathing Index in Predicting Successful Weaning of Pediatric Patients with Respiratory Failure [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 9003-9012]
Dastres, Fereshteh
The Effect of Distance Teaching to Mothers on Primary School Boys’ Sleep Habits Related to Computer Games: A Quasi-experimental Study [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 15653-15663]
Davachi, Behrooz
A Survey of Special Training Round on Performance of Pediatric Residents [Volume 2, 4.3, 2014, Pages 363-367]
Davachi, Behrooz
The Prevalence of Portal Vein Thrombosis in Children under 3 Years Old with History of Neonatal Umbilical Vein Catheterization in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit [Volume 4, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 3415-3419]
Davani, Niloofar
Evaluation of Sociocultural, Obstetric, and Child Related Factors Associated with Postpartum Depression in Bushehr, Southwest of Iran [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 12865-12876]
Davari, Mohammad Hossein
Hearing Abnormality in Neonate Intensive Care Unit (NICU),Yazd-Iran [Volume 2, 2.2, 2014, Pages 113-117]
Davarifardpur, Amir Mohammad
Serum Magnesium Level of Patients Admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit: A Prospective Analytical Study [Volume 12, Issue 8, 2024, Pages 18946-18952]
Davoodi, Azam
The Moderating Role of Self-Compassion in the Relationship Between the use of Visual Media and Internalizing Pathological Symptoms in Adolescents [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 15126-15136]
Davoodi, Azam
Predicting Academic Resilience based on Metacognitive Beliefs and Achievement Motivation in High School Students in Shiraz, Iran [Volume 9, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 13765-13772]
Davoodi, Mohammad
Study on Some Effective Factors for Successful Non-Surgical Reduction in Intussusception among Children [Volume 6, Issue 9, 2018, Pages 8281-8287]
Davoodi, Reza
Evaluation of Public School Health and Its Accordance with School Health National Regulations: A Case Study in Kermanshah, Iran [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7179-7191]
DavoodiZadehJolgeh, Hamideh
Investigating Effect of Olfactory Stimulation by Vanilla on the Rate of Apnea Attacks in Neonates with Apnea of Prematurity: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6221-6229]
Davoudi, Yasmin
Ultrasound- guided Hydrostatic (Hydrocolonic) Treatment of Meconium Ileus: A Preliminary Report [Volume 6, Issue 8, 2018, Pages 8111-8118]
Davoudi Kang, Mahboubeh
Case Report of a Vanished Aspirated Foreign Body; Cough may be more Helpful [Volume 7, Issue 5, 2019, Pages 9363-9367]
Dawman, Lesa
Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency among Healthy School Children in Jaipur District, Rajasthan, India [Volume 3, 4.2, 2015, Pages 801-801]
Day, AS
Nutritional Assesment in Cystic Fibrosis Patients( Iran and Newzeland) [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 50-50]
Day, SA
Assesment of Malnutrition in Hospitalized in Iran and Newzeland [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 27-27]
Dayer, Mohammad Saaid
Comparative Efficacy of Three Control Protocols of Head Lice (Pediculus Humanus Capitis) Infesting Schoolchildren in Mashhad City, Iran [Volume 6, Issue 6, 2018, Pages 7803-7814]
DEGER, İbrahim
Evaluation of Subgroup Incompatibility in Newborn Jaundice [Volume 12, Issue 8, 2024, Pages 18962-18971]
Dehbozorgi, Kimia
The Effectiveness of Psychological Well-being Training on Negative Automatic Thoughts and Resilience of Female Adolescents with Rumination in Tehran [Volume 10, Issue 8, 2022, Pages 16515-16525]
Dehdari, Tahereh
Effects of Gain- and Loss-Framed Messages on Preventive Nutrition Behaviors of Osteoporosis in Iranian Female Students: A Text Messaging Intervention [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 12825-12834]
Dehdashtizadeh, Ali
Efficacy of Saccharomyces Boulardii in Pediatrics with Functional Abdominal Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial [Volume 9, Issue 10, 2021, Pages 14656-14662]
Dehghan, Faezeh
Behavioral Problems in Iranian Epileptic Children; A Case Control Study [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6713-6719]
Dehghan, Fateme
A Comparison of Quality of Life, Anxiety and Depression in Children with Cancer and Healthy Children, Kermanshah-Iran [Volume 5, Issue 7, 2017, Pages 5305-5314]
Dehghan, Fateme
A Study of Health Literacy Components and their Relationships with Health-Promoting Behaviors in Students at Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6721-6729]
Dehghan, Fateme
The Effect of Resilience Training on the Condition of Style of Coping and Parental Stress in Mothers of Children with Leukemia [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 7299-7310]
Dehghan, Fateme
Effectiveness of Group Counseling Based on the Reality Therapy on Resilience and Psychological Well-Being of Mothers with an Intellectual Disabled Child [Volume 6, Issue 6, 2018, Pages 7851-7860]
Dehghan, Fateme
The Effect of Life Skills Training on Reducing the High-Risk Behaviors among High School Students in Kermanshah, North West of Iran [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2018, Pages 8433-8443]
Dehghan, Fateme
Relationship between Attachment Styles and Parenting Styles with Self-Esteem in Dyslexic Children of Kermanshah City, Iran [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2018, Pages 8745-8755]
Dehghan, Fateme
A Comparative Study of the Components of Quality of Life and Adjustment in Both Cancer-stricken and Healthy Children: A Cross-sectional Study in Kermanshah City, Iran [Volume 7, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 9277-9284]
Dehghan, Fateme
Pathology of Cyberspace: A Study of the Detrimental Effects of Mobile Phones on Students' Psychological Well-being [Volume 7, Issue 9, 2019, Pages 10077-10085]
Dehghan, Kamran
Assessment of the Role of Maternal Characteristics, Mental Health and Maternal Marital Satisfaction in Prediction of Neonatal Birth Weight [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 5851-5862]
Dehghan, Kamran
The Effect of Abdominal Touch on Nutritional Tolerance in Premature Infants: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trail [Volume 6, Issue 8, 2018, Pages 8119-8128]
Dehghan, Kamran
The Effect of Probiotics on Late-Onset Sepsis in Very Preterm Infants: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2018, Pages 8371-8379]
Dehghan, Kamran
Idiopathic Chylothorax in a Term Neonate and Successful Treatment with Octreotide and Medium Chain Triglyceride -Enriched Formula: A Case Report [Volume 7, Issue 6, 2019, Pages 9535-9540]
Dehghan, Kamran
The Comparison of the Analgesic Effect of Intravenous Acetaminophen with Fentanyl in Thoracic and Abdominal Surgeries of Newborns [Volume 7, Issue 7, 2019, Pages 9773-9781]
Dehghan, Leila
Comparison of Health-Related Quality of Life in Mothers of Children with Spina Bifida and Cerebral Palsy [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 5677-5685]
Dehghan, Leila
Exploring the Process of Mothering Co-occupations in Caring of Children with Cerebral Palsy at Home [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7129-7140]
Dehghan, Mohana
Study of Causes of Neonatal Mortality and its Related Factors in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Imam Reza Hospital in Kermanshah, Iran during (2014-2016) [Volume 6, Issue 5, 2018, Pages 7641-7649]
Dehghan Haghighi, Javid
Malnutrition and its Related Factors among Children under Five Years of Age [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 15412-15425]
Dehghani, Ali
Cigarette Smoking Experience and its related Socio-demographic and Environmental Risk Factors in High School Boy Students, Shiraz- Iran [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 4263-4274]
Dehghani, khadijeh
Investigating the Effect of Two Feeding Methods with Cup and Finger on Feeding Tolerance and Gain Weight in Preterm Infants Admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit [Volume 9, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 15083-15093]
Dehghani, Khadijeh
The Comparative Effect of Multisensory Stimulation and Breast Milk on Intensity of Pain in Premature Infants during Retinopathy Screening Examination [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 13325-13337]
Dehghani, Khadijeh
Effects of Bedside Nurses’ and Mothers’ Training on the Positioning Score of Premature Infants Hospitalized in NICU: A Clinical Trial [Volume 11, Issue 10, 2023, Pages 18287-18295]
Dehghani, KhadijehDehghani
Investigating Effect of Olfactory Stimulation by Vanilla on the Rate of Apnea Attacks in Neonates with Apnea of Prematurity: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6221-6229]
Dehghani, Leila
The Role of Stem Cell Therapy in Multiple Sclerosis: an Overview of the Current Status of the Clinical Studies [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 72-72]
Dehghani, Leila
Genetically Engineered Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell – derived Cardiomyocytes as a Suitable Model on Drugs Toxicity In vitro [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 73-73]
Dehghani, Mahboobe
Stem Cells of the Dental Pulp [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 62-62]
Dehghani, Mohammadreza
Genetic Susceptibility to Transient and Permanent Neonatal Diabetes Mellitus [Volume 3, 6.1, 2015, Pages 1073-1081]
Dehghani, Neda
An Overview of Prophylactic Acetylsalicylic Acid for the Prevention of Intra-uterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) in Women at Risk for Preeclampsia [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10499-10504]
Dehghani, Neda
The Effect of Religious Beliefs and Spirituality Training on Family Health: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10621-10633]
Dehghani, Neda
The Effects of Different Strategies on the Painful Procedure Management, and the Physiological Parameters in Preterm Infants: A Systematic Review [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11251-11259]
Dehghani, Neda
Aromatherapy as a Nutrition Improvement Approach in Premature Infants: A Short Review [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10405-10411]
Dehghani, Neda
The Effect of Acupressure, Acupuncture and Massage Techniques on the Symptoms of Breast Engorgement and Increased Breast Milk Volume in Lactating Mothers: A Systematic Review [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 12939-12950]
Dehghani, Neda
A Systematic Review of the Prediction of Preterm Birth Using Cervical Elastography [Volume 9, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 13117-13125]
Dehghani, Seyedeh Leila
The Prevalence of Transient and Permanent Congenital Hypothyroidism in Infants of Kurdistan Province, Iran (2006-2014) [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 4309-4318]
Dehghani, Seyedeh Leila
Incidence of Phenylketonuria in Lorestan Province, West of Iran (2006- 2016) [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 4713-4721]
Dehghani, Seyedeh Leila
The impact Atopic dermatitis on the life quality of childrens 1-6 year [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 7003-7011]
Dehghani, Seyed Mohsen
An Unusual Presentation of Annular Pancreas: A Case Report [Volume 3, 1.1, 2015, Pages 416-420]
Dehghani, Seyed Mohsen
New-Onset Bacterial Sinusitis in Pediatric Liver Transplant Recipients; Case Series and Review of Literature [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 7479-7488]
Dehghani, Seyed Mohsen
The Value of Serum D-dimer in Predicting Mortality of Children with Liver Cirrhosis: A Prospective Study [Volume 10, Issue 7, 2022, Pages 16396-16401]
Dehghani, Seyed Mohsen
Success and Adverse Effect Rates of Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography as a Therapeutic Method among Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis [Volume 11, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 17818-17829]
Dehghanipour, Maryam
Comparing Anxiety and Depression among Midwives and Nurses Working in Pediatric Wards and Other Clinical Settings during the Covid-19 Outbreak [Volume 10, Issue 6, 2022, Pages 16195-16204]
Dehghan Tarazjani, Amirreza
The Quality of Providing Feedback in Clinical Education according to Midwifery Students Participating in National Congress of Midwifery and Women’s Health [Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 11519-11526]
Dehghan Tarazjani, Amirreza
Modifiable and Non-Modifiable Factors Affecting the Risk of Childhood Leukemia: An Overview of Meta-Analysis [Volume 9, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 13243-13248]
Dehghan Tarazjani, Amirreza
The Effect of LI14 Acupressure on Children Undergoing Painful Procedures and Infants’ Apgar score: An Overview [Volume 8, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 12151-12156]
Dehghan Tarazjani, Amirreza
The Treatment of Nocturnal Enuresis in Children: An Overview [Volume 8, Issue 11, 2020, Pages 1281-1286]
Dehghan Tezerjani, Masoud
Association of HLA-DRB1 Alleles in Juvenile-onset Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) in Iranian Children [Volume 3, 2.2, 2015, Pages 555-560]
Dehghan Tezerjani, Masoud
Genetic Susceptibility to Transient and Permanent Neonatal Diabetes Mellitus [Volume 3, 6.1, 2015, Pages 1073-1081]
Dehjan, Zeinab
Comparison of Health Promoting Lifestyle Predictors in High School Students with and without Overweight and Obesity: An Application of Health Promotion [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11297-11309]
Dehkordian, Parisa
The Effectiveness of Mindful Parenting, Social Thinking and Exercise on Quality of Life in ADHD Children [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 4295-4302]
Dehpahlavan, Meisam
The Role of Family in Abnormality and Crime of Children with a Case Study [Volume 2, 4.2, 2014, Pages 86-94]
Dehvan, Fazel
Relationship between Pregnancy-induced Hypertension with Neonatal and Maternal Complications [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2018, Pages 8587-8594]
Dehvan, Fazel
Health-Related Quality of Life in Iranian Patients with Thalassemia Major: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2018, Pages 8483-8494]
Dehyadegari, MA
Enteroaggregative Escherichia Coli (EAEC) in South of Iran [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 32-32]
Delaramnasab, Mojtaba
Glucose Oral Solution as A Pain-Relieving Agent In Infantile Colic: A Double Blinded Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6529-6537]
Delaram Nasab, Mojtaba
Epigenetics of Early Inflammatory Bowel Disease among Children: A Systematic Review [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 18530-18546]
Delavari, Homa
Association of Passive Smoking with Dental Caries and Cotinine Biomarker among 8 to 12-Year-Old Children [Volume 9, Issue 10, 2021, Pages 14680-14688]
Delavarian, Zahra
Extranodal Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma of the Oral Cavity Presenting as Gingival Swelling: A Case Report [Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 11537-11542]
Delavari Heravi, Maryam
Promoting Oral health in Elementary students: Implementing Presentation and Practical Methods [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 15640-15652]
Delavar Kasmaei, Hossein
Behavioral Problems in Iranian Epileptic Children; A Case Control Study [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6713-6719]
Deldar, Kolsoum
Intelligent Resilience of Pediatric Burn Nurses: A Qualitative Study [Volume 9, Issue 9, 2021, Pages 14497-14508]
Delirrooyfard, Ali
Comparison of the Efficacy and Side Effects of Intravenous and Intramuscular Injection of Ketamine for Children Requiring Sedation: A Randomized Double-Blind Clinical Trial Study [Volume 7, Issue 5, 2019, Pages 9391-9397]
Delpak- Yeganeh, Samireh
Effect of Crocus sativus (Saffron) on Cervical Ripening and Progress of Labor in Primiparous Term Women: A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 12105-12115]
Delpisheh, Ali
Maternal Anemia and Pregnancy outcomes: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 3323-3342]
Delshad, Elaheh
Herbal Appetizer for Children with Failure to Thrive (FTT) in View of Traditional Persian Medicine: A Review [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6203-6220]
Deng, Sophie X.
Variations of the Normal Human Limbal Stem Cells Detected by In Vivo Confocal Microscopy [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 67-67]
Derafshi, Raheleh
Gastrointestinal symptoms of patients with autism spectrum disorder [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 15730-15736]
Derakhshan, Mozhgan
Frequency of Urinary Tract Pathogens and the Pattern of Antibiotic Resistance among Iranian Children [Volume 11, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 17769-17780]
Derakhshan, Reza
Frequency of Congenital Heart Disease in Neonates with Extra Cardiac Anomalies [Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 11597-11602]
Derakhshan, Reza
Injectable Acetaminophen Effectiveness in Closing Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Term Infants Hospitalized in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2024, Pages 19032-19039]
Derakhshan, RezaReza
The Effects of Chicory Extract Consumption by Mothers on the Frequency of Icterus and the Serum Bilirubin Level in Neonates [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 15601-15608]
Derakhshanfar, Hojjat
The Epidemiology of Co-Infections in Febrile Children Younger than 5-Years-Old in Emergency Department; A Cross-Sectional Hospital-Based Study [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 12885-12891]
Derakhshan-Nezhad, Elahe
Frequency of Febrile Seizures in COVID-19 Children in Akbar Children's Hospital [Volume 12, Issue 7, 2024, Pages 18912-18920]
Derakhshanpour, Firouzeh
Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis; A Rare Iranian Case Report [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6699-6702]
Derakhshanpour, Vida
The effects of Mindfulness Training on Primiparous Pregnant women’s Emotion Control and the formation of secure attachment style among their infants [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 15389-15398]
Derhami, Saeedeh
Are Children Less Susceptible To COVID-19? A Case Series [Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 11603-11608]
Derme, Turan
Dervisoglu, Pinar
Evaluation of Echocardiographic Parameters for the Prediction of Prognosis in Patients Diagnosed with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 12739-12748]
Dervisoglu, Pınar
The Importance of Electrocardiography in Pediatric Patients with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in Follow- up [Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 11543-11550]
Detemo, Red
Assessment of Antibiotics Use for Hospitalized Children in Butajira General Hospital, Southern Part of Ethiopia [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 8845-8851]
Dezvaree, Nazi
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Child Health Care Professionals Regarding Child Abuse and Neglect [Volume 10, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 16068-16081]
Dianatpour, M
Isolation, Culture, and Characterization of Human Dental Pulp Mesenchymal Stem Cells [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 44-44]
Dianatpour, Mehdi
A CDH3 Mutation is Segregated in an Iranian Family with Congenital Hypotrichosis and Juvenile Macular Dystrophy [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 6999-7002]
Diaz, Diana
Comparison of Paraffin versus Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) in Children with Chronic Functional Constipation [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 5843-5850]
Diaz, Diana
Evaluation of Cyproheptadine Hydrochloride Effects on Weight Gain in Underweight Children with Anorexia; A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6413-6419]
Diaz, Diana
The Role of Helicobacter Pylori in Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding after Using Ibuprofen in Children Aged 1-14 Years Old [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2018, Pages 8445-8449]
Diaz, Diana
Causes of Non-Vaccination of Influenza in Healthcare Workers at Zanjan Educational Hospitals, Iran [Volume 7, Issue 10, 2019, Pages 10167-10174]
Didarloo, Alireza
Estimating Steatosis Prevalence in Overweight and Obese Children: Comparison of Bayesian Small Area and Direct Methods [Volume 4, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 3391-3397]
Didarloo, Alireza
Application of Theory of Planned Behavior to Improve Obesity-Preventive Lifestyle among Students: A School-based Interventional Study [Volume 5, Issue 11, 2017, Pages 6057-6067]
Didarloo, Alireza
Relationship of Spiritual Health and Perceived Stress with Breastfeeding Self-efficacy: A Survey on Mothers with Hospitalized Neonates [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6179-6188]
Didarloo, Alireza
The Impact of Baby Massage Training on Awareness, Perceived Stress and Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy of Mothers with Hospitalized Neonate [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2018, Pages 8297-8306]
Didarloo, Alireza
Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to Explain Intent to Consume Sugar-Sweetened Beverages among Secondary School Students [Volume 7, Issue 5, 2019, Pages 9413-9422]
Didarloo, Parisa
Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to Explain Intent to Consume Sugar-Sweetened Beverages among Secondary School Students [Volume 7, Issue 5, 2019, Pages 9413-9422]
Didarshetaban, Mohammad Bagher
Evaluation of the Ventricular Function Based on Echocardiographic Findings in Asthmatic Children [Volume 9, Issue 10, 2021, Pages 14689-14698]
Didar Shetaban, Mojtaba
Evaluation of the Ventricular Function Based on Echocardiographic Findings in Asthmatic Children [Volume 9, Issue 10, 2021, Pages 14689-14698]
Didehdar, Mojtaba
The Relationship between Socioeconomic Factors and Malnutrition in Under-5 Iranian Children [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 17388-17396]
Digra, Sanjeev
Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation (CCAM) of Lung in an Infant: A Case Report from Jammu & Kashmir, Northern India [Volume 3, 2.2, 2015, Pages 481-484]
Dinpajooh, Fatemeh
The Effect of Group Counselling on Body Image Coping Strategy among Adolescent Girls [Volume 6, Issue 5, 2018, Pages 7709-7716]
Direkvand-Moghadam, Ashraf
The Decomposition of Socioeconomic Factors in Inequality in Preterm Birth; the Results of a Cohort Study Based on the Concentration Index Approach [Volume 8, Issue 11, 2020, Pages 12431-12438]
Direkvand-Moghadam, Ashraf
The Vertical Transmission in the Covid-19 Pandemic. Are Neonates at Risk? A Case Report in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 10, 2021, Pages 14618-14623]
Divdar, Zahra
The Attitude of Pediatric Residents and Medical Students in the Pediatric Wards of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences Regarding the Educational Role of the Pediatric Residents [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 12915-12925]
Divdar, Zahra
The Effect of Acupressure, Acupuncture and Massage Techniques on the Symptoms of Breast Engorgement and Increased Breast Milk Volume in Lactating Mothers: A Systematic Review [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 12939-12950]
Dizavandi, Fatemeh Rajab
A Systematic Review of Instruments Measuring Family and Social Support of Breastfeeding Mothers [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 8821-8829]
Djalalinia, Shirin
Association of Dietary Behaviors with Physical Activity in a Nationally Representative Sample of Children and Adolescents: the CASPIAN- IV Study [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 1505-1517]
Djalalinia, Shirin
Association of Socio-economic Status with Injuries in Children Andadolescents:the CASPIAN-IV Study [Volume 4, Issue 5, 2016, Pages 1715-1724]
Djalalinia, Shirin
Is Duration of Breastfeeding Associated with Anthropometric Measures in Children and Adolescents? the Weight Disorders Survey of the CASPIAN- IV Study [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 3299-3313]
Djalalinia, Shirin
Burden of Disease Attributable to Suboptimal Breastfeeding in Iran during 1990-2010; Findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 [Volume 4, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 3535-3549]
Djalalinia, Shirin
Association between Aggressive Behaviors, Life Satisfaction, Self-rated Health and Counseling with Family Members among Children and Adolescents: The CASPIAN- IV Study [Volume 4, Issue 10, 2016, Pages 3627-3637]
Djalalinia, Shirin
Frequency and Clinical Manifestations of Pediatric Brucellosis in Iran: A Systematic Review [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 9037-9047]
Djalalinia, Shirin
Economic Inequality in Healthy and Junk Foods Consumption and its determinants in Children and Adolescents: the CASPIAN- IV Study [Volume 7, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 9249-9263]
Doagooyan, Maham
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) in Middle East: Data, Facts and Doubts [Volume 8, Issue 6, 2020, Pages 11429-11434]
Doğan, Erkan
Evaluation of Gentamicin Ototoxicity in Newborn Infants: A Retrospective Observational Study [Volume 9, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 13137-13144]
Doğan, Erkan
The Frequency of Atopic Dermatitis and Other Skin Manifestations in Infants with Cow’s Milk Proteın Allergy in Karabük, Turkey [Volume 9, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 13177-13184]
Dolatabadi, Zari
A Systematic Review of the Prevalence of Mental Health Disorders in Pregnant Women during the COVID-19 Pandemic [Volume 8, Issue 11, 2020, Pages 12397-12407]
Dolatabadi, Zari
The Attitude of Pediatric Residents and Medical Students in the Pediatric Wards of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences Regarding the Educational Role of the Pediatric Residents [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 12915-12925]
Dolatabadi, Zari
Prevalence and Risk Factors for Parental Violence against Children: A Review Study [Volume 9, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 13127-13135]
Dolatian, Mahrokh
Factors Related to the Age at Menarche in Iran: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 12091-12104]
Dolatian, Mahrokh
The Path Analysis between Spiritual Well- Being and Religiosity Mediated by Mental Health and Grief Severity Fetal or Neonatal Deaths [Volume 8, Issue 12, 2020, Pages 12591-12601]
Dolatian, Mahrokh
Postpartum Mental Health and its Relationship with Social-Structural Determinants of Health in Iran with the Approach of the World Health Organization Model: A Systematic Review [Volume 9, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 13703-13729]
Dolatian, Mahrokh
The Correlation between the Mothers’ and their Daughters’ Ages of Menarche: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis [Volume 9, Issue 9, 2021, Pages 14481-14496]
Dolatian, Mahrokh
Postpartum Mental Health and Its Relationship with Mediating Social Determinants of Health in Iran based on the WHO Model: A Systematic Review [Volume 10, Issue 8, 2022, Pages 16564-16605]
Dolatian, Zari
Modifiable and Non-Modifiable Factors Affecting the Risk of Childhood Leukemia: An Overview of Meta-Analysis [Volume 9, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 13243-13248]
