Document Type : original article


1 BJ medical,Ahmedabad




Neonatal pain in preterm neonates can adversely affect their

development in multiple domains as nociceptive changes, altered brain development,

stress system and functional abilities. We have plan research to determine whether

odour of mother milk is effective to reduce the pain of preterm neonates who are not

able to access their own mother’s milk for any reason. Material and method: A

prospective randomized control trial was done at postnatal ward, civil hospital,

Ahmedabad in 100 vaginally delivered Preterm neonates (34-36 weeks) without any

antenatal, intra-nata and postnatal complications; they were divided into 2 groups.

Group A (EBM group) was given odour of own mother’s milk and Group B (sterile

water group) was given odour of sterile water as an analgesic agent. Results – There

was significant decrease in PIPP score in group A (EBM group) (8.72±1.21) as

compare to group B (sterile water group) (14.12±0.86) with p value <0.0365. There

was significant decrease in maximum heart rate observed in group A (EBM group)

(132.22±13.28) as compare to group B (sterile water group) (136.54±25.12) during

30 sec from removal of needle (p value - 0.0448). There was significant decrease in

fall in oxygen saturation in group A (EBM group) (96.74±4.72) as compare to group B

(sterile water group) (94.48±7.44) with p value-0.00457. Conclusion – Inhalation of

own mother’s milk for is effective analgesic for mild to moderate pain in preterm

neonates. Inhalation of own mother milk before procedure or during procedure can

be use as non-pharmacology intervention to reduce pain in preterm neonates in

whom breastfeeding is contraindicated due to any reason. Keywords – Neonatal

Pain, Neonatal Analgesia, Preterm, PIPP score
