Document Type : case report


Doctorate of Medicine and Diploma of Specialization in Paediatrics Department, El Farabi Hospital, Oujda, Morocco.


Background: Congenital agenesis of columella is an abnormality extremely rare. Only five cases have been reported in the literature to 1999, a fifth case accompanying a facial haemangioma was presented in 2004, and a seventh case was described in 2019, the etiology is still unclear.
Case presentation: We present a case of congenital aplasia of the nasal columella. The patient is a 5-month-old female infant, and we show that this rare malformation has not only aesthetic, but also serious functional repercussions, which may necessitate early surgical intervention. We also highlight the incidental discovery on Tomodensitometry of the face and petrosal bone, of an associated atresia of the external auditory canal not evident at the clinical examination, an association never reported, or perhaps not sought in the observations hitherto available.
Conclusion: The association observed in this case report with an atresia of the external auditory canal shows the importance of requesting tomodensitometry of the face and petrosal bone, in similar cases.


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