Dolatian, Zari
Olfactory Stimulation by Breast Milk Odor May Improve Behavioral Feeding in Preterm Infants: A Review [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 15191-15204]
Dolatkhah, Neda
Prevalence of Spinal Deformities among School Age Children in Iran: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 10, Issue 7, 2022, Pages 16402-16416]
Dominković, Ana
Correlation of Leukocyte Count and Percentage of Segmented Neutrophils with Pathohistological Findings of Appendix in Children [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 6851-6859]
Donyadideh, Nahid
4-Hydroxybutyric Aciduria as a Rare Presentation of Global Developmental Delay in Children: Case Report of Two Different Patients [Volume 6, Issue 7, 2018, Pages 7861-7865]
Donyadideh, Nahid
Meningitis after MMR vaccination in Mashhad, Iran [Volume 10, Issue 6, 2022, Pages 16205-16213]
Doosti, A
Enteroaggregative Escherichia Coli (EAEC) in South of Iran [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 32-32]
Doosti, Mohammad
A Novel Heterozygous ACAN Variant in an Iranian Family with Short Stature: A Case Report [Volume 10, Issue 9, 2022, Pages 16729-16737]
Dordeh, Mohammad
Relationship between Attitude towards Breastfeeding and Postpartum Depression in Kerman, Iran [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11751-11759]
Dordipour, Mahboubeh
Personal Protective Equipment and Hand Hygiene Status in Health Care Workers during the Covid-19 Pandemic [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 18659-18668]
Dordipour, Mahboubeh
Use of CANSCORE for Clinical Assessment of Nutritional Status of Newborn and Its Comparison with Anthropometric Criteria [Volume 12, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 18712-18720]
Doreh, Fatemeh
Efficacy of Golden Immunstim for Improvement of Abdominal Cramp, Diarrhea, Vomiting, and Fever in Dysenteric Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 6, Issue 5, 2018, Pages 7667-7672]
Dorgaleleh, Saeed
Detection of the Duplication in Exons 56-63 of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Patients with MLPA [Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 11617-11623]
Dorgaleleh, Saeed
Transfusion Related Adverse Effects on Beta-Thalassemia Major and New Therapeutic Approaches: A Review Study [Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 11651-11661]
Dorgaleleh, Saeed
NF1 Mutations Analysis Using Whole Exome Sequencing Technique in 11 Unrelated Iranian Families with Neurofibromatosis Type 1 [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11311-11319]
Dorgaleleh, Saeed
Evaluation of the Efficacy of Lentiviral Vectors in Gene Therapy of Beta-thalassemia Patients: A Systematic Review [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11243-11250]
Dorgaleleh, Saeed
Genetic Counseling for Families with Sporadic Intellectual Disability in North of Iran: A Retrospective Study [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11709-11718]
Dorgaleleh, Saeed
Whole-exome Sequencing Identified a Novel Hemizygous Missense Variant in the EDA Gene in an Iranian Patient Causing Hypohidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia [Volume 10, Issue 9, 2022, Pages 16641-16649]
Doroudian, Ali Asghar
Assessing the Safety of Children's Playgrounds from the Parents' Point of View: A Case of the Third District of Tehran [Volume 10, Issue 6, 2022, Pages 16223-16232]
Doroudian, Rana
Helicobacter pylori infection: Clinical, Endoscopic and Pathological findings in Iranian children [Volume 2, 3.2, 2014, Pages 9-17]
Doroudian, Rana
The Clinical Manifestations, Treatment Efficacy and Adverse Drug Reactions in 62 Iranian Child with Wilson Disease [Volume 2, 3.3, 2014, Pages 25-29]
Dorreh, Fatemeh
The Effect of Probiotic in Treatment of Infantile Colic: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 5, Issue 7, 2017, Pages 5295-5303]
Dorreh, Fatemeh
Accuracy of Crib-Ii for Predicting Mortality of Preterm Infants Admitted to the NICU [Volume 12, Issue 6, 2024, Pages 18859-18866]
Dortaj, Fariborz
Developing a Yoga-based Mindfulness Training Package and Evaluating Its Effectiveness on the Symptoms of Emotional Behavioral Disorders in Children [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 15165-15178]
Dowlat Abadi, Matin
Frequency of Febrile Seizures in COVID-19 Children in Akbar Children's Hospital [Volume 12, Issue 7, 2024, Pages 18912-18920]
Dragnich, Alexander
Save the Children from Gastric and Intestinal Perforation Secondary to Small Magnet Ingestion by Educating Families with the Help of Pediatricians [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 4449-4455]
Drekore, Jimmy
Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus in Melanesian Children with Haematogenous Osteomyelitis from the Central Highlands of Papua New Guinea [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2018, Pages 8361-8370]
Dugassa, Dinka
Prescription Pattern of Antipyretics for Infection Induced Fever in Pediatric Ward of Nedjo General Hospital, Nedjo Town, West Ethiopia [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 8779-8786]
Duwarah, Sourabh
Prevalence of Undernutrition among Preschool Children under Five Attending Pediatric OPD in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Northeastern India [Volume 3, 2.2, 2015, Pages 527-533]
Dzambo, Irma
Executive Functions in Preschool Children Born Preterm in Canton Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 7443-7450]
Ebadi, Abbas
Translation and Psychometric Evaluation of the Iranian Version of Iowa Infant Feeding Attitude Scale (IIFAS) [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2018, Pages 8549-8559]
Ebadi, Abbas
Development and Validity of the School Interim Competency of Performance Skill Battery Scale (SICPSBS) [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2018, Pages 8451-8473]
Ebadi, Abbas
Predictor Factors of Breastfeeding Attitude in Iranian Breastfeeding Mothers: A Cross-Sectional Study [Volume 7, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 9103-9113]
Ebadi, Abbas
Development and Psychometric Analysis of Fathers’ Concerns Questionnaire on Low Risk Pregnancies of their Wives in Iran [Volume 8, Issue 11, 2020, Pages 12443-12454]
Ebadi, Abbas
Psychometric Evaluation of Persian Version of Quality of Prenatal Care Questionnaire [Volume 9, Issue 8, 2021, Pages 14280-14292]
Ebadi, Aghdas
Relationship between the Exposure to Magnetic Fields during Pregnancy and Risk of Abortion: A Review Article [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11813-11818]
Ebadi, Leila
Determinants of Fast Food Consumption among Students of Tehran: Application of Planned Behavior Theory [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2018, Pages 8307-8316]
Ebadi, Nader
Autosomal Recessive Hypohidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia Caused by a Novel Mutation in EDAR Gene [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 6899-6902]
Ebadi, Zahra
The Relationship between Self-efficacy and Marital Satisfaction among Married Students [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 3315-3321]
Ebadi, Zakieh
Study of the Determinant Factors in Seizure Following Gastroenteritis in Children Admitted in Tabriz Children's Hospital during 2001 to 2016 [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6439-6446]
Ebadi, Zakiyeh
A Description of Mothers’ Knowledge and Practice about Antibiotic Use in Children in Northwest of Iran [Volume 8, Issue 11, 2020, Pages 12349-12356]
Ebadi, Zakiyeh
The Accuracy of Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay in the Diagnosis of COVID-19 in Iranian Children [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 13937-13945]
Ebadi Fardazar, Farbod
A Cross-sectional Study for Determinations of Prevention Behaviors of Domestic Accidents in Mothers with Children Less than 5- year [Volume 4, Issue 5, 2016, Pages 1679-1685]
Ebadi Fardazar, Farbod
Assessment the Effect of Educational Intervention on Preventive Behaviors of Home Accidents in Mothers with Children Less than 5- Year Based on Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2051-2059]
Ebadi Fard Azar, Farbod
Investigation of Climatic, Health and Economic Factors Affecting on Mortality in the Eastern Mediterranean Region [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9817-9830]
Ebadi Fard Azar, Farbod
Investigation of some Factors Affecting Stunting and Wasting among the Under-Five Children in Eastern Mediterranean Region [Volume 7, Issue 7, 2019, Pages 9759-9772]
Ebrahimi, Hamideh
The Relationship between Developmental Growth of Children and Anthropometric Indices in Urmia City, North West of Iran [Volume 5, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 4975-4984]
Ebrahimi, Hanie
A Systematic Review of the Prediction of Preterm Birth Using Cervical Elastography [Volume 9, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 13117-13125]
Ebrahimi, Hossein
Living with Worry: The Experience of Mothers with Deaf Child [Volume 5, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 5183-5193]
Ebrahimi, Mahvash
Glucose Oral Solution as A Pain-Relieving Agent In Infantile Colic: A Double Blinded Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6529-6537]
Ebrahimi, Maryam
The Effect of Sildenafil on Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) of Fetus with Gestational Age above 28 Weeks and Neonatal Outcomes [Volume 9, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 13643-13651]
Ebrahimi, Mehdi
The Relationship between Serum Levels of Cardiac Enzymes and Junctional Ectopic Tachycardia (JET) after Cardiac Surgery of Congenital Heart Disease [Volume 8, Issue 12, 2020, Pages 12675-12683]
Ebrahimi, Mohsen
Evaluation of Serum Immunoglobulins (IgM,IgG,IgA) Levels in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Gorgan, Iran [Volume 9, Issue 8, 2021, Pages 14147-14156]
Ebrahimi, Mohsen
Evaluation of the Relationship between Vitamin D Level and Allergic Indicators in Patients with Asthma Referred to Gorgan Asthma and Allergy Clinic [Volume 9, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 14981-14987]
Ebrahimi, Neda
Compare the Relative Frequency of Thyroid Function Disorders in Obese and Overweight Children with Non-Obese Children; a Case-Control Study [Volume 4, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 4021-4031]
Ebrahimi, Neda
The Effect of Educational Intervention on Body Mass Index and Thyroid Function Tests in Children and Adolescents with Obesity and Overweight [Volume 6, Issue 8, 2018, Pages 8101-8110]
Ebrahimi, Negin
The Effects of Zinc Sulfate on Sepsis Outcomes in Neonates: A Blind Clinical Trial [Volume 9, Issue 9, 2021, Pages 14474-14480]
Ebrahimi, Saeed
Investigating The Effect of Prescribing Vitamin C on Improving the Clinical Symptoms of Asthma in 2-12-Year-Old Children Hospitalized in the Pediatric Ward of Ghaem and Dr. Sheikh Hospitals, Mashhad, Iran [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11867-11875]
Ebrahimi, Sepideh
The characterization of CD marker profile of breast milk-derived stem cell [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 47-47]
Ebrahimi, Somaieh
The Effect of Simple Febrile Seizure on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Children [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2043-2049]
Ebrahimian, Manoochehr
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Elective and Emergency Pediatric Surgeries: A Single-Center Experience in a Tertiary Center in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 17887-17896]
Ebrahimi-Mameghani, Mehrangiz
Predictors of Low Birth Weight Infants in the North West Province of Iran: a Case-control Study [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 1983-1991]
Ebrahimisaraj, Gholamreza
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Elective and Emergency Pediatric Surgeries: A Single-Center Experience in a Tertiary Center in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 17887-17896]
Ebrahimzadeh, Farnoosh
4-Hydroxybutyric Aciduria as a Rare Presentation of Global Developmental Delay in Children: Case Report of Two Different Patients [Volume 6, Issue 7, 2018, Pages 7861-7865]
Ebrahimzadeh Bidskan, Alireza
Histological Evidences after Platelet-Rich-Plasma and Adipose Drived Stem Cells Injection on Critical Size Cleft Palate [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 88-88]
Ebraimi, Mohsen
The Efficacy of Baclofen to Treat Gastroesophageal Reflux disease in Children Aged 6 Months to 12 Years: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11287-11296]
Edalatkhah, Hassan
Risk Factors Associated with Head lice (Pediculosis) Infestation among Elementary School Students in Meshkinshahr County, North West of Iran [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 7383-7392]
Edalatmanesh Mohamad, Amin
Comparative Analysis of Expression of Chemokoine Receptors CXCR4, CXCR6, CCR1 and CX3CR in Human Adipose-Drived Mesenchymal Stem Cell with Valproic Acid [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 93-93]
Edalatnoor, Behnaz
Investigating the Level of Body Image Concern among the Applicants for Rhinoplasty before and after Surgery [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 5789-5796]
Edalatnoor, Behnoosh
Investigating the Level of Body Image Concern among the Applicants for Rhinoplasty before and after Surgery [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 5789-5796]
Effati, Hamidreza
Comparing the Hemodynamic Stability, Anti-Anxiety, and Sedation Effects of Intranasal Midazolam and Ketamine as Premedication in Pediatric Hernia Repair Surgery [Volume 11, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 17698-17705]
Effatpanah, Mohammad
Prevalence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Pediatrics Patients Newly Diagnosed with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 5609-5616]
Eftekhari, K
Treatment of Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders in Children and Future Challenges [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 43-43]
Eftekhari, Kambiz
Assessment of Sexual Maturation among Boys in Special Schools of Tehran, Iran [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 4145-4150]
Eftekhari, Kambiz
Comparison of Paraffin versus Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) in Children with Chronic Functional Constipation [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 5843-5850]
Eftekhari, Kambiz
Evaluation of Cyproheptadine Hydrochloride Effects on Weight Gain in Underweight Children with Anorexia; A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6413-6419]
Eftekhari, Kambiz
Two Case Reports of Netherton Syndrome: Hair Shaft Examination Is Known As a Diagnostic Test [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 7495-7499]
Eftekhari, Kambiz
Evaluation of Aseptic Meningitis Following Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine in Children Admitted due to Febrile Convulsion [Volume 6, Issue 8, 2018, Pages 8147-8152]
Eftekhari, Kambiz
The Role of Helicobacter Pylori in Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding after Using Ibuprofen in Children Aged 1-14 Years Old [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2018, Pages 8445-8449]
Eftekhari, Kambiz
Causes of Non-Vaccination of Influenza in Healthcare Workers at Zanjan Educational Hospitals, Iran [Volume 7, Issue 10, 2019, Pages 10167-10174]
Eftekhari, Kambiz
The Some Predictive Factors for Survival of Newborns with Esophageal Atresia [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10565-10572]
Eftekhari, Kambiz
Evaluation of Advantages and Disadvantages of the Virtual Morning Report Compared To the Classic Face-To-Face Method from the Perspective of the Paediatric Interns and Residents [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 17229-17237]
Eftekhari, Seyed Shahin
Novel Presentation of Complete Coronal Urethral Duplication: a Case Report [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 4707-4712]
Eftekhari, Seyed Shahin
Metabolic and Anatomic Abnormalities Associated with Pediatric Nephrolithiasis: a Cross-Sectional Study [Volume 5, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 4833-4838]
Eftekhari, Seyed Shahin
Relationship between urinary reflux and nephrolithiasis in children- a cross-sectional study [Volume 5, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 4965-4973]
Eftekhari, Seyed Shahin
The Role of Cremaster Muscle as a Cause of Ascending Testis after Inguinal Hernia/Hydrocele Repair [Volume 5, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 4919-4928]
Eftekhari, Seyed Shahin
First Report of A Unique Presentation of Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis Following Type I Esophageal Atresia; A Case Report [Volume 5, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 5195-5198]
Eftekhari, Seyyed Shahin
Application of the Topical Hydrocortisone Ointment Decreases Post-Circumcision Meatal Stenosis in Neonates: A Cross-Sectional Study [Volume 5, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 5061-5067]
Eftekhari, Seyyed Shahin
Beneficial Impression of San-ligation over High-ligation during Orchidopexy; a Cross-Sectional of 2659 Patients [Volume 5, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 5145-5152]
Eftekhari, Seyyed Shahin
Age-Specific Bacteriological Profile of Pediatric Septicemia; A Population- Based Study [Volume 5, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 5211-5217]
Eftekhari, Seyyed Shahin
Diagnostic Value of Hematologic and Inflammatory Profile in Adjunction to Blood Culture in Patients Suspected to Septicemia [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 6903-6910]
Eftekharian, Ali
The Relationship between Severe Hyperbilirubinemia and Abnormal Auditory Brainstem Response in children [Volume 2, 3.3, 2014, Pages 5-10]
Eftekhari Gol, Reza
Investigation of the Risk Factors for Congenital Hypothyroidism in Iran: A Population-Based Case-Control Study [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 8951-8958]
Eftekhar Saadi, Zahra
A Comparison of the Effects of Happiness and Mindfulness Training on Parenting Self-Efficacy in Mothers of Anxious Preschool Children [Volume 8, Issue 11, 2020, Pages 12327-12337]
Eftekhar Saadi, Zahra
Comparing the Effects of Group Play Therapy and Painting Therapy on Social Adjustment and Alienation among Children with Specific Learning Disabilities in Kermanshah, Iran [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 11389-11399]
Eftekharsadat, Bina
Prevalence of Spinal Deformities among School Age Children in Iran: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 10, Issue 7, 2022, Pages 16402-16416]
Eghbali, Aziz
Effect of Average Annual Mean Serum Ferritin Levels on QTc Interval and QTc Dispersion in Beta-Thalassemia Major [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2017, Pages 5431-5440]
Eghbalian, Fatemeh
Perinatal Outcome in Multiple versus Singleton Pregnancies in Neonates Born in Fatemieh Hospital of Hamadan, Iran [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2017, Pages 5493-5500]
Eghbalian, Fatemeh
Causes and Risk Factors Associated to Neonatal Mortality in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) in Besat Hospital Hamadan-Iran in 2015 to 2016 [Volume 6, Issue 9, 2018, Pages 8185-8194]
Eghbalian, Fatemeh
Comparison of Restricted Fluid Volume with Standard Fluid Volume in Management of Transient Tachypnea of the Newborns: A Randomized Controlled Trial [Volume 6, Issue 9, 2018, Pages 8289-8296]
Eghbalian, Fatemeh
Evaluating the Short-Term Outcome of Mechanically Ventilated Neonates Admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Besat Hospital, Hamadan, Iran [Volume 7, Issue 9, 2019, Pages 10029-10034]
Eghbalian, Fatemeh
Relationship between Transcutaneous and Serum Bilirubin in Preterm and Term Neonates before and during Phototherapy [Volume 8, Issue 12, 2020, Pages 12635-12642]
Eghbalian, Fatemeh
Nasal Intermittent Positive Pressure Ventilation (NIPPV) Vs. Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (NCPAP) after Less Invasive Surfactant Administration (LISA) in Preterm Infants with Respiratory Distress Syndrome [Volume 10, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 15972-15981]
Eghbalian, Fatemeh
Global Research Trends in Pediatrics from 1990 to 2020: A Bibliometric Analysis [Volume 10, Issue 11, 2022, Pages 16914-16933]
Eghbali Babadi, Shahnaz
Identifying the Predictors of Attachment to Preterm Hospitalized Infants during the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study [Volume 10, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 15982-15991]
Ehrampoush, Mohammad Hassan
The Effects of Daily Rhythms on Sports Functions and Physiological Variables of Immune Elite Swimmers [Volume 2, 4.2, 2014, Pages 79-85]
Ehsani, Mohammad ali
Cost-analysis of Treatment of Pediatrics Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia based on ALL-BFM Protocol [Volume 4, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 3381-3389]
Ehsani, Mohammad ali
Treatment Costs for Pediatrics Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia; Comparing Clinical Expenditures in Developed and Developing Countries: a Review Article [Volume 4, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 4033-4041]
Ehsani, Sina
Idiopathic Stevens-Johnson Syndrome in a Child: a Case Report [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2113-2117]
Ehsani-Khanghah, Yalda
Trends of Growth Rate among Iranian Infants: Comparison Exponential Model and Points Average Model and Related Factors [Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 11625-11633]
Ehsani-Khanghah, Yalda
Evaluation of Head Circumference Index in Children under 18 Months and its Associated Factors in Zanjan City: A Retrospective Cohort [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 12805-12813]
Ehsanpour, Soheila
Promoting Breastfeeding Self-efficacy through Role-playing in Pregnant Women [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2061-2068]
Ehteshammanesh, Hojatollah
Evaluation of the side effects of Sinopharm and PastoCovac COVID-19 vaccines in children aged 5-12 years in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 17572-17582]
Ehteshamzadeh, Parvin
A Comparison of the Effects of Happiness and Mindfulness Training on Parenting Self-Efficacy in Mothers of Anxious Preschool Children [Volume 8, Issue 11, 2020, Pages 12327-12337]
Ehteshamzadeh, Parvin
Comparing the Effects of Group Play Therapy and Painting Therapy on Social Adjustment and Alienation among Children with Specific Learning Disabilities in Kermanshah, Iran [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 11389-11399]
Ehtesham Zadeh, Parvin
The Effectiveness of Strategic Solution Oriented Therapy on Fatigue and Quality Of Life among Mothers of Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 14085-14096]
Ehtesham Zadeh, Parvin
The Effectiveness of strategic solution oriented Therapy, The Meditation Technique and Meta Cognitive Therapy on Mind wandering and Rumination among mothers of children with an autism spectrum disorder [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 15716-15729]
Eidivandi, Zainab
The Effect of Blended Instruction on Improving Knowledge and Practice of Parents of Children with Chronic Kidney Disease in the Therapeutic Care of Children [Volume 8, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 11023-11033]
Einolahzadeh, Khadijeh
Effects of Parents' Education on Dental Fissure Sealant Rate of Preschool Children Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 13021-13030]
Ejtahed, Hanieh-Sadat
Congenital Generalized Lipodystrophy in a Youth Presented with Sclerotic and Lytic Bone Lesions; a Family with AGPAT2 Mutation [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 4275-4284]
Ejtehadi, Mohamad Mahdi
Microbial Air Monitoring in the Pediatric Burn Ward: Experience at the University Hospital of Mashhad, Iran [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 14061-14075]
Ekmen, Sadrettin
Evaluation of Gentamicin Ototoxicity in Newborn Infants: A Retrospective Observational Study [Volume 9, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 13137-13144]
Ekmen, Sadrettin
Ekrami Noghabi, Mina
Comparison of Growth Parameters in Two Groups of Children with Chronic Renal Failure Treated with and without Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9883-9892]
El-Abd Ahmed, Ahmed
Assessments of Serum 25-Hydroxy Cholecalciferol Levels in Neonates with Physiological Jaundice Candidate for Phototherapy [Volume 9, Issue 5, 2021, Pages 13445-13454]
Elahimehr, Nasrin
Frequency and Clinical Manifestations of Pediatric Brucellosis in Iran: A Systematic Review [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 9037-9047]
El Ameen, Nadia
MRI Evaluation of the Brain in Children with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder; How to Hear the Whispers Early? [Volume 7, Issue 5, 2019, Pages 9379-9390]
El Ameen, Nadia
Fiber Tractography and Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Children with Agenesis and Dysgenesis of Corpus Callosum: A Clinico-Radiological Correlation [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9903-9915]
Elanchezhian, Chinnavan
Efficacy of Cold Therapy and Passive Stretching to Improve Gait in Spastic Diplegic Cerebral Palsy Children [Volume 7, Issue 9, 2019, Pages 10109-10118]
Elbakry, Noura M. Ibrahim
Sars-cov-2 Infection Is a Potential Risk of Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Children Diagnosed with Type i Diabetes. An Observational Study [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 18449-18460]
Elbetieha, Ahmed
Exposure to Air Pollution and Pregnancy Outcomes in the East Mediterranean Region: a Systematic Review [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 1255-1271]
Elemen, Levent
Left-Sided Omental Torsion in a Child: Successful Conservative Management: A Case Report and Review of the Literature [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 13339-13342]
Elhami, Ehsan
Examine of Thyroid Function in Pediatric Nephrotic Syndrome; Tehran-Iran [Volume 3, 2.1, 2015, Pages 59-65]
El Haouati, Rachid
False Aneurysm of the Common Femoral Artery in an Infant after a Phlebotomy [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2017, Pages 5549-5553]
El-Hennawy, Ahmed
Non-Invasive Diagnostic Methods for Differentiation of Biliary Atresia from Neonatal Hepatitis in Upper Egypt [Volume 7, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 9265-9275]
El-Hennawy, Ahmed
Pediatric Chronic Liver Diseases: A Clinicopathological Study from a Tertiary Care Center [Volume 7, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 9305-9315]
Elian, Mostafa Mohammed
Resistive Index as a Marker of Renal Pathology in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease; Is It Useful? [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10659-10668]
El Idrissi Slitine, Nadia
Lipoprotein Lipase (LPL) Gene Mutation: A First Report in Children [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 5839-5842]
El Idrissi Slitine, Nadia
Study of Bacterial Contamination of Mobile Phones and Stethoscopes in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit [Volume 5, Issue 11, 2017, Pages 6139-6142]
El Karaksy, Hanaa
Growth and Final Height in Children with Autoimmune Hepatitis; A long term observation [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 15695-15709]
El Karn, Ibtsam F.M.
A Study of Inflammatory Response and Lung Injury Induced by Variable Tidal Volumes in Mechanically Ventilated Children [Volume 9, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 13193-13201]
El-Khodary, Ali Rajaa
Resistive Index as a Marker of Renal Pathology in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease; Is It Useful? [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10659-10668]
El Koofy, Nehal
Growth and Final Height in Children with Autoimmune Hepatitis; A long term observation [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 15695-15709]
El-Mazary, Abdel-Azeem
Effect of Intensive Phototherapy and Exchange Transfusion on Copper, Zinc and Magnesium Serum Levels in Neonates with Indirect Hyperbilirubinemia [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 4371-4383]
El-Mazary, Abdel-Azeem
Study of Immune Response in Infants of Non-Gestational Diabetic Mothers [Volume 6, Issue 5, 2018, Pages 7683-7695]
El-Mazary, Abdel-Azeem
Study of Chest Physical Therapy Effect on Full Term Neonates with Primary Pneumonia: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 6, Issue 7, 2018, Pages 7893-7899]
Elmi, S
Evaluation of Bone Mineral Density in Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (NHL) [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 68-68]
Elmi, S
Infective Endocarditis in Children Hospitalized During 10 Years in Imam Reza Hospital- Mashhad [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 69-69]
Elmi, S
Comparison of Growth Impairment in Pediatric Patients with ALL, NHL Treated with Chemotherapy alone and Chemoradiotherapy [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 73-73]
Elmi, Saghi
Evaluation of Parental Attitudes toward Lumbar Puncture in their Children [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 19-23]
Elmi, Saghi
The Relationship between Chronic Constipation and Urinary Tract Infection in Children: A Case-Control Clinical Study [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 5715-5721]
Elmi, Sam
Evaluation of Bone Mineral Density in Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (NHL) [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 68-68]
Elmi, Sam
Infective Endocarditis in Children Hospitalized During 10 Years in Imam Reza Hospital- Mashhad [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 69-69]
Elmi Sangdivar, Reyhaneh
A Comparative Study on Enteroviruses in Blood and Stool of Newly Diagnosed Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and Healthy Children [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2023, Pages 18157-18162]
Elrabie Ahmed Mohamed, Mona
Developmental Outcomes in Early-treated Congenital Hypothyroidism: Specific Concern in Tc99m Thyroid Scan Role [Volume 7, Issue 6, 2019, Pages 9631-9643]
Elsaayed, Wafaa
Developmental Outcomes in Early-treated Congenital Hypothyroidism: Specific Concern in Tc99m Thyroid Scan Role [Volume 7, Issue 6, 2019, Pages 9631-9643]
El Sayed, Mostafa Ahmed
Presepsin as an Early Predictor of Neonatal Sepsis [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 13359-13369]
Elsayed Mohamed Ahmed, Mohamed
Clinical and Biochemical Characterizations of Pediatric Patients with Urea Cycle Disorders in Upper Egypt: A Case- Control Study [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 11945-11957]
Emadi, Alireza
The Relationship between Types of Delivery and Methods of Anesthesia with Occurrence of Jaundice in Term Neonates [Volume 6, Issue 7, 2018, Pages 7959-7964]
Emadi, Batool
Assessment of Serum Amino Acid Chromatography in Children with Inflammatory Bowel Diseases [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 8853-8860]
Emadi, Batool
The Relationship between Serum Levels of Cardiac Enzymes and Junctional Ectopic Tachycardia (JET) after Cardiac Surgery of Congenital Heart Disease [Volume 8, Issue 12, 2020, Pages 12675-12683]
Emadian, Mahan
Mother’s Knowledge Regarding Oral Health among Their Preschool Children [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11681-11689]
Emadian, Mahan
Prevalence of Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation among School Children of Sari, Iran [Volume 9, Issue 9, 2021, Pages 14341-14347]
Emadoleslami, Monir Sadat
The Sensitivity of H. Pylori in Gastric Tissue Samples of Children and Adolescents to Various Antibiotics in Center of Iran [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2018, Pages 8685-8696]
Emadoleslami, Monir Sadat
Treatment Protocol of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia based on Microbial Susceptibility in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Isfahan, Iran [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 12039-12051]
Emadzadeh, Ali
A Survey of Special Training Round on Performance of Pediatric Residents [Volume 2, 4.3, 2014, Pages 363-367]
Emadzadeh, Maryam
A Single-center Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing the Treatment Efficacy of High Dose Oral Prednisolone with Intramuscular Adrenocorticotropic Hormone in Patients with Infantile Spasm [Volume 8, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 12157-12163]
Emadzadeh, Maryam
Myocardial Dysfunction Caused by Perinatal Asphyxia in Full-term Infants [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 18628-18636]
Emadzadeh, Maryam
The Prevalence of Malnutrition in critically ill septic Pediatric: Findings from Akbar Children's Hospital in Mashhad [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2024, Pages 19022-19031]
Emamgholi, Somayeh
Comparing the Accuracy of Echocardiography and Radiography for Evaluation of Tip Position of Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters: Experienced in an NICU in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 17654-17664]
Emamgholipour Sefiddashti, Sara
Decomposition Socioeconomic Inequality in Infant Mortality in EMRO Countries [Volume 3, 4.1, 2015, Pages 749-756]
Emamhadi, Mohammad Ali
Risk Factors of Physical Domestic Violence against Women during Breastfeeding in Tehran, Iran: A Cross-Sectional Study [Volume 8, Issue 12, 2020, Pages 12553-12563]
Emami, Habib
Evaluation of Antibiotic Resistance Trend among Cystic Fibrosis Patients: A Single Center Study from 2014-2019 [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10719-10729]
Emami, Mohammad Aref
A Survey of Pediatric Inguinal Hernia: A Single Center Experience with 40,000 Cases in a Ten-Year Period (2009-2019) [Volume 9, Issue 9, 2021, Pages 14362-14368]
Emami, Mohammad Hasan
The Association between Celiac Disease and Eosinophilic Esophagitis among Children, in Isfahan, Iran [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 15521-15528]
Emami, Mohammadreza
Tyrosinemia Type III: A Case Report with a Seven Years Follow-up [Volume 9, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 13853-13857]
Emami moghadam, Abdolrahman
Pediatric and Adolescent Chest Pain: A Cross Sectional Study [Volume 3, 1.2, 2015, Pages 435-440]
Emami Moghadam, Zahra
Child Maltreatment in the World: A Review Article [Volume 3, 1.1, 2015, Pages 353-365]
Emami Moghadam, Zahra
Poliomyelitis: Current Status in Iran and Worldwide [Volume 3, 3.2, 2015, Pages 655-663]
Emami Moghadam, Zahra
Child Mortality at Different World Regions: A Comparison Review [Volume 3, 4.2, 2015, Pages 809-816]
Emami Moghadam, Zahra
Child Malnutrition at Different World Regions in 1990-2013 [Volume 3, 5.1, 2015, Pages 921-932]
Emami Moghadam, Zahra
The Effect of the Educational Program on Iranian Fathers’ Involvement in Infant care: A Randomized Clinical Trial Study [Volume 3, 6.1, 2015, Pages 1057-1063]
Emami Moghadam, Zahra
Factors Affecting the Rate of Pediatric Pneumonia in Developing Countries: a Review and Literature Study [Volume 3, 6.2, 2015, Pages 1173-1181]
Emami Moghadam, Zahra
Healthy Diet in Children: Facts and Keys [Volume 3, 6.2, 2015, Pages 1183-1194]
Emami Moghadam, Zahra
The Knowledge and Attitude of Teachers about HIV/AIDS; before and after Training in Khorasan Razavi Province, Iran [Volume 3, 6.2, 2015, Pages 1161-1168]
Emami Moghadam, Zahra
Refugees in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: Needs, Problems and Challenges [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 4625-4639]
Emami Moghadam, Zahra
Children, the Main Victims of Ethnic Violence in Myanmar [Volume 5, Issue 11, 2017, Pages 6173-6178]
Emami Zeydi, Amir
Regular Reminding of the Potential Serious Complications of Poor Adherence to Treatment: A Strategy for Improving Treatment Adherence in Beta-Thalassemia Major Patients [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6201-6202]
Emamzadeh, Nezamedin
Comparison of Restricted Fluid Volume with Standard Fluid Volume in Management of Transient Tachypnea of the Newborns: A Randomized Controlled Trial [Volume 6, Issue 9, 2018, Pages 8289-8296]
Emehute, Chibueze John-Daniel
Effect of Intravenous Fluid on Perioperative Plasma Sodium Concentration in Pediatric Surgical Patients [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 14043-14049]
Emiralioglu, Nagehan
The Complication of Endotracheal Intubation in a Patient with Mucopolysaccharidosis Type IIIA [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 12909-12913]
Enayatifard, Reza
Formulation, Optimization and Evaluation of Nanofiber Based Fast Dissolving Drug Delivery System of Colchicine for Pediatrics [Volume 9, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 13213-13224]
Endale, Kidist
Neonatal Sepsis among Neonates at Public Hospitals in Jimma, Ethiopia [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 12011-12021]
Entezari, Davoud
Sodium and Calcium Levels as a Predictor for Hepatic Encephalopathy in Pediatric Patients with Chronic Liver Disease [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 15594-15600]
Erdoğan, Kıvılcım Eren
A Multifaceted Disease of Problematic Diagnosis in Childhood; Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia: A Case Report [Volume 9, Issue 5, 2021, Pages 13585-13590]
Erfanian, Emad
The effect of video games on the behavioral response and self-assessment of pain prior to inferior alveolar nerve block administration in children [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 15499-15510]
Erfani Sayyar, R
Evaluation of Bone Mineral Density in Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (NHL) [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 68-68]
Erfani Sayyar, R
Infective Endocarditis in Children Hospitalized During 10 Years in Imam Reza Hospital- Mashhad [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 69-69]
Eri, Maryam
Fast Food Consumption Behaviors in High-School Students based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2131-2142]
Ertuğrul, Sabahattin
Evaluation of Subgroup Incompatibility in Newborn Jaundice [Volume 12, Issue 8, 2024, Pages 18962-18971]
Esfahani nia, Akram
Effects of Social Support and Physical Self-efficacy on Physical Activity of Adolescents [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 15823-15834]
Esfandiar, Nasrin -
Are Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR) and Platelet to Lymphocyte Ratio (PLR) Predictors of Steroid Therapy in Children with Nephrotic Syndrome? [Volume 10, Issue 7, 2022, Pages 16302-16308]
Esfandiar, Nasrin
Determining Cardiovascular Complications in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease by Measuring Blood Pressure Using Ambulatory Blood Pressure Measurement and Traditional Auscultation Method [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 18681-18690]
Esfandiari, Mohammad Ali
Synbiotic supplementation in type one diabetes mellitus: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2023, Pages 18044-18054]
Esfandtari, Razieh
Study of Maternal Knowledge and Attitude toward Exclusive Breast Milk Feeding (BMF) in the First 6 Months of Infant in Yazd-Iran [Volume 2, 3.1, 2014, Pages 175-181]
Esferanjani, SHahla
Survey on the Relationship between Sleep Habits and Children`s Growth in Ahvaz City 2015 [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 1943-1951]
Esfidani, Tayebeh
The Association between Cerebroplacental Ratio (CPR) And Neonatal Outcome In Small Gestational Fetus [Volume 11, Issue 9, 2023, Pages 18257-18265]
Eshagh-Hoseini, Seyed Kamal
Comparing the Outcomes of IVIg with Combination of IVIg and Methylprednisolone in Children with Acute Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia; a Bayesian Logistic Approach [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2221-2228]
Eshaghian-dorcheh, Azam
The Lack of Systematic Training for Health Care Providers, A Challenge for Providing Pediatric Palliative Home Care: A Comparative Study [Volume 7, Issue 5, 2019, Pages 9481-9496]
Eshaghian-dorcheh, Azam
Evaluating the Cost-Effectiveness of Home-Based Palliative Care for Children with Special Health Care Needs: A Review Study [Volume 8, Issue 11, 2020, Pages 12381-12395]
Eshaghie Firoozabady, Elham
The Prevalence of Sleep disorders and Their Relationship with Anxiety and Behavioral Problems in Second Primary School Female Students in Yazd [Volume 3, 3.1, 2015, Pages 625-631]
Eshagi, Alireza
Prevalence and Risk Factors for Stunting among Children Less than Five Years: a Community Based Study in North-Western Iran [Volume 9, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 14958-14966]
Eshghi, Alireza
Efficacy of Compound Honey Syrup on Pulmonary Symptoms and Body Mass Index in Cystic Fibrosis Patients: A Clinical Trial [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2023, Pages 18180-18188]
Eshkil, Saeedeh
Olfactory Stimulation by Breast Milk Odor May Improve Behavioral Feeding in Preterm Infants: A Review [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 15191-15204]
Eshkil, Saeedeh
The Effect of Spark Physical Program (Sports, Play and Active Recreation for Kids) on Quality of Life and Spirometry in 6-18-Year-Old Children with Cystic Fibrosis [Volume 11, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 17790-17799]
Eshraghi, Ali
Autologous Stem Cell in CHF(When is more effective?) Intracoronary Administration of Autologous Bone Marrow Stem Cell in Chronic Heart Failure [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 26-26]
Eshraghi, Nasim
The Association between Cerebroplacental Ratio (CPR) And Neonatal Outcome In Small Gestational Fetus [Volume 11, Issue 9, 2023, Pages 18257-18265]
Eshraghi, Nooshin
Vulvar lipoblastoma in the utero of a female fetus: A case report [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 15365-15369]
Eshraghi, Nooshin
The Effect of Sildenafil on Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) of Fetus with Gestational Age above 28 Weeks and Neonatal Outcomes [Volume 9, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 13643-13651]
Eshraghi, Nooshin
The Association between Cerebroplacental Ratio (CPR) And Neonatal Outcome In Small Gestational Fetus [Volume 11, Issue 9, 2023, Pages 18257-18265]
Eshraghi, P
Congenital Rickets: Report of Four Cases [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 22-22]
Eshraghi, P
Effectiveness of Group Cognitive Bbehavioral Therapy on Anxiety, Depression and Glycemic Control in Children with Type 1 Diabetes [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 82-82]
Eshraghi, Peyman
Congenital Rickets: Report of Four Cases [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 101-105]
Eshraghi, Peyman
Association of Pediatric Stress Hyperglycemia with Insulin Metabolism Disorders [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 83-87]
Eshraghi, Peyman
Effectiveness of Group Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Anxiety, Depression and Glycemic Control in Children with Type 1 Diabetes [Volume 2, 3.1, 2014, Pages 165-171]
Eshraghi, Peyman
A Methylmalonic Acidemia Case Presenting with Acrodermatitis Enteropathica [Volume 2, 3.2, 2014, Pages 73-76]
Eshraghi, Peyman
Type 1 Tyrosinemia with Hypophosphatemic Rickets; a Case Report [Volume 2, 3.3, 2014, Pages 63-66]
Eshraghi, Peyman
Association of Dietary Pattern and Body Size with Early Menarche among Elementary School Girls in West of Iran [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10583-10593]
Eshraghi, Peyman
The Effects of Enzyme Replacement Therapy in Patients with Mucopolysaccharidosis Type 1: A Case Series Study [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 15853-15864]
Eshraghi, Peyman
Transcobalamin Deficiency with the Mutation of Tcn2 in Children with the Primary Diagnosis of Methylmalonic Academia [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2023, Pages 18099-18103]
Eshraqhi, Peyman
Lingual Thyroid: A Case Report and Literature Review [Volume 5, Issue 11, 2017, Pages 6049-6055]
Eshraqhi, Peyman
Prevalence of Testicular Adrenal Rest Tumor and Factors Associated with its Development in 6 Months to 18 Years-old Patients with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia [Volume 9, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 15022-15028]
Eskandari, Sodabeh
The Effect of Body Position on Pain Due to Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) in Premature Neonates: A Cross-Over Clinical Trial Study [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 6861-6871]
Eskandari, Soudabeh
The Relationship between Socioeconomic Factors and Malnutrition in Under-5 Iranian Children [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 17388-17396]
Eskandari, Zahra
External Genital Abnormalities and Inguinal Hernia among Males of Children Nurseries, North West of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 1407-1411]
Eskandarifar, Alireza
The Risk Factors in Children with Simple and Complex Febrile Seizures: An Epidemiological Study [Volume 5, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 5137-5144]
Eskandarifar, Alireza
Evaluating the Measurement of Urinary Neutrophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin for the Diagnosis of Vesicoureteral Reflux in Children [Volume 9, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 15015-15021]
Eskandartash, Elnaz
Validity of Peripheral Capillary Oxygen Saturation and Normal Mixed Venous Oxygen Tension in Measurement of O2 Content [Volume 7, Issue 9, 2019, Pages 10019-10027]
Eskandarzadeh, Shabnam
Swan Neck Deformity in a Neonate with Perinatal Asphyxia [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 17314-17322]
Eslahtalab, Abdolmajid
The Treatment of Nocturnal Enuresis in Children: An Overview [Volume 8, Issue 11, 2020, Pages 1281-1286]
Eslahtalab, Abdolmajid
Comparison of Postoperative Pain in Two Groups of Children with Bone Fractures Receiving Pethidine and Paracetamol in Kerman Bahonar Hospital: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 8, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 12213-12221]
Eslahtalab, Abdolmajid
The Efficacy of Meperidine for Pain Management in Orthopedic, Dental, and General Surgery in Children: A Review Study [Volume 8, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 12305-12316]
Eslami, A
Association between Common Single- nucleotide Polymorphism of Reelin Gene, rs736707 (C/T) with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Iranian-Azeri Patients [Volume 3, 6.1, 2015, Pages 1065-1071]
Eslami, Ahmad-ali
Need for Consultation and Training during Bed Rest in Women with High Risk Pregnancy Experience: a Qualitative Study [Volume 4, Issue 5, 2016, Pages 1705-1714]
Eslami, Ahmadali
An Exploratory Study of Predictors of Self-Care Behavior in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes based on Social Cognitive Theory [Volume 8, Issue 6, 2020, Pages 11505-11512]
Eslami, Gohar
The Survey of Pediatric Pleural Empyema in North of Iran (from 2004 to 2016) [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 7421-7432]
Eslami, Parisa
Designing and Evaluating a Child Maltreatment Surveillance System: Towards Improving the Management of Child Abuse Incidents [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 15779-15788]
Eslamian, Mohammad Hossein
Causes and Risk Factors Associated to Neonatal Mortality in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) in Besat Hospital Hamadan-Iran in 2015 to 2016 [Volume 6, Issue 9, 2018, Pages 8185-8194]
Eslamian, Mohammad Hossein
Jaundiced Neonates Receiving Phototherapy and Risk of Atopic Dermatitis in the First 2 Years of Life: A Case-Control Study [Volume 7, Issue 11, 2019, Pages 10397-10403]
Eslamimehr, Farnaz
The Examination of the Effectiveness of an Educational Intervention based on the Planned Behavior Theory on Improving Pubertal Health Behavior in Female High School Students [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 5643-5654]
Eslami Shahrbabaki, Heydar
Analysis of Weight Control among Overweight and Obese Iranian Adolescents: Application of the Trans-theoretical Model [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7013-7022]
Eslamnik, Parvinsadat
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Cancer Risk in Pediatrics: A Molecular Pathway and Future Approach [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2023, Pages 18172-18179]
Esmaeeili, Mohammad
Calcium and Vitamin D Metabolism in Pediatric Nephrotic Syndrome; An Update on the Existing Literature [Volume 3, 2.1, 2015, Pages 103-109]
Esmaeeli, Batool
Aromatherapy as a Nutrition Improvement Approach in Premature Infants: A Short Review [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10405-10411]
Esmaeili, Benyamin
Closed Reduction versus Open Reduction and Pin Fixation in Pediatric Type III Supracondylar Humeral Fractures [Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 11609-11615]
Esmaeili, H
Evaluation of Bone Mineral Density in Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (NHL) [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 68-68]
Esmaeili, Hasan
A 33-day-old Infant with the Transposition of the Great Arteries; A Rare Case Report [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2018, Pages 8407-8411]
Esmaeili, Marjan
Alpha- 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency in Children: Pulmonary Involvement [Volume 3, 1.2, 2015, Pages 459-465]
Esmaeili, Marjan
Ultrasound Measurement of Kidney Dimensions in Premature Neonates [Volume 8, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 12235-12242]
Esmaeili, Mohammad
Alpha- 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency in Children: Pulmonary Involvement [Volume 3, 1.2, 2015, Pages 459-465]
Esmaeili, Mohammad
Clinical and Laboratory Investigation of Children with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Referring to Lupus Clinic of Dr. Sheikh Hospital, Mashhad, Iran [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9893-9902]
Esmaeili, Mohammad
Investigating the Effect of Zinc Deficiency on the Risk of Urinary Tract Infection in Children [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 11959-11966]
Esmaeili, Mohammad
Ultrasound Measurement of Kidney Dimensions in Premature Neonates [Volume 8, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 12235-12242]
Esmaeili, MR
Distinguishing Functional Constipation from Organic Causes in Children [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 12-12]
Esmaeili, Reza
Comparing the Effect of Lecturing and Mobile Phone Short Message Service (SMS), Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior on Improving Nutritional Behaviors of High School Students in the Prevention of Osteoporosis [Volume 6, Issue 7, 2018, Pages 8003-8014]
Esmaeili, Somayeh
Effect of Crocus sativus (Saffron) on Cervical Ripening and Progress of Labor in Primiparous Term Women: A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 12105-12115]
Esmaeili Allafi, Maryam
Is Maternal Hypertension a Reducing Factor for Intraventricular Hemorrhage in Iranian Preterm Newborns? [Volume 10, Issue 8, 2022, Pages 16469-16476]
Esmaeili-dooki, Mohammadreza
Multi-organ Presentation of Children with COVID-19 Infection in the North of Iran: A Retrospective Study [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 13411-13419]
Esmaeili-dooki, Mohammad Reza
The Effect of Adding Synbiotics to Polyethylene Glycol in Childhood Functional Constipation: A Randomized Clinical Trial Study [Volume 5, Issue 7, 2017, Pages 5357-5367]
Esmaeili-dooki, Mohammad Reza
The Relationship between Non-Renal Diseases and Renal Parenchymal Echogenicity in Children with Acute Abdominal Pain [Volume 6, Issue 5, 2018, Pages 7589-7593]
Esmaeili-dooki, Mohammad Reza
Prevalence of Helicobacter Pylori in Iranian Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Study [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 13309-13321]
Esmaeili Dooki, Mohammad Reza
Idiopathic Perforation of the Sigmoid Colon in a 2.5 Years Old Girl: A Case Report [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 5709-5713]
Esmaeilifallah, Mahsa
Congenital Hypothyroidism and Kidney and Upper Urinary Tract Anomalies in Neonates; Is There Any Association? [Volume 12, Issue 6, 2024, Pages 18867-18876]
Esmaeili Shamirzadi, Sima
The Exploration of Protective factors on prevention working children’s substance abuse [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 5655-5666]
Esmaeili Shandiz, Elham
Prevalence and Risk Factors for Parental Violence against Children: A Review Study [Volume 9, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 13127-13135]
Esmaeil Jami, Mostafa
Evaluation of Parental Acceptance of Different Behavior Management Techniques in Pediatric Dentistry, Zahedan, Iran [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 13103-13111]
Esmaeil Motlagh, Mohammad
Association of Healthy Food Intake with Psychiatric Distress in Children and Adolescents: the CASPIAN-IV study [Volume 4, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 3999-4020]
Esmaeil Motlagh, Mohammad
Determinants of Self-Perceived Health in Iranian Children and Adolescents: the CASPIAN IV Study [Volume 5, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 4951-4964]
Esmaeilpour, Khalil
Evaluating Sleep Disorders amongst Children with Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 5907-5917]
Esmaeilpour, Nafiseh
The Effect of Resilience Education by the Teach-back Method on the Stress of Mothers of Educable Mentally Retarded Children: A Field Trial Study [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6347-6358]
Esmaeilzadeh, Abbas
The Role of Traumatic Childhood Experiences in Predicting Affective Control and Object Relations in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 12927-12938]
Esmaeilzadeh, Alireza
Accuracy of Crib-Ii for Predicting Mortality of Preterm Infants Admitted to the NICU [Volume 12, Issue 6, 2024, Pages 18859-18866]
Esmaeilzadeh, Arezoo
Prevalence of Macrosomia in Iran: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 5617-5629]
Esmaeilzadeh, Hossein
Survival of a Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Patient from Transfusion-associated Graft-versus-host Disease: A Case Report [Volume 10, Issue 10, 2022, Pages 16902-16907]
Esmaeilzadeh, Hossein
Lactate Dehydrogenase as a New Prognostic Factor for Mortality in Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 18649-18658]
Esmaeilzadeh, Zahra
The Role of Traumatic Childhood Experiences in Predicting Affective Control and Object Relations in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 12927-12938]
Esmaelzadeh, Abbas
The Role of Pathological Staging in Selection of Appropriate Treatment Option for Autoimmune Hepatitis: Findings of a prospective Observational Study [Volume 4, Issue 10, 2016, Pages 3727-3733]
Esmaieli, Samira
Efficacy of Metformin on Pregnancy Outcome in Healthy Overweight Pregnant Women; A Double-Blinded Parallel Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 9, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 13145-13153]
Esmaielzadeh, Fatemeh
Evaluating the Cost-Effectiveness of Home-Based Palliative Care for Children with Special Health Care Needs: A Review Study [Volume 8, Issue 11, 2020, Pages 12381-12395]
Esmaiil nia, Tahere
Evaluation of Causes,Frequency and Prognosis of Hydrops Fetalis: A Case- Series Study at a Referral Hospital in Tehran, Iran [Volume 3, 1.1, 2015, Pages 391-395]
Esmaili, Mitra
Evaluating the Clinical Course of Patent Ductus Arteriosus after Discharge and Comparing in Therapies Techniques [Volume 5, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 4855-4866]
Esmailli, Mina
Lactate Dehydrogenase as a New Prognostic Factor for Mortality in Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 18649-18658]
Esmailnasab, Nader
The Relationship between Maternal Diseases during Pregnancy and Low Birth Weight: a Nested Case-Control Study in Rural Areas of Kurdistan Province (West of Iran) [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2017, Pages 5501-5514]
Esmailnasab, Nader
Gender and Risk of Congenital Hypothyroidism: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6703-6712]
Esmaily, Habibollah
Association of Dietary Pattern and Body Size with Early Menarche among Elementary School Girls in West of Iran [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10583-10593]
Esmailzadehha, Neda
The Relationship of Vitamin D and Calcium level with Preeclampsia Severity: A Case- control Study [Volume 5, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 5203-5210]
Esmailzadehha, Neda
Effect of Treatment with Vitamin D on Maternal and Neonatal Indices in Pregnant Women with Hypocalcemia: A Randomized Controlled Trial [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 5733-5739]
Esmailzadehha, Neda
Differences in response to conventional vitamin D therapy among obese and normal weight children and adolescents in Qazvin, Iran [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 5725-5732]
Esmailzadehha, Neda
Comparison of Intelligence Quotient in Early Treated Neonates with Congenital Hypothyroidism Compared to Healthy Children [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11331-11340]
Esmayili, Habibullah
Inpatient vs. outpatient management of uncomplicated preterm premature rupture of membranes: a clinical trial [Volume 9, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 14821-14829]
Esna Ashari, Farzaneh
Evaluation of QRS, QTc, and JTc intervals in Congenital Heart Disease with Pulmonary Hypertension [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 11911-11919]
Esna-Ashari, Farzaneh
Assessment the Preterm Birth Risk Factors in Fatemieh Hospital of Hamadan, Iran; 2017-2018 [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10465-10471]
Espidkar, Fatemeh
Investigating the Impact of Schools' Open Space on Learning and Educational Achievement of Elementary Students [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2016, Pages 1663-1670]
Estilaee, Soroush
Thoracic Mass Nature Determination; What Modality Is Better in Pediatric Age? [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9921-9928]
Etebar Matanag, Nasrin
Effects of Aloe Vera Gel versus Chamomile Ointment on extent of Diaper Dermatitis in Children: A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial [Volume 7, Issue 5, 2019, Pages 9461-9469]
Etemad, Fatemeh
Ultrasound Evaluation of the Relationship between Fetal Lateral Ventricle Diameter and Biometric Parameters [Volume 9, Issue 5, 2021, Pages 13515-13521]
Etemad, Koorosh
Maternal Risk Factors of Neonatal Mortality in Iran: A Case-Control Study [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 10865-10874]
Etemad, Leila
The Validated Embryionic Stem Cell Test to Predict Embryotoxicityinvitro [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 21-21]
Etemadzadeh, Mozhgan
Effects of Computer-Based Rehabilitation Therapy on Anxiety and Attention in Children with Specific Learning Disorders [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 17618-17627]
Etesam por, Rasoul
Serum and Urine C - Reactive Protein, Mean Platelet Volume and Neutrophil/ Lymphocyte Ratio as Diagnostic Values in Neonatal Sepsis [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 17636-17645]
Etesam por, Rasoul
Quality of Life in 6 to 12-Year-Old Children with Overweight and Obesity Compared To Children with Normal Weight [Volume 11, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 17759-17768]
Etezadie, Toktam
Effect of Gastric Acid Suppressant Prophylaxis on Incidence of Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit [Volume 4, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 3917-3924]
Etezadpour, Mohammad
Laparoscopic Colon Surgery for Benign Disease: A Comparison to Open Surgery [Volume 2, 3.2, 2014, Pages 19-24]
Etezad Razavi, Mohammad
Periorbital Ecthyma Gangrenosum Due to Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Septicemia in an Infant with Sepsis: A Case Report [Volume 10, Issue 7, 2022, Pages 16428-16433]
Evseeva, Galina Petrovna
Incidence of Asthma-Like Symptoms in Adolescents of Khabarovsk and the Khabarovsk Rural Area, Russian Federation [Volume 8, Issue 12, 2020, Pages 12697-12704]
Ezati, Bahram
Efficacy of Golden Immunstim for Improvement of Abdominal Cramp, Diarrhea, Vomiting, and Fever in Dysenteric Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 6, Issue 5, 2018, Pages 7667-7672]
Ezati, Fariham
Efficacy of Golden Immunstim for Improvement of Abdominal Cramp, Diarrhea, Vomiting, and Fever in Dysenteric Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 6, Issue 5, 2018, Pages 7667-7672]
Ezeasouba, Ijeoma Geneveve
Pulse Oximetry as an Alternative Means of Assessing Systolic Blood Pressure in Well Newborns: A Comparison with Two Methods of Blood Pressure Measurement [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 18613-18619]
Ezzati, Atefeh
Utility of Modeling End-Stage Liver Disease in Children with Chronic Liver Disease [Volume 2, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 71-74]
Ezzati, Atefeh
Identification of Dermatoglyphic Patterns in Parents of Children with Cystic Fibrosis [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 7277-7284]
Faal, Gholamreza
A Comparison of the effects of Morphine and Buprenorphine on full-term and near-term neonates with neonatal abstinence syndrome [Volume 10, Issue 7, 2022, Pages 16256-16265]
Faal, Gholamreza
Neonatal Intestinal Colonization with Extended-Spectrum B-Lactamase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae: Molecular Analysis and Risk Factors in NICU neonates [Volume 11, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 17706-17720]
Fadae, Zahra
Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Parent Training Protocol Based on an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Happiness and Mental Adjustment among Mothers with Slow Paced Children [Volume 10, Issue 8, 2022, Pages 16553-16563]
Fadaee, Mohamad Reza
Ultrasonographic Evaluation of Placenta Thickness and Fetal Cord Cross Section in Gestational Diabetes Mothers Compared to Control Group [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 12001-12009]
Fadavi, Nafise
Efficacy of Compound Honey Syrup on Pulmonary Symptoms and Body Mass Index in Cystic Fibrosis Patients: A Clinical Trial [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2023, Pages 18180-18188]
Fadhil Aljawadi, Hussein
The Cost of Formula Milk Feeding in Infancy in Al-Amarah City, South East of Iraq [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 3239-3247]
Fadle, Yossra Samir
Sars-cov-2 Infection Is a Potential Risk of Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Children Diagnosed with Type i Diabetes. An Observational Study [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 18449-18460]
F. Afify, Mohamed
Corrected Anion Gap and Hypernatremia as Predictors of Mortality in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Minia University Hospital: A Retrospective Study [Volume 8, Issue 11, 2020, Pages 12369-12379]
Faghanipour, Somayeh
The Relationship between Medication Errors with Job Satisfaction of Nurses in Pediatric Ward [Volume 7, Issue 9, 2019, Pages 10141-10153]
Faghihi, Mohammad
A Missense Mutation of G257A at Exon 3 in PEX7 CDS Was Responsible for the Incidence of Rhizomelic Chondrodysplasia Punctata Type 1 [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7193-7200]
Faghihi nia, Jamal
Academic Performance, Sleep Disorders and Their Association in Middle School Students in Iran [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 4541-4549]
Faghihloo, Ebrahim
Global Study of Viral Meningitis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 15865-15880]
Fahad, Muhammad Shah
Trends in Hospitalization of Children with High-Frequency Diseases; A Nine-Year Retrospective Study [Volume 8, Issue 11, 2020, Pages 12339-12348]
Fahami, Fariba
Effect of electronic education on the awareness of women about post partum breast feeding [Volume 2, 3.2, 2014, Pages 57-63]
Fahami, Fariba
The Relationship between Cognitive Social Theory and Physical Activity in Pregnant Women [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2018, Pages 8527-8535]
Fahim, Nabila
Evaluation of the Immunomodulatory Effect of Mesenchymal Stem Cells on Sepsis-Induced Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: A Systematic Review [Volume 9, Issue 8, 2021, Pages 14105-14115]
Fahim, Parnian
COVID-19 Associated Thrombocytopenia in Children: An Emerging Issue [Volume 9, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 13635-13642]
Fahimi, Nazanin
The Effects of Mindfulness Training on Psychological Flexibility and Self-Regulation Behavior in Overweight Adolescents [Volume 9, Issue 10, 2021, Pages 14608-14617]
Fahmy, Eman M.
The Role of Serum Periostin Level in Different Pediatric Allergic Diseases: A Case-Control Study [Volume 10, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 15937-15944]
Fakhar, Behrooz
Comparing the effects of Total Intravenous Anesthesia and Sevoflurane on Respiratory Adverse Events in under-7 Children with Upper Respiratory Tract Infection [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2023, Pages 18137-18146]
Fakhari, Fatemeh
Evaluation of Electronic Dental Anesthesia as a Non-Invasive Method in Children: A Review Study [Volume 9, Issue 5, 2021, Pages 13489-13494]
Fakharzadeh, Leila
Anxiety Control in the Iranian Children with Chronic Leukemia: Use of a Non-drug Method [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 1225-1231]
Fakhimi, Sahar
Evaluation of Aseptic Meningitis Following Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine in Children Admitted due to Febrile Convulsion [Volume 6, Issue 8, 2018, Pages 8147-8152]
Fakhr Ghasemi, Neda
A Systematic Review of the Prevalence of Mental Health Disorders in Pregnant Women during the COVID-19 Pandemic [Volume 8, Issue 11, 2020, Pages 12397-12407]
Fakhr Ghasemi, Neda
The Attitude of Pediatric Residents and Medical Students in the Pediatric Wards of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences Regarding the Educational Role of the Pediatric Residents [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 12915-12925]
Fakhri, Niloofar
The Relationship between Bone Mineral Density and Serum Vitamin D Levels in Cystic Fibrosis Children [Volume 10, Issue 6, 2022, Pages 16147-16154]
Fakhr-Movahedi, Ali
Quality of Life in Patients with Thalassemia Major: A Concept Analysis Using Rodgers' Evolutionary Method [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11197-11217]
Fakoor, Zahra
The Impact of Baby Massage Training on Awareness, Perceived Stress and Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy of Mothers with Hospitalized Neonate [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2018, Pages 8297-8306]
Fakour, Sanam
Evaluation of the VANRIS Injection Success Rate in Vesicoureteral Reflux (VUR) Treatment in Children [Volume 4, Issue 10, 2016, Pages 3601-3608]
Fakour, Sanam
Study of Vitamin D Level in Children with Non-specific Musculoskeletal Pain [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 4533-4540]
Falah Ardizi, Nafiseh
A Systematic Review of Psychometric Properties of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale in Iranian Population [Volume 7, Issue 5, 2019, Pages 9497-9505]
Falahatian, Masih
Pediatric Pancreatoblastoma: A Case Report [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 17527-17536]
Falaki, Reyhaneh
Pediatric Pancreatoblastoma: A Case Report [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 17527-17536]
Fallah, Fatemeh
Relative Gene Expression of RND-Type Efflux Pumps in Tigecycline Resistant Acinetobacter Baumannii Isolated from Training Hospitals in Tehran, Iran [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2018, Pages 8669-8674]
Fallah, Mohammad Hossein
The Effect of Empathy Training Programs on Aggression and Compatibility Students of Elementary Schools in Yazd, Center of Iran [Volume 3, 4.2, 2015, Pages 841-851]
Fallah, Ramazan
Evaluation of Cyproheptadine Hydrochloride Effects on Weight Gain in Underweight Children with Anorexia; A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6413-6419]
Fallah, Ramazan
Trends of Growth Rate among Iranian Infants: Comparison Exponential Model and Points Average Model and Related Factors [Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 11625-11633]
Fallah, Ramazan
Evaluation of Head Circumference Index in Children under 18 Months and its Associated Factors in Zanjan City: A Retrospective Cohort [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 12805-12813]
Fallah, Zynalabedin
Effects of Attitude towards Fashion on Participation of Adolescent Students in Physical Activity: Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 12893-12900]
Fallah, Zynalabedin
The Impact of Teachers’ Cultural Capital on Participation of Adolescents’ Students in Physical Activity and Sport [Volume 9, Issue 8, 2021, Pages 14117-14124]
Fallah, Zynalabedin
A survey of the Challenges Raising from COVID-19 in Sport for all with a focus on Children's Sports and Physical Activities [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 15746-15754]
Fallah Arzpeyma, Sima
The Relationship between the Level of Pregnancy-Associated Plasma Protein A and Placenta Size and Thickness [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 13381-13388]
Fallahi, Arezoo
Association of Trans-theoretical Model (TTM) based Exercise Behavior Change with Body Image Evaluation among Female Iranian Students [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 4613-4623]
Fallahi, Arezoo
The Relationship between Stages of Dental Cleaning Behavior Change Based on Trans-theoretical Model (TTM) with School Role and Social Support in Students [Volume 5, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 4939-4949]
Fallahi, Arezoo
The Effects of Trans-Theoretical Model and Fear of Dental Care on Dental Cleaning Behavior among Students [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9853-9861]
Fallahi, Arezoo
Effects of Parents' Education on Dental Fissure Sealant Rate of Preschool Children Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 13021-13030]
Fallahi, Gh
Evaluation of Antibody Response to Polysaccharide Vaccine and Switched Memory B Cells in Pediatric Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 66-66]
Fallahi, Gh
The Study of Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Ulcerative Colitis [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 78-78]
Fallahi, Gholamhosein
The Clinical Manifestations, Treatment Efficacy and Adverse Drug Reactions in 62 Iranian Child with Wilson Disease [Volume 2, 3.3, 2014, Pages 25-29]
Fallahi, Gholamhosein
Prevalence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Pediatrics Patients Newly Diagnosed with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 5609-5616]
Fallahi, Golamhosein
Helicobacter pylori infection: Clinical, Endoscopic and Pathological findings in Iranian children [Volume 2, 3.2, 2014, Pages 9-17]
Fallahi, Minoo
Maternal Risk Factors of Neonatal Mortality in Iran: A Case-Control Study [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 10865-10874]
Fallahi, Mohaddese
Evaluation of Causes,Frequency and Prognosis of Hydrops Fetalis: A Case- Series Study at a Referral Hospital in Tehran, Iran [Volume 3, 1.1, 2015, Pages 391-395]
Fallahi, Sahar
The Effect of Spiritual Care on Adjustment of Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes [Volume 7, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 9225-9235]
Fallahmanesh, Elham
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Tranquillisation Tales on Children's Psychological Well-Being and Aggression [Volume 10, Issue 10, 2022, Pages 16869-16879]
Fallah Nodehi, Masoumeh
The Relationship of Smartphone Addiction with Self-esteem and Self-consciousness among Girls in the First Year of High School [Volume 8, Issue 11, 2020, Pages 12357-12367]
Fallahpour, Morteza
Evaluation of the Ventricular Function Based on Echocardiographic Findings in Asthmatic Children [Volume 9, Issue 10, 2021, Pages 14689-14698]
Fallah Tafti, Bahare
Frequency, Type and Causes of Medication Errors in Pediatric Wards of Hospitals in Yazd, the Central of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 3475-3487]
Fallah Tafti, Bahare
The Maternal Experiences of Child Care with Fever: a Qualitative Study [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 4429-4437]
Fallahzade, Hossein
Psychometric Properties of the Persian Version of Parenting Style and Dimensions Questionnaire: Application for Children`s Health-related Behaviors [Volume 4, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 3373-3380]
Fallahzadeh, Hossein
Analysis of Weight Control among Overweight and Obese Iranian Adolescents: Application of the Trans-theoretical Model [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7013-7022]
Fallahzadeh, Hossein
Sleep Quality and Disturbances in Children and Adolescents with Cancers: A Cross-Sectional Study [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 7529-7542]
Fallahzadeh, Hossein
Validity and Reliability of the Preventing Hookah Smoking (PHS) Questionnaire in Adolescents based on the Protection Motivation Theory [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2018, Pages 8327-8337]
Fallahzadeh, Hossein
Iranian Adolescent Girls' Self-Concepts of Eating Behaviors: A Qualitative Study [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 12705-12713]
Fallahzadeh, Hossein
Perceived Threat of Unhealthy and Unsafe Eating Behaviors in Iranian Adolescent Girls: A Qualitative Study [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 13049-13057]
Fallahzadeh, Hossein
The Comparative Effect of Multisensory Stimulation and Breast Milk on Intensity of Pain in Premature Infants during Retinopathy Screening Examination [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 13325-13337]
Falsafie, Parinaz
The Effectiveness of Social Skills Training on Aggression and Impulsive among Kindergartens Children [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 14023-14032]
Famouri, F
Treatment of Helicobacter Pylori in Children [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 8-8]
Famouri, Fatemeh
The Sensitivity of H. Pylori in Gastric Tissue Samples of Children and Adolescents to Various Antibiotics in Center of Iran [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2018, Pages 8685-8696]
Fanaei, Sepideh
A Systematic Review of Psychometric Properties of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale in Iranian Population [Volume 7, Issue 5, 2019, Pages 9497-9505]
Fanaei, Sepideh
Safety, Tolerability, and Efficacy of Acupuncture in Management of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS): A Systematic Review [Volume 7, Issue 6, 2019, Pages 9525-9533]
Fani Maleki, Adham
Evaluation of β-actin as a Reference Gene for Comparative Expression Analysis of Equine Adipose- and Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells by qRT-PCR [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 91-91]
Echocardiographic Follow-up in Aarskog-Scott Syndrome: Is It Useful? Report of AAS Twins with PFO [Volume 12, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 18787-18792]
Faradmal, Javad
Comparison of Restricted Fluid Volume with Standard Fluid Volume in Management of Transient Tachypnea of the Newborns: A Randomized Controlled Trial [Volume 6, Issue 9, 2018, Pages 8289-8296]
Farahani, Zahra
Evaluation of Causes,Frequency and Prognosis of Hydrops Fetalis: A Case- Series Study at a Referral Hospital in Tehran, Iran [Volume 3, 1.1, 2015, Pages 391-395]
Farahbod, Foroozan
Prevalence of Ectopic Eruption of First Permanent Molars in Panoramic Images of 5-8-Year-Old Children in Sari, Mazandaran Province, North of Iran in 2013-2020 [Volume 9, Issue 5, 2021, Pages 13591-13597]
Farahmand, F
The Study of Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Ulcerative Colitis [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 78-78]
Farahmand, Fatemeh
Helicobacter pylori infection: Clinical, Endoscopic and Pathological findings in Iranian children [Volume 2, 3.2, 2014, Pages 9-17]
Farahmand, Fatemeh
The Clinical Manifestations, Treatment Efficacy and Adverse Drug Reactions in 62 Iranian Child with Wilson Disease [Volume 2, 3.3, 2014, Pages 25-29]
Farahmand, Fatemeh
Prevalence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Pediatrics Patients Newly Diagnosed with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 5609-5616]
Farahmand, Shervin
Extremity Fracture Diagnosis Using Bedside Ultrasound in Pediatric Trauma Patients Referring to Emergency Department; A Diagnostic Study [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 5959-5964]
Farajnejad Ghadi, Komeil
Early Ductus Arteriosus Constriction: A Rare Case Presentation at 18 Weeks of Gestation [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11861-11866]
Farajpour, Arezou
A Systematized Review of Pediatric Resident Selection Criteria [Volume 10, Issue 12, 2022, Pages 17157-17171]
Faramarzi, Elnaz
Effects of Curcumin Supplementation on Quality of Life of Cystic Fibrosis Patients [Volume 8, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 11169-11176]
Faramarzi, Mahbobeh
Quality of Mother–Infant Attachment after Physiological Birth [Volume 6, Issue 7, 2018, Pages 7929-7936]
Faramarzi Garmroudi, Raheleh
Myocardial Dysfunction Caused by Perinatal Asphyxia in Full-term Infants [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 18628-18636]
Farasat, Maryam
Evaluation of Volume CT Dose Index (CTDIvol) and Dose Length Product (DLP) in Routine CT scan Protocols among Children under 15 Years of Age Admitted to Imam Khomeini Hospital in Ahvaz, Iran, during 2019 [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 13437-13444]
Farasat, Maryam
Evaluation of Cumulative Effective Radiation Dose in Patients Under 12 Years of Age [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 17299-17305]
Farbod, Nasrin
Frequency of Thalassemia in Iran and Khorasan Razavi [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2013, Pages 45-50]
Fardaei, Majid
A CDH3 Mutation is Segregated in an Iranian Family with Congenital Hypotrichosis and Juvenile Macular Dystrophy [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 6999-7002]
Farghedani, Azadeh
The Relationship between Character Strength and Psychological Well-being: The Mediating Strength Use and the Children's Relationship with Parents [Volume 10, Issue 12, 2022, Pages 17144-17156]
Farhadian, Zahra
Comparison of Growth Parameters, Apgar score, the Blood Zinc, Magnesium, Calcium and Phosphor between Gestational Diabetic and Non-Gestational Diabetic Pregnant Women: a Prospective Cohort Study [Volume 4, Issue 5, 2016, Pages 1767-1775]
Farhadian Azizi, Yasaman
Does Serum Chloride Level Affect the Outcomes in Children Admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit? [Volume 10, Issue 11, 2022, Pages 16969-16976]
Farhadnia, Noosrat
The Effect of Color on Learning Efficiency among Primary School Students in Noorabad Delfan, Iran [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 14003-14010]
Farhan, Sara Mahmoud
Sars-cov-2 Infection Is a Potential Risk of Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Children Diagnosed with Type i Diabetes. An Observational Study [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 18449-18460]
Farhangi, Hamid
Medicinal Fruits in Holy Quran [Volume 2, 3.2, 2014, Pages 89-102]
Farhangi, Hamid
Rights of Children and Parents in Holy Quran [Volume 2, 3.2, 2014, Pages 103-113]
Farhangi, Hamid
Nutritional Risk Assessment in Children with Cancer: A Longitudinal Study in North East of Iran [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 8805-8813]
Farhangi, Hamid
The Effect of Vitamin E on Cisplatin Induced Nephrotoxicity: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10767-10773]
Farhangnia, Sajedeh
Handwriting Performance of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: The Role of Visual-Motor Integration [Volume 8, Issue 11, 2020, Pages 12317-12326]
Farhat, Ahmadshah
Assessment of Pain Management in Pediatric Emergency Department in Mashhad -Iran [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 25-29]
Farhat, Ahmad Shah
Hyperbilirubinemia and Neonatal Infection [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2013, Pages 5-12]
Farhat, Ahmad Shah
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection in Newborns [Volume 8, Issue 6, 2020, Pages 11513-11517]
Farhat, Ahmad Shah
Oxygen Saturation Screening Test: A Useful Method for Predicting Complex Congenital Heart Disease in Newborns [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 15460-15465]
Farhat, Ahmad Shah
Evaluating the Effect of Prophylactic Acetaminophen in the Prevention of Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) in Premature Neonates: A randomized clinical trial [Volume 11, Issue 12, 2023, Pages 18424-18432]
Farhat, Ash
Comparative Study of Frequency and Severity of Neonatal Jaundice without a Known Etiology in Two Groups of Term Neonate Born Via Cesarean Section and Vaginal Delivery [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 57-57]
Farid, Malihe
Tendency toward Weight Loss among Iranian Adolescent Girls: Study on Perceived Weight, Ideal Body Mass Index and Attitude toward Eating Disorders [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2203-2211]
Farid, Malihe
The Effect of Group Counselling on Body Image Coping Strategy among Adolescent Girls [Volume 6, Issue 5, 2018, Pages 7709-7716]
Farid, Reza
Evaluation of Clinical and Laboratory Data in Patients with Recurrent Infections and Suspected Immunodeficiency [Volume 2, 3.3, 2014, Pages 19-24]
Farid, Reza
Subcutaneous Immunotherapy and Synbiotic Combination Shift T-Helper 1 and Cytotoxic T Cells in Allergic Rhinitis [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10731-10742]
Farivar, Shirin
Association of HLA-DRB1 Alleles in Juvenile-onset Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) in Iranian Children [Volume 3, 2.2, 2015, Pages 555-560]
Farjadian, Shirin
Cow’s Milk Sensitization in Young Children with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6189-6194]
Farnam, Ali
The Relationship between Metacognition Skills with Academic Motivation and Academic Achievement among High School Students in Kerman, Iran [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10759-10766]
Farnam, Ali
The Effect of Modifying the Sleep Pattern on Reducing the Math Learning Disorder among Elementary School Students [Volume 8, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 12197-12204]
Farnam, Ali
The Analysis of the Effectiveness of Emotional Processing Strategies on Academic Adjustment and Academic Engagement of the Students in Kerman City, Iran [Volume 8, Issue 12, 2020, Pages 12535-12544]
Farnam, Ali
The effect of Sleep Pattern Modification on Increasing Academic Self-efficacy of Elementary School Students [Volume 9, Issue 10, 2021, Pages 14549-14556]
Farnia, Poopak
Bone Mineral Density and Cystic Fibrosis: A Review [Volume 7, Issue 7, 2019, Pages 9701-9710]
Farnia, Poopak
Investigating the Effect of TNF α (-863) and TNF α (-308) genes Polymorphism on the Progression of Disease in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis [Volume 7, Issue 11, 2019, Pages 10335-10341]
Farnia, Poopak
Evaluation of Antibiotic Resistance Trend among Cystic Fibrosis Patients: A Single Center Study from 2014-2019 [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10719-10729]
Farnia, Poopak
Evaluation of miR-301b and miR-302b Expressions in the Serum of Cystic Fibrosis Patients and their Association with Clinical Scoring System [Volume 9, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 14907-14913]
Farnia, Vahid
Effect of Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on Reduction Social and Emotional Maladjustment of Physically Abused Children: A Clinical Trial [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2017, Pages 5473-5481]
Farokh payam, Hoda
Comparing Two Methods of Enteral Nutrition in Terms of their Complications and the Time Needed to Reach Goal Calorie in Children Hospitalized in ICU [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2119-2130]
Faroughi, F
Effectiveness of Group Cognitive Bbehavioral Therapy on Anxiety, Depression and Glycemic Control in Children with Type 1 Diabetes [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 82-82]
Faroughi, Foad
Study of Maternal Knowledge and Attitude toward Exclusive Breast Milk Feeding (BMF) in the First 6 Months of Infant in Yazd-Iran [Volume 2, 3.1, 2014, Pages 175-181]
Faroughi, Foad
Study and Comparison the Knowledge of Medical and Public Health Students about Control and Treatment of TB with DOTS Strategy [Volume 2, 2.2, 2014, Pages 133-140]
Faroughi, Foad
Effectiveness of Group Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Anxiety, Depression and Glycemic Control in Children with Type 1 Diabetes [Volume 2, 3.1, 2014, Pages 165-171]
Faroughi, Foad
Facts about Stem Cells and Importance of Them [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 81-81]
Faroughi, Foad
Type 1 Tyrosinemia with Hypophosphatemic Rickets; a Case Report [Volume 2, 3.3, 2014, Pages 63-66]
Farrokh, Donya
Thoracic Mass Nature Determination; What Modality Is Better in Pediatric Age? [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9921-9928]
Farrokh-Eslamlou, Hamidreza
The Relationship between Developmental Growth of Children and Anthropometric Indices in Urmia City, North West of Iran [Volume 5, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 4975-4984]
Farrokh-Eslamlou, Hamidreza
Prevalence and Risk Factors for Stunting among Children Less than Five Years: a Community Based Study in North-Western Iran [Volume 9, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 14958-14966]
Farrokhi, Noorali
Developing a Yoga-based Mindfulness Training Package and Evaluating Its Effectiveness on the Symptoms of Emotional Behavioral Disorders in Children [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 15165-15178]
Farrokhi, Noor Ali Farrokhi
The Role of Emotion Regulation Difficulties as a Mediator of the Relationship between Body Image Disturbance and Disordered Eating Behavior [Volume 3, 2.1, 2015, Pages 23-32]
Farrokhnia, Farrokh
The effects of Core Stability Exercises on Sleep Habits and Quality of Life in Children with Nocturnal Enuresis [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 18601-18612]
Farsani, Masoud
Association of Body Mass Index with Asthma Severity and Pulmonary Function among Asthmatic Children [Volume 4, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 3551-3559]
Farshadfar, Sareh
Association between Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn and Serum Vitamin D Levels in Infants and Mothers in Natural Childbirth [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2024, Pages 18988-18994]
Farshchian, Moein
Genetic and Epigenetic landscape of Germline Stem Cells [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 14-14]
Farshchian, Moien
Comparative analysis of the Gene expression profile of Chemokine Receptors between Adipose-derived and Bone marrow-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 17-17]
Farshchian, Nazanin
Short Term Outcome of Antenatal Hydronephrosis: A Single Center Experience [Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 11587-11595]
Farshchian, Nazanin
Relationship of Renal Cortical Echogenicity in Renal Ultrasonography with Course of Disease in Children with Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11673-11680]
Farshidfar, Bahar
The Effect of Massage and Acupressure on Breast Engorgement: A Review [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11127-11232]
Farshidi, Fereshteh
Prevalence of Enuresis and its Related Factors among Children in Iran: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis [Volume 3, 6.1, 2015, Pages 995-1004]
Farshidianfar, Melika
The Diagnostic Value of Mesenteric Vessel Abnormalities on Ultrasound for Malrotation [Volume 10, Issue 12, 2022, Pages 17119-17126]
FarshiRadvar, Fatemeh
Effects of Curcumin Supplementation on Quality of Life of Cystic Fibrosis Patients [Volume 8, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 11169-11176]
Farzad, Marjan
Endocrine Disorders in Beta thalassemia Major Patients [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2017, Pages 5531-5538]
Farzadfard, Seyedeh Zahra
Effect of Fluoxetine Therapy on Breath-Holding Spells in Children: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10775-10783]
Farzanegan, Fahimeh
Is Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound (LIPUS) Effective in the Success Rate of Alveolar Cleft Graft? [Volume 10, Issue 12, 2022, Pages 17093-17102]
Farzaneh, Farahnaz
The Role of Uterine Artery Doppler Ultrasound in the Second Trimester in Predicting Preeclampsia [Volume 7, Issue 5, 2019, Pages 9405-9411]
Farzaneh, Farahnaz
Prevalence and Causes of Cesarean Sections in Primiparous Women in Zahedan in a One-Year Period [Volume 10, Issue 6, 2022, Pages 16246-16251]
Farzaneh, Fatemeh Farzaneh
Sleep Quality and Disturbances in Children and Adolescents with Cancers: A Cross-Sectional Study [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 7529-7542]
Farzaneh, Mohsen
Associated Congenital Heart Anomalies in Children with Cleft Lip and Palate: A Cross Sectional Study [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 15737-15745]
Farzinepoor, Zhila
Prevalence of Occult Hepatitis B in HIV Positive Patients (Adolescents and Adults) in Kermanshah- Iran [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 5797-5803]
Farzizadeh, Mohammad
Tracking Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells Transplanted to Experimental Rabbit Model with Brain Trauma by MRI [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 34-34]
Farzizadeh, Mohammad
Noninvasive Stem Cell Labeling Using USPIO Technique and their Detection with MRI [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 66-66]
Fatahi, Farzaneh
Evaluating the Efficacy of Phonemic Rehabilitations in Cochlear Implant Users: A Single Subject Study [Volume 9, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 14914-14928]
Fatahi, Samira
Predictors of Knowledge and Practice of Girl Students about Puberty Health [Volume 5, Issue 7, 2017, Pages 5229-5236]
Fatahi, Somaye
Prophylactic Administration of Aminophylline to Prevent Renal Dysfunction in Asphyxiated Neonates [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 15772-15778]
Fatahi, Somaye
A Comparative Study of the Effect of Vitamin D Administration with a Dose of 400 and a Dose of 800 Units on the Establishment of Normal Serum Levels in Premature Infants [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 18669-18680]
Fatahi asl, Jaafar
Evaluation of Cumulative Effective Radiation Dose in Patients Under 12 Years of Age [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 17299-17305]
Fatehi, Farhad
Parenting Role's Tasks as Parents of Healthy and Disabled Children [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 5779-5787]
Fatemi, Zohre
Bart Syndrome Associated with Pyloric Atresia: An Uncommon Case Report [Volume 11, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 17830-17836]
Fathi, Azam
Effects of a Nutrition Education Intervention Designed based on the Health Belief Model (HBM) on Reducing the Consumption of Unhealthy Snacks in the Sixth Grade Primary School Girls [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 4361-4370]
Fathi, Marzieh
The Effects of Trans-Theoretical Model and Fear of Dental Care on Dental Cleaning Behavior among Students [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9853-9861]
Fathi, Mehdi
Pathological evaluation of ganglion cells in biopsies from upper side of the dentate line in patients with perianal problems [Volume 2, 3.1, 2014, Pages 189-193]
Fathi, Mehdi
Three Cases of a Rare Association: Double Aortic Arch [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 1319-1321]
Fathi, Mehdi
Comparative Study of High Powerful Magnet with Conventional Repair of Suture in the Intestinal Anastomosis of Rats [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 1373-1379]
Fathi, Mehdi
A Novel Experience in Treatment of Liver Hydatidosis in Pediatrics: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 5945-5952]
Fathi, Mehdi
Intraoperative Sonographic Guided Pull-through Anorectoplasty: A Novel Procedure for Imperforate Anus and Rectourethral Fistula: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6195-6200]
Fathi, Mehdi
Evaluation of the Use of Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy Following Rigid Bronchoscopy in Foreign Body Aspiration [Volume 9, Issue 5, 2021, Pages 13609-13615]
Fathi, Mehdi
A Survey of Pediatric Inguinal Hernia: A Single Center Experience with 40,000 Cases in a Ten-Year Period (2009-2019) [Volume 9, Issue 9, 2021, Pages 14362-14368]
Fathian dastgerdi, Zohre
Prevalence of Internet Addiction and its Association with General Health Status among High School Students in Isfahan, Iran [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10799-10806]
Fathian Dastgerdi, Zohre
An Exploratory Study of Predictors of Self-Care Behavior in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes based on Social Cognitive Theory [Volume 8, Issue 6, 2020, Pages 11505-11512]
Fatolahpor, Asadolah
The Risk Factors in Children with Simple and Complex Febrile Seizures: An Epidemiological Study [Volume 5, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 5137-5144]
Fattah, Abolfazl
The Effect of Aromatherapy on Nausea and Vomiting during Pregnancy: A Systematic Review and Meta -Analysis [Volume 7, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 9061-9070]
Fattah, Abolfazl
Advantages and Disadvantages of Methadone among Children and Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 7, Issue 9, 2019, Pages 10125-10137]
Fattah, Abolfazl
Factors Affecting Students’ Cheating Behaviors in Schools and Universities and Applying the Results in Quality Assessment: A Narrative Review [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10643-10650]
Fattah, Abolfazl
Prevalence of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome among Girls’ Students of Kerman University of Medical Sciences and a Meta-Analysis of the Prevalence of PCOS among Iranian Adolescent Girls [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 13957-13969]
Fattahi, Abbas
Global Research Trends in Pediatrics from 1990 to 2020: A Bibliometric Analysis [Volume 10, Issue 11, 2022, Pages 16914-16933]
Fattahi, Esmaeil
Promoting Behaviors of Healthiness in two Domains of Physical Activity and Nutrition Statue in High School Students [Volume 5, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 4839-4847]
Fattahi, Mohammad
Demographic Characteristics Associated with Vulnerability of Oral Diseases among Primary School Students in Southern of Iran [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6555-6562]
Fattahi, Mohammad
Cognitive Determinants of Influenza Preventive Behaviors among Students: an Application of the Health Belief Model (HBM) [Volume 6, Issue 6, 2018, Pages 7833-7841]
Fattahiyan, Monavar
Facilitators and Barriers of Elementary School Reopening during the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study [Volume 11, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 17897-17908]
Fayaz, Mohammad
Blood Pressure Nomograms by Age and Weight for Iranian Children and Adolescents [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2153-2166]
Fayazi, Sedigheh
Comparing Two Methods of Enteral Nutrition in Terms of their Complications and the Time Needed to Reach Goal Calorie in Children Hospitalized in ICU [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2119-2130]
Fayyazi, Afshin
Causes and Outcomes of Respiratory Distress in Neonates Hospitalized in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Be’sat Hospital in Hamadan, Iran [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6253-6260]
Fayyazi Bordbar, Mohammad Reza
The Effects of Speech Training, Guidebook and Simultaneous Method, on the Knowledge and Attitude of Students about HIV/AIDS [Volume 3, 3.1, 2015, Pages 617-624]
Fazel, Mojtaba
Long-Term Survival of Peritoneal Dialysis in Children: A Cohort Study [Volume 7, Issue 9, 2019, Pages 10009-10017]
Fazel, Mojtaba
Validation of CRASH Model in Prediction of 14-Day Mortality and 6-Month Unfavourable Outcome of Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10413-10422]
Fazel, Mojtaba
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Technique Failure in Peritoneal Dialysis of Iranian Children and Adolescents [Volume 7, Issue 11, 2019, Pages 10377-10385]
Fazel, Mojtaba
The Efficacy of Paricalcitol Administration for Management of Pediatric Chronic Kidney Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 10951-10959]
Fazel, Mojtaba
Epidemiology of Food Allergies in Children with Asthma in Gorgan, Northern Iran: a Cross-Sectional Population-Based Study [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 17397-17404]
Fazel, Zahra
H Syndrome Masquerade as Rheumatologic Disease [Volume 6, Issue 7, 2018, Pages 7965-7971]
Fazeli, Faramarz
Urinary EGF level Changes in Hydronephrotic Infant Patients before and after Surgery [Volume 9, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 14719-14725]
Fazeli, Farzaneh
A Systematic Review of the Effect of Aromatherapy and Storytelling on Anxiety in Children during Dentistry [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11261-11269]
Fazeli, Farzaneh
The effect of Aromatherapy on Pain, Itching, State Anxiety Levels and Respiratory Distress in Children with Burns: A Systematic Review [Volume 8, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 11189-11196]
Fazeli, Farzaneh
Guillain-Barre Syndrome following Cushing's Syndrome in a Pregnant Woman: A Case Report [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10651-10657]
Fazeli, Farzaneh
A Systematic Review of the Efficacy of Aromatherapy on Reducing the Duration of Hospitalization of Preterm Infants [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10681-10688]
Fazeli, Farzaneh
Evaluation of the Immunomodulatory Effect of Mesenchymal Stem Cells on Sepsis-Induced Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: A Systematic Review [Volume 9, Issue 8, 2021, Pages 14105-14115]
Fazeli, Mostafa
Evaluation of Neck Circumference as Potential Marker for Metabolic Syndrome in Children [Volume 9, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 13865-13874]
Fazeli, Mostafa
The Association between Red Blood Cell Distribution Width and Metabolic Syndrome in Adolescent Girls [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 17416-17427]
Fazelifarsani, Zahra
Prevalence of Malnutrition among Iranian Pediatric Patients before and After Hospitalization (2015 To 2017): A Multicenter Study [Volume 10, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 16047-16057]
Fazeli Farsani, Zahra
The Effect of Nutritional Consultation on the Level of Malnutrition and Growth Indices in Children with Cystic Fibrosis [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11793-11801]
Fazeli Nezhad, Zahra
Dose Reduction to the Thyroid Gland in Pediatric Chest Radiography [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2183-2191]
Fazelipour, Simin
The Effects of Different Dose of Chronic Ritalin on the Brain of Prepubertal Female Balb/C Mice [Volume 6, Issue 7, 2018, Pages 7883-7892]
Fazel Kalkhoran, Jamal
Effect of Backward Walking Training on Improves Postural Stability in Children with Down syndrome [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2171-2181]
Fazel Kalkhoran, Jamal
Realization of the Purposes of Affective (Emotional) Domain of Physical Education among Male High School Students [Volume 12, Issue 7, 2024, Pages 18893-18901]
Fazli, Fatemeh
Adolescence Health: the Needs, Problems and Attention [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 1423-1438]
FazlJoo, Seied Mohammadbager
The Effect of Electrical Nerve Stimulation in Management of Overactive Bladder in the Pediatric Population; A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6741-6755]
Fdil, Naima
Lipoprotein Lipase (LPL) Gene Mutation: A First Report in Children [Volume 5, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 5839-5842]
Feizabad, Elham
The maternal and neonatal outcomes of pregnant women with definite COVID-19 [Volume 10, Issue 10, 2022, Pages 16803-16810]
Feizi, Awat
Comparison of Health-Related Quality of Life in Mothers of Children with Spina Bifida and Cerebral Palsy [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 5677-5685]
Fekadu, Ginenus
Prescription Pattern of Antipyretics for Infection Induced Fever in Pediatric Ward of Nedjo General Hospital, Nedjo Town, West Ethiopia [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 8779-8786]
Ferdosian, Farzad
Kawasaki-Like Disease in Children during COVID-19 Pandemic: Two Case Reports [Volume 9, Issue 10, 2021, Pages 14624-14629]
Ferdosian, Farzad
Comparison of RT-PCR, lung CT Scan, and Anti-COVID-19 Antibody Results in Hospitalized Children Suspected for COVID-19 [Volume 9, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 14888-14895]
Fereidoni, M
Preparation of decellularized three dimentional scaffolds as the model for tissue engineering and their functional assessments in vitro application of blastema tissue [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 15-15]
Fereydoni, Samad
A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral and Psychodrama on Executive Functions of Children Aged 7 to 12 Years [Volume 10, Issue 7, 2022, Pages 16266-16280]
Fereydooni, Arjang
A Comparison of the Effects of Happiness and Mindfulness Training on Parenting Self-Efficacy in Mothers of Anxious Preschool Children [Volume 8, Issue 11, 2020, Pages 12327-12337]
Ferns, G
Determinants of Nutritional Status in Children living in Mashhad, Iran [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 23-23]
Ferns, Gordon
Determinants of Nutritional Status in Children living in Mashhad, Iran [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 9-18]
Ferns, Gordon
Evaluation of Neck Circumference as Potential Marker for Metabolic Syndrome in Children [Volume 9, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 13865-13874]
Ferns, Gordon A.
The Association between Red Blood Cell Distribution Width and Metabolic Syndrome in Adolescent Girls [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 17416-17427]
Ferreira, Paula Regina
Group A Streptococcus Meningitis Following Arnold-Chiari Correction Surgery: A Case Report [Volume 8, Issue 12, 2020, Pages 12585-12590]
Feshangchi-Bonab, Mohammad
Investigating the Effect of TNF α (-863) and TNF α (-308) genes Polymorphism on the Progression of Disease in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis [Volume 7, Issue 11, 2019, Pages 10335-10341]
Feyzabadi, zohre
Medicinal Herbs Useful in Pediatric Fever from the Perspective of Persian Medicine [Volume 7, Issue 9, 2019, Pages 10087-10098]
Feyzabadi, Zohre
Management of Infantile Colic; Based on Traditional Iranian Medicine [Volume 3, 5.1, 2015, Pages 909-913]
Feyzabadi, Zohre
Measles from the Perspective of Rhazes and Traditional Iranian Medicine: a Narrative Review [Volume 4, Issue 10, 2016, Pages 3661-3668]
Feyzabadi, Zohre
Flatulent Foodstuff, an Agent in the Creation of Infantile Colic: a Narrative Study based on the Traditional Iranian Medicine and Modern Investigation [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 4285-4293]
Feyzabadi, Zohre
Management of Fever in Children based on Persian Medicine [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10553-10563]
Feyzi, Ali
Ultrasonographic Evaluation of the Sacrococcyx and Spinal Canal in Children with Constipation [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6267-6274]
Feyzi, Ali
Radiographic Pattern of Colon Transit Time in Iranian Children with Constipation [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 13905-13914]
Feyzi, Ali
Ileum Terminal and Mesenteric Vessels; Two Fundamental Gateways of Ultrasound Examination in Acute Abdomen of Children: Review Article [Volume 9, Issue 8, 2021, Pages 14183-14195]
Feyzian, Najmeh
The Role of Traumatic Childhood Experiences in Predicting Affective Control and Object Relations in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 12927-12938]
Feyzollahi, Roya
Endoscopic Findings and Associated Factors in Children with Hematemesis [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 12999-13004]
Figueiredo, Rafael
Group A Streptococcus Meningitis Following Arnold-Chiari Correction Surgery: A Case Report [Volume 8, Issue 12, 2020, Pages 12585-12590]
Fikadu Tufa, Aklilu
A Retrospective Assessment of Measles Outbreak Response Activities and Determinant Factors at Nunukumba District, East Wollega Zone, Oromia Regional State, Western Ethiopia, May 2020 [Volume 9, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 13781-13801]
FiroozBakht, Mohammad
The Effect of Peppermint on the Treatment of Nipple Fissure during Breastfeeding: A Systematic Review [Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 11527-11535]
FiroozBakht, Mohammad
Exposure to Magnetic Fields and Childhood Leukemia: An Overview of Meta-Analysis [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11361-11365]
Firoozi, Hosein
The Survey of Pediatric Pleural Empyema in North of Iran (from 2004 to 2016) [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 7421-7432]
Firouzkoohi, Mahboubeh
Evaluation of Stress, Anxiety and Depression in Parents with a Child Newly Diagnosed with Diabetes Type I [Volume 4, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 3741-3749]
Firouznia, Parisa
The Diagnostic Value of Mesenteric Vessel Abnormalities on Ultrasound for Malrotation [Volume 10, Issue 12, 2022, Pages 17119-17126]
Firuzi, Afshin
Evaluation the accessibility of emergency care for traumatic children in emergency departments [Volume 9, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 14772-14782]
Flifel, Muayad Abuljabbar-Abdulhasan
Parent–Infant Attachment in Infants with Respiratory Assist Devices Hospitalized in Intensive Care Units: A Descriptive Cross-Sectional Study [Volume 10, Issue 11, 2022, Pages 17002-17013]
Foji, Samira
NF1 Mutations Analysis Using Whole Exome Sequencing Technique in 11 Unrelated Iranian Families with Neurofibromatosis Type 1 [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11311-11319]
Forat Yazdi, Maryam
Determine the Effectiveness of Learning of Coping Strategies with Irrational Beliefs Based on the Theory of Rational-Emotional Alice on Attitudes to Communicate Before Married Female High School Students in Yazd- Iran [Volume 3, 6.2, 2015, Pages 1153-1060]
Forghanifard, MM
Ectopic Expression of Embryo/Cancer Sequence A (ECSA) in KYSE-30 Cell Line Using Retroviral System [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 52-52]
Forghanifard, Mohammad Mahdi
Expressional Analysis of Stem Cell Marker SALL4 in Mesencephalon during Chicken Embryogenesis [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 68-68]
Foroughi, Elnaz
Dental Anxiety: The Prevalence and Related Factors among 7-14-year-old Children in Yazd, Iran [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 15304-15312]
Foroughi, Mehdi
Congenital Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis: A Case Report [Volume 8, Issue 6, 2020, Pages 11467-11471]
Forouhari, Sedighe
Comparison of 25-hydroxyvitamin D and Calcium Levels between Preeclampsia and Normal Pregnant Women and Birth Outcomes [Volume 3, 6.1, 2015, Pages 1047-1055]
Foroutan, Hamid Reza
The Comparison of the Analgesic Effect of Intravenous Acetaminophen with Fentanyl in Thoracic and Abdominal Surgeries of Newborns [Volume 7, Issue 7, 2019, Pages 9773-9781]
Forouzan, Arash
Ketamine Associated Vomiting in Children Requiring Sedation: A Prospective Randomized Open Trial Study [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2018, Pages 8611-8618]
Forouzan, Arash
Comparison of the Efficacy and Side Effects of Intravenous and Intramuscular Injection of Ketamine for Children Requiring Sedation: A Randomized Double-Blind Clinical Trial Study [Volume 7, Issue 5, 2019, Pages 9391-9397]
Forouzanfar, Ali
The Effects of Low Level Laser Therapy on the Expression of Collagen Type I Gene and Proliferation of Human Gingival Fibroblasts (Hgf3-Pi 53): in vitro Study [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 65-65]
Forozeshfard, Mohammad
Comparison of the Umbilical Cord Bacterial Colonization in Newborn Infants Rooming in with Mothers and Neonates Admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit [Volume 5, Issue 11, 2017, Pages 6009-6015]
Fotokian, Zahra
Iranian Mothers’ Cultural Beliefs about Weaning: a Cross-Sectional Study in West Mazandaran Province, Iran [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 12855-12864]
Fotokian, Zahra
The Effectiveness of Prone and Supine Positions on Body Temperature of Premature Neonates Admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 12989-12998]
Fotouhi, Akbar
Prognostic Factors for Improvement of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) [Volume 7, Issue 10, 2019, Pages 10235-10242]
Fotouhikia, Saeed
Investigating the Association of Cord Blood Resistin and Birth Weight in Term and Preterm Neonates [Volume 4, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 3769-3775]
Fouad, Hanan
Growth and Final Height in Children with Autoimmune Hepatitis; A long term observation [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 15695-15709]
Fouad, Hanan
Carotid Intima-Media Thickness in Children with Overweight/Obesity: A Single-center Study [Volume 10, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 15945-15956]
Fouladi, Bahareh
Prevalence of Anti-Erythrocyte Alloantibodies and Relevant Factors among the Patients with Thalassemia Major in Kermanshah, Iran [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 12023-12030]
Fouladi, Behnaz Shabani
Association of SARS-COV-2 Cycle Threshold Values with Clinical and Epidemiological Features of Children and Adolescents in Iran [Volume 10, Issue 6, 2022, Pages 16174-16181]
Fouladi, Behzad
A Study of Features of Backpack Carrying Methods by Schoolchildren: A Population-Based Study [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2018, Pages 8517-8525]
Froutan, Razieh
Intelligent Resilience of Pediatric Burn Nurses: A Qualitative Study [Volume 9, Issue 9, 2021, Pages 14497-14508]
F Zuber, Patrick Louis
Complications following Bacille Calmette-Guérin Vaccination in Children under the Age of 18 Months: A Multi-center Study [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 8867-8875]
Gaffari, Shamsi
Spontaneous Breathing Trial a Reliable Method for Weaning in Children [Volume 3, 3.2, 2015, Pages 707-712]
Galati, Maria Concetta
Predictors of Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) Resistance in Children with Kawasaki Disease in Calabria Region, Italy [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 9027-9036]
Galini Moghadam, Tahereh
Maternal Occupational Exposures and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes: An Overview of Meta- Analysis [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11341-11346]
Galini Moghadam, Tahereh
The Effect of Massage and Acupressure on Breast Engorgement: A Review [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11127-11232]
Galini Moghadam, Tahereh
Validation of the Persian Version of Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale in Iranian Women [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 12081-12089]
Gammoh, Yazan
A Profile of Visually Impaired Children: A Ten-Year Retrospective Study [Volume 11, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 17685-17697]
Gamsızkan, Zerrin
The Frequency of Atopic Dermatitis and Other Skin Manifestations in Infants with Cow’s Milk Proteın Allergy in Karabük, Turkey [Volume 9, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 13177-13184]
Ganapathy, Suja Mariam
CblC Type Methylmalonic Aciduria with a Novel Homozygous Mutation: A Case Report [Volume 6, Issue 9, 2018, Pages 8275-8280]
Ganbari, Vida
Bowel Obstruction in Children; Ultrasound or Abdominal X-ray? [Volume 11, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 17878-17886]
Ganesan, Sivaraman
A Cervical Thymic Cyst with Persistent Thymopharyngeal Tract: A Case Report [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7265-7270]
Gangel, Catherine
Evaluation of Clinical and Laboratory Data in Patients with Recurrent Infections and Suspected Immunodeficiency [Volume 2, 3.3, 2014, Pages 19-24]
Ganjei, Meisam
Pediatric Pancreatoblastoma: A Case Report [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 17527-17536]
Ganjeifar, Babak
Nondysraphic Huge Cervical Intramedullary Lipoma: a Case Report and a Review of Literature [Volume 10, Issue 6, 2022, Pages 16238-16245]
Ganjeifar, Babak
Evaluating the Results of Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Surgery in Pediatric Patients [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 17599-17605]
Ganji, Kamran
The Structural Modeling of the Health‐Oriented Behavior based on Psychological Capital among Students of Tehran: Time Horizon as a Mediator [Volume 9, Issue 8, 2021, Pages 14197-14210]
Ganji, Shalaleh
Weaning from ventilator and effect of Blender-Humidifier on outcome of it [Volume 2, 4.2, 2014, Pages 39-45]
Ganjibakhsh, Meysam
Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Derived from Adiopose Tissue and Placenta and the Adipocytic and Osteocytic Differentiation [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 39-39]
Garavi, Mohammad Javad
Study of Serologic Response Rate to Pertussis after Administration of the Third Dose of Pentavalent Vaccine in Children 12 Months Old in Karaj City, Iran [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7023-7031]
Garcia Verde, Maria Jesus
Use of Oral Sirolimus in Paediatric Patients with Serious Vascular Anomalies: Case Report [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 6873-6877]
Gargamo, Daniel Baza
Prevalence and Associated Factors on Timely Initiation of Breastfeeding among Mothers of Children Age Less Than 12 Months in Wolaita Sodo City, Wolaita, Ethiopia [Volume 8, Issue 12, 2020, Pages 12565-12574]
Gargouri, Abdeltif
A Comparative Analysis between Right and Left Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernias [Volume 6, Issue 7, 2018, Pages 7867-7868]
Gargouri, Lamia
Pneumatocele in Postpneumonic Empyema in Children: A Case Report [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6539-6540]
Gargouri, Lamia
A Fatal Case of Lithium Battery Ingestion in a 2-Month-Old Child: A Case Report [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6527-6528]
Gargouri, Lamia
Postoperative Intussusception in Children after Nissen Fundoplication: A Case Report [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 6897-6898]
Gargouri, Lamia
Congenital Pulmonary Malformations in Children: Diagnosis and Management in a Pediatric Department in a Low Source Country [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 6781-6782]
Gargouri, Lamia
Pleural Empyema in Children: Diagnosis and Management in a Pediatric Department in Development Country [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7167-7168]
Gargouri, Lamia
Pediatric Department Experience in the Treatment of Pulmonary Hydatid Cysts in Children [Volume 6, Issue 6, 2018, Pages 7717-7718]
Gasempor, Masomeh
Validity of Spo2 in Measuring of Oxygenation Index [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 1935-1941]
Gasempor, Masomeh
Validity of Spirometry for Diagnosis of Cough Variant Asthma [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6431-6438]
Gasemzadeh, Pari
The Association between Serum Lactate Level and Hospital Outcome in Children with Multi-Trauma [Volume 10, Issue 10, 2022, Pages 16794-16802]
Echocardiographic Follow-up in Aarskog-Scott Syndrome: Is It Useful? Report of AAS Twins with PFO [Volume 12, Issue 4, 2024, Pages 18787-18792]
Gassara, Goudja
Complications and Outcome of Severe Acute Malnutrition in children under Five in Africa: A Systematic Review [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2024, Pages 19040-19069]
Gattoo, Imran
Clinical Predictors of Hospital Admission in Children Aged 0-24 Months with Acute Bronchiolitis [Volume 3, 2.1, 2015, Pages 75-79]
Gattoo, Imran
Neonatal progeroid syndrome (Weidman Rautenstrauch syndrome): A case report from Jammu &Kashmir, India. [Volume 3, 2.1, 2015, Pages 93-97]
Gattoo, Imran
Correlation of Serum Zinc Level with Simple Febrile Seizures: A Hospital based Prospective Case Control Study [Volume 3, 2.2, 2015, Pages 509-515]
Gattoo, Imran
Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation (CCAM) of Lung in an Infant: A Case Report from Jammu & Kashmir, Northern India [Volume 3, 2.2, 2015, Pages 481-484]
Gayyed, Mariana Fathy
Resistive Index as a Marker of Renal Pathology in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease; Is It Useful? [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10659-10668]
Gazavi, Ahad
Study of Vitamin D Level in Children with Non-specific Musculoskeletal Pain [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 4533-4540]
Gazerani, Akram
children satisfaction of nursing care by drawing [Volume 2, 3.2, 2014, Pages 35-39]
Geerts, Dirk
Genetic and Epigenetic landscape of Germline Stem Cells [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 14-14]
Genamo, Edao
Assessment of Antibiotics Use for Hospitalized Children in Butajira General Hospital, Southern Part of Ethiopia [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 8845-8851]
Gerami, Hadis
Determining the Change of Hormonal and Biochemical Parameters in the Thalassemia Major Patients Over 3 Years [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 17383-17387]
Gerami, Mohammad Hasan
Determine the Effectiveness of Learning of Coping Strategies with Irrational Beliefs Based on the Theory of Rational-Emotional Alice on Attitudes to Communicate Before Married Female High School Students in Yazd- Iran [Volume 3, 6.2, 2015, Pages 1153-1060]
Gerami, Mohammad Hassan
Psychometric Properties of the Persian Version of Parenting Style and Dimensions Questionnaire: Application for Children`s Health-related Behaviors [Volume 4, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 3373-3380]
Gerami, Reza
Early Ductus Arteriosus Constriction: A Rare Case Presentation at 18 Weeks of Gestation [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11861-11866]
Geravandi, Azam
An in-depth Perspective Analysis for Developing a Social Marketing Model to Promote Female Adolescents’ Participation in Regular Physical Activities: A Qualitative Study [Volume 9, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 15094-15108]
GereyNurani, Abdulghafoor
The Relationship between Motor Skills and Language Performance in Mentally Retarded Children [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2023, Pages 18112-18122]
Getie, Addisu
Medication Prescribing Pattern at a Pediatric Ward of an Ethiopian Hospital [Volume 2, 4.2, 2014, Pages 23-30]
Geybei, Maedeh
An Evaluation of Predictive Factors for Pulmonary Valve Replacement after Total Correction in Children with tetralogy of Fallot [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2023, Pages 18055-18067]
Gghazanfarpour, Masumeh
The Effect of Aspirin on Preeclampsia: A Systematic Review [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11803-11811]
Ghadami, Ahmad
Effects of Abdominal Massage on Feeding Tolerance in Preterm Infants Hospitalized in Selected Hospitals of Isfahan- Iran [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 4503-4510]
Ghadami, Ahmad
Effects of Abdominal Massage on the Weight Gain of Preterm Infants Hospitalized in Selected Hospitals of Isfahan, Iran: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial [Volume 6, Issue 9, 2018, Pages 8153-8160]
Ghadami, Ali
Effects of Attitude towards Fashion on Participation of Adolescent Students in Physical Activity: Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 12893-12900]
Ghadami, Ali
The Impact of Teachers’ Cultural Capital on Participation of Adolescents’ Students in Physical Activity and Sport [Volume 9, Issue 8, 2021, Pages 14117-14124]
Ghaderi, Chiman
Effect of Education Based on the Health Belief Model (HBM) on Anemia Preventive Behaviors among Iranian Girl Students [Volume 5, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 5043-5052]
Ghaderi, Ebrahim
Correlation between Heart and Liver Iron Levels Measured by MRI T2* and Serum Ferritin in Patients with β-thalassemia Major [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 1559-1567]
Ghaderi, Ebrahim
The Training Effectiveness of Prevention Disability Package in High School Girls; a Community Intervention Trial [Volume 4, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 3907-3916]
Ghaderi, Ebrahim
The Prevalence of Transient and Permanent Congenital Hypothyroidism in Infants of Kurdistan Province, Iran (2006-2014) [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 4309-4318]
Ghaderi, Ebrahim
The Risk Factors in Children with Simple and Complex Febrile Seizures: An Epidemiological Study [Volume 5, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 5137-5144]
Ghaderi, Ebrahim
The Relationship between Maternal Diseases during Pregnancy and Low Birth Weight: a Nested Case-Control Study in Rural Areas of Kurdistan Province (West of Iran) [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2017, Pages 5501-5514]
Ghaderi, Fatemeh
The Effectiveness of Storytelling on Improving Auditory Memory of Students with Reading Disabilities in Marivan City, Iran [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2017, Pages 5515-5524]
Ghaderi, Fereshte
Autologous Stem Cell in CHF(When is more effective?) Intracoronary Administration of Autologous Bone Marrow Stem Cell in Chronic Heart Failure [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 26-26]
Ghaderi, Naseh
The Effect of Puberty Health Education based on Health Belief Model on Health Behaviors and Preventive among Teen Boys in Marivan, North West of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 3271-3281]
Ghaderi, Naseh
The Prevalence of Cigarette Smoking among Adolescents in Marivan city- Iran: Based on Health Belief Model [Volume 4, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 3405-3413]
Ghaderi, Naseh
Knowledge, Attitude and Nutritional Behavior of Female High School Students about Consumption of Calcium-Rich Foods in Khorramshahr City, South West of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 3837-3846]
Ghaderi, Naseh
Effect of Education Based on the Health Belief Model (HBM) on Anemia Preventive Behaviors among Iranian Girl Students [Volume 5, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 5043-5052]
Ghaderian, Maryam
The Association between Celiac Disease and Eosinophilic Esophagitis among Children, in Isfahan, Iran [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 15521-15528]
Ghaderian, Mehdi
Evaluation of Right Ventricular Function by Tissue Doppler Echocardiography in Asthmatic Children [Volume 4, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 3941-3948]
Ghaderian, Mehdi
Cardiac Involvement in Mild Cystic Fibrosis Lung Involvement Assessed by Tissue‐Doppler Echocardiography [Volume 7, Issue 10, 2019, Pages 10205-10214]
Ghaderifar, Shiva
Management of Biloma due to Biliary Tract Injury after Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in a patient with Atypical Anatomy: A Case Report [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9799-9802]
Ghaderifar, Shiva
Evaluation of the Use of Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy Following Rigid Bronchoscopy in Foreign Body Aspiration [Volume 9, Issue 5, 2021, Pages 13609-13615]
Ghadernejad, Hiva
Relationship between Transcutaneous and Serum Bilirubin in Preterm and Term Neonates before and during Phototherapy [Volume 8, Issue 12, 2020, Pages 12635-12642]
Ghadirzadeh, Erfan
Comparing the Hemodynamic Stability, Anti-Anxiety, and Sedation Effects of Intranasal Midazolam and Ketamine as Premedication in Pediatric Hernia Repair Surgery [Volume 11, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 17698-17705]
Ghaedi, Kamran
A Missense Mutation of G257A at Exon 3 in PEX7 CDS Was Responsible for the Incidence of Rhizomelic Chondrodysplasia Punctata Type 1 [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7193-7200]
Ghaedi Heidari, Fatemeh
Nurses' Attitudes and Beliefs about the Provocative Psychological Factors for Self-Injury: A Descriptive Qualitative Study [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 8941-8950]
Ghaedi Heidari, Fatemeh
Factors Associated with Non-Suicidal Self-Injury (NSSI) in Iran: A Narrative Systematic Review [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10785-10799]
Ghaemi, N
Evaluation of Bone Mineral Density in Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (NHL) [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 68-68]
Ghaemi, N
Comparison of Growth Impairment in Pediatric Patients with ALL, NHL Treated with Chemotherapy alone and Chemoradiotherapy [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 73-73]
Ghaemi, Nosrat
Precocious Puberty: An Unusual Presentation of Hypothyroidism [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 51-54]
Ghaemi, Nosrat
Bone Density in Pediatric Patients with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL): A Literature Review [Volume 3, 1.2, 2015, Pages 475-480]
Ghaemi, Nosrat
Comparison of Growth Parameters in Two Groups of Children with Chronic Renal Failure Treated with and without Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9883-9892]
Ghaemi, Nosrat
Frequency of Hyperglycemic Stress in Patients Referred to Emergency Department of Akbar Hospital in Mashhad Depending on the Type of Disease [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 15137-15144]
Ghaemi, Nosrat
The Effect of Glucocorticoid therapy on Bone Mineral Density in Children and Adolescents with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia [Volume 9, Issue 10, 2021, Pages 14569-14580]
Ghaemi, Nosrat
Prevalence of Testicular Adrenal Rest Tumor and Factors Associated with its Development in 6 Months to 18 Years-old Patients with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia [Volume 9, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 15022-15028]
Ghaemi, Nosrat
Transcobalamin Deficiency with the Mutation of Tcn2 in Children with the Primary Diagnosis of Methylmalonic Academia [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2023, Pages 18099-18103]
Ghaemi, Nosrat
A Comparative Study on Enteroviruses in Blood and Stool of Newly Diagnosed Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and Healthy Children [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2023, Pages 18157-18162]
Ghaemi, Sedighe
Is "Delayed Umbilical Cord Clamping" Beneficial for Premature Newborns? [Volume 5, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 4909-4918]
Ghaemi, Seyede Zahra
Comparison of 25-hydroxyvitamin D and Calcium Levels between Preeclampsia and Normal Pregnant Women and Birth Outcomes [Volume 3, 6.1, 2015, Pages 1047-1055]
Ghaemi, Seyede Zahra
The Effect of Cognitive Flexibility Training on Reduction of Cognitive Problems in Adolescents with Intellectual Disabilities [Volume 9, Issue 8, 2021, Pages 14254-14265]
Ghafari, Mahin
Physical Activity in Adolescent Girls and their Perceptions of Obesity Prevention in Shahr-e Kord, Iran [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 3249-3262]
Ghafarian, Nafise
The Study of Lophomonas Blattarum Infection in Children with Respiratory Symptoms: A Descriptive Clinical Study in North East of Iran [Volume 6, Issue 6, 2018, Pages 7797-7802]
Ghaffari, Fatemeh
Iranian Mothers’ Cultural Beliefs about Weaning: a Cross-Sectional Study in West Mazandaran Province, Iran [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 12855-12864]
Ghaffari, Javad
Mortality Rate in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU): A Local Center Experience [Volume 2, 3.2, 2014, Pages 81-88]
Ghaffari, Javad
Asthma Burden in the Hospitalized Patients in North of Iran [Volume 2, 4.1, 2014, Pages 257-266]
Ghaffari, Mohtasham
Related Factors of the Preventing Behaviors of HIV/AIDS among Young People: Applying the Extended Health Belief Model (EHBM) [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 2317-2328]
Ghaffari, Mohtasham
The Educational Intervention on People’s Behavior in terms of the Microbial Contaminations of Mobile Phones and the Possible Adverse Effects of their Beam [Volume 4, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 3977-3987]
Ghaffari, Mohtasham
Comparison of Two Methods of Direct and Indirect Education on Osteoporosis Preventive Behaviors among Female Students [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2017, Pages 5483-5492]
Ghaffari, Mohtasham
Some of the Strongest Predisposing Factors on the Behavior of Tooth Brushing among Iranian School Age Children [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 4783-4791]
Ghaffari, Mohtasham
Using Social Network of TELEGRAM for Education on Continued Breastfeeding and Complementary Feeding of Children among Mothers: a Successful Experience from Iran [Volume 5, Issue 7, 2017, Pages 5275-5286]
Ghaffari, Mohtasham
Effectiveness of Snack-centered Nutrition Education on Promoting Knowledge, Attitude, and Nutritional Behaviors in Elementary Students [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6495-6502]
Ghaffari, Mohtasham
Determinants of Fast Food Consumption among Students of Tehran: Application of Planned Behavior Theory [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2018, Pages 8307-8316]
Ghaffari, Mohtasham
Availability and Accessibility of Fruit and Vegetable in Home and School for Iranian Students: A Cross-sectional Research in Schools of Tehran, Iran [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 9013-9025]
Ghaffari, Mohtasham
Physical Literacy of 16-18-Years Adolescents: A Qualitative Study [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 15116-15125]
Ghaffari, Mohtasham
Attitudes of the Primiparous Mothers towards Exclusive Breastfeeding: Application of an indirect Measurement [Volume 10, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 16017-16027]
Ghaffari, Parisa
Determining Cardiovascular Complications in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease by Measuring Blood Pressure Using Ambulatory Blood Pressure Measurement and Traditional Auscultation Method [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 18681-18690]
Ghaffari, Shamsi
Cardiac Biomarkers for Early Detection of Cardiac Involvement in Children with Kawasaki Disease: A Cross-Sectional Study [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10573-10582]
Ghaffari, Shamsi
Predictive Factors of Influenza Outcome in Pediatric Patients by Pediatric Risk of Mortality (PRISM) III [Volume 8, Issue 12, 2020, Pages 12643-12650]
Ghaffari, Shamsi
The Clinical Outcome of Patients Undergoing Fontan Surgery; Over 10 Years of Experience in a Single Center [Volume 9, Issue 8, 2021, Pages 14225-14238]
Ghaffari, Shamsi
An Evaluation of Predictive Factors for Pulmonary Valve Replacement after Total Correction in Children with tetralogy of Fallot [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2023, Pages 18055-18067]
Ghaffarian Eidgahi Moghaddam, Nafiseh
Clinical and Laboratory Investigation of Children with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Referring to Lupus Clinic of Dr. Sheikh Hospital, Mashhad, Iran [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9893-9902]
Ghaffarian Zirak, Roshanak
The Association between Red Blood Cell Distribution Width and Metabolic Syndrome in Adolescent Girls [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 17416-17427]
Ghaffari Hoseini, Shervin
Seroprevalence of Helicobacter Pylori Infection in Iranian Adolescents: the CASPIAN- III Study [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 4251-4256]
Ghaffari Hoseini, Shervin
Association of Helicobacter Pylori Infection with Cardiometabolic Risk Factors among Iranian Adolescents: the CASPIAN III Study [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7045-7054]
Ghaffaripour, Hosseinali
Evaluation of Antibiotic Resistance Trend among Cystic Fibrosis Patients: A Single Center Study from 2014-2019 [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10719-10729]
Ghaffaripour, Hosseinali
Clinical and Laboratory Findings in Children with Covid-19 [Volume 12, Issue 9, 2024, Pages 18995-19007]
Ghaffaripour, Hosseinali
Clinical Manifestations and CT Scan Features in Children with COVID-19 [Volume 12, Issue 10, 2024, Pages 19070-19080]
Ghafouri, Houshyar
Health-Related Quality of Life in Iranian Patients with Thalassemia Major: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2018, Pages 8483-8494]
Ghafouri, Mahzad
The Relationship between 5-Year-Old Children’s Weight Percentiles and Their Family Dietary Habits [Volume 10, Issue 8, 2022, Pages 16545-16552]
Ghafouri-Fard, Soudeh
A New Nonsense Mutation in CDKL5 Gene in a Male Patient with Early Onset Refractory Epilepsy: a Case Report [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 1315-1318]
Ghafouri-Fard, Soudeh
Genetic Diagnosis of a Lethal Form of Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7033-7037]
Ghafouri-Fard, Soudeh
A CDH3 Mutation is Segregated in an Iranian Family with Congenital Hypotrichosis and Juvenile Macular Dystrophy [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 6999-7002]
Ghafouri-Fard, Soudeh
Autosomal Recessive Hypohidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia Caused by a Novel Mutation in EDAR Gene [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 6899-6902]
Ghaheri, Mahin
The Effectiveness of Viktor Frankl's Logo therapy on the Mental Health of Pediatric Patients with Cystic Fibrosis [Volume 9, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 13803-13810]
Ghahramanian, Akram
The Exploration of Culturally Sensitive Nursing Care in Pediatric Setting: a Qualitative Study [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 4329-4341]
Ghahramanlou, Mahya
Idiopathic Stevens-Johnson Syndrome in a Child: a Case Report [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 2113-2117]
Ghahremani, Golnar
Effects of Facilitated Tucking On Duration and Frequency of Crying During Rest among Hospitalized Premature Infants: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 7543-7552]
Ghahremani, Sara
Psychotherapy for Depression and Anxiety in Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS): A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 7, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 9169-9179]
Ghahremani, Sara
A Systematic Review of Psychometric Properties of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale in Iranian Population [Volume 7, Issue 5, 2019, Pages 9497-9505]
Ghahremani, Sara
Safety, Tolerability, and Efficacy of Acupuncture in Management of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS): A Systematic Review [Volume 7, Issue 6, 2019, Pages 9525-9533]
Ghahremani, Sara
Factors Affecting Child Labor in Iran: A Systematic Review [Volume 7, Issue 9, 2019, Pages 10067-10075]
Ghahremani, Sara
Comparison of Growth Parameters in Two Groups of Children with Chronic Renal Failure Treated with and without Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9883-9892]
Ghahremani, Sara
The Effect of Fennel on Infantile Colic: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 8, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 11087-11093]
Ghahremani, Sara
The effect of Aromatherapy on Pain, Itching, State Anxiety Levels and Respiratory Distress in Children with Burns: A Systematic Review [Volume 8, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 11189-11196]
Ghahremani, Sara
Guillain-Barre Syndrome following Cushing's Syndrome in a Pregnant Woman: A Case Report [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10651-10657]
Ghahremani, Sara
A Systematic Review of the Efficacy of Aromatherapy on Reducing the Duration of Hospitalization of Preterm Infants [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10681-10688]
Ghahremani, Sara
Association of Weight of Premature Infant and Aromatherapy: A Systematic Review [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10789-10798]
Ghahremani, Sara
A Case of Sigmoid Volvulus in Pregnancy: A Rare Emergency in Pregnancy [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10743-10747]
Ghahremani, Sara
The Effect of Peppermint on the Treatment of Nipple Fissure during Breastfeeding: A Systematic Review [Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 11527-11535]
Ghahremani, Sara
Investigating The Effect of Prescribing Vitamin C on Improving the Clinical Symptoms of Asthma in 2-12-Year-Old Children Hospitalized in the Pediatric Ward of Ghaem and Dr. Sheikh Hospitals, Mashhad, Iran [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11867-11875]
Ghahremani, Sara
Exposure to Magnetic Fields and Childhood Leukemia: An Overview of Meta-Analysis [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11361-11365]
Ghahremani, Sarah
Factorial Structures of Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire (PBQ): A Systematic Review [Volume 7, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 9295-9303]
Ghahremani, Sarah
Clinical and Laboratory Investigation of Children with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Referring to Lupus Clinic of Dr. Sheikh Hospital, Mashhad, Iran [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9893-9902]
Ghahremani, Sarah
The Effect of Fennel and Black Seed, on Breast milk, Prolactin Levels and Anthropometric Index in Human and Animal Samples: A Review [Volume 8, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 11063-11069]
Ghahremani, Sarah
Investigating the Effect of Prescribing Zinc Sulfate on Improving the Clinical Symptoms of Pneumonia in 2-59-Month-Old Children [Volume 8, Issue 11, 2020, Pages 12471-12479]
Ghahremani, Sarah
Comparison of the Efficacy of Fluvoxamine and Desmopressin-Oxybutynin Combination in the Treatment of Nocturnal Enuresis: A Clinical Trial [Volume 9, Issue 5, 2021, Pages 13479-13488]
Ghahremani, Sarah
Comparative Study of Serum Potassium Levels in Children with Febrile Seizures and Febrile Children without Seizures [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 13319-13324]
Ghahremani, Somaye
Comparative Study of Serum Potassium Levels in Children with Febrile Seizures and Febrile Children without Seizures [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 13319-13324]
Ghahremani, Somayeh
Use of Corticosteroid in Children with Unresponsiveness to Intravenous Immunoglobulin in Kawasaki Disease [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2017, Pages 5555-5560]
Ghahremani, Somayeh
Factorial Structures of Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire (PBQ): A Systematic Review [Volume 7, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 9295-9303]
Ghahremani, Somayeh
Investigating the Effect of Prescribing Zinc Sulfate on Improving the Clinical Symptoms of Pneumonia in 2-59-Month-Old Children [Volume 8, Issue 11, 2020, Pages 12471-12479]
Ghahremani, Somayeh
Effect of Magnetic Fields during Pregnancy on Fetal Growth and Preterm Labor: A Review Article [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11371-11375]
Ghahremanloo, Mahya
Anaplastic Kinase-Positive Large T-cell Lymphoma Simultaneous with Tuberculosis in a Child: a Case Report [Volume 10, Issue 9, 2022, Pages 16719-16728]
Ghahri Sarabi, Alireza
The Effect of Abdominal Touch on Nutritional Tolerance in Premature Infants: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trail [Volume 6, Issue 8, 2018, Pages 8119-8128]
Ghahrodizadehabyaneh, Bahareh
The Role of Exosomes in the Pathogenesis of Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR): Future Perspective [Volume 11, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 17979-17989]
Ghaini, Shahrzad
The Prevalence of Dental Anomalies among 12-18- Year- Old Patients Referred to the Orthodontics Department of Kerman Dental School [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 17306-17313]
Ghajari, Haydeh
Knowledge, Attitude and Nutritional Behavior of Female High School Students about Consumption of Calcium-Rich Foods in Khorramshahr City, South West of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 3837-3846]
Ghajari, Haydeh
Psychological Determinants of Sunscreen Use among Iranian Students: A Theory Based Cross-Sectional Study [Volume 6, Issue 5, 2018, Pages 7673-7681]
Ghajarzadeh, Mahsa
Prevalence of Helicobacter Pylori in Iranian Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Study [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 13309-13321]
Ghalandarpoor-Attar, Seyedeh Mojgan
Sonographic Cervical Markers at the Second Trimester for the Prediction of Preterm Birth [Volume 11, Issue 9, 2023, Pages 18192-18201]
Ghalavand, Azadeh
Evaluation of Cumulative Effective Radiation Dose in Patients Under 12 Years of Age [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 17299-17305]
Ghalebizadeh, Samaneh
Effect of Magnetic Fields during Pregnancy on Fetal Growth and Preterm Labor: A Review Article [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11371-11375]
Ghalehgolab Behbahan, Afshin
Epidemiology and Risk Factors of Diabetic Nephropathy in Children and Adolescents [Volume 10, Issue 8, 2022, Pages 16449-16459]
Ghalizadeh, Masoumeh
The Comparison of the Analgesic Effect of Intravenous Acetaminophen with Fentanyl in Thoracic and Abdominal Surgeries of Newborns [Volume 7, Issue 7, 2019, Pages 9773-9781]
Ghaljaei, fereshteh
The Effects of Sandplay Therapy on Anxiety and Sleep Habits of Children with Cancer Undergoing Chemotherapy: A Quasi-Experimental Study [Volume 11, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 17721-17728]
Ghaljaei, Fereshteh
Hypophosphatemia Dependent Rickets with Failure to Thrive (FTT) in a 4- Years Old Child: a Case Report [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 4303-4308]
Ghaljaei, Fereshteh
Spiritual Challenges Experienced by Nurses in Neonatal End of Life: A Qualitative Study [Volume 6, Issue 9, 2018, Pages 8161-8175]
Ghaljaei, Fereshteh
The Effectiveness of Mother's Recorded Voice on the Pain and Anxiety in Pediatric Undergoing Surgery: A Randomized Clinical Trial Study [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 13067-13075]
Ghaljaei, Fereshteh
The Effect of Distance Teaching to Mothers on Primary School Boys’ Sleep Habits Related to Computer Games: A Quasi-experimental Study [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 15653-15663]
Ghaljeh, Mahnaz
The Effectiveness of Family- Centered Education on Quality of Life and Readmission in Children with Nephrotic Syndrome [Volume 9, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 13843-13851]
Ghaljeh, Mahnaz
The Effect of Distance Teaching to Mothers on Primary School Boys’ Sleep Habits Related to Computer Games: A Quasi-experimental Study [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022, Pages 15653-15663]
Ghamarchehreh, Mohammad Ebrahim
Association of SARS-COV-2 Cycle Threshold Values with Clinical and Epidemiological Features of Children and Adolescents in Iran [Volume 10, Issue 6, 2022, Pages 16174-16181]
Ghanad, Fatemeh
Endocrine Disorders in Beta thalassemia Major Patients [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2017, Pages 5531-5538]
Ghanadian, Mustafa
Nutraceuticals in Hyperlipidemic Children: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 1569-1578]
Ghanaei, Omid
The Role of Pathological Staging in Selection of Appropriate Treatment Option for Autoimmune Hepatitis: Findings of a prospective Observational Study [Volume 4, Issue 10, 2016, Pages 3727-3733]
Ghanaei, Omid
The Effect of Melatonin on Pediatric Drug-Resistant Epilepsy; a Randomized Double Blind Clinical Trial [Volume 4, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 3897-3906]
Ghanaei Chamanabad, Ali
The Profile of Functional Emotional Development of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders from the Perspective of Developmental, Individual Differences(DIR), Relationship-based Approach [Volume 2, 4.1, 2014, Pages 245-256]
Ghanavi, Jalaledin
Investigating the Effect of TNF α (-863) and TNF α (-308) genes Polymorphism on the Progression of Disease in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis [Volume 7, Issue 11, 2019, Pages 10335-10341]
Ghanavi, Jalaledin
Evaluation of miR-301b and miR-302b Expressions in the Serum of Cystic Fibrosis Patients and their Association with Clinical Scoring System [Volume 9, Issue 11, 2021, Pages 14907-14913]
Ghanbaipanah, Afsaneh
Structural Model of Students' Academic Motivation based on the Teacher-Student Relationship, School Attachment, and Metacognitive Awareness through Self-Mediation [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 13077-13090]
Ghanbari, Amir Mohammad
Can Weight Gain Predict the Outcome of Childhood Leukemia? [Volume 11, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 17739-17748]
Ghanbari, Atefeh
The effect of foot reflexology massage on pain during vaccine injection in infants referred to Rasht Comprehensive Health Center: A randomized clinical trial [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 17366-17373]
Ghanbari, Niloufar
The Effect of Outpatient Management of Cystic Fibrosis Exacerbation on Pulmonary Function Tests: A Clinical Trial [Volume 10, Issue 6, 2022, Pages 16121-16126]
Ghanbari, Solmaz
The Effect of Prenatal Home Visiting for Adolescent Mothers on Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 6945-6962]
Ghanbari Homayi, Solmaz
Psychometric Properties of the Revised Osteoporosis Knowledge Test in Iranian Adolescent [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 8959-8968]
Ghanbaripanah, Afsaneh
Providing a Model for Explaining the Impact of Achievement Goals, Social Comparison, Cognitive-Emotional Trust, and mismatch between effort and reward on student cheating behavior [Volume 9, Issue 8, 2021, Pages 14240-14253]
Ghanbaripanah, Afsaneh
Modeling the Cognitive Flexibility and Academic Engagement based on Self-Regulation, Psychological Hardiness and Self-Differentiation with Mediation of Family Functioning in High School Students [Volume 9, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 13281-13295]
Ghanbarpoor Nosrati, Amir
The Association between Physical Activity in Leisure Time and Juvenile Delinquency in Detained Boys in Yazd Prison [Volume 3, 5.1, 2015, Pages 871-878]
Ghanbarzadeh, Nahid
The Relationship between Periodontal Disease, Preterm Delivery, and Low Birth Weight of Infants: A Case-Control Study [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 17665-17672]
Ghandi, Yazdan
Effect of Average Annual Mean Serum Ferritin Levels on QTc Interval and QTc Dispersion in Beta-Thalassemia Major [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2017, Pages 5431-5440]
Ghandi, Yazdan
Atrial and Ventricular Electrocardiographic Dromotropic Disturbances in Down Syndrome Patients with Structurally Normal Heart: A Cross-Sectional Study [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 7345-7351]
Ghandi, Yazdan
The Relationship of Child Abuse and Functional Constipation in Children: A Case-Control Study [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9873-9882]
Ghandi, Yazdan
Right Ventricular Non-Compaction Cardiomyopathy in Children: Brief Review Literature [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11719-11725]
Ghandi, Yazdan
Evaluation of Clinical Manifestation, Demographics Parameters and Causes of Chest Pain in Children [Volume 8, Issue 11, 2020, Pages 12409-12419]
Ghandi, Yazdan
Clinical and Laboratory Characteristics of Kawasaki Disease in Iran: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis [Volume 8, Issue 12, 2020, Pages 12659-12673]
Ghandi, Yazdan
Chest CT Features in Pediatric Patients with COVID‐19 Infection: A Brief Review Article [Volume 9, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 13421-13427]
Ghane, Maryam
Body Fat Percentage in Active and Inactive Students Using Anthropometric Parameters [Volume 2, 4.3, 2014, Pages 391-398]
Ghanei Gheshlagh, Reza
Health-Related Quality of Life in Iranian Patients with Thalassemia Major: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2018, Pages 8483-8494]
Ghane sharbaf, Fateme
The Relationship between Chronic Constipation and Urinary Tract Infection in Children: A Case-Control Clinical Study [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 5715-5721]
Ghane sharbaf, Fateme
Neonatal Urinary Ascites: A Case Report [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10481-10484]
Ghane Sharbaf, Fatemeh
Comparison of Growth Parameters in Two Groups of Children with Chronic Renal Failure Treated with and without Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9883-9892]
Ghane Sharbaf, Fatemeh
Clinical and Laboratory Investigation of Children with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Referring to Lupus Clinic of Dr. Sheikh Hospital, Mashhad, Iran [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9893-9902]
Ghanipour Badelbuu, Sima
Effects of Aloe Vera Gel versus Chamomile Ointment on extent of Diaper Dermatitis in Children: A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial [Volume 7, Issue 5, 2019, Pages 9461-9469]
Gharaaghaji, Rasool
Estimating Steatosis Prevalence in Overweight and Obese Children: Comparison of Bayesian Small Area and Direct Methods [Volume 4, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 3391-3397]
Gharaaghaji, Rasool
Application of Theory of Planned Behavior to Improve Obesity-Preventive Lifestyle among Students: A School-based Interventional Study [Volume 5, Issue 11, 2017, Pages 6057-6067]
Gharaei Jomehei, Masoud
The Efficacy of Meperidine for Pain Management in Orthopedic, Dental, and General Surgery in Children: A Review Study [Volume 8, Issue 10, 2020, Pages 12305-12316]
Gharagozlou, Mohammad
Effect of Education on Asthma Control in Children: A Quasi- Experimental Study [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6421-6429]
Gharagozlou, Mohammad
The Association between Neonatal Icterus or Neonatal Phototherapy and the Likelihood of Childhood Asthma among Iranian Children [Volume 7, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 9133-9138]
Gharajedaghy, Hadi
Predictors of Exclusive Breastfeeding in the First Six Months: A Cross-sectional Study in Ardabil, Northwest of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 11, 2024, Pages 19116-19125]
Gharavi, M
Anesthesia related Complications in Pediatric GI Endoscopy [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 42-42]
Gharavi, Mohammad
“Manually Ventilating Test” in Anesthesia Management of Children with Massive Anterior Mediastinal Masses Requiring Tracheal Intubation.A case series [Volume 2, 3.2, 2014, Pages 77-80]
Gharavi, Mohammand Javad
Association of Helicobacter Pylori Infection with Cardiometabolic Risk Factors among Iranian Adolescents: the CASPIAN III Study [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7045-7054]
Gharavi fard, Mohammad
Evaluation of the Effect of Amino Acid Administration on Hypothermia during General Anesthesia in Hypospadias Surgery on Children Aged 2 to 6 Years [Volume 2, 3.1, 2014, Pages 203-210]
Gharavi fard, Mohammad
Case Report of a Vanished Aspirated Foreign Body; Cough may be more Helpful [Volume 7, Issue 5, 2019, Pages 9363-9367]
Gharegozlou, Behnaz
Seroprevalence of Helicobacter Pylori Infection in Iranian Adolescents: the CASPIAN- III Study [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 4251-4256]
Gharegozlou, Behnaz
Association of Helicobacter Pylori Infection with Cardiometabolic Risk Factors among Iranian Adolescents: the CASPIAN III Study [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 7045-7054]
Gharehdaghli, Leila
Idiopathic Perforation of the Sigmoid Colon in a 2.5 Years Old Girl: A Case Report [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 5709-5713]
Ghari, Soheyla
Evaluation of Hepatic Complications for High Dose Methotrexate in Children: 10 Years after Treatment of Malignancy [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 13059-13066]
Gharib, Alireza
Noninvasive Stem Cell Labeling Using USPIO Technique and their Detection with MRI [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 66-66]
Gharib, Behdad
A 13.5- Year Old Boy with Abdominal Pain and Weight Loss and Chronic Intussusception [Volume 5, Issue 11, 2017, Pages 6041-6046]
Gharib, Behdad
The Association between Neonatal Icterus or Neonatal Phototherapy and the Likelihood of Childhood Asthma among Iranian Children [Volume 7, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 9133-9138]
Gharib, Behdad
The Very Rare Concurrency of Herpes Zoster and Varicella in a 4-Year-Old Boy [Volume 8, Issue 6, 2020, Pages 11425-11428]
Gharibi, Fardin
A Comparison between Transcutaneous Bilirubin (TcB) and Total Serum Bilirubin (TSB) Measurements in Term Neonates [Volume 3, 3.1, 2015, Pages 633-641]
Gharibi, Fardin
Effects of Parents' Education on Dental Fissure Sealant Rate of Preschool Children Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 13021-13030]
Gharibnaseri, Zahra
Medication Cost of Enzyme Replacement Therapy for Mucopolysaccharidoses in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 14988-14996]
Gharibnavaz, Hassan
Cognitive Determinants of Influenza Preventive Behaviors among Students: an Application of the Health Belief Model (HBM) [Volume 6, Issue 6, 2018, Pages 7833-7841]
Gharlipour, Zabihollah
Related Factors of the Preventing Behaviors of HIV/AIDS among Young People: Applying the Extended Health Belief Model (EHBM) [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 2317-2328]
Gharlipour, Zabihollah
Physical Activity in Adolescent Girls and their Perceptions of Obesity Prevention in Shahr-e Kord, Iran [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 3249-3262]
Gharlipour, Zabihollah
Investigation of the Knowledge and Skill of Proper Consumption of Fruit and Vegetables among Shahrekord Adolescent Girls [Volume 4, Issue 10, 2016, Pages 3699-3707]
Gharlipour, Zabihollah
Factors Affecting Oral-Dental Health in Children in the Viewpoints of Mothers Referred to the Health Centers in Qom City: Using the Health Belief Model [Volume 4, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 3449-3460]
Gharlipour, Zabihollah
Motivating and Inhibiting Factors to Oral-Dental Health Behavior in Adolescents: a Cross-Sectional Study [Volume 4, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 3777-3785]
Gharlipour, Zabihollah
Related Factors of Physical Activity Preventive Behavior of Osteoporosis Based on Health Belief Model among Teen Girls in Qom City, Iran [Volume 4, Issue 10, 2016, Pages 3579-3586]
Gharlipour, Zabihollah
Study of the Relationship between Meconium Passage and Newborns Birth Weight and its related factors in Pregnant Women [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 4185-4192]
Gharlipour, Zabihollah
Nutritional Preventive Behavior of Osteoporosis in Female Students: Applying Health Belief Model (HBM) [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 4137-4144]
Gharlipour, Zabihollah
Effects of a Nutrition Education Intervention Designed based on the Health Belief Model (HBM) on Reducing the Consumption of Unhealthy Snacks in the Sixth Grade Primary School Girls [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 4361-4370]
Gharlipour, Zabihollah
Effect of Educational Program on Milk Consumption based on the Theory of Planned Behavior among Girl Students [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 4793-4802]
Gharlipour, Zabihollah
Associated Factors of Milk Consumption among Students: Using Health Belief Model (HBM) [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 4439-4448]
Gharlipour, Zabihollah
Study of the Safe Behavior in Road Crossing Using the Theory of Planned Behavior among Middle School Students [Volume 5, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 5003-5012]
Gharlipour, Zabihollah
Association between perceived self-efficacy, outcome expectations and outcome evaluation and fruit and vegetables consumption in adolescent girls [Volume 5, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 4889-4898]
Gharlipour, Zabihollah
The Effectiveness of Education Based on BASNEF Model on Promoting Preventive Behavior of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Students [Volume 5, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 5125-5136]
Gharlipour, Zabihollah
The Determination of Physical Activity among Girl Adolescents based on Trans-theoretical model (TTM) [Volume 5, Issue 7, 2017, Pages 5315-5326]
Gharlipour, Zabihollah
Puberty Health Status among Adolescent Girls: A Model- based Educational Program [Volume 5, Issue 7, 2017, Pages 5369-5378]
Ghasab Shirazi, Morvarid
A Nutrition Education Intervention Trial for Adolescent Girls in Isfahan: Study Design and Protocol [Volume 4, Issue 11, 2016, Pages 3847-3857]
Ghasab Shirazi, Morvarid
Prevalence of Home Smoking Bans and its Determinants in Families with Infants [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 6987-6997]
Ghasemi, A
Evaluation of Bone Mineral Density in Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (NHL) [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 68-68]
Ghasemi, A
Comparison of Growth Impairment in Pediatric Patients with ALL, NHL Treated with Chemotherapy alone and Chemoradiotherapy [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 73-73]
Ghasemi, Abdolrahim
Investigating Diverse Structure of Pulmonary Blood Vessels in Patients with Combined Pulmonary Atresia and Ventricular Septal Defect and Examining the Effect on Surgery Result [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 10941-10949]
Ghasemi, Abdolrahim
The Relationship between Serum Levels of Cardiac Enzymes and Junctional Ectopic Tachycardia (JET) after Cardiac Surgery of Congenital Heart Disease [Volume 8, Issue 12, 2020, Pages 12675-12683]
Ghasemi, Ali
Coagulation Abnormalities in Pediatric Patients with Congenital Heart Disease: A Literature Review [Volume 2, 2.2, 2014, Pages 141-143]
Ghasemi, Ali
Effects of Nutritional variables in children with iron deficiency anemia [Volume 2, 3.1, 2014, Pages 183-187]
Ghasemi, Ali
Bilateral Spontaneous Hemothorax with PNET: a case report and review [Volume 2, 3.1, 2014, Pages 217-219]
Ghasemi, Ali
Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Thalassemia [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 23-23]
Ghasemi, Ali
Autologous Stem Cell in CHF(When is more effective?) Intracoronary Administration of Autologous Bone Marrow Stem Cell in Chronic Heart Failure [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 26-26]
Ghasemi, Ali
General Anesthesia for Lumbar Puncture and Bone Marrow Aspiration /Biopsy in Children [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 61-61]
Ghasemi, Ali
Evaluation of Therapeutic Effects of Autologous Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Prevent the Progression of Chronic Nephropathy in Renal Transplant [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 83-84]
Ghasemi, Ali
Effect of Peppermint on Medical Team’s Satisfaction During Pediatric's Endoscopic Examination of gastrointestinal (GI) System [Volume 2, 4.1, 2014, Pages 233-237]
Ghasemi, Ali
External Genital Abnormalities and Inguinal Hernia among Males of Children Nurseries, North West of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 1407-1411]
Ghasemi, Ali
The Effect of Vitamin E on Cisplatin Induced Nephrotoxicity: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10767-10773]
Ghasemi, Ali
Presentation of Sonographic Features of Pulmonary Invasive Fungal Disease in Six Children with Leukemia [Volume 9, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 13203-13211]
Ghasemi, Ali
Effects of Nocospray Disinfection Device on the Reduction of Children’s Hospital Acquired Infections [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 17628-17635]
Ghasemi, Ali
Antibiotic Resistance Pattern in Nosocomial Infections in Children's Hospital [Volume 12, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 18691-18699]
Ghasemi, Elahe
Frequency of Urinary Tract Pathogens and the Pattern of Antibiotic Resistance among Iranian Children [Volume 11, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 17769-17780]
Ghasemi, Elham
Investigating the Impact of Metformin Consumption on the Incidence of Gestational Diabetes and Preeclampsia in Pregnant Women Suffering Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 8, Issue 6, 2020, Pages 11383-11392]
Ghasemi, Erfan
Predictor Factors of Breastfeeding Attitude in Iranian Breastfeeding Mothers: A Cross-Sectional Study [Volume 7, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 9103-9113]
Ghasemi, Gholamreza
The Relationship between Social Physique Anxiety and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders with Eating Problems among Adolescent [Volume 3, 5.2, 2015, Pages 959-963]
Ghasemi, Heshmat
Polysomnographic Findings between Obese and Non-Obese Pediatrics with Obstructive Sleep Apnea [Volume 9, Issue 12, 2021, Pages 14929-14940]
Ghasemi, Maedeh
Prevalence of Internet Addiction and its Association with General Health Status among High School Students in Isfahan, Iran [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10799-10806]
Ghasemi, Marzieh
Pregnancy Rates of Embryo Transfer: Measuring the Uterus Length with Transvaginal Ultrasound in Art Freeze Cycles Compared with the Conventional Experimental Method [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 17646-17653]
Ghasemi, Tayyeb
Acute Hepatorenal Dose Dependent Toxicity of Teucrium Polium Hydro Alcoholic Extract in Rat [Volume 7, Issue 9, 2019, Pages 10099-10107]
Ghasemi, Vida
Translation and Psychometric Evaluation of the Iranian Version of Iowa Infant Feeding Attitude Scale (IIFAS) [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2018, Pages 8549-8559]
Ghasemi, Vida
The Effect of Breastfeeding Duration on Bone Mineral Density (BMD): A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 8831-8843]
Ghasemi, Vida
Predictor Factors of Breastfeeding Attitude in Iranian Breastfeeding Mothers: A Cross-Sectional Study [Volume 7, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 9103-9113]
Ghasemi, Vida
The Effect of Peer Education on Health Promotion of Iranian Adolescents: A Systematic Review [Volume 7, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 9139-9157]
Ghasemi, Vida
The Effect of Interventions on Breastfeeding Self-efficacy by Using Bandura's Theory in Iranian Mothers: A Systematic Review [Volume 7, Issue 8, 2019, Pages 9939-9954]
Ghasemi, Vida
Barriers of Adolescents' Access to Reproductive and Sexual Health Services in Iran: A Systematic Review [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10505-10522]
Ghasemi Adl, Mojtaba
A Comparative Evaluation of the Clinical Course, Laboratory Data and Chest CT scan Findings in Pediatric Patients with Covid-19 and Their Prognostic Value in Disease Outcome Estimation [Volume 11, Issue 10, 2023, Pages 18327-18339]
Ghasemi Tehrani, Hatav
Is "Delayed Umbilical Cord Clamping" Beneficial for Premature Newborns? [Volume 5, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 4909-4918]
Ghasemkani, Mehrana
Comparative Assessment of Ultrasound Placental Findings in Small for Gestational Age and Normal-Weight Fetuses [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10781-10788]
Ghasempisheh, Mahsa
Genetic Counseling for Families with Sporadic Intellectual Disability in North of Iran: A Retrospective Study [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11709-11718]
Ghasempour, Masoumeh
Spontaneous Breathing Trial a Reliable Method for Weaning in Children [Volume 3, 3.2, 2015, Pages 707-712]
Ghasempour, Masoumeh
The Role of Spirometry in the Diagnosis of Cough Variant Asthma in Children Aged 5 to 15 Years [Volume 5, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 6329-6336]
Ghasempour, Masoumeh
Positive Expiratory Pressure (PEP) versus Conventional Chest Physiotherapy in Pediatric Patients with Acute Exacerbation of Cystic Fibrosis [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 8881-8888]
Ghasempour, Masumeh
Spirometry Findings Following Treatment with Oral and Inhalant Corticosteroids in Mild to Moderate Asthma Exacerbation in Children [Volume 2, 4.3, 2014, Pages 355-361]
Ghasempour, Masumeh
Effects of Reflection on Clinical Learning of Medical Students [Volume 3, 2.1, 2015, Pages 39-44]
Ghasempour, Mostafa
Maternal Occupational Exposures and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes: An Overview of Meta- Analysis [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11341-11346]
Ghasempour, Sare
Prevalence and Risk Factors for Parental Violence against Children: A Review Study [Volume 9, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 13127-13135]
Ghasempour, Zahra
Comparing the Effect of Kangaroo Mother Care and Massage on Preterm Infant Pain Score, Stress, Anxiety, Depression, and Stress Coping Strategies of Their Mothers [Volume 9, Issue 10, 2021, Pages 14508-14519]
Ghasemzadeh, Hoseyn
Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties of Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale in Women with a Sick Child [Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 11581-11586]
Ghasemzadeh, Mohammad Javad
The Relationship between Pneumonia with Parental Smoking in Children under 10 Years Old: A Case- Control Study [Volume 6, Issue 6, 2018, Pages 7791-7796]
Ghasemzadeh, N
Ethical Aspects of Obesity Management in Children [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 83-83]
Ghassemi, Ali
Bone Density in Pediatric Patients with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL): A Literature Review [Volume 3, 1.2, 2015, Pages 475-480]
Ghatreh-Samani, Mehdi
The Relationship of Serum Levels of Gamma Interferon and its Receptor (CD119) to Development of BCG Axillary Lymphadenopathy [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10595-10603]
Ghavami, Badriyeh
The Effectiveness of Storytelling on Improving Auditory Memory of Students with Reading Disabilities in Marivan City, Iran [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2017, Pages 5515-5524]
Ghavami, Vahid
Microbial Air Monitoring in the Pediatric Burn Ward: Experience at the University Hospital of Mashhad, Iran [Volume 9, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 14061-14075]
Ghavami Shahri, Seyed Hosein
Differentiation of Biliary Atresia from the Intrahepatic Etiology of Infantile Cholestasis with Alagille Criteria [Volume 10, Issue 9, 2022, Pages 16699-16704]
Ghavami Shahri, Seyed Hossein
Hemi-Central Retinal Vein Occlusion in a Premature Infant: A Case Report [Volume 10, Issue 6, 2022, Pages 16252-16255]
Ghavami Shahri, Seyed Hossein
Periorbital Ecthyma Gangrenosum Due to Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Septicemia in an Infant with Sepsis: A Case Report [Volume 10, Issue 7, 2022, Pages 16428-16433]
Ghavami Shahri, Seyed Hossein
Dilemma of Retained Intraorbital Fragment of Pencil [Volume 10, Issue 9, 2022, Pages 16758-16765]
Ghavami Shahri, Seyed Hossein
Hydatid Cyst Presented With Orbital Cellulitis Manifestation: A Case Report and Brief Literature Review [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 17537-17543]
Ghavami Shahri, Seyed Hossein
Incontinentia Pigmenti in an Infant Suspected of Retinoblastoma [Volume 11, Issue 5, 2023, Pages 17837-17840]
Ghavami Shahri, Seyed Hossein
Spontaneous Bilateral Suprachoroidal Hemorrhage in a Child with Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura: A Case Report [Volume 11, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 18008-18012]
Ghavami Shahri, Seyed Hossein
Retinopathy of Prematurity: Treatment-Needed Patients, Treatment Complications, and Recurrence Rate [Volume 11, Issue 8, 2023, Pages 18104-18111]
Ghavi, Alireza
Diagnostic Value of Technetium-99m-Dimercaptosuccinic Acid Scintigraphy in Prediction of Vesicoureteral Reflux in Children with First-time Febrile Urinary Tract Infection [Volume 5, Issue 11, 2017, Pages 6031-6040]
Ghavi, Saeeid
The Prevalence of Transient and Permanent Congenital Hypothyroidism in Infants of Kurdistan Province, Iran (2006-2014) [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 4309-4318]
Ghayebi, E
Metabolic Disturbances in Children with Chronic Liver Disease [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 52-52]
Ghayebi, E
Mineral Requirements in Children with Chronic Liver Disease [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 53-53]
Ghayoor, Ehsan
Transcobalamin Deficiency with the Mutation of Tcn2 in Children with the Primary Diagnosis of Methylmalonic Academia [Volume 11, Issue 7, 2023, Pages 18099-18103]
Ghayoor Karimiani, Ehsan
Presentation of DNA Methyltransferase 3 Beta Mutation with Immune Deficiency and Dilation of Aorta and Esophagus [Volume 10, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 15998-16004]
Ghayour-mobarhan, Majid
The Association between Red Blood Cell Distribution Width and Metabolic Syndrome in Adolescent Girls [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 17416-17427]
Ghayour Mobarhan, M
Determinants of Nutritional Status in Children living in Mashhad, Iran [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 23-23]
Ghayour Mobarhan, M
Effect Supermint oil (peppermint oil) on Patient Satisfaction and the Colonoscopy team during Colonoscopy [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 25-25]
Ghayour Mobarhan, M
The Effect of Music on Pain, Anxiety and Vital Signs of Children during Colonoscopy [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 26-26]
Ghayour Mobarhan, M
Effect Supermint oil (Peppermint oil) on children's pain during Colonoscopy [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 31-31]
Ghayour Mobarhan, M
Comparison of Zinc Level between Neonates with Jaundice and Healathy Neonates [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 34-34]
Ghayour Mobarhan, M
Effect Supermint oil (Peppermint oil) on the Patient's and Colonoscopy Team Satisfaction During Colonoscopy in Children [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 62-62]
Ghayour Mobarhan, Majid
Determinants of Nutritional Status in Children living in Mashhad, Iran [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 9-18]
Ghayour Mobarhan, Majid
Isolation, Characterization and Differentiation of Rat Adipose Tissue Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells [Volume 2, 2.3, 2014, Pages 41-41]
Ghayour- Mobarhan, M
The Study of Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Ulcerative Colitis [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 78-78]
Ghayour-Mobarhan, M
Wilson’s Disease: Nutrition Support [Volume 2, 2.1, 2014, Pages 72-72]
Ghayour-Mobarhan, Majid
Evaluation of Neck Circumference as Potential Marker for Metabolic Syndrome in Children [Volume 9, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 13865-13874]
Ghayour-Mobarhan, Majid
The Effectiveness of a Family-Centered Behavioral Modification Package in Improving the Eating Behavior, Bmi Percentile and Abdominal Circumference of Obese School-Age Girls: A Randomized Controlled Trial [Volume 11, Issue 11, 2023, Pages 18371-18382]
Ghazaeian, Monireh
Dexmedetomidine versus Fentanyl in Children Undergoing Central Venous Catheter Placement at the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit: A Randomized Double-Blind Clinical Trial [Volume 10, Issue 5, 2022, Pages 16005-16016]
Ghazanfari, Sadegh
Determining Inequality and Trend of Geographic Accessibility to Pediatricians in Iran: 2007-2013 [Volume 3, 2.1, 2015, Pages 51-58]
Ghazanfari, Sadegh
Decomposition Socioeconomic Inequality in Infant Mortality in EMRO Countries [Volume 3, 4.1, 2015, Pages 749-756]
Ghazanfarpour, Masoumeh
Most Common Herbal Medicines in the Treatment of Iranian Children: A Systematic Review [Volume 2, 4.3, 2014, Pages 437-444]
Ghazanfarpour, Masumeh
Childbearing Motivation in Iranian Engaged Couples: A Structural Equation Model [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 7563-7568]
Ghazanfarpour, Masumeh
Psychotherapy for Postpartum Depression in Iranian Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 6, Issue 6, 2018, Pages 7781-7790]
Ghazanfarpour, Masumeh
Curriculum Development in Midwife Education: A Systematic Review [Volume 6, Issue 7, 2018, Pages 7973-7981]
Ghazanfarpour, Masumeh
The Relationship between Abuse during Pregnancy and Pregnancy Outcomes: An Overview of Meta –Analysis [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2018, Pages 8399-8405]
Ghazanfarpour, Masumeh
A Systematic Review of Factorial Structure of the Iowa Infant Feeding Attitude Scale (IIFAS) [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2018, Pages 8413-8422]
Ghazanfarpour, Masumeh
A Systematic Review of Psychometric Properties of Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale-Short Form (BSES-SF) [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2018, Pages 8619-8630]
Ghazanfarpour, Masumeh
A Systematic Review of Instruments Measuring Family and Social Support of Breastfeeding Mothers [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 8821-8829]
Ghazanfarpour, Masumeh
Psychometric Properties of Breastfeeding Attrition Prediction Tool (BAPT): A Systematic Review [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 8993-9001]
Ghazanfarpour, Masumeh
Psychotherapy for Depression and Anxiety in Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS): A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 7, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 9169-9179]
Ghazanfarpour, Masumeh
Curriculum Development in Pediatric Education: A Systematic Review [Volume 7, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 9197-9205]
Ghazanfarpour, Masumeh
Factorial Structures of Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire (PBQ): A Systematic Review [Volume 7, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 9295-9303]
Ghazanfarpour, Masumeh
A Systematic Review of Psychometric Properties of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale in Iranian Population [Volume 7, Issue 5, 2019, Pages 9497-9505]
Ghazanfarpour, Masumeh
Education for Menstrual Hygiene Promotion in Iranian Girls: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 7, Issue 6, 2019, Pages 9507-9515]
Ghazanfarpour, Masumeh
Safety, Tolerability, and Efficacy of Acupuncture in Management of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS): A Systematic Review [Volume 7, Issue 6, 2019, Pages 9525-9533]
Ghazanfarpour, Masumeh
The Effect of Herbal Medicines on Postpartum Depression, and Maternal-Infant Attachment in Postpartum Mother: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 7, Issue 7, 2019, Pages 9645-9656]
Ghazanfarpour, Masumeh
Efficacy of Acupressure on Nausea and Vomiting in Children Undergoing Chemotherapy: A Systematic Review [Volume 7, Issue 6, 2019, Pages 9601-9610]
Ghazanfarpour, Masumeh
Adolescent Pregnancy: A Health Challenge [Volume 7, Issue 7, 2019, Pages 9749-9752]
Ghazanfarpour, Masumeh
Factors Affecting Child Labor in Iran: A Systematic Review [Volume 7, Issue 9, 2019, Pages 10067-10075]
Ghazanfarpour, Masumeh
Investigating the Relationship between Smartphone Addiction and Loneliness and its Impact on Motivation to Progress in High School Students [Volume 7, Issue 10, 2019, Pages 10187-10193]
Ghazanfarpour, Masumeh
Advantages and Disadvantages of Methadone among Children and Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 7, Issue 9, 2019, Pages 10125-10137]
Ghazanfarpour, Masumeh
Social Work and Non-Pharmacological Treatment on Iranian Children with Hemophilia: A Systematic Review [Volume 8, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 10827-10835]
Ghazanfarpour, Masumeh
Aromatherapy with Iranian Herbal Medicines for Premenstrual Syndrome and Primary Dysmenorrhea: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 7, Issue 9, 2019, Pages 10155-10166]
Ghazanfarpour, Masumeh
Factors Affecting Students’ Cheating Behaviors in Schools and Universities and Applying the Results in Quality Assessment: A Narrative Review [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10643-10650]
Ghazanfarpour, Masumeh
The Effect of Religious Beliefs and Spirituality Training on Family Health: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10621-10633]
Ghazanfarpour, Masumeh
Sensitivity and Specificity of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) among Iranian Mothers: A Psychometric Study [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10533-10540]
Ghazanfarpour, Masumeh
A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Aromatherapy Massage on Sleep in Children and Infants [Volume 8, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 11233-11241]
Ghazanfarpour, Masumeh
Guillain-Barre Syndrome following Cushing's Syndrome in a Pregnant Woman: A Case Report [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2019, Pages 10651-10657]
Ghazanfarpour, Masumeh
Psychometric Characteristics of Childbearing Motivation Questionnaire: A Review [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10705-10709]
Ghazanfarpour, Masumeh
A Case of Sigmoid Volvulus in Pregnancy: A Rare Emergency in Pregnancy [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 10743-10747]
Ghazanfarpour, Masumeh
The Effect of Dates and Fennel on Breastfeeding Adequacy of Mothers: A Review [Volume 8, Issue 9, 2020, Pages 11891-11899]
Ghazanfarpour, Masumeh
Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties of Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale in Women with a Sick Child [Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 11581-11586]
Ghazanfarpour, Masumeh
The Quality of Providing Feedback in Clinical Education according to Midwifery Students Participating in National Congress of Midwifery and Women’s Health [Volume 8, Issue 7, 2020, Pages 11519-11526]
Ghazanfarpour, Masumeh
Tübingen Hip Flexion Splint for Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip in Children and its Safety Assessment: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 8, Issue 8, 2020, Pages 11775-11781]
Ghazanfarpour, Masumeh
Relationship between Attitude towards Breastfeeding and Postpartum Depression in Kerman, Iran [Volum